15,138 research outputs found

    Generalizing a Unified Model of Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and Inflation with Non Canonical Kinetic Term

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    We study a unification model for dark energy, dark matter, and inflation with a single scalar field with non canonical kinetic term. In this model the kinetic term of the Lagrangian accounts for the dark matter and dark energy, and at early epochs a quadratic potential accounts for slow roll inflation. The present work is an extension to the work by Bose and Majumdar [1] with a more general kinetic term that was proposed by Chimento in [2]. We demonstrate that the model is viable at the background and linear perturbation levels.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. Minor changes to text and formulae, and added 3 references to match the published version in Phys. Rev.

    Exploring associations between micro-level models of innovation diffusion and emerging macro-level adoption patterns

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    A micro-level agent-based model of innovation diffusion was developed that explicitly combines (a) an individual's perception of the advantages or relative utility derived from adoption, and (b) social influence from members of the individual's social network. The micro-model was used to simulate macro-level diffusion patterns emerging from different configurations of micro-model parameters. Micro-level simulation results matched very closely the adoption patterns predicted by the widely-used Bass macro-level model (Bass, 1969). For a portion of the domain, results from micro-simulations were consistent with aggregate-level adoption patterns reported in the literature. Induced Bass macro-level parameters and responded to changes in micro-parameters: (1) increased with the number of innovators and with the rate at which innovators are introduced; (2) increased with the probability of rewiring in small-world networks, as the characteristic path length decreases; and (3) an increase in the overall perceived utility of an innovation caused a corresponding increase in induced and values. Understanding micro to macro linkages can inform the design and assessment of marketing interventions on micro-variables - or processes related to them - to enhance adoption of future products or technologies.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures and a table of supplementary data. Accepted for publicatio

    High resolution imaging of the early-type galaxy NGC 1380: an insight into the nature of extended extragalactic star clusters

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    NGC 1380 is a lenticular galaxy located near the centre of the Fornax Cluster northeast of NGC 1399. The globular cluster system of this galaxy was previously studied only from the ground. Recent studies of similar early-type galaxies, specially lenticular ones, reveal the existence of star clusters that apparently break up the traditional open/globular cluster dichotomy. With higher quality photometry from HST/WFPC2 we study the star clusters in NGC 1380, measuring their magnitudes, colours, sizes and projected distances from the centre of the galaxy. We used deep archival HST/WFPC2 in the B and V bands. We built colour magnitude diagrams from which we selected a sample of cluster candidates. We also analysed their colour distribution and measured their sizes. Based on their location in the luminosity-size diagram we estimated probabilities of them being typical globular clusters as those found in the Galaxy. A total of about 570 cluster candidates were found down to V=26.5. We measured sizes for approximately 200 of them. The observed colour distribution has three apparent peaks. Likewise for the size distribution. We identified the smaller population as being mainly typical globular clusters, while the more extended objects have small probabilities of being such objects. Different correlations between absolute magnitudes, sizes, colours and location were inferred for these cluster sub-populations. Most extended clusters (Reff > 4 pc) share similar properties to the diffuse star clusters reported to inhabit luminous early-type galaxies in the Virgo galaxy cluster such as being of low surface brightness and fainter than MV ~ -8. We also report on a small group of (Reff ~ 10 pc), -8< MV < -6, red clusters located near the centre of NGC 1380, which may be interpreted as faint fuzzies.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Comparing Organic Urban Consumers in Developing and Developed Countries: First Results in Brazil and France

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    Despite numerous studies reporting on sustainable consumption or organic consumer profiles, there is a gap in thorough understanding of organic consumers in different places, since most of studies only investigate organic consumption in most developed countries. The goal of this paper is thus to compare French and Brazilian organic consumers, so as to know if people think and behave differently or similarly in different places. Individual interviews were conducted in each country, with consumers in organic producers market in Brazil, and consumers who buy organic products from farmers markets or local organic food network in France. Products were selected to cover examples of different choice situations such as imported organic products that compete with comparable products of local origin, or organic local products in supermarkets that compete with similar products from other distribution outlets. Results show common consumer concerns such as quality or personal and family health, and common preference for local and organic products but for different reasons. However, results also shed light on different patterns related to environmental concerns or commitment to supporting small or local farmers. The impacts of the findings of this study relate to a diversity of topics such as social mobilization for sustainable agriculture, local organic food networks and environmental concerns. ...French Abstract : De nombreuses recherches portent sur la consommation durable et le profil des consommateurs de produits biologiques, mais ces recherches portent sur la consommation dans les pays développés, et ne permettent pas de savoir s'il existe des différences de consommation entre pays développés et pays en développement. Le but de cet article est de comparer le comportement de consommateurs de produits biologiques en France et au Brésil, sur la base d'entretiens individuels permettant de comparer plusieurs situations de choix : produits biologiques importés en concurrence avec des produits locaux comparables, produits biologiques locaux disponibles en supermarché ou d'en d'autres circuits de distribution,... Les résultats mettent en évidence des attentes communes, comme la qualité ou la santé, et des préférences partagées pour les produits biologiques et locaux, mais pour des raisons différentes dans les deux échantillons. Les résultats montrent également que l'importance accordée aux préoccupations environnementales et au soutien aux petits producteurs locaux n'est pas la même dans les deux échantillons. Cette recherche conduit à des pistes de réflexion portant sur la mobilisation des consommateurs pour la consommation durable, les réseaux de production et consommation de produits biologiques et les préoccupations environnementales des consommateurs.ORGANIC FOOD; LOCAL FOOD; SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION; QUALITATIVE STUDY

    Compositional uniformity, domain patterning and the mechanism underlying nano-chessboard arrays

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    We propose that systems exhibiting compositional patterning at the nanoscale, so far assumed to be due to some kind of ordered phase segregation, can be understood instead in terms of coherent, single phase ordering of minority motifs, caused by some constrained drive for uniformity. The essential features of this type of arrangements can be reproduced using a superspace construction typical of uniformity-driven orderings, which only requires the knowledge of the modulation vectors observed in the diffraction patterns. The idea is discussed in terms of a simple two dimensional lattice-gas model that simulates a binary system in which the dilution of the minority component is favored. This simple model already exhibits a hierarchy of arrangements similar to the experimentally observed nano-chessboard and nano-diamond patterns, which are described as occupational modulated structures with two independent modulation wave vectors and simple step-like occupation modulation functions.Comment: Preprint. 11 pages, 11 figure
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