2,156 research outputs found

    A developing agenda for Lisbon within the twenty-first century

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    UID/SOC/04647/2013Divided by interdisciplinary realms of application, both climate change and urbanism are ultimately bound together by cause-and-effect in our ever mutable cities. Although suggested that cities are changing faster than Mankind have been able to adjust out thinking, the yearly dissemination scientific data on climatic change is continually improving the efficiency of urbanism to tackle new looming paradigms. Respectively, it is considered that urbanism encounters its greatest opportunities in this uncertain 'third modernity', where flexible approaches such as 'what if?' scenarios allow urbanism to continuously uphold the ever evolving identity and continuum within eventful horizons. This collaboration between these two interrelating realms of contemporary practice is currently being applied upon the case of Lisbon, where regional and local climate change scenarios are assessed in terms of their potential territorial impacts. This originated the opportunity to evaluate how the city components and functioning within its waterfronts shall be affected by climate change. Resultantly, and embedded within its niche, urbanism presents a new creative laboratory where flexible and innovative urban adaptation strategies can be developed to counter-act the impending impacts upon Lisbon within the XXI century.publishersversionpublishe

    Привлечение иностранного капитала в Украину путем выпуска еврооблигаций

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    In mountain ecosystems, species can be said to respond synchronously to environmental change when the elevation ranges of vegetation types and their associated vertebrates expand or contract in the same direction. Conversely, the response is asynchronous when the elevation ranges of vegetation types and associated vertebrates change in different directions. The capacity of vertebrate species to respond synchronously with change in the elevation ranges of the vegetation that comprises their habitat is likely a function of their ecological traits. Here we combine measures of elevation range shifts in 23 vertebrate species with those of their associated vegetation types across 80 yr, on a large elevation transect in California's Sierra Nevada mountains that encompasses Yosemite National Park. Half the species’ shifts were synchronous with vegetation shifts, ¼ of the species were asynchronous, and the others showed no relationship. Most species that responded synchronously to changes in vegetation elevation ranges expanded their elevation range, and are inhabitants of low and intermediate elevations. In contrast, those species whose range shifts were asynchronous to associated vegetation shifts inhabit high elevations. These species experienced contraction in elevation range even while their associated vegetation types expanded. However, these species were responding synchronously to a subset of their associated vegetation types. Considering trait-based predictors, omnivores were more synchronous than herbivores. Our results on synchronous and asynchronous elevation shifts with vegetation may permit more accurate modeling of future ranges for vertebrates in California's Sierra Nevada. The approach also offers a new method for use in assessment of vertebrate vulnerability in other mountain regions, and can be an important component of assessing their vulnerability to climate change

    avaliação da textura de uvas de diferentes variedades

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    O objectivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as propriedades reológicas de diferentes variedades de uvas para vinificar. Foram estudadas as variedades brancas Siria, Antão Vaz, Perrum, Rabo de Ovelha e Arinto e as variedades tintas Trincadeira, Aragonez, Tinta Caiada, Moreto e Castelão. Para se avaliar da existência ou não de diferenças entre as variedades, foram efectuados testes em 200 bagos de cada variedade, nomeadamente a compressão do bago inteiro e a resistência da pelicula (pericarpo) e da polpa (mesocarpo) à penetração. Um segundo objectivo deste trabalho foi seleccionar os métodos e parâmetros que melhor caracterizam as variedades reologicamente, por forma a reduzir o tempo de análise e simplificar a metodologia de análise. Foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre as variedades para todos os parâmetros reológicos estudados. Os valores elevados de firmeza (F) obtidos pela máxima força durante a compressão do bago inteiro, pela máxima força durante o teste de penetração da película, e pela força a 3 mm de deformação da polpa, demostraram serem bons indicadores para serem usados em trabalhos futuros

    Forest governance and development effects on tropical charcoal production and deforestation

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    Severe loss and degradation of tropical forests affects ecosystem services and livelihoods. Charcoal, an important energy and income source for millions of people, causes 7% of tropical deforestation and forest degradation. Forest governance aims at managing forest-related issues. On the one hand, development allows for financial investments in forest governance, e.g., in monitoring and enforcement, which the aim to control deforestation. On the other hand, deforestation often continues with increased human wellbeing. Here, we aim to (i) globally examine effects of forest governance on charcoal production and deforestation, and (ii) understand its association with development. We developed a typology of tropical forest governance systems based on a literature review of 54 USAID Country Profiles and combined it with global data on charcoal production, deforestation, governance quality and development. Our results suggest that countries’ development status affects charcoal production rather than governance quality; we observe a negative relationship between development status and charcoal production per capita (HDI: F(1,50) = 4.85, p = 0.032; GNI: F(1,50) = 4.64, p = 0.036). The limited influence of governance quality and rights on charcoal production per capita and deforestation suggests mismatches between formal and informal governance and exposes challenges in top-down percolation of governance goals. Our results highlight potential importance of tenure rights and potential opportunities for regional governing bodies to bridge local formal and informal actors to improve forest governance. Positive effects of regional tenure are driven by mixed effects of high development and governance quality related to decentralization in Asia and South America, highlighting transitions from charcoal as livelihood energy source to global commodity. Variability in results for FAO and UN charcoal production data advocates for better monitoring programs. Yet, for the first time, we explore global interactive patterns in charcoal production, development and governance – a starting point to differentiate good governance


