147 research outputs found

    Are We Testing or Being Tested? Exploring the Practical Applications of Large Language Models in Software Testing

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    A Large Language Model (LLM) represents a cutting-edge artificial intelligence model that generates coherent content, including grammatically precise sentences, human-like paragraphs, and syntactically accurate code snippets. LLMs can play a pivotal role in software development, including software testing. LLMs go beyond traditional roles such as requirement analysis and documentation and can support test case generation, making them valuable tools that significantly enhance testing practices within the field. Hence, we explore the practical application of LLMs in software testing within an industrial setting, focusing on their current use by professional testers. In this context, rather than relying on existing data, we conducted a cross-sectional survey and collected data within real working contexts, specifically, engaging with practitioners in industrial settings. We applied quantitative and qualitative techniques to analyze and synthesize our collected data. Our findings demonstrate that LLMs effectively enhance testing documents and significantly assist testing professionals in programming tasks like debugging and test case automation. LLMs can support individuals engaged in manual testing who need to code. However, it is crucial to emphasize that, at this early stage, software testing professionals should use LLMs with caution while well-defined methods and guidelines are being built for the secure adoption of these tools

    Hidden Populations in Software Engineering: Challenges, Lessons Learned, and Opportunities

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    The growing emphasis on studying equity, diversity, and inclusion within software engineering has amplified the need to explore hidden populations within this field. Exploring hidden populations becomes important to obtain invaluable insights into the experiences, challenges, and perspectives of underrepresented groups in software engineering and, therefore, devise strategies to make the software industry more diverse. However, studying these hidden populations presents multifaceted challenges, including the complexities associated with identifying and engaging participants due to their marginalized status. In this paper, we discuss our experiences and lessons learned while conducting multiple studies involving hidden populations in software engineering. We emphasize the importance of recognizing and addressing these challenges within the software engineering research community to foster a more inclusive and comprehensive understanding of diverse populations of software professionals

    Benefits and Limitations of Remote Work to LGBTQIA+ Software Professionals

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    Background. The mass transition to remote work amid the COVID-19 pandemic profoundly affected software professionals, who abruptly shifted into ostensibly temporary home offices. The effects of this transition on these professionals are complex, depending on the particularities of the context and individuals. Recent studies advocate for remote structures to create opportunities for many equity-deserving groups; however, remote work can also be challenging for some individuals, such as women and individuals with disabilities. Objective. This study aims to investigate the effects of remote work on LGBTQIA+ software professionals. Method. Grounded theory methodology was applied based on information collected from two main sources: a survey questionnaire with a sample of 57 LGBTQIA+ software professionals and nine follow-up interviews with individuals from this sample. This sample included professionals of different genders, ethnicities, sexual orientations, and levels of experience. Findings. Our findings demonstrate that (1) remote work benefits LGBTQIA+ people by increasing security and visibility; (2) remote work harms LGBTQIA+ software professionals through isolation and invisibility; (3) the benefits outweigh the drawbacks; (4) the drawbacks can be mitigated by supportive measures developed by software companies. Conclusion. This paper investigated how remote work can affect LGBTQIA+ software professionals and presented a set of recommendations on how software companies can address the benefits and limitations associated with this work model. In summary, we concluded that remote work is crucial in increasing diversity and inclusion in the software industry.Comment: 10 page

    Charting a Path to Efficient Onboarding: The Role of Software Visualization

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    Background. Within the software industry, it is commonly estimated that software professionals invest a substantial portion of their work hours in the process of understanding existing systems. In this context, an ineffective technical onboarding process, which introduces newcomers to software under development, can result in a prolonged period for them to absorb the necessary knowledge required to become productive in their roles. Goal. The present study aims to explore the familiarity of managers, leaders, and developers with software visualization tools and how these tools are employed to facilitate the technical onboarding of new team members. Method. To address the research problem, we built upon the insights gained through the literature and embraced a sequential exploratory approach. This approach incorporated quantitative and qualitative analyses of data collected from practitioners using questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Findings. Our findings demonstrate a gap between the concept of software visualization and the practical use of onboarding tools and techniques. Overall, practitioners do not systematically incorporate software visualization tools into their technical onboarding processes due to a lack of conceptual understanding and awareness of their potential benefits. Conclusion. The software industry could benefit from standardized and evolving onboarding models, improved by incorporating software visualization techniques and tools to support program comprehension of newcomers in the software projects

    The Perspective of Software Professionals on Algorithmic Racism

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    Context. Algorithmic racism is the term used to describe the behavior of technological solutions that constrains users based on their ethnicity. Lately, various data-driven software systems have been reported to discriminate against Black people, either for the use of biased data sets or due to the prejudice propagated by software professionals in their code. As a result, Black people are experiencing disadvantages in accessing technology-based services, such as housing, banking, and law enforcement. Goal. This study aims to explore algorithmic racism from the perspective of software professionals. Method. A survey questionnaire was applied to explore the understanding of software practitioners on algorithmic racism, and data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics and coding techniques. Results. We obtained answers from a sample of 73 software professionals discussing their understanding and perspectives on algorithmic racism in software development. Our results demonstrate that the effects of algorithmic racism are well-known among practitioners. However, there is no consensus on how the problem can be effectively addressed in software engineering. In this paper, some solutions to the problem are proposed based on the professionals' narratives. Conclusion. Combining technical and social strategies, including training on structural racism for software professionals, is the most promising way to address the algorithmic racism problem and its effects on the software solutions delivered to our society

