41 research outputs found

    A importância da paisagem cultural para a competitividade dos destinos

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    Doutoramento em TurismoA problemática debatida no nosso trabalho de investigação resultou da constatação que em virtude das profundas alterações ocorridas ao nível da procura e da oferta turística a nível mundial, um conjunto de destinos turísticos muito bem-sucedidos no passado começou a experienciar dificuldades em competir com novos concorrentes mais adequados às exigências da atual procura turística. Entre os fatores específicos suscetíveis de influenciar a competitividade dos destinos turísticos em fase de maturidade encontram-se os impactos provocados pelo desenvolvimento do turismo sobre o território. Neste sentido, a presente tese visa compreender a importância de efetuar uma gestão e manutenção adequadas da paisagem cultural como forma de garantir a competitividade do destino. Paralelamente, é apresentado um modelo que visa assistir os destinos no desenvolvimento de fatores diferenciadores face à concorrência, mediante a criação de produtos turísticos inovadores ou reformulando os processos em que os atuais produtos turísticos são elaborados, para que estes satisfaçam as expectativas e necessidades dos consumidores atuais, criando experiências turísticas únicas e memoráveis. O recurso a uma metodologia que conjugou métodos quantitativos e qualitativos complementados com meios visuais, permitiu-nos concluir que entre os fatores que maior influência exercem sobre a capacidade competitiva dos destinos turísticos em fase de maturidade encontram-se as alterações ocorridas na qualidade estética da paisagem cultural do destino. Os dados obtidos permitem concluir que basear os produtos turísticos inovadores na paisagem cultural do destino, tornaria esses produtos mais difíceis de imitar por parte dos principais concorrentes e facultaria ajudar a manter a paisagem cultural do destino.The issue under discussion in our research project stemmed from the realisation that, owing to the major changes taking place in tourism demand and supply worldwide, a number of tourist destinations which had been very successful in the past had begun to have difficulty in competing with new competitors better equipped to meet the requirements of modern-day tourism demand. Among the specific factors capable of influencing the competiveness of tourist destinations which have reached the stage of maturity are the impacts caused by the development of tourism in the area. Consequently, this research project is aimed at comprehending the importance of appropriate management and maintenance of the cultural landscape as a means of guaranteeing the competitiveness of the destination. At the same time, it presents a model which seeks to help these destinations to develop factors which will differentiate them from the competition, by creating innovative tourism products or reformulating the processes by which the current tourism products are designed, in order for these to meet the expectations and needs of modern-day consumers, creating unique and memorable tourism experiences. The use of a methodology which combined quantitative and qualitative methods complemented by visual means enabled us to conclude that among the factors which exert the greatest influence over the competitive ability of tourism destinations at their mature stage are the changes which have taken place in the aesthetic quality of the cultural backdrop of any given destination. The data obtained allows us to conclude that basing innovative tourism products on the cultural landscape of the destination in question would make these products more difficult for its main competitors to imitate and make it easier to help maintain the cultural landscape of the destination

    Oxytocin and mental health in college students

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    Mental health is the result of a combination of many factors and has a great influence on multiple aspects of the life of young adults. Some studies have found associations between oxytocin levels and quality of social relations and mental health disorders. The concern with students' mental health is increasing because most mental disorders peak during or slightly before college age. Of the mental disorders in these age groups, depression and anxiety disorders are the most frequent. Oxytocin and temperament have been emphasized as individual determinants with a biological basis. To our knowledge, there are no studies that relate oxytocin, oxytocin receptors, psychological disturbances, and temperament. We aimed to study the association between plasma oxytocin levels and two polymorphisms (SNPs), in gene receptor, mental health and temperament disturbances in university students.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Eu também ando na escola: a escola quando a criança tem doença crónica

