21 research outputs found

    Liverwort conservation in the Atlantic Rain Forest of Southeastern Brazil: a regional survey in Rio de Janeiro State

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    The International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) developed a guide for assessment of species' threat level at a regional scale, which was the basis for the reassessment of liverwort conservation status in the state of Rio de Janeiro, four years after the first analysis. Of 360 taxa occurring in the state, 75 were categorized as threatened, two species were categorized as critically endangered (CR), eight endangered (EN) and 65 vulnerable (VU). Besides these, four species were categorized as almost threatened (NT), and 12 with poor data (DD). The high number of threatened taxa in the state (21% of the flora) reflects the importance of the level of knowledge for flora conservation analysis. In relation to the distribution of threatened taxa within the state, the majority occur in Itatiaia National Park (51 species - 68%). The main threats to the flora are loss and degradation of the Atlantic Rainforest. We recommend the recognition of the Atlantic Rainforest as a critical area for conservation; the protection of habitats to ensure the survival of species; and formulation of multidisciplinary programs to promote conservation.A União Internacional para Conservação da Natureza (IUCN) desenvolveu um guia para avaliação do grau de ameaça das espécies em escala regional, que foi a base para a reavaliação do status de conservação das hepáticas no estado do Rio de Janeiro, após quatro anos da primeira análise. Dos 360 táxons ocorrentes no estado, 75 foram categorizados como ameaçados, sendo dois criticamente em perigo (CR), oito em perigo (EN) e 65 vulneráveis (VU). Além desses, quatro táxons foram categorizados como quase ameaçados (NT) e 12 com dados deficientes (DD). O elevado número de táxons ameaçados no estado (21% da flora) reflete a importância do grau de conhecimento da flora para realização de análises de conservação. Em relação à distribuição dos táxons ameaçados dentro do estado, percebe-se que a maioria ocorre no PARNA Itatiaia (51 espécies - 68%). As principais ameaças para a flora são a perda e degradação da Mata Atlântica. Recomenda-se então, reconhecimento da Mata Atlântica como área crítica para conservação; a proteção de habitats para assegurar a sobrevivência das espécies; e a formulação de programas multidisciplinares para promover a conservação.913922Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Bryophytic and phytogeographical aspects of two types of forest of the Serra do Mar State Park, Ubatuba/SP, Brazil

