89 research outputs found

    Targeting the Interplay of Independent Cellular Pathways and Immunity: A Challenge in Cancer Immunotherapy

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    Immunotherapy is a cancer treatment that exploits the capacity of the body’s immune system to prevent, control, and remove cancer. Immunotherapy has revolutionized cancer treatment and significantly improved patient outcomes for several tumor types. However, most patients have not benefited from such therapies yet. Within the field of cancer immunotherapy, an expansion of the combination strategy that targets independent cellular pathways that can work synergistically is predicted. Here, we review some consequences of tumor cell death and increased immune system engagement in the modulation of oxidative stress and ubiquitin ligase pathways. We also indicate combinations of cancer immunotherapies and immunomodulatory targets. Additionally, we discuss imaging techniques, which are crucial for monitoring tumor responses during treatment and the immunotherapy side effects. Finally, the major outstanding questions are also presented, and directions for future research are described

    Cellular Prion Protein and Caveolin-1 Interaction in a Neuronal Cell Line Precedes Fyn/Erk 1/2 Signal Transduction

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    It has been reported that cellular prion protein (PrPc) is enriched in caveolae or caveolae-like domains with caveolin-1 (Cav-1) participating to signal transduction events by Fyn kinase recruitment. By using the Glutathione-S-transferase (GST)-fusion proteins assay, we observed that PrPc strongly interacts in vitro with Cav-1. Thus, we ascertained the PrPc caveolar localization in a hypothalamic neuronal cell line (GN11), by confocal microscopy analysis, flotation on density gradient, and coimmunoprecipitation experiments. Following the anti-PrPc antibody-mediated stimulation of live GN11 cells, we observed that PrPc clustered on plasma membrane domains rich in Cav-1 in which Fyn kinase converged to be activated. After these events, a signaling cascade through p42/44 MAP kinase (Erk 1/2) was triggered, suggesting that following translocations from rafts to caveolae or caveolaelike domains PrPc could interact with Cav-1 and induce signal transduction events

    A new holistic 3D non-invasive analysis of cellular distribution and motility on fibroinalginate microcarriers using light sheet fluorescent microscopy

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    Cell interaction with biomaterials is one of the keystones to developing medical devices for tissue engineering applications. Biomaterials are the scaffolds that give three-dimensional support to the cells, and are vectors that deliver the cells to the injured tissue requiring repair. Features of biomaterials can influence the behaviour of the cells and consequently the efficacy of the tissue-engineered product. The adhesion, distribution and motility of the seeded cells onto the scaffold represent key aspects, and must be evaluated in vitro during the product development, especially when the efficacy of a specific tissue-engineered product depends on viable and functional cell loading. In this work, we propose a non-invasive and non-destructive imaging analysis for investigating motility, viability and distribution of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) on silk fibroin-based alginate microcarriers, to test the adhesion capacity of the fibroin coating onto alginate which is known to be unsuitable for cell adhesion. However, in depth characterization of the biomaterial is beyond the scope of this paper. Scaffold-loaded MSCs were stained with Calcein-AM and Ethidium homodimer-1 to detect live and dead cells, respectively, and counterstained with Hoechst to label cell nuclei. Time-lapse Light Sheet Fluorescent Microscopy (LSFM) was then used to produce three dimensional images of the entire cells-loaded fibroin/alginate microcarriers. In order to quantitatively track the cell motility over time, we also developed an open source user friendly software tool called Fluorescent Cell Tracker in Three-Dimensions (F-Tracker3D). Combining LSFM with F-Tracker3D we were able for the first time to assess the distribution and motility of stem cells in a non-invasive, non-destructive, quantitative, and three-dimensional analysis of the entire surface of the cell-loaded scaffold. We therefore propose this imaging technique as an innovative holistic tool for monitoring cell-biomaterial interactions, and as a tool for the design, fabrication and functionalization of a scaffold as a medical device

    Polarized Expression of p75NTR Specifies Axons during Development and Adult Neurogenesis

