259 research outputs found

    Primary oral malignant melanoma - A case report

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    Melanoma arising from mucosal surfaces of the head and neck is a very rare neoplasm and it is considered among the most deadly of all human neoplasms. Although skin melanomas comprise 1.3% of all cancers, oral malignant melanoma accounts for only 0.2 to 8% of all reported melanomas, common sites of occurrence being palate and maxillary gingiva. Due to its presence at relatively obscure areas in the oral cavity, most oral malignant melanomas are diagnosed at a late stage and are associated with poor prognosis. Early diagnosis is essential for successful treatment and perhaps the key factor in improving the prognosis of oral malignant melanoma. This paper reports a case of a 42year old woman with primary malignant melanoma at a rare site, the left retromolar region involving the left side of the mandible, up to level IV ipsilateral cervical lymph nodes. The patient was treated with left hemimandibulectomy with radical neck dissection and was followed up for two years and 3months without any local recurrence or distant metastasis. It is suggested that any pigmented lesion that are suspected of undergoing changes in their clinical appearance should be biopsied

    Total edge irregularity strength of join of path and complement of a complete graph

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    An edge irregular total k-labeling of a graph G is a labeling of the vertices and edges of G with labels from the set {1, 2, ..., k} in such a way that any two different edges have distinct weights. The weight of an edge uv is the sum of the label of uv and the labels of vertices u and v. The minimum k for which the graph G has an edge irregular total k-labeling is called the total edge irregularity strength of G. In this paper, we determine the exact value of the total edge irregularity strength of Pn + Km.Publisher's Versio


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    The present study explores the quantitative analysis of literature on gravity from 2015 to 2019 based on INSPEC database. Scientometric is the study of quantitative analysis of scientific documents. For the present study data was collected from the INSPEC database published by Elsevier during the period from 2015 to 2019. The study evaluated the different dimensions of the scientometric analysis like, growth of literature, institution wise distribution, most prolific author, relative growth rate and doubling time etc. Highest number (7562) of articles published in the year 2018. The relating growth rate is decreasing and doubling time is increasing over the period. Majority of the articles are in the form of journals, China is the most productive country in global level, Sharif, M is the most prolific author in the field of gravity for the period of 2015 to 2019

    Role of volar plating in unstable distal radial fractures in elderly patients in tertiary teaching hospital

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    Background: Aim of the study was to investigate the efficacy of volar locking plate fixation for unstable distal radical fractures DRFs in the elderly population (60 years old and older).Methods: An ethical committee approved the study protocol for research studies at NRI medical college. We included only unstable distal radial fractures in elderly patients between 60 to 70 years, and patients who consent to the study. We excluded patients with comorbid conditions and below 60 years and patients with vascular injuries. Results were evaluated by the DASH questionnaire and Gartland and Werley scores.Results: According to Gartland and Werley score, 30 patients (85.7%) had excellent and good results. According to the DASH score, 31 patients (88.5%) had excellent and good results, and four patients (11.4%) had fair results. The most commonly noted complications in our study were arthritis (2 cases 5.7%), extensor pollicis longus tendon irritation (1 case 2.9%), and Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (1 case 2.9 %).Conclusions: Locked compression plate in unstable distal radius fractures provides excellent results with an effective correction of distal radius anatomy. Early range of movements of joints leads to a good outcome and return to regular activity.

    Rodenticide poisoning in children: A study of clinical profile and electrocardiographic changes

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    Objectives: To study the clinical profile and electrocardiographic (ECG) changes in rodenticide poisoning in children. Methods: Patients admitted with a history of ingestion of rat poison between October 2014 and October 2016 were included in the study. Clinical history was taken in detail, and stomach wash samples were sent for toxicological analysis. Continuous ECG monitoring was done in all cases. Investigations to assess organ functions and coagulation profile were done at admission and repeated as indicated. Results: There were 17 cases of rodenticide poisoning. Zinc phosphide was the rodenticide identified in 50% of cases, bromodiolone in 30%, and yellow phosphorous in 20% cases. Only 23% presented within 1 h of ingestion and only 12% received stomach wash from referring hospital. Out of the 17 cases, 12 cases (70%) were symptomatic, of which 42% hadminor symptoms such as vomiting and abdominal pain and 58% had major symptoms including dysrhythmias, shock, coagulation abnormality, hepatic failure, and seizures. ECG changes were observed in 7 cases (42%), and coagulopathy was seen in 2 (12%) cases of which one had hepatic failure. The mean time of onset of ECG changes was 19.7 h (range 9-36 h). The overall mortality rate was 17.6%. Cardiac arrhythmia was the most common cause of death (66%). Conclusion: Zinc phosphide has been detected as the most common chemical being used as domestic rodenticide. Transient rate abnormalities, metabolic acidosis, fever, and leukocytosis are early markers of toxicity and they should be looked for in all cases. General public, medical, and aramedicalpersonnel should be made aware of the toxic nature of rodenticides


