394 research outputs found

    photo geology of the montefalco quaternary basin umbria central italy

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    ABSTRACTWe present a photo-geological map for the 185 km2 fault-bounded, Montefalco Basin, Umbria, Central Italy. The basin formed in the Quaternary in response to extensional tectonics dissecting folds and thrusts of the northern Apennines range. To prepare the 1:25,000 geological map, we integrated geological and morphological information obtained through the visual analysis of three sets of aerial photographs of different age, the collection of new field data, and the review of pre-existing surface and sub-surface geological data. We show that systematic interpretation of aerial photographs contributed to improving the geological mapping, providing information not readily available through traditional field mapping. We expect that the new map will be used for different types of geological and geomorphological investigations, including studies of active tectonic, Quaternary morpho-tectonics, sedimentological and stratigraphic analyses, mining and exploration investigations, and the analysis of landslide..

    Heavy rains triggering flash floods in urban environment: A case from Chiavari (Genoa metropolitan area, Italy)

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    Between 10th and 11th November, 2014, heavy rainfall over a short period fell on the eastern Genoa metropolitan area. The geohydrological event had important ground effects, among them the simultaneous flooding of Entella and Rupinaro streams, in Chiavari city. In lower Lavagna valley, the main tributary of the Entella, a landslide caused two casualties, while serious damage to buildings and infrastructures were registered in Chiavari\u2019s Old Town and in the nearby communities of Carasco and Cogorno. In the Entella basin, the rainfall peaked at 60 mm/hour and accumulated 220 mm in six hours. The levels of the streams rose instantly, showing concentration times of less than an hour. The Entella rose seven meters, flooding Carasco, Cogorno, and the Caperana neighborhood of Chiavari. Flash flooding of the Rupinaro stream caused water to rise to 1.5 m in Chiavari\u2019s historic core. Analyses were carried out of the weather conditions and the ground effects of the events; in addition, studies were made of the main causes of the geo-hydrological risk. In particular, variations in climate and uncontrolled urban development were the cause of increased geo-hydrological hazards and vulnerability of this area, historically subject to flooding. Such conditions of risk are unacceptable, and urgent measures are required to mitigate the effects of heavy rainfall events

    Landslide distribution and size in response to Quaternary fault activity: the Peloritani Range, NE Sicily, Italy

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    Landslides contribute to dismantle active mountain ranges and faults control the location of landslides. Yet, evidence of the long-term, regional dependency of landslides on active faults is limited. Previous studies focused on the transient effects of earthquakes on slope stability in compressive and transcurrent regimes. Here we show that in the Peloritani range, NE Sicily, Italy, one of the fastest uplifting areas in the Mediterranean, a clear geographical association exists between large bedrock landslides and active normal faults of the Messina Straits graben. By interpreting aerial photographs, we mapped 1590 landslides and sackungs and 626 fault elements and their facets in a 300 km2 area in the eastern part of the range. We used the new landslide and fault information, in combination with prior geological and seismic information, to investigate the association between bedrock landslides and faults. We find that the distribution and abundance of landslides is related to the presence of large active normal faults, and matches the pattern of the local historical seismicity. Landslide material is more abundant along the East Peloritani Fault System where the long-term activity of the faults, measured by the average yearly geological moment rate, is larger than in the West Peloritani Fault System where landslides are less abundant. Along the fault systems landslide material concentrates where the cumulated fault throws are largest. We conclude that large landslides and their cumulated volume are sensitive to local rates of tectonic deformation, and discriminate the deformation of the single fault segments that dissect the Peloritani range. Our findings are a direct test of landscape evolution models that predict higher rates of landslide activity near active faults. Our work opens up the possibility of exploiting accurate landslide and fault maps, in combination with geological and seismic information, to characterize the long-term seismic history of poorly instrumented active regions. Copyright © 2015 The Authors Earth Surface Processes and Landforms Published by John Wiley & Sons Lt

    Hand Hygiene Knowledge, Hand Contamination and Practice of Italian Nursing and Medical Students

