8 research outputs found
Diversidade genética e potencial deteriorante de fungos leveduriformes e filamentosos isolados em queijos tipo minas frescal comercializados informalmente na região norte do Tocantins
Cheese is a product resulting from the enzymatic coagulation of milk, complemented or not
with specific lactic bacteria. The common cheese composition favors the multiplication of
pathogenic microorganisms. The fungal contamination of this product can compromise the
quality, as these agents have a high deteriorating potential, in addition to posing risks to
public health. The objective of this study was to verify the genetic diversity and the damaging
potential of yeast and filamentous fungi isolated in 20 samples of Minas Frescal cheeses sold
illegally, in open markets in the northern region of Tocantins. Filamentous and yeast-yeast
fungi counts were performed, verification of proteolytic, lipolytic and saccharolytic activity at
different temperatures of the obtained isolates. The amplification of the internal transcribed
spacer regions (ITS) of the DNA, sequencing and identification by similarity using the
BLAST tool for comparison with the sequences deposited in the GenBank of the National
Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). It was observed that 45% of the cheese
samples had the presence of filamentous fungi and 100% the presence of yeasts, with an
average count of 7.6 (± 2.6) x 105 CFU / g. The predominant genus of filamentous fungus
was Penicillium spp., Representing 47.36% (9/19) of morphospecies, being a genus known
for containing mycotoxin-producing species. The predominant yeast species was
Kluveromyces lactis followed by Clavispora lusitaniae. Of the isolated filamentous fungi
73.68% (14/19) have proteolytic potential, with four (21.05%) growing in both mesophilic
and psychrotrophic temperatures. The proteolytic activity of yeasts was 64% (16/25), of
which 37.50% (6/16) of these produced proteases at psychrotrophic temperature. Of the
filaments, 89.47% (17/19) had lipolytic activity, in which 57.89% produced lipases at the two
temperatures submitted. Regarding yeasts, 92% (23/25) had lipolytic activity and 86.95%
(20/25) were psychrotrophic. Regarding the acidifying activity in different sugars, most of the
isolates had a greater action on dextrose, both filamentous and yeast. It is concluded that
clandestine cheeses marketed in open markets in Araguaína are unsuitable for consumption
and public policies are needed that enhance health education and that inspection is more
intensive, preventing the illegal commercialization of products and by-products of animal
origin that may pose a risk. to the consumer.O queijo é um produto resultante da coagulação enzimática do leite, complementado ou não
com bactérias láticas específicas. A composição comum do queijo favorece a multiplicação de
micro-organismos patogênicos. A contaminação fúngica desse produto pode comprometer a
qualidade, pois tais agentes tem alto potencial deteriorante, além de trazer riscos para a saúde
pública. Objetivou-se nesse estudo verificar a diversidade genética e o potencial deteriorante
de fungos leveduriformes e filamentosos isolados em 20 amostras de queijos tipo Minas
Frescal comercializados de forma ilegal, em feiras livres na região norte do Tocantins. Foram
realizadas contagens de fungos filamentosos e leveduriformes, verificação da atividade
proteolítica, lipolítica e sacarolítica em diferentes temperaturas dos isolados obtidos e
identificação dos gêneros dos fungos filamentosos e identificação das espécies de leveduras
por meio da amplificação das regiões espaçadoras transcritas internas (ITS) do DNA,
sequenciamento e identificação por similaridade usando a ferramenta BLAST para
comparação com as sequencias depositadas no GenBank do National Center for
Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Foi observado que 45% das amostras de queijo tiveram a
presença de fungos filamentosos e 100% a presença de leveduras, apresentando contagem
média 7,6 (±2,6) x 105 UFC/g. O gênero de fungo filamentoso predominante foi o Penicillium
spp., representando 47,36% (9/19) das morfoespécies, sendo um gênero conhecido por conter
espécies produtoras de micotoxinas. A espécie de levedura predominante foi a Kluveromyces
lactis seguida da Clavispora lusitaniae. Dos fungos filamentosos isolados 73,68% (14/19)
tem potencial proteolítico, sendo que quatro (21,05%) tiveram crescimento tanto em
temperatura mesófila como psicrotrófica. A atividade proteolítica de leveduriformes foi de
64% (16/25), das quais 37,50% (6/16) dessas produziram proteases em temperatura
psicrotrófica. Dos filamentosos, 89,47% (17/19) tiveram atividade lipolítica, na qual 57,89%
produziram lipases nas duas temperaturas submetidas. Com relação às leveduras, 92% (23/25)
tiveram atividade lipolítica sendo 86,95% (20/25) psicrotrófica. Em relação à atividade
acidificante em diferentes açúcares, a maioria dos isolados teve maior ação sobre a dextrose,
tanto filamentosos quanto leveduriformes. Conclui-se que os queijos clandestinos
comercializados em feiras livres em Araguaína são inapropriados para o consumo e são
necessárias políticas públicas que acentuem a educação sanitária e que a fiscalização seja mais
intensiva coibindo a comercialização ilegal de produtos e subprodutos de origem animal que
podem oferecer risco ao consumidor
Sufficiency and analytical sensitivity of ethanol test in the research of other potential compounds restorative of cryoscopy index in milk defrauded with water inclusion
The Brazilian legislation regulating the research of milk fraud limits the official method for researching ethyl alcohol. Other alcoholic and chemical compounds, potential restorative of the cryoscopy index, can then go unnoticed by the quality control of industries since the official method might not be sufficient in the detection of these compounds. The objective of this study was to verify whether the method of ethanol detection is efficient for the detection of other alcoholic compounds (methanol, propanol, butanol) and acetone, its analytical sensitivity, and the influence on the restorative potential of different concentrations in the cryoscopy index. This study showed that the ethanol research method has analytical sensitivity considered satisfactory (0.01%) and is even better for the research of other alcohols (0.005%) and acetone. The reconstitution of the cryoscopy index of methanol was superior to the other evaluated substances. The presence of ethanol, methanol, propanol, butanol, and acetone in milk indicates that the product has been doubly defrauded: with water and then with one of these substances used to remake cryoscopy and, even at low concentrations, may expose the consumer to risks. The technique recommended by the legislation for research of ethanol in milk proved to be sufficient and sensitive for the detection of ethanol, as well as other alcoholic compounds and acetone, so it can be used by the quality control of industries for the detection of these substances
Qualidade e Segurança Microbiológica de Longissimus Dorsi In Natura e evolução das contagens de aeróbios mesófilos e psicrotróficos de ao longo de 30 dias de maturação a seco (Dry-Aged) / Microbiological quality and safety of fresh Longissimus dorsi and evolution of mesophilic aerobic and psychrotrophic counts over 30 days of dry-aged maturation
A maturação a seco (dry-aged) da carne bovina atribui características organolépticas desejáveis ao consumidor e pode agregar valor aos cortes comerciais. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade e segurança microbiológica de contrafilé in natura e verificar a evolução das contagens de aeróbios mesófilos (AM) e psicrotróficos (PSC) durante 30 dias de maturação à seco a 4ºC. Pools de oito peças de contrafilé (Longissimus dorsi) foram avaliadas nos dias 0, 5, 13, 20 e 30 de maturação à seco. A qualidade e segurança microbiológica da carne in natura (dia 0) foi avaliada por métodos microbiológicos e moleculares. Da carne in natura, coliformes totais e termotolerantes foram <3 NMP/g, AM, PSC, bolores e leveduras e estafilococos coagulase positiva foram, respectivamente, 1,52 x 104, 103, 3 x 104 e 5 x 102 UFC/g, além de negativa para pesquisa de Salmonella e Listeria spp., em conformidade com as legislações sanitárias da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA). Em relação às contagens de AM e PSC foi observado tendências lineares e progressivas de aumento das contagens durante a maturação, até 3,45 x 108 para AM e 2,67 x 109 para PSC no trigésimo dia de maturação a seco. A evolução da contagem mais expressiva de PSC em relação a AM possivelmente está relacionada à composição da microbiota mesófila da carne in natura ser mais composta por mesófilos e psicrotróficos facultativos e restritos, respectivamente. A possível composição dessa microbiota inicial da carne a ser maturada, portanto, pode interferir no atendimento dos padrões de qualidade microbiológica ao longo da maturação a seco
Effect of racial crossing on the seminal parameters of rams submitted to heat stress
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of racial crossing on seminal parameters of eight Santa Inês and crossbred (Santa Inês x Dorper) rams submitted to heat stress, and to monitor the return of these parameters to previously reported. Before to place the insulation bags, two collects of semen through electroejaculation were performed. The insulation pouches were made with double-layer plastic, internally lined with cotton, and fixed around the spermatic funiculus and scrotum with adhesive tape and bandage remaining on the testes of the animals for seven days. The first collect was performed on the day that the pouches were taken (day 0) and thereafter, every seven days, totalizing 15 measurements. Data were submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA). The analyzed variables were subjected to Dunnett test at 5% probability to compare the values obtained before treatment with those obtained in the following days. In this study it was found that the animals restored normal seminal parameter after the insulation effects, however, the return rate differed slightly among the studied breeds. The crossbred animals restored the seminal patterns, on average, a week before Santa Inês. It is concluded that the racial crossing influences the semen parameters of rams submitted to heat stress.
