11 research outputs found

    Path Quality Estimator for 802.15.4e TSCH Fast Deployment Tool

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    [EN] This paper introduces a novel quality estimator that uses different metrics to decide the best path towards the root in Wireless Sensor Networks. The different metrics are assessed at medium access control layer (MAC), under the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, and are used at network layer, enhancing the best path selection process done by the routing protocol, and at the application layer, enabling visual quality indicators in the nodes. This quality function is used during deployment stage; ensuring nodes are located optimally and nimbly. This mechanism will help WSN¿s adoption in Industrial Internet of Things applications.This work is supported by IVACE (Insituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial) through FEDER funding (exp. IMDEEA/2017/103).Vera-Pérez, J.; Todoli Ferrandis, D.; Santonja Climent, S.; Silvestre-Blanes, J.; Sempere Paya, VM. (2018). Path Quality Estimator for 802.15.4e TSCH Fast Deployment Tool. Telfor Journal (Online). 10(1):2-7. https://doi.org/10.5937/telfor1801002VS27101O. Gaddour, A. Koubâa, S. Chaudhry, M. Tezeghdanti, R. Chaari and M. Abid, 'Simulation and Performance Evaluation of DAG Construction with RPL,' in IEEE Third International Conference on Communications and Networking (ComNet), pp. 1-8, 2012.;IETF, 'RFC 6552 - Objective Function Zero for the Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL),' 2012.;IETF, 'RFC 6719 - The Minimum Rank with Hysteresis Objective Function,' 2012.;N. Pradeska, Widyawan, W. Najib and S. S. Kusumawardani, 'Performance Analysis of Objective Function MRHOF and OF0 in Routing Protocol RPL IPv6 Over Low Power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPAN),' in 8th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2016.;P. O. Kamgueu, E. Nataf, T. D. Ndié and O. Festor, 'Energy-based routing metric for RPL,' Doctoral dissertation, INRIA, 2013.;H.-S. Kim, J. Paek and S. Bahk, 'QU-RPL: Queue utilization based RPL for load balancing in large scale industrial applications,' in 12th Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication and Networking (SECON), Seattle, WA, USA, 2015.;P. Gonizzi, R. Monica and G. Ferrari, 'Design and evaluation of a delay-efficient RPL routing metric,' in 9th International Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), Sardinia, Italy, 2013.;IETF, 'RFC 6551 - Routing Metrics Used for Path Calculation in Low-Power and Lossy Networks,' 2012.;N. Baccour, A. Koubâa, L. Mottola, M. A. Zúñiga, H. Youssef, C. A. Boano and M. Alves, 'Radio link quality estimation in wireless sensor networks: A survey,' ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN), vol. 8 (4), 2012.;P. Karkazis, H. C. Leligou, L. Sarakis, T. Zahariadis, P. Trakadas, T. H. Velivassaki and C. Capsalis, 'Design of primary and composite routing metrics for RPL-compliant Wireless Sensor Networks,' in International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia (TEMU), Chania, Greece, 2012.;N. Baccour, A. Koubâa, H. Youssef, M. B. Jamâa, D. d. Rosário, M. Alves and L. B. Becker, 'F-LQE: A Fuzzy Link Quality Estimator for Wireless Sensor Networks,' in European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN), Coimbra, Portugal, 2010.;S. Rekik, N. Baccour, M. Jmaiel and K. Drira, 'Holistic link quality estimation-based routing metric for RPL networks in smart grids,' in IEEE 27th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Valencia, Spain, 2016.;O. Gaddour, A. Koubaa, N. Baccour and M. Abid, 'OF-FL: QoSaware fuzzy logic objective function for the RPL routing protocol,' in 12th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), Hammamet, Tunisia, 2014.;IETF, 'RFC 8180 - Minimal IPv6 over TSCH Mode of IEEE 802.15.4e (6TiSCH) Configuration,' 2017.;M. G. Amor, A. Koubâa, E. Tovar and M. Khalgui, 'Cyber-OF: An Adaptative Cyber-Physical Objective Function for Smart Cities Applications,' in 28th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS), Toulouse, France, 2016.;J. Vera-Pérez, D. Todolí-Ferrandis, J. Silvestre-Blanes, S. SantonjaCliment and V. Sempere-Paya, 'Path quality estimator for wireless sensor networks fast deployment tool,' 2017 25th Telecommunication Forum (TELFOR), Belgrade, 2017, pp. 1-4.

