19 research outputs found

    Effect of organic and inorganic nutrients on rice (Oryza sativa var. CO 51) productivity and soil fertility in the Western zone of Tamil Nadu, India

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    In sustainable agriculture, to ensure high-quality food production, a combination of organic and inorganic nutrient sources are required. During the winter season of 2020, a field experiment was undertaken in the western zone of Tamil Nadu to assess the effects of organics and inorganics on the growth, yield, and soil properties of rice, Oryza sativa var. CO 51. The experiment was framed in Random Block Design (RBD) comprising of 8 treatments viz., Recommended dose of fertilizer Soil Test Crop Response (STCR) approach (T1), RDF 75 % + Farm yard manure @ 12.5 t ha-1 (T2), T2 + Seed treatment with Azospirillum and Phosphobacteria + Soil application of AM fungi (T3), RDF 75 % + Vermicompost @ 5 t ha-1 (T4), T4 + Seed treatment with Azospirillum and Phosphobacteria + Soil application of AM fungi (T5), FYM @ 12.5 t ha-1 + Seed treatment with Azospirillum and Phosphobacteria + Soil application of AM fungi (T6), Vermicompost @ 5 t ha-1+ Seed treatment with Azospirillum and Phosphobacteria + Soil application of AM fungi (T7) and absolute control (T8) , replicated thrice. Among the integrated nutrient management practices, T5 proved its superiority over other treatments with respect to growth and physiological parameters followed by T3. This would have been because of the solubilization of phosphorus in the soil by AM organisms which is made accessible for crop growth. Utilization of biofertilizer enhanced the N availability and solubilized the inaccessible phosphorus, which thus recorded higher N accessibility and better phosphorus uptake when applied along with a recommended dose of fertilizer for rice.

    Analysing the Resourcefulness of the Paragraph for Precedence Retrieval

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    Developing methods for extracting relevant legal information to aid legal practitioners is an active research area. In this regard, research efforts are being made by leveraging different kinds of information, such as meta-data, citations, keywords, sentences, paragraphs, etc. Similar to any text document, legal documents are composed of paragraphs. In this paper, we have analyzed the resourcefulness of paragraph-level information in capturing similarity among judgments for improving the performance of precedence retrieval. We found that the paragraph-level methods could capture the similarity among the judgments with only a few paragraph interactions and exhibit more discriminating power over the baseline document-level method. Moreover, the comparison results on two benchmark datasets for the precedence retrieval on the Indian supreme court judgments task show that the paragraph-level methods exhibit comparable performance with the state-of-the-art methodsComment: 5 pages , 3 figures, ICAIL 202

    Ideology and Government Power on Maritime Connectivity Development Discourse – A Critical Discourse Analysis of DBU LPP RRI Sorong Broadcasting Material, 20 October 2017

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    Digital Broadcasting Unit (DBU) merupakan program siaran berbasis dialog interaktif kerja sama antara Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) dengan Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kemkominfo). Siaran DBU sebagai wadah diskusi berbagai kepentingan, tidak saja pemerintah dan warga, dengan tujuan untuk membangun pemahaman serta mencapai solusi terhadap suatu isu tertentu. Wacana yang dikonstruksikan dalam siaran DBU, dengan pola komunikasi langsung tetapi disiarkan melalui radio, menjadi suatu hal yang menarik untuk diteliti. Penelitian ini mencoba menganalisis wacana dengan menggunakan analisis wacana Van Dijk dengan memperhatikan skema reproduksi kekuatan Van Dijk. Data primer merupakan rekaman siaran DBU RRI Sorong pada tanggal 20 September 2017. Hasilnya bahwa pemangku kebijakan sebagai pemegang akses dominan serta pengendali wacana. Ideologi yang terbangun adalah upaya pemerintah untuk menggiring masyarakat agar mendukung pembangunan tol laut. Sementara masyarakat lebih dominan menekankan pada dampak yang cenderung negatif dari pembangunan tol laut ini terhadap komunitas masyarakat setempat

    Legislations for Seed Quality Regulation in India

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    Not AvailableAgriculture production is purely based on the basic input, seed. Until unless the purity, quality and seed standards are maintained, production programme cannot be successful. To maintain these quality standards, legislations are equally important. Therefore Government of India had taken steps in framing Seed Act, Seed Rules, Seed (control) order, National Seed Policy, Plant quarantine order, PPV & FR Act to not only to protect breeders, researchers but also a common farmer. These legislations have taken care of the quality of the seeds at production, processing, marketing and labeling and marketing levels to ensure the farmer gets the best quality seed. Therefore it is necessary that the information regarding seed legislations must reach farmers also to make them aware of their rights

    Impact of Organic and Inorganic Sources of Nutrients on Root Architecture, Soil Microbial Biomass and Yield on Low Land Rice Ecosystem

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    To study the impact of vermicompost, arbuscular mycorrhizae and FYM application on the rice ecosystem at low land, a field experiment was conducted with rice CO(R) 51 at the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University in Coimbatore during the winter of 2020. The experiment was framed in Randomized Block Design comprising of 8 treatments viz., Recommended Dose of Fertilizer Soil Test Crop Response approach (T1), RDF 75 % + Farm Yard Manure @ 12.5 t ha-1 (T2), T2 + Seed treatment with Azospirillum and Phosphobacteria + Soil application of AM fungi (T3), RDF 75 % + Vermicompost @ 5 t ha-1 (T4), T4 + Seed treatment with Azospirillum and Phosphobacteria + Soil application of AM fungi (T5), FYM @ 12.5 t ha-1 + Seed treatment with Azospirillum and Phosphobacteria + Soil application of AM fungi (T6), Vermicompost @ 5 t ha-1+ Seed treatment with Azospirillum and Phosphobacteria + Soil application of AM fungi (T7) and Absolute control (T8) and replicated thrice. The maximum microbial population were registered in the plots that received integrated nutrient application of RDF 75 % STCR approach + Vermicompost 5 t ha-1 + seed treatment with Azospirillum and Phosphobacteria + Soil application of AM fungi. Rice root architecture has changed significantly as a result of mycorrhizal inoculation. Mycorrhizal rice plants have more root volume, length, and spread than plants without mycorrhizae. Nutrient retention and availability influenced the presence of microbial-mediated metabolic activities and nutrient transformations during crop growth. Bacteria, fungus, and actinomycetes became less abundant as the crop reached harvest. The population density of mycorrhizospheres that utilize both organic and inorganic fertilizers is higher. The treatments that received Vermicompost or FYM with Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae and Nitrogen, Phosphorous & Potassium fertilizers obtained the highest yields of rice grain and straw (6740 and 7840 kg ha-1) respectively, and it was clear that the combination of Vermicompost or FYM, VAM and along with NPK fertilizers produced significantly higher yields than their individual applications and absolute control

    Interrelationships of seed reserve utilization components in desi cotton (Gossypium arboreum)

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    DNA markers for testing distinctness of rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties

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    Assessment of Tumour Response to Multimodalities of Treatment in Locally Advanced Breast Cancer Patients Using Comet Assay

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    ABSTRACT The present study has been carried out to evaluate tumour response to the multi-modalities of treatment using comet assay in breast cancer patients and to assess the efficacy of combinatorial therapy over single modality treatments. An effort was also made to correlate the extent of DNA damage with the cycles of chemotherapy given. A positive correlation was found with the selected comet parameters