3,767 research outputs found

    El Bagul dels llibres: 9. Els diamants i la química

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    Quan parlem de diamants sintètics, parlem de ciència, de tecnologia, d'economia, de ficció o de psicologia? Una breu excursió per la història recent de la mà dels autors que han somiat, i finalment han aconseguit, sintetitzar diamants ens permet copsar els trets comuns d'aquests somnis que s'han manifestat tant en la ficció com en el laboratori.When we speak about synthetic diamonds, are we talking of science, technology, economy, fiction or psychology? A jaunt through recent history hand in hand with the authors who dreamed of, and finally achieved, the synthesis of diamonds, allows us to grasp the common traits of those dreams, expressed either in fiction or in the laboratory

    Transition metal-catalyzed C(sp2)-H acylation and olefination reactions for the functionalization of (Hetero)Arenes

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    275 p.The research work collected in this thesis is focused on the development of new methodologies of carbon-carbond bond formation (acylation, aminocarbonylation and olefination) of heteroaromatic rings, such as pyrroles or thiophenes via C-H activation reactions catalyzed by Pd(II) and Co(III). In the first chapter, and to give context to this thesis, the experience of our researching group in the Palladium and Cobalt catalyzed reactions is described. The second chapter is focused, on the one hand, on the development of a methodology of Pd(II)-catalyzed acylation of pyrroles. The optimized reaction conditions have been applied to the synthesis of Celastramycin analogue and Tolmentin. As a secondary objective, anti-leishmanicidal activity against visceral (L. donovani) and cutaneous (L. amazonensis) leishmaniasis and cytotoxicity of some of the synthesized 2-acylpyrroles have been evaluated through biological assays carried out by Dr. M. A. Dea from University CEU Cardenal Herrera (Valencia). On the other hand, Pd(II)-catalyzed C-3 acylation of thiophenes with aldehydes via C(sp2)-H activation has been developed. To show the synthetic applicability, selected ketones were subjected to further diversifications, including an intramolecular reaction, which involves the directing group. In the third chapter, the attempts to expand the methodology for the acylation of pyrroles to the use of Co(III) catalysis, is described. Furthermore, the nucleophilic addition of thiophene C-H bond to isocyanates catalyzed by Co(III) has been explored. Finally, in the fourth chapter, the research realized in my predoctoral three-month stay in Prof. Manuel Antonio van Gemmeren¿s research group at the Organic Chemistry Institute of the University of Münster is explained, which was focused on the use of dual-ligand-based palladium catalysts for the late-stage olefination of bioactive arenes

    Design and implementation of a cost control system for Cuban shipping companies

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    Derecho y políticas ambientales en la Región de Murcia (Segundo semestre 2017)

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    Derecho y políticas ambientales en la Región de Murcia (Segundo semestre 2017

    Regional devolopment and solidarity in Spain: the relationship between the E.C. and the internal solidarity funds.

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    This paper will analyse the importance that the Regional Solidarity Funds have acquired in the financial systems of those Autonomous Communities able to benefit from them, and the influence that these Funds have had in their development. In addition, the special role that Structural Funds have had in order to bring the Autonomous Communities’ development in line with the average level of the European Member States will be referred to. Then, the different EC tools that are connected with regional development will be described and analysed; next, the Spanish regions that have benefited from these tools since Spain joined the European Union in 1986 will be studied. The Internal Solidarity Funds and their relationship with the EC Structural Funds will also be analysed. The effects of these mechanisms will be examined from three different points of view. First of all, the impact of these resources on the regional financial system will be considered; secondly, the coordination between the EC Structural Funds and the Internal Solidarity Funds, and the impact of this relationship will be analysed; and finally, whether or not these mechanisms are efficient enough to achieve the aim of regional unity will be determined, and their influence in different areas of production will also be observed. Key words: Fiscal Federalism, Spanish Autonomous Communities, Structural Funds, Inter-regional Solidarity. JEL Codes: H7, H77.

    Tracking Inflation on a Daily Basis

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    Using online data for prices and real-time debit card transaction data on changes in expenditures for Switzerland allows us to track inflation on a daily basis. While the daily price index fluctuates around the official price index in normal times, it drops immediately after the lockdown related to the COVID19 pandemic. Official statistics reflect this drop only with a lag, specifically because data collection takes time and is impeded by lockdown conditions. Such daily real-time information can be useful to gauge the relative importance of demand and supply shocks and thus inform policymakers who need to determine appropriate policy measures