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    Background: Our objective was to measure hand bacterial contamination in a group of Italian nursing and medical students attending clinical wards for practical training, in order to verify the reliability of the information on hand hygiene (HH) adherence obtained by a self-reporting questionnaire. This questionnaire was administered with the aim of exploring the effectiveness of basic education. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, an anonymous questionnaire designed to investigate HH knowledge and practices was administered to a convenience sample of 100 nursing and 100 medical students. Data collected was combined with hand bacterial contamination measured both at the point of entry and exit from the ward. Results: HH practices and knowledge were significantly higher in nursing compared to medical students. The most effective procedure in reducing bacterial contamination was the alternate use of hand washing and hand rubbing compared to only one practice and the absence of hand hygiene (geom. mean: 180.3, 410.2 and 907.4 CFU/hand respectively, p<0.001). Hand contamination was significantly higher in students who declared to have hardly ever/never implemented HH teaching during clinical practice compared to those who stated to have done it frequently/always (geom. mean: 716 vs 277.1 CFU/hand, p<0.02). ConclusionS: Our investigation adds something new to the topic of HH that is the measure of bacterial hand contamination to verify the reliability of the information obtained by questionnaire. The findings, pointing out some critical aspects in HH teaching among healthcare students, highlight that solid knowledge results in correct behaviour, and consequently in a reduction of hand contamination

    AOPP-induced activation of human neutrophil and monocyte oxidative metabolism: A potential target for N-acetylcysteine treatment in dialysis patients

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    AOPP-induced activation of human neutrophil and monocyte oxidative metabolism: A potential target forN-acetylcysteine treatment in dialysis patients.BackgroundOxidative stress largely contributes to hemodialysis-associated lethal complications, thus explaining the urgent need of antioxidant-based therapeutic strategies in hemodialysis patients. We previously identified advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP) in the uremic plasma as exquisite markers of oxidative stress and potent mediators of monocyte activation. The present study was aimed at searching whether (1) AOPP can also trigger activation of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN), and (2) whether AOPP-induced activation could be inhibited by N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a widely used compound which has been shown to prevent oxidative injury to kidney.MethodsBoth human serum albumin (HAS) AOPP (i.e., HOCl-modified HSA in vitro preparations and AOPP extracted from plasma of hemodialysis patients) were tested for their capacity to trigger phagocyte nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase and myeloperoxidase (MPO)-dependent activities as measured by lucigenin- and luminol-amplified chemiluminescence (CL), respectively, as compared to receptor-dependent [opsonized zymosan or receptor-independent phorbol myristate acetate (PMA)]. The effect of PMN priming by platelet-activating factor (PAF), and the effect of NAC on normal monocyte and on normal or hemodialysis patient's (N = 16) PMN oxidative responses were compared.ResultsHSA-AOPP triggered in a HOCl dose-dependent manner both NADPH-oxidase- and MPO-dependent CL of PMN. This latter was further enhanced by PAF priming. Plasma-derived AOPP obtained from hemodialysis patients also triggered PMN respiratory burst. NAC significantly reduced HSA-AOPP–mediated responses of normal monocyte and of normal and uremic PMN but had no significant effect on opsonized zymosan- or PMA-induced CL responses.ConclusionThis dual potential of NAC to inhibit phagocyte oxidative responses induced by HSA-AOPP without affecting those mediated by compounds mimicking pathogens supports the proposal of a therapeutic trial with NAC aimed at reducing oxidative stress–related inflammation in hemodialysis patients

    Mechanical ventilation weaning issues can be counted on the fingers of just one hand: part 2

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    Assessing heart and diaphragm function constitutes only one of the steps to consider along the weaning path. In this second part of the review, we will deal with the more systematic evaluation of the pulmonary parenchyma-often implicated in the genesis of respiratory failure. We will also consider the other possible causes of weaning failure that lie beyond the cardio-pulmonary-diaphragmatic system. Finally, we will take a moment to consider the remaining unsolved problems arising from mechanical ventilation and describe the so-called protective approach to parenchyma and diaphragm ventilation

    Knowledge, attitudes and practices towards COVID-19 among nursing students of the University of Palermo: results from an online survey