    A Joining Procedure and Synchronization for TSCH-RPL Wireless Sensor Networks

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    [EN] Wireless Sensor Networks have become a key enabler for Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) applications; however, to adapt to the derived robust communication requirements, deterministic and scheduled medium access should be used, along with other features, such as channel hopping and frequency diversity. Implementing these mechanisms requires a correct synchronization of all devices in the network, a stage in deployment that can lead to non-operational networks. The present article presents an analysis of such situations and possible solutions, including the common current approaches and recommendations, and proposes a new beacon advertising method based on a specific Trickle Timer for the Medium Access Control (MAC) Time-Slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH) layer, decoupling from the timers in the network and routing layers. With this solution, improvements in connection success, time to join, and energy consumption can be obtained for the widely extended IEEE802.15.4e standard.This work has been supported by the SCOTT Project (Secure Connected Trustable Things), (www.scottproject.eu), which has received funding from the Electronic Component Systems for European Leadership Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 737422. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, and from Austria, Spain, Finland, Ireland, Sweden, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Netherlands, Belgium, and Norway.Vera-Pérez, J.; Todoli Ferrandis, D.; Santonja Climent, S.; Silvestre-Blanes, J.; Sempere Paya, VM. (2018). A Joining Procedure and Synchronization for TSCH-RPL Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors. 18(10). https://doi.org/10.3390/s18103556S181

    Deploy&Forget Wireless Sensor Networks for itinerant applications

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    [EN] Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is a disruptive paradigm which will bring new ways of monitoring, control and management for Industry 4.0 and Smart Cities. It relies on smart and connected sensors enabled by a new generation of communication technologies such as Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). Although various solutions are becoming available, the reality is most of the end users of these systems won't be communications experts, so the complexity and deployment difficulties are strong barriers for adopting this technology. This article briefly summarizes the state of art of current industrial wireless sensor networks technology, and presents the concept of Deploy&Forget network: a solution to enable the rapid deployment of WSN by assisting users onsite, reducing time and complexity of deployment, and includes a designed protocol stack to ensure unattended and long lasting operation. This technology emerges as an evolution of previous WSN works where these problems where clearly identified, and has been deployed and validated in water management tasks for Valencia, energy measurement in offices, and contextual monitoring for "Zero-Defect Manufacturing" for Industry 4.0. (c) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.This work is supported by the Spanish Government MEC Project TIN2013-47272-C2-1-R, the regional Generalitat Valenciana's grants for research groups (AICO/2015/121), and by the IVACE (Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial) through FEDER funding (exp. IMDEEA/2017/103).Todoli Ferrandis, D.; Silvestre-Blanes, J.; Santonja Climent, S.; Sempere Paya, VM.; Vera-Pérez, J. (2018). Deploy&Forget Wireless Sensor Networks for itinerant applications. Computer Standards & Interfaces. 56:27-40. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csi.2017.09.002S27405

    Integrated sensor and management system for urban waste water networks and prevention of critical situations

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    [EN] This work describes the design and implementation of improvements to the monitoring system of an urban waste water network, resulting in more efficient management of the system. To achieve this objective, the latest communications technology has been incorporated into heterogeneous networks and sensor systems. This technology includes mobile systems, which take measurements and transmit images in real time, an intelligent platform for processing and management of variables, and the implementation of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) designed with specific protocols and tools that allow the rapid deployment of the network and allow measurements to be taken in emergency situations. The sensors in this type of installation are extremely important for the management of the system as they allow us to collect information and make decisions with sufficient time to deal effectively with critical situations such as flooding or overloading of the waste water system, or environmental problems such as dumping of possible pollutants, as well as to make the best use of the water cycle. The solution presented here automates large portions of the processes, minimizing the possibility of human error, and increasing the frequency and accuracy of the measurements taken, ensuring a robust communication system covering all the elements involved to provide ubiquity of information, and finally gives an application layer to manage the system and receive alerts. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.This work was supported by the MCyT (Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology) under the projects PET2007-0316 and TIN2010-21378-C02-02, which are partially funded by ERDF (European Regional Development Fund).Sempere Paya, VM.; Santonja Climent, S. (2012). Integrated sensor and management system for urban waste water networks and prevention of critical situations. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 36(1):65-80. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2011.07.001S658036

