1,112 research outputs found

    Decay Constants and Semileptonic Form Factors of Pseudoscalar Mesons

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    A relativistic constituent quark model is adopted to give an unified description of the leptonic and semileptonic decays of pseudoscalar mesons (\pi, K, D, D_s, B, B_s). The calculated leptonic decay constants and form factors are found to be in good agreement with available experimental data and the results of other approaches. Eventually, the model is found to reproduce the scaling behaviours of spin-flavor symmetry in the heavy-quark limit.Comment: 5 pages LaTeX; based on talk given at the "QFTHEP '99 Workshop", Moscow, May 27- June 2, 199

    The semileptonic form factors of B and D mesons in the Quark Confinement Model

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    The form factors of the weak currents, which appear in the semileptonic decays of the heavy pseudoscalar mesons, are calculated within the quark confinement model by taking into account, for the first time, the structure of heavy meson vertex and the finite quark mass contribution in the heavy quark propagators. The results are in quite good agreement with the experimental data.Comment: 12 pages LaTeX (elsart.sty) + 3 figure

    Semileptonic and nonleptonic decays of Bc

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    Using our relativistic constituent quark model we present results on the exclusive nonleptonic and semileptonic decays of the Bc-meson. The nonleptonic decays are studied in the framework of the factorization approximation. We calculate the branching ratios for a large set of exclusive nonleptonic and semileptonic decays of the Bc-meson and compare our results with the results of other models.Comment: 4 pages, proceeding of the talk given by Pietro Santorelli at IFAE 2006, Pavia, 19-21 Aprile 200

    J/\psi dissociation cross sections in a relativistic quark model

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    We calculate the amplitudes and the cross sections of the charm dissociation processes J/\psi \pi => D \bar D, D* \bar D, D \bar D*, D* \bar D* within a relativistic constituent quark model. We consistently account for the contributions coming from both the box and triangle diagrams that contribute to the dissociation processes. The cross section is dominated by the D* \bar D and D* \bar D* channels. When summing up the four channels we find a maximum total cross section of about 2.3 mb at sqrt(s) \approx 4.1 GeV. We compare our results to the results of other model calculations.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, typos corrected, this version will appear on Phys. Rev.

    Semileptonic decays of Bc mesons into charmonium states in a relativistic quark model

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    We use the framework of a relativistic constituent quark model to study the semileptonic transitions of the Bc meson into CCbar charmonium states where CCbar = etaC (1S0), J/psi (3S1), chiC0 (3P0), chiC1 (3P1), hc (1P1), chiC2 (3P2), psi (3D2). We compute the q^2-dependence of all relevant form factors and give predictions for their semileptonic Bc decay modes including also their tau-modes. We derive a formula for the polar angle distribution of the charged lepton in the (l nu) c.m. frame and compute the partial helicity rates that multiply the angular factors in the decay distribution. For the discovery channel [B_c => J/psi (=> mu+ mu-) l nu] we compute the transverse/longitudinal composition of the J/psi which can be determined by an angular analysis of the decay J/psi => mu+ mu-. We compare our results with the results of other calculations.Comment: 16 pages RevTex, this version will appear in Physical Review

    Semileptonic and Rare BB-meson transitions in a QCD relativistic potential model

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    Using a QCD relativistic potential model, previously applied to the calculation of the heavy meson leptonic constants, we evaluate the form factors governing the exclusive decays BρνB\to\rho\ell\nu, BKγB\to K^*\gamma and BK+B\to K^*\ell^+\ell^-. In our approach the heavy meson is described as a QqˉQ\bar q bound state, whose wave function is solution of the relativistic Salpeter equation, with an instantaneous potential displaying Coulombic behaviour at small distances and linear behaviour at large distances. The light vector meson is described by using a vector current interpolating field, according to the Vector Meson Dominance assumption. A Pauli-Villars regularized propagator is assumed for the quarks not constituting the heavy meson. Our procedure allows to avoid the description of the light meson in terms of wave function and constituent quarks, and consequently the problem of boosting the light meson wave function. Assuming as an input the experimental results on BKγB\to K^*\gamma, we evaluate all the form factors describing the Bρ,KB\to \rho, K^* semileptonic and rare transitions. The overall comparison with the data, whenever available, is satisfactory.Comment: Latex, 19 pages, 3 figure