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    VIDEO ABSTRACT: Newly generated neurons initiate polarizing signals that specify a single axon and multiple dendrites, a process critical for patterning neuronal circuits in vivo. Here, we report that the pan-neurotrophin receptor p75(NTR) is a polarity regulator that localizes asymmetrically in differentiating neurons in response to neurotrophins and is required for specification of the future axon. In cultured hippocampal neurons, local exposure to neurotrophins causes early accumulation of p75(NTR) into one undifferentiated neurite to specify axon fate. Moreover, knockout or knockdown of p75(NTR) results in failure to initiate an axon in newborn neurons upon cell-cycle exit in vitro and in the developing cortex, as well as during adult hippocampal neurogenesis in vivo. Hence, p75(NTR) governs neuronal polarity, determining pattern and assembly of neuronal circuits in adult hippocampus and cortical development

    Small Extracellular Vesicles from Inflamed Adipose Derived Stromal Cells Enhance the NF-κB-Dependent Inflammatory/Catabolic Environment of Osteoarthritis

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    The last decade has seen exponentially growing efforts to exploit the effects of adipose derived stromal cells (ADSC) in the treatment of a wide range of chronic degenerative diseases, including osteoarthritis (OA), the most prevalent joint disorder. In the perspective of developing a cell-free advanced therapy medicinal product, a focus has been recently addressed to the ADSC secretome that lends itself to an allogeneic use and can be further dissected for the selective purification of small extracellular vesicles (sEVs). sEVs can act as "biological drug carriers" to transfer information that mirror the pathophysiology of the providing cells. This is important in the clinical perspective where many OA patients are also affected by the metabolic syndrome (MetS). ADSC from MetS OA patients are dysfunctional and "inflammatory" primed within the adipose tissue. To mimic this condition, we exposed ADSC to IL-1 beta, and then we investigated the effects of the isolated sEVs on chondrocytes and synoviocytes, either cultured separately or in co-culture, to tease out the effects of these "IL-1 beta primed sEVs" on gene and protein expression of major inflammatory and catabolic OA markers. In comparison with sEVs isolated from unstimulated ADSC, the IL-1 beta primed sEVs were able to propagate NF-kappa B activation in bystander joint cells. The effects were more prominent on synoviocytes, possibly because of a higher expression of binding molecules such as CD44. These findings call upon a careful characterization of the "inflammatory fingerprint" of ADSC to avoid the transfer of an unwanted message as well as the development of in vitro "preconditioning" strategies able to rescue the antiinflammatory/anticatabolic potential of ADSC-derived sEVs

    Collagen VI–NG2 axis in human tendon fibroblasts under conditions mimicking injury response

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    In response to injury, tendon fibroblasts are activated, migrate to the wound, and contribute to tissue repair by producing and organizing the extracellular matrix. Collagen VI is a microfibrillar collagen enriched in the pericellular matrix of tendon fibroblasts with a potential regulatory role in tendon repair mechanism. We investigated the molecular basis of the interaction between collagen VI and the cell membrane both in tissue sections and fibroblast cultures of human tendon, and analyzed the deposition of collagen VI during migration and myofibroblast trans-differentiation, two crucial events for tendon repair. Tendon fibroblast displayed a collagen VI microfibrillar network closely associated with the cell surface. Binding of collagen VI with the cell membrane was mediated by NG2 proteoglycan, as demonstrated by in vitro perturbation of collagen VI–NG2 interaction with a NG2-blocking antibody. Cultures subjected to wound healing scratch assay displayed collagen VI–NG2 complexes at the trailing edge of migrating cells, suggesting a potential role in cell migration. In fact, the addition of a NG2-blocking antibody led to an impairment of cell polarization and delay of wound closure. Similar results were obtained after in vitro perturbation of collagen VI extracellular assembly with the 3C4 anti-collagen VI antibody and in collagen VI-deficient tendon cultures of a Ullrich congenital muscular dystrophy patient carrying mutations in COL6A2 gene. Moreover, in vitro treatment with transforming growth factor β1 (TGFβ1) induced a dramatic reduction of NG2 expression, both at protein and mRNA transcript level, and the impairment of collagen VI association with the cell membrane. Instead, collagen VI was still detectable in the extracellular matrix in association with ED-A fibronectin and collagen I, which were strongly induced by TGFβ1 treatment. Our findings reveal a critical role of the NG2 proteoglycan for the binding of collagen VI to the surface of tendon fibroblasts. By interacting with NG2 proteoglycan and other extracellular matrix proteins, collagen VI regulates fibroblasts behavior and the assembly of tendon matrix, thereby playing a crucial role in tendon repair

