3,544 research outputs found

    A Glimpse Inside the Coffers: Endowment Spending at Wealthy Colleges and Universities

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    Even as ongoing national conversations about income inequality intensify, wealth stratification is occurring not only among individuals but also among institutions of higher education, a study from theEducation Trust finds.The report, "A Glimpse Inside the Coffers", found that roughly 3.6 percent of the nation's colleges and universities held 75 percent of all postsecondary endowment wealth. Despite that wealth, however, few of the hundred and thirty-eight colleges and universities with at least 500millionintheirendowmentswerefoundtobeinvestingsignificantlyinstudentsfromlow−incomefamilies,withnearlyhalfthoseinstitutionsrankinginthebottom5percentnationallyintermsoftheenrollmentoffirst−time,full−timePellGrantrecipients.Theassetsoftheseinstitutionstotaled500 million in their endowments were found to be investing significantly in students from low-income families, with nearly half those institutions ranking in the bottom 5 percent nationally in terms of the enrollment of first-time, full-time Pell Grant recipients.The assets of these institutions totaled 149.5 billion at the beginning of 2010 and had grown to 202.3billionjustfouryearslater.Accordingtothereport,ifthethirty−fiveinstitutionsthatcurrentlyspendlessthan5percentoftheirendowmentsannuallyweretoincreasetheirspend−outratetothe5percentrequiredofprivatefoundations,anadditional202.3 billion just four years later. According to the report, if the thirty-five institutions that currently spend less than 5 percent of their endowments annually were to increase their spend-out rate to the 5 percent required of private foundations, an additional 418 million would become available for other things. And if those funds were allocated solely to financial aid, they could be used to enroll an additional 2,376 low-income students at the current net price for four years -- a nearly 67 percent increase from the enrollment numbers for first-time, full-time low-income students in 2012-13. Alternatively, the same 418millionalsocouldbeusedtoreducethenetpriceforlow−incomestudentsattheseinstitutionsbyanaverageof418 million also could be used to reduce the net price for low-income students at these institutions by an average of 8,000 per year for four years."It's common for institutional leaders to say that endowment spending is all about preserving the excellence of their institutions for years to come. But our data show that most could easily afford to do more to educate more low-income students now without compromising their futures," said Andrew Nichols, director of higher education research and data analytics and co-author of the report. "By choosing to serve more low-income students, these wealthy institutions could be leaders -- not just in riches, but in extending opportunity.

    Heat transfer enhancement using nanofluids in the compression exchanger in a solar Stirling engine

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    In this paper a improvement in the heat exchange of a solar Stirling engine during the compression phase was studied. The viability of using nanoparticles as ceramic oxide (Al2O3 in water) at different concentrations instead of conventional refrigerants (water or air) was evaluated. Since these systems could behave as non- Newtonian fluids the dynamic viscosity was measured, as well as other thermophysical properties. The results showed that the convective heat transfer coefficient could raise one order of magnitude respect to the conventional heat transfer fluids at moderately volume fractions (over 0.15).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Rheological study of the aggregation state of alumina nanofluids

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    Se adjunta una comunicación, aunque se han publicado tres comunicaciones más.The presence of alumina solid particles in aqueous phase induces a change in the viscosity of the suspension from Newtonian to non- Newtonian flow. Besides, the presence of solid particles is adequate for the use as a heat exchanger fluid. The effect of nanoparticle size on thermal properties of nanofluids is still today a question, which is far from being answered. In this respect, the results reported in the literature are contradictory [1], probably due to the formation of aggregates when particles are dispersed in the liquid phase. Regarding to the nanoparticle shape influence in thermal conductivity, cylinders and spheres have been considered as the more effective in heat transfer. Spherical nanoparticles of alumina, which is one of the most investigated nanofluid, dispersed in water were used in this study. TEM images showed a mean average diameter of 50 nm. However, DLS measurements showed monodispersed particles of 260 nm. Very recently [2], the relationship between shear rheology and aggregation state of suspensions has been reviewed. Mechanical and physical properties of the resultant materials depend on shape, size and size distribution, which are considered determining parameters in the formation of particle aggregates. The steady shear flow (figure 1) has shown that these clusters, when they are at rest, are formed by highly branched aggregates that erode when shear rate increases, until a suspension of individual particles is achieved. These results are in good agreement with the intrinsic viscosity obtained by Money and Krieger-Dougherty models. In both cases, these values are far from the 2.5 corresponding to spherical particles. The temperature effects were also taken into account.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Characterization and thermophysical properties of rutile and alumina nanofluids

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    The characterization in relation to shape and particle size of alumina and rutile suspensions was performed. The intrinsic viscosity exhibited the presence of nonspherical aggregates in both suspensions although TEM images showed non monodisperse spherical shape of alumina particles. DLS indicated the existence of particle aggregates for both systems. In all cases, the increase in thermal conductivity with respect to the base fluid is verified. The thermal conductivities obtained experimentally were compared with three mathematical models, which yielded lower values than those measured. From rheological measurements and by means of the Peclet number defined in colloidal suspensions, values of thermal conductivity were also proposed.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Evaluation of wave loads on a new type of perforated caisson

