3,916 research outputs found

    Thermal entanglement witness for materials with variable local spin lengths

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    We show that the thermal entanglement in a spin system using only magnetic susceptibility measurements is restricted to the insulator materials. We develop a generalization of the thermal entanglement witness that allows us to get information about the system entanglement with variable local spin lengths that can be used experimentally in conductor or insulator materials. As an application, we study thermal entanglement for the half-filled Hubbard model for linear, square and cubic clusters. We note that it is the itinerancy of electrons that favors the entanglement. Our results suggest a weak dependence between entanglement and external spin freedom degrees.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Pollution Potential of Natural Sulphurous Groundwater from the Use of Geosynthetics in Underground Works Near Mineral Water Abstractions for Medical Spas

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    Geosynthetics are used in underground works, namely geotextiles for drainage and geomembranes for waterproofing. Because some groundwaters are aggressive to the materials they contact, as is the case of the sulphurous waters used in medical spas, the question arose as to whether those materials might be degraded and, in the process, contaminate the natural groundwaters. The appearance of unusual chemical elements in the waters of the medical spa is enough to be considered contaminated and therefore leads to the closure of those establishments. Once the question was raised, an experimental plan was developed to acquire some knowledge about the situation. Thus, in this chapter, after an introduction on the importance of the subject, and a brief survey on the state of the art, the geosynthetic materials studied are presented in detail, as well as the chemical composition of virgin groundwater involved in the process. The methodology implemented is presented, and the results are shown and discussed. Finally, the main conclusions on the evolution of the physical and mechanical parameters of the geosynthetics over time (8 months of study) are presented, with special focus on the chemical changes in groundwater quality when geosynthetic materials are used in contact with them

    Recent Progress in Stimuli-Responsive Antimicrobial Electrospun Nanofibers

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    Electrospun nanofibrous membranes have garnered significant attention in antimicrobial applications, owing to their intricate three-dimensional network that confers an interconnected porous structure, high specific surface area, and tunable physicochemical properties, as well as their notable capacity for loading and sustained release of antimicrobial agents. Tailoring polymer or hybrid-based nanofibrous membranes with stimuli-responsive characteristics further enhances their versatility, enabling them to exhibit broad-spectrum or specific activity against diverse microorganisms. In this review, we elucidate the pivotal advancements achieved in the realm of stimuli-responsive antimicrobial electrospun nanofibers operating by light, temperature, pH, humidity, and electric field, among others. We provide a concise introduction to the strategies employed to design smart electrospun nanofibers with antimicrobial properties. The core section of our review spotlights recent progress in electrospun nanofiber-based systems triggered by single- and multi-stimuli. Within each stimulus category, we explore recent examples of nanofibers based on different polymers and antimicrobial agents. Finally, we delve into the constraints and future directions of stimuli-responsive nanofibrous materials, paving the way for their wider application spectrum and catalyzing progress toward industrial utilization

    Assincronismo atrioventricular em portador de marcapasso dupla câmara normofuncionante. (Síndrome do marcapasso à esquerda). Apresentaçao de caso*

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    Os autores apresentam um caso de assincronismo atrioventricular à esquerda, causado por importante distúrbio da conduçao interatrial, com manifestaçoes tanto de insuficiência cardíaca esquerda como de arritmias atriais, em paciente portador de marcapasso dupla câmara normofuncionante, implantado para o tratamento de grave disfunçao sinusal, em síndrome braditaqui. Antes da adeqüaçao do delay AV, orientada pela observaçao do atriograma esofágico, a ativaçao atrial esquerda se fazia simultaneamente à ativaçao ventricular, mesmo quando o delay AV se encontrava programado em 200 ms. Programando-se o delay AV para 240 ms observouse que o potencial atrial esquerdo se inscrevia precocemente em relaçao ao potencial ventricular, restabelecendose desta maneira o sincronismo AV nas câmaras esquerdas. Após essa programaçao, o paciente que persistia com queixas de cansaço fácil e palpitaçoes tornou-se absolutamente assintomático, nao mais apresentando arritmias atriais do tipo fibrilaçao e/ou flutter que antes eram freqüentes

    Taquicardia de complexos QRS alargados com manifestações eletrocardiográficas atípicas elucidada através de cardio-exploração transesofágica - Relato de caso

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    Taquicardia de compLexos QRS aLargados (com morfoLogia de bLoqueio do ramo esquerdo) foi desencadeada durante Cardioexploração Eletrofisiológica Transesofágica. 0 E. C. G. de 12 derivações demonstrou duração dos complexos superior a 140 ms., desvio do eixo elétrico para esquerda no plano frontal e sugestivos batimentos de jusão, caracteristicas que na ausência previa de pré-excitação anter6grada ou bloqueio de ramo, sugeriram uma origem ventricular da taquiarritmia. Obteve-se reversão da mesma mediante aplicação de manobras vagais e reprodução por estimulação atrial programada. Numa etapa posterior, foi induzida taquicardia de complexos QRS estreitos, onde os impulsos iniciais apresentavam morfologia aberrante, identica ao padrao observado anteriormente. Tais achados conduziram ao diagnóstico de taquicardia supra-ventricular com condução aberrante. A observação de encurtamento do ciclo da mesma ap6s estreitamento dos complexos QRS, permitiu pressupor a presença de uma via acessória esquerda oculta envolvida na sua origem. A analise isolada de critérios eletrocardiográficos no caso em questão, poderia ter conduzido a erro diagnóstico. Uma avaliação detalhada, atraves de cardioexploração transesofagica (CETE) e manipulação autonômica possibilitou a diferenciação, assim como estabelecer 0 mecanismo preciso da taquicardia

    A quadruplex qPCR for detection and differentiation of classic and natural recombinant Myxoma Virus Strains of leporids

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    Research Areas: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology ; ChemistryA natural recombinant myxoma virus (referred to as ha-MYXV or MYXV-Tol08/18) emerged in the Iberian hare (Lepus granatensis) and the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in late 2018 and mid-2020, respectively. This new virus is genetically distinct from classic myxoma virus (MYXV) strains that caused myxomatosis in rabbits until then, by acquiring an additional 2.8 Kbp insert within the m009L gene that disrupted it into ORFs m009L-a and m009L-b. To distinguish ha-MYXV from classic MYXV strains, we developed a robust qPCR multiplex technique that combines the amplification of the m000.5L/R duplicated gene, conserved in all myxoma virus strains including ha-MYXV, with the amplification of two other genes targeted by the real-time PCR systems designed during this study, specific either for classic MYXV or ha-MYXV strains. The first system targets the boundaries between ORFs m009L-a and m009L-b, only contiguous in classic strains, while the second amplifies a fragment within gene m060L, only present in recombinant MYXV strains. All amplification reactions were validated and normalized by a fourth PCR system directed to a housekeeping gene (18S rRNA) conserved in eukaryotic organisms, including hares and rabbits. The multiplex PCR (mPCR) technique described here was optimized for Taqman® and Evagreen® systems allowing the detection of as few as nine copies of viral DNA in the sample with an efficiency > 93%. This real-time multiplex is the first fast method available for the differential diagnosis between classic and recombinant MYXV strains, also allowing the detection of co-infections. The system proves to be an essential and effective tool for monitoring the geographical spread of ha-MYXV in the hare and wild rabbit populations, supporting the management of both species in the field.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio