578 research outputs found

    Caracterização de ambiente térmico em estufas agrícolas

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    No presente artigo apresentam-se os resultados de um estudo sobre o ambiente térmico no interior de estufas agrícolas. Os resultados demonstram estarmos na presença de condições de trabalho extremas, tanto no que concerne à temperatura como à humidade. Isso reflecte-se nos valores do índice WBGT, cujos valores recomendados, para o nível de esforço desenvolvido, são sistematicamente ultrapassados. Em consequência dos resultados obtidos e como principal conclusão do trabalho, é apontada a urgência de estudos aprofundados no sentido de analisar soluções de trabalho alternativas à actual sem que a produção seja afectada

    Importance of wine awards for producers and consumers

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    The aim of this thesis is to understand better the importance given to wine awards both by producers and consumers. From the producers’ side, the lists of the Top 100 wines from the Wine Spectator and the Wine Enthusiast were gathered and a scale was designed to evaluate the importance each producer on the list gave to the award on the respective website. Furthermore, the study presents some descriptive statistics regarding the average importance depending on the country of origin, grape variety, price, classification on the list and repeated presence on it or not. The study concludes that producers in some countries give more importance to these awards than in other. Similar differences were detected among producers of different grape varieties. In addition to this, the cheaper the wine, and the better the classification, the more likely it is that its producer will give importance to the award. As for the repeated presence, further studies are required. Moreover, from the consumers’ side, an online survey was conducted amongst potential consumers in Portugal, to understand their willingness to try new wines. The study aims at identifying what are the most important aspects when choosing wine and what role awards play in the decision, based on knowledge and image. From the results observed, people choose the medal or award that has a bigger visual impact. Lastly, the survey also let us understand that Portuguese consumers do not perceive local awards to be less relevant than the international ones.O objectivo desta tese é perceber melhor a importância que os prémios na indústria dos vinhos têm, tanto para o produtor como para o consumidor. Do lado do produtor, obtiveram-se as listas dos 100 melhores vinhos do Wine Spectator e do Wine Enthusiast e definiu-se uma escala com a qual se avaliou a importância que cada produtor na lista deu ao prémio no respectivo site. Para complementar isto, apresentam-se algumas estatísticas descritivas relacionadas com a forma como essa importância varia com o país de origem, a casta, o preço, a posição na lista ou o facto de ser a segunda presença consecutiva. O estudo conclui que os produtores de alguns países, bem como os produtores de determinadas castas, dão mais importância a estes prémios do que outros. Para além disso, quanto mais barato o vinho, ou melhor a classificação, maior a probabilidade que o produtor dê importância ao prémio. Em relação às presenças consecutivas não foi possível obter conclusões. Em relação aos consumidores, foi feito um inquérito para perceber a sua disponibilidade para experimentar novos vinhos. O estudo tem como objectivo identificar quais os aspectos mais importantes na compra de um vinho e qual o papel que os prémios representam nessa escolha, baseando-se no conhecimento prévio e na imagem. Os resultados indicam que os consumidores escolhem a medalha que chama mais a atenção. Por último, o inquérito indica que os consumidores Portugueses não consideram os prémios nacionais menos relevantes que os internacionais

    Interacção do ambiente térmico na actividade mineira subterrânea

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    O ambiente térmico dos locais de trabalho é um factor determinante no desempenho dosseres humanos. Numa perspectiva organizacional, é amplamente reconhecida a suainfluência aos níveis da produtividade e da segurança, bem como na rentabilidade dasempresas. Num plano individual e familiar tem efeitos no estado geral de saúde e naqualidade de vida das pessoas.Nesse contexto, pretende-se, no desenvolvimento do presente artigo, apresentar o estado daarte sobre o impacte do ambiente térmico na segurança e produtividade ocupacionais emexplorações mineiras subterrâneas e, focar, os modos de intervenção e instrumentosdisponíveis para modificação e controlo desse mesmo ambiente térmico sem, contudo,descurar uma abordagem holística no tratamento do tema