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    Permission is granted by ICE Publishing to print one copy for personal use. Any other use of these PDF files is subject to reprint fees.A new type of perforated breakwater has been tested combining the advantages of cylindrical geometry with stepped wave energy dissipation. Thus, the new type of caisson implies a significant reduction of maximum wave forces, as well as loads transmitted to the foundation in comparison with conventional vertical breakwater and other types of perforated caissons. Starting from a brief description of the model and test results, this paper describes the development of a methodology for the estimation of maximum wave loads on this type of breakwater, in order to become a generalisable tool for predesign purposes. Construction and installation constraints of this new type of caisson are also assessed. These need to be taken into account in order to keep some advantages from the proposed design, while noting the key factors from a practical point of view.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Rehabilitació i canvi d'ús de la masia de Cals Frares a Tiana

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    En aquest projecte final de grau la intenció és la d’aplicar els coneixements adquirits durant els estudis a l’EPSEB. Dins d’aquest marc s’ha aprofitat la conjuntura econòmica del moment que ha propiciat que la masia sotmesa a estudi, destinada a la construcció de vivendes tant a l’edifici principal com al exterior de la finca, per a fer un estudi arquitectònic i patològic en profunditat. La casa catalogada patrimonialment va resultat molt atractiva per realitzar un treball com aquest, encara de l’envergadura de l’edifici i la complicació que presentava l’aixecament arquitectònic. Després de les visites a l’ajuntament per obtenir informació sobre la casa, la seva història i les dades urbanístiques, es va començar a fer la feina. La proposta de canvi d’ús va venir propiciada per converses amb veïns de Tiana que van comentar que molts d’ells volen recuperar les vinyes que antigament poblaven Tiana. Això i la proximitat d’Alella, localitat amb denominació d’origen de vi, va donar la idea per fer un museu o centre del vi que ha anat agafant forma a mida que s’avançava amb el projecte. Dins del projecte va resultat molt interessant aquesta proposta degut a que es tracta d’un local de pública concurrència, edificis no tractats o gairebé no tractats durant els estudis. S’ha començat amb l’aixecament arquitectònic, seguit d’un estudi patològic i una delineació per assolir els coneixements necessaris que la casa demanava per seguir treballant en ella, ja que és una casa molt complexa degut a la multitut de cambres laberíntiques i pisos a doble alçada i intermedis fins i tot. A continuació es va començar els estudis del canvi d’ús com distribució, usos del recinte i actuació estructural. També s’han estudiat el projecte d’instal·lacions per adequar un espai que d’origen no oferia unes mínimes condicions necessàries per a un centre públic. La conclusió és que ha resultat un treball molt gratificant a la vegada que dur i molt interessant en l’aspecte tècnic. S’ha intentat durant les feines fer servir totes les eines apreses durant els estudis, i tocar les matèries més importants estudiades a l’EPSEB

    Activity of (2060) Chiron possibly caused by impacts?

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    The centaur 95P/(2060) Chiron is showing comet-like activity since its discovery, but the mass-loss mechanisms triggering its activity remained unexplained. Although the collision rates in the centaur region are expected to be very low, and impacts are thought not to be responsible for the mass-loss, since the recent indications that Chiron might possess a ring similar to Chariklo's, and assuming that there is debris orbiting around, the impact triggered mass-loss mechanism should not be excluded as a possible cause of its activity. From time series observations collected on Calar Alto Observatory in Spain between 2014 and 2016, we found that the photometric scatter in Chiron's data is larger than a control star's scatter, indicating a possible microactivity, possibly caused by debris falling back to Chiron's surface and lifting small clouds of material. We also present rotational light curves, and measurements of Chiron's absolute magnitudes, that are consistent with the models supporting the presumption that Chiron possesses rings. By co-adding the images acquired in 2015, we have detected a ∼ \sim 5 arcsec long tail, showing a surface brightness of 25.3 mag(V)/arcsec2^{2}.Comment: Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS) on 2017 December 2

    Tenocytic induction of stem cells from bone marrow on polymeric microparticles for a new concept of tendon regenerative prosthesis

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    A new concept of a regenerative and resorbable prosthesis for tendon and ligament has been developed. The prosthesis consists of a poly-lactide acid (PLA) braid, microparticles in its interior serving as cell carriers, and a surface non-adherent coating. The aim of this study is to select the most suitable support, microparticles of poly-L-lactide (PLLA) or chitosan (CHT), for carrying the cells inside the hollow PLA braid. Microparticles of these polymers were manufactured and blended with microparticles of hyaluronic acid (HA). All of them were physically and biologically characterized. Cell viability, morphology and proliferation of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) on the different supports were evaluated and compared, revealing that PLLA microparticles were the most appropriate to be used as injectable cell-carrier. Finally, hMSCs differentiation into tenocytes was carried out on PLLA microparticles using bone morphogenetic protein-12 (BMP-12) and a mixture of transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) and insulin-like growth factor1 (IGF-1). Cell morphology was analyzed by electronic and confocal microscopy and cell differentiation was evaluated immunocytochemically for the presence of type I collagen and tenomodulin. Besides, the tenomodulin and decorin gene expression were measured by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). Our results showed that the medium supplemented with BMP-12 promoted higher expression of tenomodulin and decorin, both of them differentiation markers of tenocytes. This approach might be relevant to future tissue engineering applications in reconstruction of tendon and ligament defects. Authors acknowledge support of the Spanish Instituto de Salud Carlos III through CIBERbbn and the Spanish Network on Cell Therapy (Red TerCel) initiatives.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
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