    Modelo multicritério de apoio à identificação e seleção de municípios visando projetos de modernização tributária

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro-Sócio Econômico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em AdministraçãoA última década representou um marco fundamental para a modernização da gestão pública brasileira, trazendo à tona inúmeros projetos de fortalecimento e desenvolvimento dos entes federativos, especialmente o nível municipal. Este trabalho foi elaborado com o objetivo de construir um modelo multicritério que sirva de apoio à identificação e seleção de municípios catarinenses visando à elaboração de projetos de modernização tributária, utilizando a Metodologia Multicritério de Apoio à Decisão - MCDA. Trata-se de uma metodologia que permite compreender melhor o contexto decisório e que considera não somente aspectos quantitativos, mas também aspectos qualitativos, que não menos importantes que os anteriores, traduzem o ambiente nebuloso que via de regra não é internalizado na seleção de projetos. Os critérios foram adaptados à realidade de um banco de desenvolvimento, com base nas opiniões de um gerente responsável pela captação de projetos dessa natureza e que pretende utilizar indicadores econômico-financeiros, assim como indicadores sócio-demográficos em suas análises. Como contextualização desta pesquisa, é feita uma breve revisão de alguns tópicos relacionados à análise de projetos, abordagens multicritério de apoio à decisão e programas e políticas públicas voltados para a administração tributária municipal. A partir de dados de domínio público desenvolveu-se o referido modelo apresentando-se os resultados através da operacionalização de seis exemplos, que indicam o perfil de cada município revelando as potencialidades existentes, necessidades de aperfeiçoamento, riscos e méritos

    Myths and Facts about a Career in Software Testing: A Comparison between Students' Beliefs and Professionals' Experience

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    Testing is an indispensable part of software development. However, a career in software testing is reported to be unpopular among students in computer science and related areas. This can potentially create a shortage of testers in the software industry in the future. The question is, whether the perception that undergraduate students have about software testing is accurate and whether it differs from the experience reported by those who work in testing activities in the software development industry. This investigation demonstrates that a career in software testing is more exciting and rewarding, as reported by professionals working in the field, than students may believe. Therefore, in order to guarantee a workforce focused on software quality, the academy and the software industry need to work together to better inform students about software testing and its essential role in software development.Comment: IEEE Software, Volume 40, Issue 5, pp. 76-84, September/October 202

    Whole genome analysis of extensively drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains in Peru

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    Peru has the highest burden of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in the Americas region. Since 1999, the annual number of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) Peruvian cases has been increasing, becoming a public health challenge. The objective of this study was to perform genomic characterization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains obtained from Peruvian patients with XDR-TB diagnosed from 2011 to 2015 in Peru. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) was performed on 68 XDR-TB strains from different regions of Peru. 58 (85.3%) strains came from the most populated districts of Lima and Callao. Concerning the lineages, 62 (91.2%) strains belonged to the Euro-American Lineage, while the remaining 6 (8.8%) strains belonged to the East-Asian Lineage. Most strains (90%) had high-confidence resistance mutations according to pre-established WHO-confident grading system. Discordant results between microbiological and molecular methodologies were caused by mutations outside the hotspot regions analysed by commercial molecular assays (rpoB I491F and inhA S94A). Cluster analysis using a cut-off ≤ 10 SNPs revealed that only 23 (34%) strains evidenced recent transmission links. This study highlights the relevance and utility of WGS as a high-resolution approach to predict drug resistance, analyse transmission of strains between groups, and determine evolutionary patterns of circulating XDR-TB strains in the country.Revisión por pare

    Navigating the Path of Women in Software Engineering: From Academia to Industry

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    Context. Women remain significantly underrepresented in software engineering, leading to a lasting gender gap in the software industry. This disparity starts in education and extends into the industry, causing challenges such as hostile work environments and unequal opportunities. Addressing these issues is crucial for fostering an inclusive and diverse software engineering workforce. Aim. This study aims to enhance the literature on women in software engineering, exploring their journey from academia to industry and discussing perspectives, challenges, and support. We focus on Brazilian women to extend existing research, which has largely focused on North American and European contexts. Method. In this study, we conducted a cross-sectional survey, collecting both quantitative and qualitative data, focusing on women's experiences in software engineering to explore their journey from university to the software industry. Findings. Our findings highlight persistent challenges faced by women in software engineering, including gender bias, harassment, work-life imbalance, undervaluation, low sense of belonging, and impostor syndrome. These difficulties commonly emerge from university experiences and continue to affect women throughout their entire careers. Conclusion. In summary, our study identifies systemic challenges in women's software engineering journey, emphasizing the need for organizational commitment to address these issues. We provide actionable recommendations for practitioners.Comment: 12 page