    Occupational noise in urban buses - A short review

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    The aim of this study is review systematically relevant literature in order to explore noise exposure in professional bus drivers. The search was performed based on PRISMA statement methodology. Using a set of key words as occupational noise; noise exposure, urban bus and driver and exclusion and eligibility criteria, nine studies were screened under the subject in analysis. These studies were analysed in order to extract information about: sources of noise, methodologies applied to noise measurement, noise effects, prevention and control of noise. All researches found use the methodology presented in ISO standards (ISO 5128:1980, ISO 1999:1990 and ISO 9612:2009). In some of the analyzed studies, bus drivers were exposed to high noise levels, which can be influenced by the type of bus, age and number of passengers inside the bus

    Data digitalisation in the mining industry - a scoping review protocol

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    The new trends in technology, allied to the industrial revolution has beencreating opportunities for developments in almost every industrial field,which includes the mining industry. Mining 4.0 is a recent conception,trying to achieve optimal production control through digital andtechnological innovations. However, it is of fundamental importance toknow what are the existent methodologies for data digitalisation, as wellas the data that is actually been used. In order to do so, the PreferredReporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension forScoping Reviews was used to write a guideline for conducting a scopingreview on the subject. All information regarding the review are explained:screened sources, research methodologies, used keywords, exclusion andeligibility criteria, amongst others. The methodologies to handle thecollected information is also clarified, as well as the research team'sinstruments

    Occupational vibration in urban bus and influence on drivers lower limbs: A review

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    Whole-body vibration occurs in many occupational activities, promoting discomfort in working environment and inducing a variety of psychophysical changes where consequences as a permanent dysfunction of certain parts of the organism may occur. The main goal of this review article is to find research works with the most reliable results relating whole-body vibrations in buses and, to compare them with the results of drivers lower limbs musculoskeletal disorders, which occurs as a result of many years exposure. PRISMA Statement Methodology was used and thereby 32 scientific databases were searched through where 3996 articles were found, of which 5 were included in this review. As leading standards for whole-body vibration analysis, ISO 2631-1 and ISO 2631-5 standards were considered. Furthermore, works including the European Directive 2002/ 44/ EC, where a daily action exposure to the whole-body vibrations is determined were also considered. All the results presented in this paper were compared with the aforesaid standards. Implementing the research methodology on the available databases, considering the problem of the impact of the vibration on the lower limbs, the found papers did not contain any information about the described problem

    BIM Approach in Construction Safety-A Case Study on Preventing Falls from Height

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    The construction industry has one of the highest occupational accident incidence rates among all economic sectors. Currently, building information modelling (BIM) appears to be a valuable tool for analysing occupational safety issues throughout the construction life cycle of projects, helping to avoid hazards and risks and, consequently, increasing safety. This work investigates BIM methodology and the application of related technologies for building safety planning and demonstrates the potential of this technology for the integrated implementation of safety measures during the design phase and construction site management. The first step consisted of a literature review on applying BIM-related technologies for safety in the design and planning phases. Following this, to show the potentialities of construction simulation, a case study based on BIM 4D to prevent falls from height was developed. With BIM 4D, it is possible to follow the construction process over time, giving the construction safety technicians, designers, supervisors and managers the capability to analyse, in each phase, the potential risks and identify which safety measures should be implemented. BIM can effectively integrate safety measures from the design phase to the construction and use phase and enable integrated safety planning within construction planning, leading to reliable safety management throughout the construction process

    Characterisation of Contemporary Slavery through the Analysis of Accommodation Conditions

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    Slave labour or work in conditions analogous to slavery continues on all continents and sometimes tends to be mistaken for simple violations of labour laws. Therefore, this work aims to identify parameters that allow distinguishing between situations of non-compliance with labour legislation and modern rural slavery in Brazil through the analysis of accommodation conditions. To achieve this objective, a bibliographic research was developed in six databases on sanitary, accommodation and clothing issues of enslaved workers in the 19th century in Brazil. The resulting data were compared with data from a sample of 392 proven cases of neoslavery detected between 2007 and 2017 in Brazil. The analysis focused on the general conditions of the physical structures necessary to protect workers against bad weather, animal attacks, violence, sanitary conditions to support physiological and asepsis needs, as well as the clothing provided and used. Similarities were found in the accommodation conditions between enslaved and neoenslaved workers in Brazil between the 19th and 21st centuries. The availability of sanitary conditions (toilets), rest (bedrooms/dormitories), and the general housing structure are very similar. Future research may point towards identifying other parameters and developing a tool to help authorities unequivocally identify neoslavery situations