    A module of inflammatory cytokines defines resistance of colorectal cancer to EGFR inhibitors

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    Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) activates a robust signalling network to which colon cancer tumours often become addicted. Cetuximab, one of the monoclonal antibodies targeting this pathway, is employed to treat patients with colorectal cancer. However, many patients are intrinsically refractory to this treatment, and those who respond develop secondary resistance along time. Mechanisms of cancer cell resistance include either acquisition of new mutations or non genomic activation of alternative signalling routes. In this study, we employed a colon cancer model to assess potential mechanisms driving resistance to cetuximab. Resistant cells displayed increased ability to grow in suspension as colonspheres and this phenotype was associated with poorly organized structures. Factors secreted from resistant cells were causally involved in sustaining resistance, indeed administration to parental cells of conditioned medium collected from resistant cells was sufficient to reduce cetuximab efficacy. Among secreted factors, we report herein that a signature of inflammatory cytokines, including IL1A, IL1B and IL8, which are produced following EGFR pathway activation, was associated with the acquisition of an unresponsive phenotype to cetuximab in vitro. This signature correlated with lack of response to EGFR targeting also in patient-derived tumour xenografts. Collectively, these results highlight the contribution of inflammatory cytokines to reduced sensitivity to EGFR blockade and suggest that inhibition of this panel of cytokines in combination with cetuximab might yield an effective treatment strategy for CRC patients refractory to anti-EGFR targeting

    Engagement of CD99 activates distinct programs in Ewing sarcoma and macrophages

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    Ewing sarcoma (EWS) is the second most common pediatric bone tumor. The EWS tumor microenvironment is largely recognized as immune-cold, with macrophages being the most abundant immune cells and their presence associated with worse patient prognosis. Expression of CD99 is a hallmark of EWS cells, and its targeting induces inhibition of EWS tumor growth through a poorly understood mechanism. In this study, we analyzed CD99 expression and functions on macrophages and investigated whether the concomitant targeting of CD99 on both tumor and macrophages could explain the inhibitory effect of this approach against EWS. Targeting CD99 on EWS cells downregulated expression of the "don't eat-me" CD47 molecule but increased levels of the "eat-me" phosphatidyl serine and calreticulin molecules on the outer leaflet of the tumor cell membrane, triggering phagocytosis and digestion of EWS cells by macrophages. In addition, CD99 ligation induced reprogramming of undifferentiated M0 macrophages and M2-like macrophages toward the inflammatory M1-like phenotype. These events resulted in the inhibition of EWS tumor growth. Thus, this study reveals what we believe to be a previously unrecognized function of CD99, which engenders a virtuous circle that delivers intrinsic cell death signals to EWS cells, favors tumor cell phagocytosis by macrophages, and promotes the expression of various molecules and cytokines, which are pro-inflammatory and usually associated with tumor regression. This raises the possibility that CD99 may be involved in boosting the antitumor activity of macrophages

    Aberrant MET activation impairs perinuclear actin cap organization with YAP1 cytosolic relocation

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    : Little is known about the signaling network responsible for the organization of the perinuclear actin cap, a recently identified structure holding unique roles in the regulation of nuclear shape and cell directionality. In cancer cells expressing a constitutively active MET, we show a rearrangement of the actin cap filaments, which crash into perinuclear patches associated with spherical nuclei, meandering cell motility and inactivation of the mechano-transducer YAP1. MET ablation is sufficient to reactivate YAP1 and restore the cap, leading to enhanced directionality and flattened nuclei. Consistently, the introduction of a hyperactive MET in normal epithelial cells, enhances nuclear height and alters the cap organization, as also confirmed by TEM analysis. Finally, the constitutively active YAP1 mutant YAP5SA is able to overcome the effects of oncogenic MET. Overall, our work describes a signaling axis empowering MET-mediated YAP1 dampening and actin cap misalignment, with implications for nuclear shape and cell motility