    Energy Management System para Consum Coop

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    Desarrollo de una plataforma de monitorización energética para la red de 400 centros de la empresa Consum Coop. El proyecto incluye el módulo de gestión de hardware, que captura telemáticamente las lecturas de los medidores energéticos mediante 4 protocolos de comunicaciones (IEC 60870.5.102-REE, Modbus-RTU, Modbus-TCP y servicios web de Circutor); una plataforma web como interfaz de usuario, en la que visualizar sobre un SCADA el funcionamiento de dispositivos, sobre un mapa la previsión de las tiendas, navegación por históricos mediante gráficas y gestión de la plataforma; y un módulo de generación automática de informes energéticos.Santonja Climent, S. (2014). Energy Management System para Consum Coop. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/45949.Archivo delegad

    Análisis y evaluación de AODV en un entorno experimental. Aplicación con servicios Real-Time

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    El objetivo principal de este proyecto es conocer el funcionamiento y rendimiento de un protocolo de encaminamiento en redes AD-HOC: el protocolo AODV, y analizar la viabilidad de su aplicación en tareas de tiempo real. Hay numerosos estudios teóricos y simulaciones por ordenador realizados por universidades de todo el mundo que se han interesado por esta temática y han exprimido los protocolos al máximo para obtener sus características y tiempos de reacción. Partiendo de estos estudios, este proyecto pretende hacer un estudio EXPERIMENTAL mediante una serie de pruebas en laboratorio, gracias a la constitución de una cuidada mesa de pruebas, donde se realizarán mediciones reales del funcionamiento del protocolo en escenarios y situaciones reales. Por lo tanto, las pruebas se verán afectadas por parámetros difícilmente controlables en las simulaciones por ordenador, como es el ruido en el medio, la climatología o la distancia real entre nodos. Finalmente, se probará y evaluará el funcionamiento de este protocolo para tareas críticas, como es una aplicación de tiempo real. Se analizarán los parámetros que influyen en la viabilidad de este tipo de aplicaciones y, en caso de ser necesario, soluciones o mejoras que se plantean para una mejora del protocolo. El estudio del proyecto se dividirá, pues, en las siguientes fases: Etapa 1: Elección de un protocolo de encaminamiento Etapa 2: Estudio y comprensión del protocolo Etapa 3: Evaluación del protocolo en topologías de un solo camino, analizando el tiempo de búsqueda de ruta, tiempo de eliminación de ruta, mantenimiento de la ruta, etc... Etapa 4: Evaluación del protocolo en topologías multicamino, forzando la caída de nodos para desencadenar nuevas búsquedas y analizando los retardos y tiempos de resolución. Etapa 5: Problemas encontrados, explicación de sus posibles soluciones y en caso de ser posible, modificación de las mismas en el protocolo original. Etapa 6: Pruebas con una aplicación de tiempo real: Video - StreammingSantonja Climent, S. (2009). Análisis y evaluación de AODV en un entorno experimental. Aplicación con servicios Real-Time. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/36882.Archivo delegad

    Low temperature phonon-drag thermolelectric power calculations in GaAs/GaAlAs heterojunctions and Si MOSFETs

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:D90765 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    The demands of small heat meters

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    Translated from German (Fernwaerme Int. 1986 v. 15(5) p. 328-335)Available from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:9022.0481(BG-MRS-Trans--15183)T / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreSIGLEGBUnited Kingdo