20 research outputs found

    Digital making in educational projects

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    Digital Making as an Educational Project is an innovative educational experience that has been carried out with students of the Primary Education and Social Education degrees for three consecutive years. The experience introduces digital making as an activity in which students create an object using digital technology. In the process, they not only gain an insight into how the technology works, but also learn the content and competences of the curriculum. This innovative teaching practice was carried out as action research in order to improve traditional higher education practices. In this sense, the proposal puts the student at the centre of the process as the author and protagonist of their own learning process. The experience is based on their own interests: they decide what to make based on a given context. The students work in groups and look for what they need to learn to overcome a particular challenge, while the teacher supports the process as a facilitator, offering guidance and resources when necessary. The evaluation of the whole process is regulated via a group diary (a shared online document) and an individual diary (a blog) that the students produce. The final evaluation is not only of the printed product; the students also produce a video in the form of storytelling, in which they explain how the process evolved from the initial idea to the final impression of the object. They also reflect on what they have learned, how teamwork has worked and what possibilities they believe digital making offers in the primary and non-formal educational contexts in which they will work. All of the processes are compiled in the students' blogs, as well as in the teachers' field notebooks. The experience was executed in collaboration with the Digital Fabrication Centres of Barcelona. The results were organised to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of using technologies to improve higher education offering an approach in which students are at the centre of the whole process. Strengths: strong student motivation, promotion of self-directed and collaborative learning and learning by doing, and familiarisation with a transforming integration of technology as protagonists. Weaknesses: hesitance and resistance to facing the challenge, management of scarce time, large time investment by the teachers, and the difficulty of achieving in-depth reflection on how digital fabrication could be introduced in educational contexts such as primary school and non-formal contexts

    Les TIC com a instruments de suport dels docents universitaris en el marc de la implantació dels crèdits ECTS

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    En aquest document es presenten els resultats de diversos seminaris que s'han realitzat al llarg del curs 2005-2006 a la Facultat d'Educació amb un doble objectiu: a.- En el marc dels canvis de metodologies docents que comporta la implantació dels crèdits ECTS, identificar les aportacions que poden fer les TIC a les activitats d'ensenyament i aprenentatge que realitzen els professors i estudiants universitaris. b.- Identificar quines són les claus que asseguren l'èxit en la integració de les TIC a les Facultats Universitàries; èxit que consisteix en què professorat i alumnat les utilitzin de manera eficaç i amb eficiència en les seves tasques habituals. I per això calen determinats recursos i formació, a més d'una clara motivació

    La construcció conjunta d'una guia per a la implementació de la carpeta d'aprenentatge en l'àmbit de l'educació superior

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    Els autors d'aquesta comunicació formen part del grup GI-CAES 1(Carpetes d'Aprenentatge en l'Educació Superior) emmarcat en l'IDES des de l'any 2004. En l'actualitat el configuren 14 professors i professores de 7 departaments diferents i una professora d'una Escola Normal de Mèxic. Aquest grup s'estructura com una plataforma de recerca sobre les innovacions docents que pot generar la incorporació de les carpetes d'aprenentatge en els processos d'ensenyament /aprenentatge a la formació universitària. Alhora, es promou la difusió dins i fora de la UAB de les experiències, que en el marc del grup, es van generalitzant d'una manera estable. Aquest àmbit d'innovació repensa la metodologia docent i l'avaluació dels aprenentatges a través de la gradual incorporació de les carpetes d'aprenentatge en la formació dels estudiants. Això suposa prendre decisions sobre el què, el com, el quan i el amb què, de l'ús de les CAES. El treball d'actualització permanent permet explorar tant els aspectes teòrics com els operatius del professorat participant i així poder implementar experiències pràctiques a les aules i aportar elements per a la reflexió/revisió d'altres docents.The authors of this communication are members of the GI-CAES (Learning Portfolios in Higher Education) group within IDES (Teaching Innovation Unit in Higher Education) framework since 2004. Nowadays, in GI-CAES there are 14 professors from 7 different departments in this University (UAB) besides from a teacher based in a Mexican school. Our group is structured as a research platform for teaching innovations, which can lead to the implementation of teaching/learning portfolios in University training. At the same time, we also promote (inside and outside UAB) all the experiencies carried out in the group, which appear to generalize steadily. This innovation context implies rethinking teaching methodologies and learning assessment through the continuous implementation of learning portfolios in students' training. This makes us take decisions on what, how, when and in which way should these portfolios be used. Our constant updating work allows us to explore both the theoretical aspects and the intervention of the teaching staff involved in the experimentation. Thus, implementing practical experiences in the classroom and bringing reflective/revising elements to other professors at University

    La inclusió és cosa de tothom : 10 idees pel professorat

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    Aquest decàleg és fruït del treball del grup d'interès d'inclusió de la Facultat de Ciències de l'Educació amb l'objectiu de compartir estratègies d'inclusió a les nostres aules universitàries. Aquest document parteix de la intenció de compartir algunes idees claus que hem trobat útils i valuoses per millorar el procés d'inclusió seguint marcs com els del DUA (Disseny Universal per l'Aprenentatge)

    Perspectiva escolar

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónSe presenta la mirada de una familia con un hijo con discapacidad. Desde su nacimiento hasta la entrada en la escuela. La escuela vista como una esperanza de poder "normalizar" y garantizar una educación integral con sus iguales. No se define el modelo de escuela que se quiere o que se dice ofrecer. Las familias piden una evaluación y una mejora considerando más la praxis y no tanto las ideas.Universitat de Barcelona. Biblioteca del Campus de Mundet ; Passeig de la Vall d'Hebron 171; 08035 Barcelona; Tel. +34934021035; Fax +34934021034ES

    Digital making in educational projects

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    Digital Making as an Educational Project is an innovative educational experience that has been carried out with students of the Primary Education and Social Education degrees for three consecutive years. The experience introduces digital making as an activity in which students create an object using digital technology. In the process, they not only gain an insight into how the technology works, but also learn the content and competences of the curriculum. This innovative teaching practice was carried out as action research in order to improve traditional higher education practices. In this sense, the proposal puts the student at the centre of the process as the author and protagonist of their own learning process. The experience is based on their own interests: they decide what to make based on a given context. The students work in groups and look for what they need to learn to overcome a particular challenge, while the teacher supports the process as a facilitator, offering guidance and resources when necessary. The evaluation of the whole process is regulated via a group diary (a shared online document) and an individual diary (a blog) that the students produce. The final evaluation is not only of the printed product; the students also produce a video in the form of storytelling, in which they explain how the process evolved from the initial idea to the final impression of the object. They also reflect on what they have learned, how teamwork has worked and what possibilities they believe digital making offers in the primary and non-formal educational contexts in which they will work. All of the processes are compiled in the students' blogs, as well as in the teachers' field notebooks. The experience was executed in collaboration with the Digital Fabrication Centres of Barcelona. The results were organised to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of using technologies to improve higher education offering an approach in which students are at the centre of the whole process. Strengths: strong student motivation, promotion of self-directed and collaborative learning and learning by doing, and familiarisation with a transforming integration of technology as protagonists. Weaknesses: hesitance and resistance to facing the challenge, management of scarce time, large time investment by the teachers, and the difficulty of achieving in-depth reflection on how digital fabrication could be introduced in educational contexts such as primary school and non-formal contexts