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    Introduction: The aim of the study was to evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practices towards SARS-CoV-2 among nursing students of University of Palermo during the rapid rise period of the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and methods: This is cross-sectional study. A survey was provided to all nursing students and consisted of two parts: demographics and Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) survey. A multivariate linear regression model was used and adjusted Odds Ratios (aOR) are presented. Results: 575 students were interviewed, and their mean age was 22.29 ± 4.2. The overall score indicates good knowledge (p=0.046) and good practices among the four courses of study (p=0.038). Multivariate linear regression showed that Attitude score (b = -0.29; p = 0.024) and Knowledge score (b = 0.10; p = 0.026) adjusted for age, gender, year of study, perceived economic status, perceived health status were significantly associated with Practice score. Conclusion: Our results suggest that proper health education is useful for encouraging optimistic attitudes and maintaining safe practices among future category of nurses

    Suppressor of cytokine signaling gene expression in human pancreatic islets: modulation by cytokines

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    Objective: Suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS) proteins negatively regulate signal transduction of several cytokines. Since cytokines participate in the pancreatic islet damage in type 1 diabetes, the aim of our study was to investigate the expression of SOCS-1, -2 and -3 in isolated human islets, in basal conditions and after exposure, in vitro, to a combination of interferon (IFN)-γ, interleukin (IL)-1β and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α cytokines and in control and in type 1 diabetic human pancreata, to establish (i) whether SOCS molecules are constitutively expressed in human pancreatic islets and (ii) whether their expression can be modulated in vitro by proinflammatory cytokines or ex vivo by an islet inflammatory process. Methods: Gene expression of SOCS-1, -2 and -3 was evaluated by RT-PCR in untreated and cytokine-treated isolated human pancreatic islets and their protein expression by immunohistochemistry in control and in type 1 diabetic human pancreata paraffin-embedded sections. Results: We found that SOCS-1, -2 and -3 mRNA is constitutively, although weakly, expressed in human pancreatic islets, similar to the expression observed in control pancreata by immunohistochemistry. SOCS-1, -2 and -3 mRNA expression was strongly increased in human islets after exposure, in vitro, to IFN-γ, IL-1β and TNF-α. Accordingly, an intense and islet-specific immunohistochemical staining for all three SOCS was detected in pancreata from type 1 diabetic patients. Conclusion: SOCS-1, -2 and -3 genes are constitutively expressed in human pancreatic islets; their expression increases after exposure to proinflammatory cytokines and during an autoimmune inflammatory process, raising the possibility that these molecules act as key regulators of cytokine signaling in pancreatic islets

    Search strings for the study of putative occupational determinants of disease

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    Objective To identify efficient PubMed search strategies to retrieve articles regarding putative occupational determinants of conditions not generally considered to be work related. Methods Based on MeSH definitions and expert knowledge, we selected as candidate search terms the four MeSH terms describing 'occupational disease', 'occupational exposure', 'occupational health' and 'occupational medicine' (DEHM) alongside 22 other promising terms. We first explored overlaps between the candidate terms in PubMed. Using random samples of abstracts retrieved by each term, we estimated the proportions of articles containing potentially pertinent information regarding occupational aetiology in order to formulate two search strategies (one more 'specific', one more 'sensitive'). We applied these strategies to retrieve information on the possible occupational aetiology of meningioma, pancreatitis and atrial fibrillation. Results Only 20.3% of abstracts were retrieved by more than one DEHM term. The more 'specific' search string was based on the combination of terms that yielded the highest proportion (40%) of potentially pertinent abstracts. The more 'sensitive' string was based on the use of broader search fields and additional coverage provided by other search terms under study. Using the specific string, the numbers of abstracts needed to read to find one potentially pertinent article were 1.2 for meningioma, 1.9 for pancreatitis and 1.8 for atrial fibrillation. Using the sensitive strategy, the numbers needed to read were 4.4 for meningioma, 8.9 for pancreatitis and 10.5 for atrial fibrillation. Conclusions The proposed strings could help health care professionals explore putative occupational aetiology for diseases that are not generally thought to be work relate
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