4 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of two complete Corynebacterium ulcerans genomes and detection of candidate virulence factors

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    Trost E, Al-Dilaimi A, Papavasiliou P, et al. Comparative analysis of two complete Corynebacterium ulcerans genomes and detection of candidate virulence factors. BMC Genomics. 2011;12(1): 383.ABSTRACT: Corynebacterium ulcerans has been detected as a commensal in domestic and wild animals that may serve as reservoirs for zoonotic infections. During the last decade, the frequency and severity of human infections associated with C. ulcerans appear to be increasing in various countries. As the knowledge of genes contributing to the virulence of this bacterium was very limited, the complete genome sequences of two C. ulcerans strains detected in the metropolitan area of Rio de Janeiro were determined and characterized by comparative genomics: C. ulcerans 809 was initially isolated from an elderly woman with fatal pulmonary infection and C. ulcerans BR-AD22 was recovered from a nasal sample of an asymptomatic dog. The circular chromosome of C. ulcerans 809 has a total size of 2,502,095 bp and encodes 2,182 predicted proteins, whereas the genome of C. ulcerans BR-AD22 is 104,279 bp larger and comprises 2,338 protein-coding regions. The minor difference in size of the two genomes is mainly caused by additional prophage-like elements in the C. ulcerans BR-AD22 chromosome. Both genomes show a highly similar order of orthologous coding regions; and both strains share a common set of 2,076 genes, demonstrating their very close relationship. A screening for prominent virulence factors revealed the presence of phospholipase D (Pld), neuraminidase H (NanH), endoglycosidase E (EndoE), and subunits of adhesive pili of the SpaDEF type that are encoded in both C. ulcerans genomes. The rbp gene coding for a putative ribosome-binding protein with striking structural similarity to Shiga-like toxins was additionally detected in the genome of the human isolate C. ulcerans 809. The molecular data deduced from the complete genome sequences provides considerable knowledge of virulence factors in C. ulcerans that is increasingly recognized as an emerging pathogen. This bacterium is apparently equipped with a broad and varying set of virulence factors, including a novel type of a ribosome-binding protein. Whether the respective protein contributes to the severity of human infections (and a fatal outcome) remains to be elucidated by genetic experiments with defined bacterial mutants and host model systems

    Difteria pelo Corynebacterium ulcerans: uma zoonose emergente no Brasil e no mundo

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    O artigo revisa a literatura sobre a emergĂȘncia de infecçÔes humanas causadas por Corynebacterium ulcerans em diversos paĂ­ses, incluindo o Brasil. Foi realizada anĂĄlise de artigos publicados entre 1926 e 2011 nas bases Medline/PubMed e SciELO, bem como artigos e informes do MinistĂ©rio da SaĂșde. Apresenta-se um esquema de triagem, rĂĄpido, econĂŽmico e de fĂĄcil execução, capaz de permitir a realização do diagnĂłstico presuntivo de C. ulcerans e C. diphtheriae na maioria dos laboratĂłrios brasileiros pĂșblicos e privados. A circulação de C. ulcerans em vĂĄrios paĂ­ses, aliada aos recentes casos de isolamento do patĂłgeno no Rio de Janeiro, Ă© um alerta a clĂ­nicos, veterinĂĄrios e microbiologistas sobre a ocorrĂȘncia de difteria zoonĂłtica e a circulação do C. ulcerans em regiĂ”es urbanas e rurais do territĂłrio nacional e/ou da AmĂ©rica Latina

    A review of the biology, ecology, behavior and conservation status of the dusky grouper, Epinephelus marginatus (Lowe 1834)

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