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    The cercaria of Bucephalus minimus infects the digestive gland and gonads of its first intermediate host, the edible cockle. Cerastoderma edule. Light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the cercaria showed a tail formed by a central stem, with 2 long contractile arms presenting distinct morphological surfaces. The encysted metacercaria naturally infected the flathead grey mullet, Mugil cephalus. The cysts found in the heart, liver, and spleen were shown to be identical by the internal transcribed spacer (ITS1) sequence and morphological features and were associated with encapsulation, recruitment of cell infiltrates, and presence of melanomacrophages and adipose tissue. To establish the life cycle. we compared the ITS1 sequence in an adult from the known definitive host, Dicentrarchus labrax: encysted metacercariac from the liver, heart, and spleen of M. cephalus; and a cercaria from C. edule. With this comparison, we determined that they had a 100% similarity. Therefore, the ITS1 sequence data clearly indicate that these 3 parasitic stages belong to the same species, i.e., B. minimus


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    This paper aims at analyzing the situation of rural workers of the Itamatamirim Farm in Vitoria de Santo Antao, Pernambuco. These workers, who are former sugar cane have been submitted to a workshop that combines farming with rural tourism. Therefore, traces the changes produced by this experience in the fields of work and life of these hybrids of farmers and workers in rural tourism. The methodological procedures were used combined techniques of data collection, such as semi-structured interview and oral history. The results of this investigation showed that the changes processed in the fields of work and life of the former sugar cane Itamatamirim Farm had in the forms of political participation, the use of free time, leisure, access to new technologies of communication and information and aspirations for the future. El objetivo principal de este artículo es analizar la situación de los trabajadores rurales del Ingenio Itamatamirim, en la localidad de Vitória de Santo Antão, estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Estos trabajadores, antes cañeros, combinan ahora en su jornada de trabajo la actividad agrícola con el turismo rural. Así, se busca identificar los cambios producidos por dicha experiencia en el ámbito de trabajo y en la propia de estos trabajadores híbridos de la agricultura y el turismo. Se utilizaron como procedimientos metodológicos para la obtención de datos entrevistas semiestructuradas e historia oral. Los resultados de la investigación demuestran que las transformaciones se dieron en las formas de participación política, en el uso del tiempo libre, en la recreación, en el acceso a las nuevas tecnologías de comunicación e información y en las aspiraciones para el futuro.Este texto tem como objetivo principal analisar a situação dos trabalhadores rurais do Engenho Itamatamirim, em Vitória de Santo Antão, Pernambuco. Esses trabalhadores, que são ex-canavieiros vêm sendo submetidos a uma jornada de trabalho que combina a atividade agrícola com o turismo rural. Por isso, busca identificar as mudanças produzidas por essa experiência nos campos do trabalho e da vida desses híbridos de agricultores e trabalhadores de turismo rural. Como procedimentos metodológicos foram utilizadas técnicas combinadas de coleta de dados, como: entrevista semi-estruturada e uso da história oral. Os resultados dessa investigação demonstraram as transformações processadas nos campos do trabalho e da vida que os ex-canavieiros do Engenho Itamatamirim tiveram nas formas de participação política, no uso do tempo livre, no lazer, no acesso às novas tecnologias da comunicação e da informação e nas aspirações para o futuro

    Impact of amoeba and scuticociliatidia infections on the aquaculture European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) in Portugal

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    In this work, a survey of sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, for amoebae and scuticociliatidia infections was carried out to evaluate their effects on the aquaculture of this fish species. The study was conducted in two different fish farms, one using seawater and the other brackish water. Infection with parasitic amoebae was found to be fairly high (prevalence: 43-73%), being more frequent in sea bass from the brackish water system. Although it was never found to cause outbreaks of disease or mortality in the surveyed fish, amoebic gill disease (AGD) histopathological signs, i.e., hyperplasia, secondary lamellae fusion and cavity formation (interlamellar vesicles), were observed in fish manifesting no macroscopic lesions. Furthermore, some evidence was found that amoebae affects the fish's general state of health and growth rate. These results indicate that cautious and detailed surveys to detect this sort of infection, and thus carefully plan its control, are fully justified. Compared with amoebic infection, the prevalence of scuticociliatosis was found to be low (7-13%). No outbreaks of disease or mortality were ever recorded, even when scuticociliatidia was present in turbot raised in the same water system, leading to serious outbreaks of disease and mortalities in that species. This suggests that sea bass is far more resistant than turbot to such infections, and if this is the case, the former fish may be a good farming alternative when scuticociliatidia is present

    Relevance of a Hypersaline Sodium-Rich Naturally Sparkling Mineral Water to the Protection against Metabolic Syndrome Induction in Fructose-Fed Sprague-Dawley Rats: A Biochemical, Metabolic, and Redox Approach

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    The Metabolic Syndrome increases the risk for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Increased fructose consumption and/or mineral deficiency have been associated with Metabolic Syndrome development. This study aimed to investigate the effects of 8 weeks consumption of a hypersaline sodium-rich naturally sparkling mineral water on 10% fructose-fed Sprague-Dawley rats (Metabolic Syndrome animal model). The ingestion of the mineral water (rich in sodium bicarbonate and with higher potassium, calcium, and magnesium content than the tap water used as control) reduced/prevented not only the fructose-induced increase of heart rate, plasma triacylglycerols, insulin and leptin levels, hepatic catalase activity, and organ weight to body weight ratios (for liver and both kidneys) but also the decrease of hepatic glutathione peroxidase activity and oxidized glutathione content. This mineral-rich water seems to have potential to prevent Metabolic Syndrome induction by fructose. We hypothesize that its regular intake in the context of modern diets, which have a general acidic character interfering with mineral homeostasis and are poor in micronutrients, namely potassium, calcium, and magnesium, could add surplus value and attenuate imbalances, thus contributing to metabolic and redox health and, consequently, decreasing the risk for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease