5,358 research outputs found

    Measuring the Contribution of Genetic Characteristics as an Indicator of Innovation: The Case of Corn in the USA, 1990-2009

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    Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) regimes for plant breeding are generally justified on the basis that they encourage innovation. Introduction of IPR regimes for plant varieties in the United States has led to increased concentration, but it is less clear whether IPRs have promoted useful innovation, as measured by productivity of available corn hybrids. There are difficulties in finding a satisfactory measure of innovation in plant breeding, and in this paper we propose a procedure. Results from the annual corn hybrid trials conducted by 11 US universities over the 20 years from 1990 to 2009, at 365 separate locations in the 11 states, have been collated. This set of unbalanced panel data for grain corn hybrid trials has been used in a fixed effects model to estimate a production function for corn and the contribution to yield of the genetic characteristics of the corn hybrids. The Hausman Taylor estimator is then used to separate out the contribution of GM traits. Because the data are experimental, the production function can be interpreted as representing the technological frontier. The cross section is made up of the corn hybrids that were submitted for trial over the period. The fixed or unobserved time invariant effects represent the part of production which can be attributed to the characteristics of a particular hybrid. This is taken to be the contribution of the "genetics" of each hybrid to yield, and the maximum fixed or unobserved effect in any one year can be considered to represent the "frontier" of genetic contribution to increased yield.hybrid seed corn, GM traits, varietal change, fixed effects, random effects, Crop Production/Industries, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, O33, O34,

    Risk premiums and GM traits

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    An argument in favor of the development of genetically modified (GM) hybrids is that their presence is considered to be risk decreasing. On this basis, insurance premiums for corn growers in the United States who plant approved hybrids have been reduced. In this study we investigate, using a large dataset of experimental data compiled from reports of results from experimental field trials of corn hybrids by the State Agricultural Extension Services of ten universities over 20 years, whether the presence in a corn hybrid of a GM trait, or a combination of these traits, is likely to increase or decrease risk. The effects of input use on production uncertainty can be quantified through the specification and estimation of heteroskedastic production functions that allow for the variance of yield to change with the level of inputs, and we follow this approach in this study. We also use the flexible moments approach of Antle (1983) to estimate skewness of yield. We estimate a production function for the whole sample, and for three ERS regions represented in the dataset. For each model we use the residuals of the mean function to estimate the marginal effect of each input on variance and skewness of yield. The results show that there is not a systematic relationship between the presence of GM traits and variance and skewness of yield, and the results are not entirely consistent between ERS regions.Production functions, yield, risk, skewness, corn, genetically modified traits, Crop Production/Industries, Risk and Uncertainty, C2, Q12, Q16,

    A Spatially Explicit Census Reveals Population Structure and Recruitment Patterns for a Narrowly Endemic Pine, Pinus torreyana

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    We conducted a census of the rare pine, Pinus torreyana ssp.  torreyana, in order to determine: a) what is the population size and is it stable, growing or declining; b) what is the spatial variation in population structure; c) what is the spatial patterning of trees in different life stages; and, d) what environmental factors are related to seedling recruitment?  Trees were classified into four stages classes: adult (160 cm tall with cones); sub-adult (160 cm without cones); saplings (30-160 cm), and seedlings (30 cm).  Stem diameter was measured for adults and sub-adults, and height for saplings and seedlings.  Stands were defined by spatial clustering of the tree map.  Univariate and bivariate point pattern analyses were used to explore spatial patterns for adult and juvenile trees and identify potential stand development processes such as density dependence, dispersal limitations, and patchy recruitment.  Logistic regression was used to analyze seedling establishment and survival in relation to environmental variables derived from digital maps.  We expected to find little or no recruitment based on earlier studies.  Instead, 5422 trees were mapped and measured, and tree size had “reverse J-shaped†distribution suggestive of a recruiting population.  However, population structure was variable among stands.  The predominant spatial pattern detected for adult and juvenile trees was clustering at lag distances 10 m.  Bivariate pattern analysis did not suggest repulsion between adult and juvenile size classes.  Seedlings tended to be found close to adults and on certain soil types.  Taken together, this suggests that the clustered patterns resulting from patchy recruitment and survival of juveniles persist over time.

    Effect of a direct-fed microbial (Eubios 1090) in the presence of antibiotics (Carbadox or CTC-Denagard) on post-weaning pig growth performance and immune response

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    A study was conducted to determine the effects of a probiotic (Eubios 1090), in the presence of two different antibiotics, on performance in nursery pigs. A total of 216 pigs were weaned at an average of 21 d, blocked by initial body weight (BW = 6.79 kg), and distributed into 32 pens of 6 to 7 pigs per pen in an offsite nursery facility. Pens were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 dietary treatments (8 pens per treatment) that were fed throughout post-weaning phase 1 (day (D) 0 to 10), phase 2 (D 10 to 20), and phase 3 (D 20 to 34). Dietary treatments were: 1) Carbadox without Eubios 1090; 2) Chlortetracycline + Tiamulin (CTC-Denagard) without Eubios 1090; 3) Carbadox + Eubios 1090; and 4) CTC-Denagard + Eubios 1090. There was no interaction observed between the two antibiotics and addition of the probiotic. There was a tendency for greater gain to feed ratio (G:F) in phase 2 when nursery pigs received Carbadox compared to CTC-Denagard (P = 0.08), and a tendency for greater average daily feed intake (ADFI) in the overall nursery period when pigs were fed CTCDenagard compared to Carbadox (P = 0.10). Pigs that received the non-Eubios 1090 diets had greater average daily gain (ADG), G:F, and body weight (BW) during phase 2 compared to pigs that received diets containing Eubios 1090 (P = 0.05). In phase 3, pigs receiving the Eubios 1090 diet had increased ADG and G:F (P = 0.05). Between the Carbadox diet and the CTC-Denagard diet, the diet containing CTC-Denagard increased ADFI throughout the 3 phases. In summary, probiotic supplementation demonstrated negative effects in phase 2 and positive effects to growth performance in nursery pigs during the latter part of early post-weaning (phase 3)

