3 research outputs found

    Monitoramento por satélite dos fluxos sedimentares na bacia do rio Purus, Amazônia, Brasil

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    The Purus river one of the major tributaries of Solimões river,stretchs over almost 3700 km,extends across twenty one municipalities, thirteen in Acre state and eight in Amazonas state. This river drains an area of almost 376000 km2 ,73% in Amazonas state ,21% in Acre state ,5,5% in Peru and 0,5%in Bolivia.Its sources are in Peru 500 meters high and flows into Solimões 200 km above Manaus. With others tributaries of Solimõess right bank , it drains the Fitzcarraldo Arc which represents the most inner deformation due to the contact of Nazca and Southamerican plates in South Americas western coast. The dynamics of formation and erosion of this basin is not well studied yet if compared with neighboring basins of Ucayali and Madeira rivers.The Purus basin has few humam occupation and impacts are related to agriculture and forest exploitation .The forest exploitation is increasing as an example Labrea is a municipalitie considered one of most impacted with forest devastation in Amazon. For monitoring sediments in a river basin one mesure discharge and collect sediment samples in hydrometric stations. This monitoring has to be executed in a regular time interval in order to mesure the variations of sediment and geochemical elements laid down during the hydrological cycle specially between low and high waters.The precision and relevance of hydrological monitoring are related to the number of parameters and the amount of data acquired. The concentration of each element multiplied by water discharge gives the elements flux.These fluxs data can be used for evaluating the increase or decrease of each element between stations or material exportation rates. The absence of a systematic plan for acquisition of sediment data in Amazon basin is to due to enormous dificulties in logistics in consequence high cost of operation. The possibility of determining the elements sources, means of transportation and rates of exportation in a river basin is crucial for its management plans and environmental preservation. In the eigthies and nineties the first studies in the wordl(Mertes et al. 1993) and in Brazil(Novo et al.1989) demonstrated the possibility of using satellite imagery for comparing water colors and sediment concentration. Recently , Martinez(2009) using MODIS sensors showed that is possible to monitor Amazon rivers sediment concentration and realize the balance between sediment discharge and time series of many years.The sensors data allow a precise monitoring in terms of spatial and temporal resolution(two imges per day at any point into the basin).The waters optical properties are strongly influenced by the sediments(type and chemical contents). Its also important to investigate and qualify the relationship between reflectance mesured by satellite and water sediments in Purus river basin wich is geomorphologically diverse compared to Solimões/Amazon river. The aim of this paper is to present some insigths over hydrological and sedimentological dynamics of Purus river.The satellites images from 2000( MODIS images avaiable)will be calibrated with radiometric data and sediments samples from Purus near Beruri.Pages: 5467-547