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    Bryophytes are indicators of climatic, environmental and ecology conditions and are useful in the characterization of the vegetation types. In this study, we analyzed the brioflora of 2-ha plots, one of Restinga Forest (RF) and the other of Lowland Ombrophilous Dense Forest (LF), located in the Núcleo Picinguaba, State Park of Serra do Mar (São Paulo state, Brazil) aiming to: a) compare the structure of these communities; b) compare the floristic composition between these areas and with other coastal vegetations of southeastern Brazil; c) verify if the bryophytes of the Atlantic Forest lowlands have phytogeographic patterns wider than those of the montane species. In each plot, the bryophytes samples were collected at ten randomized subplots (10 × 10 m). We found 152 species (87 liverworts, 64 mosses and one hornwort), of which 109 occur in RF (40 exclusives) and 112 in LF (43 exclusives). In terms of species richness and taxonomic diversity, LF was more diverse; however, the Simpson and Shannon index of diversity is higher in RF. The floristic composition, life form and ecological groups of light tolerance were significantly different between these two forests. Canopy opening (RF) and number of rocks (LF) were important environmental variables that influenced bryophyte distribution in the study areas. When evaluated in terms of landscape, the subplots of RF and LR form distinct floristic groups; however, at the regional level, the bryophytes of these two forest types have more similarities among themselves than with other Atlantic Forest areas. Bryophyte community observed in the Restinga Forest of Picinguaba shows more similarity with that of the neighbor Lowland Ombrophilous Dense Forest than with other Restinga or coastal formation, such as mangroves and caxetal. In both forests types studied, the majority of taxa (> 90%) is widely distributed in the world, presenting phytogeographic pattern equal to or wider than the Neotropical. Our results corroborate the idea that the RF of Picinguaba is a unique vegetation formation, presenting elements of ombrophilous and dryer forests. In addition, they reinforce the idea that, for the tropical bryophyte species, the phytogeographic patterns are wider in areas of lower altitudes.Briófitas são bioindicadoras de condições climáticas, ambientais e ecológicas, sendo úteis na caracterização de tipos vegetacionais. Neste trabalho, foi analisada a brioflora de duas áreas de 1 ha, uma de Floresta de Restinga (FR) e outra de Floresta Ombrófila Densa de Terras Baixas (TB) do Núcleo Picinguaba, PE Serra do Mar (São Paulo, Brasil), com o objetivo de: a) comparar a estrutura dessas comunidades; b) entender as relações florísticas dessas áreas entre si e com outras formações litorâneas brasileiras; c) verificar se as briófitas de áreas de baixada apresentam padrões fitogeográficos mais amplos do que aquelas de áreas montanas. As briófitas foram coletadas em 10 subparcelas (10 × 10 m) distribuídas aleatoriamente em cada fitofisionomia. Variáveis ambientais foram quantificadas e correlacionadas com a distribuição da brioflora. Foram registradas 152 espécies (87 hepáticas, 64 musgos e 1 antócero), das quais 109 ocorrem na FR (40 exclusivas) e 112 em TB (43 exclusivas). Em termos de riqueza de espécies e diversidade taxonômica, TB foi mais diversa; contudo, os índices de diversidade de Simpson e Shannon foram maiores na FR. A composição florística, tipos de forma de vida e grupos ecológicos de tolerância à luz apresentaram diferenças significativas entre as duas fitofisionomias. A abertura do dossel (FR) e rochosidade (TB) são variáveis ambientais importantes que atuam sobre a distribuição das briófitas nas áreas estudadas. Quando avaliadas em termos de paisagem, as subparcelas da FR e TB formaram grupos florísticos distintos; entretanto, em nível regional, a brioflora dessas duas fitofisionomias apresenta mais afinidades entre si do que com outras áreas de Floresta Atlântica. Em termos florísticos, a FR de Picinguaba assemelha-se mais às Florestas Ombrófilas do que a outras Restingas ou outras formações costeiras (como mangue e caxetal). Nas duas fitofisionomias, a maioria dos táxons (> 90%) é amplamente distribuída no mundo, apresentando padrão fitogeográfico igual ou maior do que o Neotropical. Nossos resultados corroboram a idéia de que a FR de Picinguaba é uma formação ímpar, apresentando em sua brioflora elementos de florestas ombrófilas entremeados àqueles de vegetações mais secas; além disso, reforçam a idéia de que, para as espécies de briófitas, os padrões fitogeográficos são mais amplos em locais de menores altitudes.425438Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Spatial distribution of bryophytes across the Atlantic Forest, southeastern Brazil

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    Orientadores: Luiza Sumiko Kinoshita, Denise Pinheiro da CostaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de BiologiaResumo: A fim de compreendermos a influência da altitude sobre as comunidades briófitas, realizamos o estudo da brioflora de seis cinturões altitudinais (10 m, 50 m, 400 m, 800 m, 950 m e 1170 m) no Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, litoral norte do estado de São Paulo. Nossos objetivos foram descrever e analisar os padrões de distribuição espacial das espécies em diferentes escalas ao longo do gradiente altitudinal da Floresta Atlântica do sudeste do Brasil e entender a influência de processos determinísticos e estocásticos na configuração desses padrões. Num contexto global, confirmamos a hipótese de que briófitas de áreas de baixada apresentam padrões fitogeográficos mais amplos do que aquelas de áreas montanas e que a razão de endemismo apresenta correlação positiva com a altitude. Em termos regionais, encontramos uma distribuição determinística da flora de hepáticas no sudeste do Brasil, onde variáveis geoclimáticas explicam mais de 50% da distribuição das espécies. Dentre os principais filtros abióticos estão altitude, temperatura e precipitação. Verificamos ainda que filtros abióticos locais (abertura do dossel e rochosidade) atuam sobre a distribuição das briófitas das fitofisionomias de Floresta de Restinga e Terras Baixas de Ubatuba e que atributos da comunidade permitem uma diferenciação dessas áreas em termos de paisagem. Apesar disso, do ponto de vista regional, essas áreas apresentam mais afinidades florísticas entre si do que com outras áreas de Floresta Atlântica costeira do Brasil. Finalmente, constatamos que mesmo a pequena variação altitudinal da Serra do Mar na área estudada (0-1170 m de altitude) é capaz de gerar efeitos sobre atributos das comunidades e espécies de briófitas. Encontramos um gradiente florístico ao longo do gradiente de altitude, onde os cinturões altitudinais agruparam-se pelas fitofisionomias da Floresta Atlântica, confirmando a classificação de vegetação do IBGE. Atributos como razão de endemismo, padrão fitogeográfico e sistema sexual das espécies apresentaram variações significativas com o aumento da altitude. As briófitas apresentaram uma distribuição determinística em todas as escalas estudadas, o que reforça a idéia de que o nicho é um importante processo de montagem de suas comunidadesAbstract: In order to understand the influence of altitude on bryophyte communities, we studied the bryoflora from six altitudinal belts (10 m, 50 m, 400 m, 800 m, 950 I 1,170 m) in Serra do Mar State Park in the north coast of the state of São Paulo. Our aims were to describe and analyze the spatial distribution of species at different scales along the altitudinal gradient across the Atlantic Forest of Southeastern Brazil and to understand the influence of deterministic and stochastic processes in shaping these patterns. In a global context, we confirm the hypothesis that bryophytes from lowland forests have phytogeographic patterns wider than those of montane areas and that the endemism ratio have positive correlation with altitude. In regional scale, we found a deterministic distribution of the liverwort's flora in Southeastern Brazil, where geoclimatic variables explain more than 50% of the species distribution. The main abiotic filters are altitude, temperature and precipitation. We still found that local abiotic filters (canopy openness and the presence of rocks) act on the bryophyte distribution from the Restinga Forest and Lowlands of Ubatuba and that community traits allow a differentiation of these areas in terms of landscape. Nevertheless, at the regional point of view, these areas have more floristic affinities among themselves than with other coastal areas of the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. Finally, we noted that even a small altitudinal range of the Serra do Mar in the study area (0-1170 m altitude) is able to generate effects on the traits of communities and species of bryophytes. We found a floristic gradient along the altitudinal gradient, where the altitudinal belts were grouped by Atlantic Forest vegetation types, confirming the classification of vegetation of the IBGE. Traits such as endemism rate, phytogeographical patterns and sexual system of the species showed significant variations with increasing altitude. The bryophytes showed a deterministic distribution at all scales studied, which reinforces the idea that the niche is an important process of assembly for their communitiesDoutoradoBiologia VegetalDoutor em Biologia Vegeta

    Conservação de hepáticas na Mata Atlântica do sudeste do Brasil: uma análise regional no Estado do Rio de Janeiro

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    A União Internacional para Conservação da Natureza (IUCN) desenvolveu um guia para avaliação do grau de ameaça das espécies em escala regional, que foi a base para a reavaliação do status de conservação das hepáticas no estado do Rio de Janeiro, após quatro anos da primeira análise. Dos 360 táxons ocorrentes no estado, 75 foram categorizados como ameaçados, sendo dois criticamente em perigo (CR), oito em perigo (EN) e 65 vulneráveis (VU). Além desses, quatro táxons foram categorizados como quase ameaçados (NT) e 12 com dados deficientes (DD). O elevado número de táxons ameaçados no estado (21% da flora) reflete a importância do grau de conhecimento da flora para realização de análises de conservação. Em relação à distribuição dos táxons ameaçados dentro do estado, percebe-se que a maioria ocorre no PARNA Itatiaia (51 espécies - 68%). As principais ameaças para a flora são a perda e degradação da Mata Atlântica. Recomenda-se então, reconhecimento da Mata Atlântica como área crítica para conservação; a proteção de habitats para assegurar a sobrevivência das espécies; e a formulação de programas multidisciplinares para promover a conservação

    Can regional and local filters explain epiphytic bryophyte distributions in the Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil?