    Molecular Dissociation in Presence of a Catalyst II: The bond breaking role of the transition from virtual to localized states

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    We address a molecular dissociation mechanism that is known to occur when a H 2 molecule approaches a catalyst with its molecular axis parallel to the surface. It is found that molecular dissociation is a form of quantum dynamical phase transition associated to an ana- lytic discontinuity of quite unusual nature: the molecule is destabilized by the transition from non-physical virtual states into actual local- ized states. Current description complements our recent results for a molecule approaching the catalyst with its molecular axis perpendicu- lar to the surface. Also, such a description can be seen as a further successful implementation of a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian in a well defined model

    El acoso laboral: un análisis sobre su procedimiento a la luz de la Constitución Política

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    Artículo de investigaciónEl acoso laboral en Colombia, en el marco de desarrollo de las relaciones de derecho del trabajo la salud y seguridad social, es toda conducta persistente y demostrable, ejercida sobre un empleado, trabajador por parte de un empleador, un jefe o superior jerárquico inmediato o mediato, un compañero de trabajo o un subalterno, encaminada a infundir miedo, intimidación, terror o angustia a causar perjuicio laboral, general desmotivación en el trabajo, o inducir la renuncia en el mismo.29 p.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. EL ACOSO LABORAL 2. MARCO TEORICO 3. EL ACOSO LABORAL Y OTRAS CONDUCTAS 4. LA ACCION EN EL COMITÉ DE CONVIVENCIA LABORAL CONCLUSIONES REFERENCIASPregradoAbogad


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    This work investigates the increased share of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the Brazilian food industry. In addition to conferring on Brazil the important role of attracting FDI to Mercosur (the Southern Common Market), this flow of investment has caused importance changes in the Brazilian industrial organization. Increases in competition, new strategies and changes in the number of employees in the industry are a few of the more remarkable results. The main objective of this work is to investigate the reasons of entry, encountered mainly in the characteristics of the Brazilian market, and the impacts on the local industry, and to signal the long-run effects of these recent changes.Agribusiness, International Relations/Trade,

    Da responsabilidade ética do responder para que serve a escola

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    Fomos instadas a essa discussão pela “perseguição” sofrida pela escola no momento de pandemia de Covid-19, perseguição esta à qual é nosso dever ético-político responder. Trata-se de um ensaio que pretende problematizar o servir da escola – que parece lhe conferir sentidos –, defendendo que tais sentidos só aparecem na relação com o outro que os constitui e que perturba, também, nossa própria subjetivação. A escola, como nome, só existe porque integra o todo vivido da experiência com o mundo e conosco e, portanto, não pode ser definida a priori ou por um servir. Na construção do texto fomos assombradas por conversas detonadas pela interpelação “para que serve a escola?”, vinda de professores e agentes administrativos da rede municipal de Educação da cidade de Niterói, Rio de Janeiro. Do ponto de vista teórico, dialogamos principalmente com Judith Butler, Janet Miller e Gert Biesta, para defender que uma teoria pedagógica responsável ou responsiva precisa fazer qualquer ideal de escola vir acompanhado de sua desconstruçã

    Ways of Life: the search for an understanding in the transformation of rurality

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    O presente artigo objetivou, por meio das memórias de trabalhadores de casas de farinha apontar as transformações ocorridas no modo de viver há uma década no bairro rural de Campinhos em Vitória da Conquista (BA). Embasados no materialismo histórico, as categorias modo de vida, memória e trabalho foram articuladas e teoricamente com Marx e Engels (2007); Agamben (2007); Thompson (1981), Harvey (2016) revistou transformações na dinâmica da ruralidade. Findada a discussão, a aproximação da “cidade” com o modo de vida rural, pela interpenetração do capital, trouxe novos contornos ao modo de viver da população, pois a força de trabalho foi sendo cooptada e os trabalhadores apartados dos seus meios de produção, tornando-os estranhos no seu lugar de vida e trabalho.    Este artículo tuvo como objetivo, a través de la memoria de los trabajadores de los molinos harineros, señalar las transformaciones ocurridas en la forma de vivir hace una década en el barrio rural de Campinhos en Vitória da Conquista (BA). A partir del materialismo histórico, las categorías modo de vida, memoria y trabajo se articularon y teóricamente con Marx y Engels (2007); Agamben (2007); Thompson (1981), Harvey (2016) revisaron los cambios en la dinámica de la ruralidad. Terminada la discusión, la aproximación de la “ciudad” con el modo de vida rural, a través de la interpenetración del capital, trajo nuevos contornos al modo de vida de la población, ya que la fuerza de trabajo fue cooptada y los trabajadores fueron separados de sus medios de producción, haciéndolos extraños en su lugar de vida y trabajo.  This article aimed, through the memories of flour mill workers, to point out the transformations that occurred in the way of living a decade ago in the rural neighborhood of Campinhos in Vitória da Conquista (BA). Based on historical materialism, the categories way of life, memory and work were articulated and theoretically with Marx and Engels (2007); Agamben (2007); Thompson (1981), Harvey (2016) reviewed changes in the dynamics of rurality. After the discussion was over, the approximation of the “city” with the rural way of life, through the interpenetration of capital, brought new contours to the population's way of life, as the workforce was being co-opted and workers were separated from their means of production, making them strangers in their place of life and work