Keywords: motility, scrotal insulation, sperm concentration, sperm quality
Extrato etanólico das folhas de Raphanus sativus L. var. oleifera Metzg (nabo forrageiro): efeitos anti-hiperglicêmico, antidislipidêmico e antioxidante em ratos com Diabetes Mellitus tipo 1
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Previous issue date: 5Universidade José do Rosário Vellano. Faculdade de Medicina. Alfenas, MG, Brasil.Universidade José do Rosário Vellano. Faculdade de Medicina. Alfenas, MG, Brasil.Universidade José do Rosário Vellano. Faculdade de Medicina. Alfenas, MG, Brasil.Universidade Federal de Alfenas. Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas. Alfenas, MG, Brasil.Universidade José do Rosário Vellano. Faculdade de Biomedicina. Alfenas, MG, Brasil.Universidade Federal de Alfenas. Instituto de Química. Laboratório de Ressonância Magnética. Alfenas, MG, Brasil.Universidade José do Rosário Vellano. Faculdade de Medicina. Alfenas, MG, Brasil / Universidade Federal de Alfenas. Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas. Departamento de Bioquímica. Alfenas, MG, Brasil.Universidade José do Rosário Vellano. Faculdade de Medicina. Alfenas, MG, Brasil.Diabetes Mellitus (DM) ainda representa um sério problema de saúde pública, carente de novas alternativas terapêuticas. Plantas estão entre as possíveis fontes de novos compostos com ação anti-hiperglicêmica ou servindo como fitoterápicos. Neste estudo, avaliou-se o efeito anti-hiperglicêmico do extrato etanólico das folhas de Raphanus sativus (nabo forrageiro) administrado por gavagem (dose oral de 300 mg/kg/dia) em ratos Wistar com DM tipo 1 induzido por aloxana, durante 90 dias. A efetividade deste tratamento em prevenir danos oxidativos hepáticos (avaliação de oxidação proteica), e ação sobre outros biomarcadores das funções hepática, renal e do perfil lipídico também foram avaliados. Após três meses de tratamento, os ratos diabéticos tratados com R. sativus tiveram uma marcante diminuição na glicemia de jejum, comparados aos ratos diabéticos não tratados (p < 0,05). Além disso, este tratamento preveniu tanto a oxidação proteica no fígado como o aumento dos níveis de triglicérides sérico (p < 0,05). Portanto, demonstrou-se um marcante efeito anti-hiperglicêmico de R. sativus (a uma baixa dose) e as extensivas ações em prevenir típicas complicações do DM, tais como os danos oxidativos e dislipidemia, demonstrando que esta planta apresenta um potencial terapêutico.Diabetes mellitus (DM) is still a serious public health problem, lacking new therapeutic alternatives. Plants are among the possible sources of new compounds with ant hyperglycemic activity or they serve as herbal medicines. In this study, we evaluated the ant hyperglycemic effect of the ethanolic extract from the leaves of Raphanus sativus ("nabo forrageiro"), administered by gavage (at an oral dose of 300 mg/kg/day for 90 days) to Wistar rats with alloxan-induced type 1 DM. The effectiveness of this treatment in preventing hepatic oxidative damage (evaluation of protein oxidation), as well as its action on biomarkers of hepatic and renal functions, and lipid profile, were also evaluated. Ninety days after treatments, R. sativus-treated diabetic rats had an outstanding decrease in fasting glycemia, compared to untreated diabetic rats (p < 0.05). Moreover, this treatment prevented both protein oxidation in the liver and an increase in serum triglyceride levels (p < 0.05). Therefore, we demonstrated a marked ant hyperglycemic effect of R. sativus (at a low dose) and its extensive actions in preventing typical DM complications, such as oxidative damage and dyslipidemia, demonstrating that this plant presents a therapeutic potential
NEOTROPICAL ALIEN MAMMALS: a data set of occurrence and abundance of alien mammals in the Neotropics
Biological invasion is one of the main threats to native biodiversity. For a species to become invasive, it must be voluntarily or involuntarily introduced by humans into a nonnative habitat. Mammals were among first taxa to be introduced worldwide for game, meat, and labor, yet the number of species introduced in the Neotropics remains unknown. In this data set, we make available occurrence and abundance data on mammal species that (1) transposed a geographical barrier and (2) were voluntarily or involuntarily introduced by humans into the Neotropics. Our data set is composed of 73,738 historical and current georeferenced records on alien mammal species of which around 96% correspond to occurrence data on 77 species belonging to eight orders and 26 families. Data cover 26 continental countries in the Neotropics, ranging from Mexico and its frontier regions (southern Florida and coastal-central Florida in the southeast United States) to Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, and Uruguay, and the 13 countries of Caribbean islands. Our data set also includes neotropical species (e.g., Callithrix sp., Myocastor coypus, Nasua nasua) considered alien in particular areas of Neotropics. The most numerous species in terms of records are from Bos sp. (n = 37,782), Sus scrofa (n = 6,730), and Canis familiaris (n = 10,084); 17 species were represented by only one record (e.g., Syncerus caffer, Cervus timorensis, Cervus unicolor, Canis latrans). Primates have the highest number of species in the data set (n = 20 species), partly because of uncertainties regarding taxonomic identification of the genera Callithrix, which includes the species Callithrix aurita, Callithrix flaviceps, Callithrix geoffroyi, Callithrix jacchus, Callithrix kuhlii, Callithrix penicillata, and their hybrids. This unique data set will be a valuable source of information on invasion risk assessments, biodiversity redistribution and conservation-related research. There are no copyright restrictions. Please cite this data paper when using the data in publications. We also request that researchers and teachers inform us on how they are using the data