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    ABSTRACT Environmental conditions in distinct tropical rainforest phytophysiognomies can act as regional filters in determining the distribution of montane bryoflora likewise, local filters inherent to phorophyte species can have modulating influences. We analyzed the bryophyte communities in three phytophysiognomies of Atlantic Forest, in order to examine the influences of local (phorophyte species) and regional (forest phytophysiognomies) filters on their distributions. The study was undertaken in the Serra do Mar State Park, Ubatuba, SP, Brazil, using 1 ha plots in three forest phytophysiognomies along an elevational gradient. Four phorophyte species were selected, with three to seven replicates each. The line-intercept method was used on each phorophyte for collecting botanical material. Multivariate analyses were used to correlate species distributions with environmental filters. A total of 71 taxa were identified. Mean bryophyte coverage did not vary among the different phytophysiognomies, and although their species compositions were markedly distinct, no cohesive or isolated groups were found. Among the local filters examined, phorophyte DBH was found to be correlated with bryophyte coverage; the pH of the bark of Euterpe edulis and the high rugosity of the trunk of the Cyatheaceae influenced species compositions. Other filters not evaluated here may also be relevant for determining species distributions

    Variations In Bryophyte Communities In A Short Elevational Gradient In Atlantic Forest Of Southeastern Brazil

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)In order to better understand the influence of short elevational gradient on the attributes of bryophyte communities, we examined the bryophyte flora within six elevational belts (10, 50, 400, 800, 950, and 1170 m a.s.l.) on a mountain in the Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil. Ten subplots (10 x 10 m) distributed randomly in 1 ha forest plot of forest at each elevation were surveyed. A total of 253 species were encountered and the richness did not vary depending significantly on elevation. The floristic similarities of the elevational belts were high > 50%, with the exception of the Mountaintop forest (< 35%), and the classification analyses indicated groups defined by Atlantic Forest vegetation types. Endemism demonstrated a positive correlation with elevation, while the amplitudes of the phytogeographical patterns of the species diminished with increasing elevation. The dioicous condition predominated in all of the elevational belts, and the dioicous/monoicous ratio showed an inverted-parabolic pattern along the gradient. Data concerning bryophyte species richness and distributions will be useful in future projects monitoring the effects of climate change on tropical forests.382191211Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP) within the Projeto Tematico Gradiente Funcional, Programa BIOTA/FAPESP - O Instituto Virtual da Biodiversidade [03/12595-7]Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq


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    A sustainable relationship between man and the environment is known to be fundamental for the conservation of natural environments, to maintain the diversity of species and the services offered by them. To this end, implementing activities to make scientific knowledge accessible to the lay population strengthens the efforts to conserve natural ecosystems. This project aimed to popularize the knowledge generated in a master’s thesis about the environmental problems that affect the humid forest of Chapada do Araripe - CE and the bryophyte flora in this region, in order to make scientific and sociocultural knowledge more familiar to the human population that resides in the vicinity of the forest. To this end, dialogues were developed in public environments, such as squares and parks, and residences were visited; expository and didactic material, banners and booklets were presented and distributed; and a theoretical-practical mini-course was held for the local scientific community. These strategies were tailored to each public served, that is, the general population, lay people, and the academic community, in order to enhance the accessibility to scientific knowledge. In this project, it was possible to understand the perception of people about the importance of the forest in social life and expand the knowledge about the human-environment relationship and the learning through the exchange of experiences.A sustainable relationship between man and the environment is known to be fundamental for the conservation of natural environments, to maintain the diversity of species and the services offered by them. To this end, implementing activities to make scientific knowledge accessible to the lay population strengthens the efforts to conserve natural ecosystems. This project aimed to popularize the knowledge generated in a master’s thesis about the environmental problems that affect the humid forest of Chapada do Araripe - CE and the bryophyte flora in this region, in order to make scientific and sociocultural knowledge more familiar to the human population that resides in the vicinity of the forest. To this end, dialogues were developed in public environments, such as squares and parks, and residences were visited; expository and didactic material, banners and booklets were presented and distributed; and a theoretical-practical mini-course was held for the local scientific community. These strategies were tailored to each public served, that is, the general population, lay people, and the academic community, in order to enhance the accessibility to scientific knowledge. In this project, it was possible to understand the perception of people about the importance of the forest in social life and expand the knowledge about the human-environment relationship and the learning through the exchange of experiences