42,827 research outputs found

    Optimal Trajectories for Near-Earth-Objects Using Solar Electric Propulsion (SEP) and Gravity Assisted Maneuver

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    The future interplanetary missions will probably use the conventional chemical rockets to leave the sphere of influence of the Earth, and solar electric propulsion (SEP) to accomplish the other maneuvers of the mission. In this work the optimization of interplanetary missions using solar electric propulsion and Gravity Assisted Maneuver to reduce the costs of the mission, is considered. The high specific impulse of electric propulsion makes a Gravity Assisted Maneuver 1 year after departure convenient. Missions for several Near Earth Asteroids will be considered. The analysis suggests criteria for the definition of initial solutions demanded for the process of optimization of trajectories. Trajectories for the asteroid 2002TC70 are analyzed. Direct trajectories, trajectories with 1 gravity assisted from the Earth and with 2 gravity assisted from the Earth and either Mars are present. An indirect optimization method will be used in the simulations

    Inductive learning spatial attention

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    This paper investigates the automatic induction of spatial attention from the visual observation of objects manipulated on a table top. In this work, space is represented in terms of a novel observer-object relative reference system, named Local Cardinal System, defined upon the local neighbourhood of objects on the table. We present results of applying the proposed methodology on five distinct scenarios involving the construction of spatial patterns of coloured blocks

    Density Dependent Parametrization Models: Formalism and Applications

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    In this work we derive a formalism to incorporate asymmetry and temperature effects in the Brown-Rho (BR) scaled lagrangian model in a mean field theory. The lagrangian density discussed in this work requires less parameters than the usual models with density dependent couplings. We also present the formalism with the inclusion of the eight lightest baryons, two lightest leptons, beta equilibrium and charge neutrality in order to apply the BR scaled model to the study of neutron stars. The results are again compared with the ones obtained from another density dependent parametrization model. The role played by the rearrangement term at T=0 for nuclear or neutron star matter and at finite temperature is investigated. The BR scaled model is shown to be a good tool in studies involving density dependent effective masses and in astrophysics applications.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figure

    Evidence for entanglement at high temperatures in an engineered molecular magnet

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    The molecular compound [Fe2_{2}(μ2\mu_{2}-oxo)(C3_{3}H4_{4}N2_{2})6_{6}(C2_{2}O4_{4})2_{2}] was designed and synthesized for the first time and its structure was determined using single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The magnetic susceptibility of this compound was measured from 2 to 300 K. The analysis of the susceptibility data using protocols developed for other spin singlet ground-state systems indicates that the quantum entanglement would remain at temperatures up to 732 K, significantly above the highest entanglement temperature reported to date. The large gap between the ground state and the first-excited state (282 K) suggests that the spin system may be somewhat immune to decohering mechanisms. Our measurements strongly suggest that molecular magnets are promising candidate platforms for quantum information processing

    The CORALIE survey for southern extrasolar planets. XVI. Discovery of a planetary system around HD 147018 and of two long period and massive planets orbiting HD 171238 and HD 204313

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    We report the detection of a double planetary system around HD 140718 as well as the discovery of two long period and massive planets orbiting HD 171238 and HD 204313. Those discoveries were made with the CORALIE Echelle spectrograph mounted on the 1.2-m Euler Swiss telescope located at La Silla Observatory, Chile. The planetary system orbiting the nearby G9 dwarf HD 147018 is composed of an eccentric inner planet (e=0.47) with twice the mass of Jupiter (2.1 MJup ) and with an orbital period of 44.24 days. The outer planet is even more massive (6.6 MJup) with a slightly eccentric orbit (e=0.13) and a period of 1008 days. The planet orbiting HD 171238 has a minimum mass of 2.6 MJup, a period of 1523 days and an eccentricity of 0.40. It orbits a G8 dwarfs at 2.5 AU. The last planet, HD 204313 b, is a 4.0 MJup -planet with a period of 5.3 years and has a low eccentricity (e = 0.13). It orbits a G5 dwarfs at 3.1 AU. The three parent stars are metal rich, which further strengthened the case that massive planets tend to form around metal rich stars.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&