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    The study examined the perception and usage of health information sources and services by the urban community users of public libraries. The study investigated 110 users from two public libraries in Bhadravathi. Findings revealed that majority of the users not enrolling library membership. 44.54% of users were visit library daily and large numbers of respondents were get health information through newspaper followed by television, advertisements and pamphlet/brochures. Education and sports were the most frequently preferred topics by the users. Arogya column published by Prajavani Kannada newspaper was most preferred newspaper column for getting health information by the users followed by VK Health column published by Vijaya Karnataka was stood in 2nd position to get health information by the users. Most of the users preferred Sudha, Gruhashobha and Taranga magazines to get health information. Stimulatingly, large number of the users frequently listen health related programs in Radio. The study also revealed that most of the users were aware about H1N1, DPT, Polio, BCG, TT, AIDS Control, 108 Arogya Kavacha, Malaria Cholera Dengue, Family Planning, Chicken Gunya district health programs of Karnataka state

    Notes on Strobilanthes cuspidata with reinstatement of Endopogon versicolor (Acanthaceae)

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    Endopogon versicolor Wight, previously treated as a synonym of Strobilanthes cuspidata (Benth.) T. Anderson, is reinstated as a distinct species and a new name S. benthamii B. Mani, Sinj. Thomas, Britto, A.K. Pradeep, Y.F. Deng & E.S.S. Kumar is necessarily proposed here. It differs from S. cuspidata by the stem and leaf indumentum, bract/calyx length ratio, corolla shape, pollen morphology, etc. Detailed descriptions, illustrations, pollen morphology and comparison with similar species are provided

    Hesperidin Ameliorates Immobilization-Stress-Induced Behavioral and Biochemical Alterations and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Mice by Modulating Nitrergic Pathway

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    The present study was aimed to evaluate the protective effect of hesperidin against immobilization-stress-induced alterations in biochemical, behavioral, and mitochondrial functions in mice. In many instances neuroscientists have reported that acute immobilization stress for 6 h resulted in anxiety and impaired locomotor activity due to excess oxidative-nitrergic stress, depletion of antioxidant defense mechanisms, and mitochondrial dysfunction in animals. In the present study, 6 h of acute immobilization stress had significantly altered the behavioral (anxiety and memory) and biochemical parameters coupled with mitochondrial dysfunction in Swiss albino mice. Fourteen days of pretreatment with Hesperidin (50 and 100 mg/kg, p.o.) significantly and dose-dependently inhibited the behavioral and biochemical alterations and mitochondrial dysfunction caused by acute immobilization stress. Furthermore, pre-treatment of l-arginine (50 mg/kg, i.p.), a nitric oxide precursor, reversed the protective effect of Hesperidin (50 and 100 mg/kg) (P < 0.05). In contrast, pretreatment of l-NAME (5 mg/kg, i.p.), a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, potentiated the protective effect of Hesperidin (P < 0.05). These results suggest the possible involvement of nitrergic pathway in the protective effect Hesperidin against immobilization-stress-induced behavioral, biochemical, and mitochondrial dysfunction in mice

    Trace elemental analysis and antimicrobial activities of Elephantopus scaber L.

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    Screening of various Indian medicinal plants has various degrees of antimicrobial activities against pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms.&nbsp; Since the number of effective exogenous antibiotics is decreasing, concerted efforts are to be made to identify antimicrobial materials from natural products and traditional medicines. In the present study, we are reporting the antimicrobial activity of the traditionally used Ayurvedic medicinal plant Elephantopus scaber and its elemental composition analysis.&nbsp; The antimicrobial activities are found to be higher in leaf extracts of Elephantopus scaber whereas no inhibition was found for root extracts. The elements such as Si, Ca, Cl, Mg, S, K and P are more abundant in the leaf than the root whereas heavy metals are higher in roots than in leaves. In the root, presence of Al, Fe, Ti, Sr, and V is more when compared to leaves whereas Zn, Cu, As, Rb and Sr are less available and are equally present in roots as well as leaf. The elements Cr, Co, Ni, Se, Br and Pb are not found in both leaves and roots

    Reinstatement and Lectotypification of Memecylon deccanense (Melastomataceae): An Endemic Species of the Western Ghats, India.

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    As part of the ex-situ conservation of the wild ornamental plants at JNTBGRI, several species of Memecylon were collected and introduced from the Western Ghats. While working on the taxonomy of the collected plants, it was found that a well defined species Memecylon deccanense C.B.Clarke  has been reduced recently to the synonym of M.heyneanum Benth. ex Wight & Arn. A detailed study by relevant literature, live and herbarium specimens, and type specimens housed at different herbaria, it is reinstated as a distinct species and a lectotype is designated here. Relevant photographs and images of type specimens of M.deccanense and M.heyneanum also provided to facilitate its easy identification