32 research outputs found


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    Os Sistemas Agroflorestais (SAFs) constituem-se em uma alternativa de uso da terra para aliar a estabilidade do ecossistema visando à eficiência e otimização de recursos naturais na produção de forma integrada e sustentada. O objetivo deste estudo de caso foi avaliar a viabilidade econômica de um sistema agroflorestal localizado na região do Pontal do Paranapanema. O SAF em estudo é formada por espécies agrícolas: milho (Zea maiz), feijão guandu (Cajanus cajan), carioquinha, (Vigna unguiculata), preto (Phaseolus vulgaris) e mandioca (Manihot esculenta) com espécies florestais: Eucalyptus citriodora e Eucalyptus camaldulensis. A rentabilidade econômica do sistema foi mensurada, utilizando Valor Presente Líquido (VPL), Razão Benefício/Custo (RB/C) para as culturas agrícolas anuais e Valor Esperado da terra (VET) para os componentes madeireiros. Para tais cálculos foi escolhida uma taxa de desconto de 6%. O estudo demonstrou que o sistema agroflorestal apresentou rentabilidade econômica positiva, e que podem ser adotados por pequenos produtores. Assim, pode-se concluir que os sistemas agroflorestais são economicamente viáveis para pequenos produtores rurais trabalhando nas mesmas condições apresentadas neste estudo

    Patentometric Profile of Social Water

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    There are regions of the planet that are affected by climatological conditions that cause water scarcity. Thus, innovative techniques have emerged with the purpose of mitigating the reflexes caused by the natural factor: drought. These innovations arise with the objective of capturing, storing and carrying out rainwater treatment for the population. These, called social water technologies, comprise products, techniques or replicable methodologies that are developed specifically to solve the problem of water shortages. The present work aims to analyze the profile of innovations generated by social water technologies through the LATIPAT, INPI and WIPO bases. To search for patents, keywords that were relevant to the research were used and combined with Boolean operators. 907 patents were identified, the largest concentration of deposits in China, justified by the fact that the country adopts development policies that invest in R&D, differentiating itself from other countries. Among the patents analyzed there is a higher concentration of deposits related to the area of ​​human needs and water treatment

    Technological innovation, tax incentives and economic efficiency in the Brazilian scenario: Analysis of the case of the State of PiauĂ­

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    The current market imposes on economic agents the use of different strategies to achieve a sure competitive differential or even enough for the regular maintenance of their organizations. From this perspective, innovations emerge as an alternative capable of boosting the revenues of companies and technological development, a fact that, as a consequence, leads to an improvement in the well-being of the population, income distribution, and socioeconomic progress. In this context, it is up to the public authorities to adopt different incentive instruments to create an environment conducive to innovation in the country and in each state, such as tax incentives, which stimulate such activities by eliminating or reducing tax collection. So, considering the peculiarities of the State of PiauĂ­, which presents incipient figures on technological innovation, this paper aims to analyze the effects of public policies of tax incentives for technological innovation in this part of the federation alternatives for improvement given the reality found. It is a bibliographic, documental, descriptive, exploratory research, with an inductive method and qualitative approach, carrying out a case study in which the actual context of PiauĂ­ State using the Law and Economics instrumental as an analysis tool. With this methodology, we were able to confirm our hypothesis that there are flaws in the public policies that currently exist and, therefore, the improvement of actions and public projects to support innovation with a focus on the State\u27s specificities, a measure that is needed

    Determinants of the degree of innovation in the industries listed on the B3

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    The study aims to identify the determinants of the degree of innovation of industries listed on the Brazilian Stock Exchange - B3. To this end, it used as sample 129 industries that trade their shares on the B3. From the principal component analysis, it was found that the innovation indicators are combined into two distinct factors. Therefore, it can be said that the degree of innovation of the firms takes into account the combination of indicators referring to the innovation strategies of exploitation and exploration, and, by encompassing two distinct factors, it is valid to mention that the degree of innovation has a two-dimensional character, suggesting the existence of a synergy between the innovation strategies

    Technological indicators and plant biodiversity: systematic review

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    The use of plant biodiversity in the elaboration of products or processes contributes to the progress of technological innovation and to the recognition of the profitable potential of biological resources. Therefore, this research aims to perform a systematic review on technological indicators of the use of genetic patrimony, specifically of vegetal biodiversity, to identify concepts and measurement techniques. A systematic survey was carried out at the bases of Scopus, Web of Science, and Science Direct using thematic strings (Genetic Patrimony, Plant Biodiversity and Technological Indicator). The recovered files were exported for analysis in StArt software. There was no mention of the topic, so the systematic review analyzed articles selected by combining strings adopting inclusion and exclusion criteria. The research made it possible to identify relevant and guiding data on the subject studied, but did not reveal the existence of an indicator or index that relates the use of vegetal biodiversity to the production of patents