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    A Escola é o primeiro e mais importante contexto de vida e de desenvolvimento da criança depois do seu “casulo” família. Espera-se que seja na Escola que a criança passe grande parte dos seus dias. Para muitas crianças, no entanto, a vivência Escolar é intercalada ou misturada com outras vivências potencialmente stressantes e desafiadoras do seu desenvolvimento e sua construção de identidade. As crianças com Doença Crónica fazem parte desse grupo, são crianças normais em situações anormais. Baseado na literatura e em experiências de crianças com doença crónica, serão abordados, neste artigo, alguns problemas, preocupações e necessidades, no âmbito da Escola, destas crianças e das suas famílias. Tentando “trazer respostas” serão ainda apontados possíveis contributos para a minoração dos problemas enunciados.ABSTRACT - School is the first and the most important child developmental context, outside home/family environment and it is at school that children are supposed to spend most of their time. However, for children with chronic health conditions, attending school is interspersed with other potentially stressful and challenging experiences of their development and their identity. These are “normal children in an abnormal situation”. Based on the literature and on statements of children with chronic disease (CD), this paper reflects on problems, worries and needs of children with CD and their parents, when reentry school after diagnosis or hospitalization. Some contributions are also presented targeting the development of more effective psychological interventions

    Engaging patient: let’s talk about how health providers can do it right

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    Engaging patients and families in patient care has been called a necessary condition for the redesign of the health care system and may be perceived as mandatory for the 19th century delivery of health care. For example, progresses in surgical care made possible for more patients to survive severe clinical conditions, but most of these patients are been discharged sooner and sicker from hospitals transferring the responsibility for patient care to patient’s families. Further, the development of life support technology increased the possibility for patients to remain at home despite being in a fragile health condition or requiring constant care. To respond to these demands of care patients and their families must be empowered and work in straight collaboration with the healthcare providers. Patient engagement has been defined by WHO as the process of building the capacity of patients, families, careers, as well as healthcare providers, to facilitate and support the active involvement of patients in their own care, in order to enhance safety, quality and people-centeredness of health care service delivery. Engagement involves partnership which demands mutual trust, honesty, respect, and loyalty as well as a strong attitude towards sharing information, decisions, and responsibilities and is focused and organized around the health needs and expectations of people and communities rather than on diseases. Therefore, levels of patient engagement must be adequate to each patient and to each situation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Avaliação da centração no doente em estudantes de enfermagem e enfermeiros portugueses

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    Introdução: A abordagem centrada no doente tem sido valorizada no meio académico e profissional; contudo, parecem existir dificuldades em aplicá-la à prática clínica. Estudos mostram que os cuidados prestados pelos enfermeiros são sobretudo instrumentais, baseando as suas ações em necessidades inferidas e não confirmadas pelos doentes. Esta realidade pode estar relacionada com o tipo de metodologias de ensino usadas nos treinos comunicacionais ou com barreiras pessoais e profissionais percebidas pelos profissionais. Objetivos: O objetivo principal deste estudo é avaliar o tipo de orientação assumida por enfermeiros e estudantes de enfermagem na prestação de cuidados de saúde ao doente. Pretende-se também estudar se existem diferenças: a) entre sexos, b) em função do ano de escolaridade dos estudantes, c) entre estudantes e profissionais de saúde

    Promoting Patient-Centered Care in Chronic Disease

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    Nowadays, many people around the world are seeing their lives being shattered and even shortened due to one or more chronic conditions. Chronic illness is a dynamic ongoing process that is determined by a complexity of factors. Patient literacy, motivation, emotional well-being, and resources play an important role on patient adaption and are important challenges for healthcare providers. A systematic patient-centered approach that enables chronic patients to play an active role in their condition management and in the decision-making process on a day-to-day basis is required. However, some studies show that health professionals do not always guide their actions by Patient-centered orientation, either by personal issues or by professional and/or institutional barriers. The present chapter aimed to provide a comprehensive approach to patient-centered care in chronic disease and offer a structured guideline as a tool for formal academic education in chronic patient-centered care. This chapter is structured in five sections: (1) Chronic disease: the challenge of the twenty-first century, (2) The patient with a chronic disease, (3) Patient-centered care in chronic diseases, (4) Issues and barriers to achieve patient-centered care, and (5) Guide tool for health professionals’ training and education in patient-centered care

    Contributions for the portuguese adaptation of the parent-caregiver relationship scale

