12 research outputs found

    Control Biológico: Una herramienta para una agricultura sustentable, un punto de vista de sus beneficios en Ecuador

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    Agriculture is going through a global crisis, productivity and sustainability are two factors, which farmers are challenging to produce more food, preserve the environment and the health of living beings. Developed and devel-oping countries need to adopt new productive alternatives, which improve the quality of food, preserving the envi-ronment and the ecosystems. Actually, the abuse and misuse of chemical products has caused a series of problems such as contamination (soil and water) and pest resistance to active ingredients. Climate change and other transfor-mations that agriculture is going through, generated decades ago the emergence of the industry of biological inputs, which are friendly products with the environment and human health. These products have characteristics and modes of action that help pest control with fewer risks than the use of pesticides. This review compiles the importance, use and applications of biological products based on beneficial fungi in Latin America, highlighting the project "Bio-control for Sustainable Farming Systems" executed in Ecuador, funded by MFAT New Zeland, which has shown the efficiency of the use of microorganisms in the agriculture through the research results obtained during the execution of this Project. In addition, aspects related to quality control of bioproducts and regulations for their registration are also mentioned.La agricultura atraviesa una crisis mundial, la productividad y la sostenibilidad son dos factores que los agricul-tores están desafiando para producir más alimentos, preservar el medio ambiente y la salud de los seres vivos. Los países desarrollados y subdesarrollados necesitan adoptar nuevas alternativas productivas, que mejoren la calidad de los alimentos, preservando el medio ambiente y los ecosistemas. Actualmente, el abuso y mal uso de los productos químicos ha causado una serie de problemas como contaminación (suelo y agua) y resistencia de las plagas a los ingredientes activos. El cambio climático y otras transformaciones por las que atraviesa la agri-cultura, generaron hace décadas la aparición de la industria de insumos biológicos, que son productos amigables con el medio ambiente y la salud humana. Estos productos tienen características y modos de acción que ayudan al control de plagas con menos riesgos que el uso de pesticidas. Esta revisión recopila la importancia, el uso y las aplicaciones de productos biológicos basados en hongos benéficos en América Latina, destacando el proyecto "Biocontrol para Sistemas Agrícolas Sustentables" ejecutado en Ecuador, financiado por MFAT Nueva Zelandia, el cual ha demostrado la eficiencia del uso de microorganismos en la agricultura a través de los resultados de las investigaciones llevadas a cabo durante la ejecución de este Proyecto. Además, se mencionan aspectos relacio-nados con el control de calidad de productos biológicos y las regulaciones para su registro

    Proyecto de red subterránea en media tensión y centros de conmutación y transformación para cesión a ENDESA

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    El presente proyecto fin de carrera, trata de exponer de una manera práctica los conocimiento previos adquiridos académicamente. En este, se pretende establecer las características a las que hay que ajustarse una instalación tipo, con lo que señalan los vigentes Reglamentos, con el fin de obtener la autorización pertinente para su instalación y puesta en servicio, como si de un caso real se tratase. Para la realización del mismo, he tomado como referencia un caso real ya proyectado de una Red subterránea en media tensión con centros de conmutación y para cesión a ENDESA, emplazado en ZARAGOZA PLAZA CENTER CAMPUS EMPRESARIAL, S.A.. Este proyecta realizar Red Subterránea de Media Tensión para interconexión de CIRCUITOS 5, 6 Y 12 en nuevos centros de conmutación para el suministro a los Centros de Transformación a ubicar en MANZANA CINS “PLATAFORMA LOGÍSTICA DE ZARAGOZA”, entre las calles Osca, Castillo de Capua y avenida Diagonal Plaza, con el objeto de suministrar energía a los edificios del Centro empresarial además de mejorar la operación y calidad de servicio en su zona de distribución. La mejora añadida con el proyecto, es la interconexión de los centros de conmutación CR1, CR2 y CR3, y su adaptación a la red de M.T. ya realizada previamente. Con esta nueva implementación se consigue que en caso de avería de una de las líneas generales, por mediación de cabina tele- mandadas, podamos mantener el suministro a la zona afectada alimentándola desde otra de las líneas colindantes