    Study of Bs+γB_s\to\ell^+\ell^-\gamma decays in covariant quark model

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    We study the rare radiative leptonic decays Bs+γB_s\to\ell^+\ell^-\gamma (=e,μ,τ\ell=e,\mu,\tau) within the Standard Model, considering both the structure-dependent amplitude and bremsstrahlung. In the framework of the covariant confined quark model developed by us, we calculate the form factors characterizing the BsγB_s\to\gamma transition in the full kinematical region of the dilepton momentum squared and discuss their behavior. We provide the analytic formula for the differential decay distribution and give predictions for the branching fractions in both cases: with and without long-distance contributions. Finally, we compare our results with those obtained in other approaches.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, 6 tables, more references and material added, a version to appear on PR

    The semileptonic decay Lambda_b -> Lambda_c + tau(-) + antinu_tau in the covariant confined quark model

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    Recently there has been much interest in the tauonic semileptonic meson decays B -> D + tau + nu_tau and B -> D* + tau + nu_tau where one has found larger rates than what is predicted by the Standard Model. We analyze the corresponding semileptonic baryon decays Lambda_b(0) -> Lambda_c(+) + tau(-) + antinu_tau with particular emphasis on the lepton helicity flip and scalar contributions which vanish for zero lepton masses. We calculate the total rate, differential decay distributions, the longitudinal and transverse polarization of the daughter baryon Lambda_c(+) and the tau-lepton, and the lepton-side forward-backward asymmetries. The nonvanishing polarization of the daughter baryon Lambda_c(+) leads to hadron-side asymmetries in e.g. the decay Lambda_c(+) -> Lambda(0) + pi(+) and azimuthal correlations between the two final state decay planes which we specify. We provide numerical results on these observables using results of the covariant confined quark model. We find large lepton mass effects in the q2-spectra and in the polarization observables.Comment: 26 page

    Four-quark structure of Zc(3900), Z(4430) and Xb(5568) states

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    We examine the four-quark structure of the recently discovered charged Zc(3900)Z_c(3900), Z(4430)Z(4430), and Xb(5568)X_b(5568) states. We calculate the widths of the strong decays Zc+J/ψπ+Z_c^+ \to J/\psi \pi^+ (ηcρ+\eta_c\rho^+, Dˉ0D+\bar D^0D^{\ast\,+}, Dˉ0D+\bar D^{\ast\,0}D^+), Z(4430)+J/ψπ+Z(4430)^+ \to J/\psi \pi^+ (ψ(2s)π+\psi(2s) \pi^+), and Xb+Bsπ+X^+_b\to B_s\pi^+ within a covariant quark model previously developed by us. We find that the tetraquark-type current widely used in the literature for the Zc(3900)Z_c(3900) leads to a significant suppression of the DˉD\bar D D^\ast and DˉD\bar D^\ast D modes. Contrary to this a molecular-type current provides an enhancement by a factor of 6-7 for the DˉD\bar D D^\ast modes compared with the Zc+J/ψπ+Z_c^+\to J/\psi\pi^+, ηcρ+\eta_c\rho^+ modes in agreement with recent experimental data from the BESIII Collaboration. In case of the Z(4430)Z(4430) state we test a sensitivity of the ratio RZR_Z of the Z(4430)+ψ(2s)π+Z(4430)^+ \to \psi(2s) \pi^+ and Z(4430)+J/ψπ+Z(4430)^+ \to J/\psi \pi^+ decay rates to a choice of the size parameter ΛZ(4430)\Lambda_{Z(4430)} of the Z(4430)Z(4430). Using upper constraint for the sum of these two modes deduced from the LHCb Collaboration data we find that RZR_Z varies from 4.64 to 4.08 when ΛZ(4430)\Lambda_{Z(4430)} changes from 2.2 to 3.2 GeV. Also we make the prediction for the Z(4430)+D+Dˉ0Z(4430)^+ \to D^{\ast\,+} \bar D^{\ast\,0} decay rate.Comment: 14 page

    Physical observables in the decay ΛbΛc(Λ+π)+τ+νˉτ\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c (\to \Lambda+\pi)+\tau^{-}+\bar \nu_{\tau}

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    We analyze the tauonic semileptonic baryon decays Λb0Λc++τ+νˉτ\Lambda^0_b \to \Lambda^+_c + \tau^{-} +\bar \nu_{\tau} with particular emphasis on the lepton helicity flip contributions which vanish for zero lepton masses. We calculate the total rate, differential decay distributions, the longitudinal and transverse polarization components of the Λc+\Lambda^+_c and the τ\tau^-, and the lepton-side forward-backward asymmetries. We use the covariant confined quark model to provide numerical results on these observables.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. Talk given by Nurgul Habyl at the 9th joint International HADRON STRUCTURE'15 Conference, GRAND HOTEL BELLEVUE, Horny Smokovec, Slovak Republic, 29 June - 3 July, 201