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    O presente estudo pretende descrever o processo de adaptação portuguesa da Escala de Perceção da Qualidade da Relação entre Pais e Cuidadores (EPQR) para os cuidados em enfermagem; Apresentar os resultados do estudo das propriedades psicométricas da EPQR e do estudo da perceção materna da qualidade da relação com enfermeiros que realizam a vigilância de saúde do filho. Foi utilizada a análise fatorial exploratória pelo método de análise dos componentes principais com transformação ortogonal varimax. A consistência interna foi avaliada através do alpha de Cronbach e a fidelidade dos itens através das correlações de Kendall. Participaram 126 mães com filhos de 2 anos. Foram extraídos 3 fatores: Confiança/Cuidado; Relacional/Emocional; Colaboração/Parceria com índices de alfa de Cronbach entre 0,94 e 0,77, explicando 54,8% da variância. A fidelidade dos itens mostrou correlações altamente significativas (α=0,01). As mães percecionam positivamente a qualidade da relação com os enfermeiros (M=4,32; DP=0,40). A subescala Confiança/Cuidado obteve os melhores resultados (M=4,42; DP=0,42) e a subsescala Relacional/Emocional os menos elevados (M=4,13; DP=0,60). A escala mostrou valores psicométricos adequados para a utilização na população portuguesa. A sua implementação no contexto dos cuidados em enfermagem poderá permitir identificar as perceções/aspirações dos pais face à relação com o enfermeiro.ABSTRACT: The present study aim to describe the process of the Portuguese adaptation to nursing care of the Parent-Caregiver Relationship Scale – parents’ version (PCRS); to describe the results’ study of psychometric properties of the Portuguese version; to present the results of a first study on maternal perception of the relationship quality with nurses who were monitoring their children’s health. The validity of the scale construct was performed through an exploratory factor analysis and the method of principal component analysis through a varimax rotation. Internal consistency was assessed by Cronbach’s alpha and for items reliability the Kendall correlations were used. The sample comprised 126 mothers of two year old children. Three factors were extracted: Trust/Care; Relational/Emotional; Collaboration/Partnership with Cronbach alpha index between 0.94 and 0.77 explaining the 54.8% variance. The items reliability was assessed through significant correlations (α=0.01). Mothers had positive perception on the quality of the relationship with nurses (M=4.32; SD=0.40). From the variables under study, Trust/Care (M=4.42; SD=0.42) have reached major significance whereas the Relational/Emotional variables evidenced the worst results (M=4.13; SD=0.60). The scale has a psychometric value for the Portuguese population. Its use in nursing care contexts may enable to identify the clients’ perceptions/expectations when establishing a relationship with the nurse.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Communication in health care and patient safety: problems and challenges

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    A segurança do doente constitui um dos grandes desafios dos cuidados de saúde do séc. XXI. O reconhecimento da ocorrência de erros ou acidentes adversos com consequências gravosas para os doentes e para as instituições de saúde, levou, recentemente, a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) a nomear comissões centradas na identificação de situações de risco e na elaboração de soluções que possam servir de recurso para a prevenção dessas situações. O resultado dos trabalhos destas comissões tornou evidente a importância da comunicação como determinante da qualidade e da segurança na prestação de cuidados. Neste artigo é abordada a problemática da comunicação em saúde e a sua relação com a segurança do doente, identificados problemas e apontadas algumas pistas para a sua prevenção. São especificamente referidos os principais problemas de comunicação entre os profissionais de saúde (nas passagens de turno e nas equipas de saúde) e entre estes profissionais e os doentes.ABSTRACT - Patient safety is a major challenge for the XXI century health care. The recognition of inadvertent harm to patients as result of professional health care has, recently, led the World Health Organization (WHO) to appoint committees focused on identifying risk situations and developing solutions that can serve as a resource for the prevention of these adverse events. The outcome of these commissions has highlighted the importance of communication as a determinant of quality and safety in health care. In this article we address the issue of communication in health care and its relationship to patient safety, identifying problems and pointing out some clues to its prevention