    Evidence of Some Natural Products with Antigenotoxic Effects. Part 1: Fruits and Polysaccharides

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    Cancer is one of the leading causes of deaths worldwide. The agents capable of causing damage to genetic material are known as genotoxins and, according to their mode of action, are classified into mutagens, carcinogens or teratogens. Genotoxins are involved in the pathogenesis of several chronic degenerative diseases including hepatic, neurodegenerative and cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, arthritis, cancer, chronic inflammation and ageing. In recent decades, researchers have found novel bioactive phytocompounds able to counteract the effects of physical and chemical mutagens. Several studies have shown potential antigenotoxicity in a variety of fruits. In this review (Part 1), we present an overview of research conducted on some fruits (grapefruit, cranberries, pomegranate, guava, pineapple, and mango) which are frequentl consumed by humans, as well as the analysis of some phytochemicals extracted from fruits and yeasts which have demonstrated antigenotoxic capacity in various tests, including the Ames assay, sister chromatid exchange, chromosomal aberrations, micronucleus and comet assay

    Control Biológico: Una herramienta para una agricultura sustentable, un punto de vista de sus beneficios en Ecuador

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    Agriculture is going through a global crisis, productivity and sustainability are two factors, which farmers are challenging to produce more food, preserve the environment and the health of living beings. Developed and devel-oping countries need to adopt new productive alternatives, which improve the quality of food, preserving the envi-ronment and the ecosystems. Actually, the abuse and misuse of chemical products has caused a series of problems such as contamination (soil and water) and pest resistance to active ingredients. Climate change and other transfor-mations that agriculture is going through, generated decades ago the emergence of the industry of biological inputs, which are friendly products with the environment and human health. These products have characteristics and modes of action that help pest control with fewer risks than the use of pesticides. This review compiles the importance, use and applications of biological products based on beneficial fungi in Latin America, highlighting the project "Bio-control for Sustainable Farming Systems" executed in Ecuador, funded by MFAT New Zeland, which has shown the efficiency of the use of microorganisms in the agriculture through the research results obtained during the execution of this Project. In addition, aspects related to quality control of bioproducts and regulations for their registration are also mentioned.La agricultura atraviesa una crisis mundial, la productividad y la sostenibilidad son dos factores que los agricul-tores están desafiando para producir más alimentos, preservar el medio ambiente y la salud de los seres vivos. Los países desarrollados y subdesarrollados necesitan adoptar nuevas alternativas productivas, que mejoren la calidad de los alimentos, preservando el medio ambiente y los ecosistemas. Actualmente, el abuso y mal uso de los productos químicos ha causado una serie de problemas como contaminación (suelo y agua) y resistencia de las plagas a los ingredientes activos. El cambio climático y otras transformaciones por las que atraviesa la agri-cultura, generaron hace décadas la aparición de la industria de insumos biológicos, que son productos amigables con el medio ambiente y la salud humana. Estos productos tienen características y modos de acción que ayudan al control de plagas con menos riesgos que el uso de pesticidas. Esta revisión recopila la importancia, el uso y las aplicaciones de productos biológicos basados en hongos benéficos en América Latina, destacando el proyecto "Biocontrol para Sistemas Agrícolas Sustentables" ejecutado en Ecuador, financiado por MFAT Nueva Zelandia, el cual ha demostrado la eficiencia del uso de microorganismos en la agricultura a través de los resultados de las investigaciones llevadas a cabo durante la ejecución de este Proyecto. Además, se mencionan aspectos relacio-nados con el control de calidad de productos biológicos y las regulaciones para su registro

    Identification and Characterization of Novel Fusion Genes with Potential Clinical Applications in Mexican Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

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    Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is the most common type of childhood cancer worldwide. Mexico City has one of the highest incidences and mortality rates of this cancer. It has previously been recognized that chromosomal translocations are important in cancer etiology. Specific fusion genes have been considered as important treatment targets in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). The present research aimed at the identification and characterization of novel fusion genes with potential clinical implications in Mexican children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The RNA-sequencing approach was used. Four fusion genes not previously reported were identified: CREBBP-SRGAP2B, DNAH14-IKZF1, ETV6-SNUPN, ETV6-NUFIP1. Although a fusion gene is not sufficient to cause leukemia, it could be involved in the pathogenesis of the disease. Notably, these new translocations were found in genes encoding for hematopoietic transcription factors which are known to play an important role in leukemogenesis and disease prognosis such as IKZF1, CREBBP, and ETV6. In addition, they may have an impact on the prognosis of Mexican pediatric patients with ALL, with the potential to be included in the current risk stratification schemes or used as therapeutic targets

    DataSheet_1_NK cells with decreased expression of multiple activating receptors is a dominant phenotype in pediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.pdf

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    NK cells have unique attributes to react towards cells undergoing malignant transformation or viral infection. This reactivity is regulated by activating or inhibitory germline encoded receptors. An impaired NK cell function may result from an aberrant expression of such receptors, a condition often seen in patients with hematological cancers. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common pediatric cancer worldwide and NK cells have emerged as crucial targets for developing immunotherapies. However, there are important gaps concerning the phenotype and behavior of NK cells during emergence of ALL. In this study we analyze the phenotype and function of NK cells from peripheral blood in pediatric patients with ALL at diagnosis. Our results showed that NK cells exhibited an altered phenotype highlighted by a significant reduction in the overall expression and percent representation of activating receptors compared to age-matched controls. No significant differences were found for the expression of inhibitory receptors. Moreover, NK cells with a concurrent reduced expression in various activating receptors, was the dominant phenotype among patients. An alteration in the relative frequencies of NK cells expressing NKG2A and CD57 within the mature NK cell pool was also observed. In addition, NK cells from patients displayed a significant reduction in the ability to sustain antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC). Finally, an aberrant expression of activating receptors is associated with the phenomenon of leukemia during childhood.</p

    DataSheet_2_NK cells with decreased expression of multiple activating receptors is a dominant phenotype in pediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.docx

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    NK cells have unique attributes to react towards cells undergoing malignant transformation or viral infection. This reactivity is regulated by activating or inhibitory germline encoded receptors. An impaired NK cell function may result from an aberrant expression of such receptors, a condition often seen in patients with hematological cancers. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common pediatric cancer worldwide and NK cells have emerged as crucial targets for developing immunotherapies. However, there are important gaps concerning the phenotype and behavior of NK cells during emergence of ALL. In this study we analyze the phenotype and function of NK cells from peripheral blood in pediatric patients with ALL at diagnosis. Our results showed that NK cells exhibited an altered phenotype highlighted by a significant reduction in the overall expression and percent representation of activating receptors compared to age-matched controls. No significant differences were found for the expression of inhibitory receptors. Moreover, NK cells with a concurrent reduced expression in various activating receptors, was the dominant phenotype among patients. An alteration in the relative frequencies of NK cells expressing NKG2A and CD57 within the mature NK cell pool was also observed. In addition, NK cells from patients displayed a significant reduction in the ability to sustain antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC). Finally, an aberrant expression of activating receptors is associated with the phenomenon of leukemia during childhood.</p

    La creación de un aula práctica para la enseñanza jurídica

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    El presente proyecto de innovación docente tiene como objetivo la creación de un aula práctica para el acompañamiento de las explicaciones de cátedra mediante la publicación en acceso abierto y gratuito de los casos prácticos elaborados sobre resoluciones judiciales y administrativas a lo largo del curso académico.Depto. de Derecho CivilDepto. de Derecho Mercantil, Financiero y TributarioFac. de DerechoFac. de Trabajo SocialFALSEsubmitte