726 research outputs found

    Influence of high gas production during thermophilic anaerobic digestion in pilot-scale and lab-scale reactors on survival of the thermotolerant pathogens Clostridium perfringens and Campylobacter jejuni in piggery wastewater

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    Safe reuse of animal wastes to capture energy and nutrients, through anaerobic digestion processes, is becoming an increasingly desirable solution to environmental pollution. Pathogen decay is the most important safety consideration and is in general, improved at elevated temperatures and longer hydraulic residence times. During routine sampling to assess pathogen decay in thermophilic digestion, an inversely proportional relationship between levels of Clostridium perfringens and gas production was observed. Further samples were collected from pilot-scale, bench-scale thermophilic reactors and batch scale vials to assess whether gas production (predominantly methane) could be a useful indicator of decay of the thermotolerant pathogens C. perfringens and Campylobacter jejuni. Pathogen levels did appear to be lower where gas production and levels of methanogens were higher. This was evident at each operating temperature (50, 57, 65 °C) in the pilot-scale thermophilic digesters, although higher temperatures also reduced the numbers of pathogens detected. When methane production was higher, either when feed rate was increased, or pH was lowered from 8.2 (piggery wastewater) to 6.5, lower numbers of pathogens were detected. Although a number of related factors are known to influence the amount and rate of methane production, it may be a useful indicator of the removal of the pathogens C. perfringens and C. jejuni

    Engineering Functional Quantum Algorithms

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    Suppose that a quantum circuit with K elementary gates is known for a unitary matrix U, and assume that U^m is a scalar matrix for some positive integer m. We show that a function of U can be realized on a quantum computer with at most O(mK+m^2log m) elementary gates. The functions of U are realized by a generic quantum circuit, which has a particularly simple structure. Among other results, we obtain efficient circuits for the fractional Fourier transform.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure


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    Once every menstrual cycle, eggs are ovulated into the oviduct where they await fertilization. The ovulated eggs are arrested in metaphase of the second meiotic division, and only complete meiosis upon fertilization. It is crucial that the maintenance of metaphase arrest is tightly controlled, because the spontaneous activation of the egg would preclude the development of a viable embryo (Zhang et al. 2015 J. Genet. Genomics 42, 477-485. (doi:10.1016/j.jgg.2015.07.004); Combelles et al. 2011 Hum. Reprod. 26, 545-552. (doi:10.1093/humrep/deq363); Escrich et al. 2011 J. Assist. Reprod. Genet. 28, 111-117. (doi:10.1007/s10815-010-9493-5)). However, the mechanisms that control the meiotic arrest in mammalian eggs are only poorly understood. Here, we report that a complex of BTG4 and CAF1 safeguards metaphase II arrest in mammalian eggs by deadenylating maternal mRNAs. As a follow-up of our recent high content RNAi screen for meiotic genes (Pfender et al. 2015 Nature 524, 239-242. (doi:10.1038/nature14568)), we identified Btg4 as an essential regulator of metaphase II arrest. Btg4-depleted eggs progress into anaphase II spontaneously before fertilization. BTG4 prevents the progression into anaphase by ensuring that the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) is completely inhibited during the arrest. The inhibition of the APC/C relies on EMI2 (Tang et al. 2010 Mol. Biol. Cell 21, 2589-2597. (doi:10.1091/mbc.E09-08-0708); Ohe et al. 2010 Mol. Biol. Cell 21, 905-913. (doi:10.1091/mbc.E09-11-0974)), whose expression is perturbed in the absence of BTG4. BTG4 controls protein expression during metaphase II arrest by forming a complex with the CAF1 deadenylase and we hypothesize that this complex is recruited to the mRNA via interactions between BTG4 and poly(A)-binding proteins. The BTG4-CAF1 complex drives the shortening of the poly(A) tails of a large number of transcripts at the MI-MII transition, and this wave of deadenylation is essential for the arrest in metaphase II. These findings establish a BTG4-dependent pathway for controlling poly(A) tail length during meiosis and identify an unexpected role for mRNA deadenylation in preventing the spontaneous activation of eggs

    Classical bifurcations and entanglement in smooth Hamiltonian system

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    We study entanglement in two coupled quartic oscillators. It is shown that the entanglement, as measured by the von Neumann entropy, increases with the classical chaos parameter for generic chaotic eigenstates. We consider certain isolated periodic orbits whose bifurcation sequence affects a class of quantum eigenstates, called the channel localized states. For these states, the entanglement is a local minima in the vicinity of a pitchfork bifurcation but is a local maxima near a anti-pitchfork bifurcation. We place these results in the context of the close connections that may exist between entanglement measures and conventional measures of localization that have been much studied in quantum chaos and elsewhere. We also point to an interesting near-degeneracy that arises in the spectrum of reduced density matrices of certain states as an interplay of localization and symmetry.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Case studies to enhance online student evaluation: Bond University – Surveying students online to improve learning and teaching

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    One of the most sensible ways of improving learning and teaching is to ask the students for feedback. At the end of each teaching period (i.e. semester or term) all universities and many schools survey their students. Usually these surveys are managed online. Questions ask for student perceptions about teaching, assessment and workload. The survey administrators report four common problems

    Enriched functor categories for functor calculus

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    In this paper we present background results in enriched category theory and enriched model category theory necessary for developing model categories of enriched functors suitable for doing functor calculus

    Finite-Dimensional Calculus

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    We discuss topics related to finite-dimensional calculus in the context of finite-dimensional quantum mechanics. The truncated Heisenberg-Weyl algebra is called a TAA algebra after Tekin, Aydin, and Arik who formulated it in terms of orthofermions. It is shown how to use a matrix approach to implement analytic representations of the Heisenberg-Weyl algebra in univariate and multivariate settings. We provide examples for the univariate case. Krawtchouk polynomials are presented in detail, including a review of Krawtchouk polynomials that illustrates some curious properties of the Heisenberg-Weyl algebra, as well as presenting an approach to computing Krawtchouk expansions. From a mathematical perspective, we are providing indications as to how to implement in finite terms Rota's "finite operator calculus".Comment: 26 pages. Added material on Krawtchouk polynomials. Additional references include