235 research outputs found

    Monitoring Errors of Semi-Mechanized Coffee Planting by Remotely Piloted Aircraft

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    Mechanized operations on terrain slopes can still lead to considerable errors in the alignment and distribution of plants. Knowing slope interference in semi-mechanized planting quality can contribute to precision improvement in decision making, mainly in regions with high slope. This study evaluates the quality of semi-mechanized coffee planting in different land slopes using a remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) and statistical process control (SPC). In a commercial coffee plantation, aerial images were collected by a remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) and subsequently transformed into a digital elevation model (DEM) and a slope map. Slope data were subjected to variance analysis and statistical process control (SPC). Dependent variables analyzed were variations in distance between planting lines and between plants in line. The distribution of plants on all the slopes evaluated was below expected; the most impacted was the slope between 20–25%, implementing 7.8% fewer plants than projected. Inferences about the spacing between plants in the planting row showed that in slopes between 30–40%, the spacing was 0.53 m and between 0 and 15% was 0.55 m. This denotes the compensation of the speed of the operation on different slopes. The spacing between the planting lines had unusual variations on steep slopes. The SCP quality graphics are of lower quality in operations between 30–40%, as they have an average spacing of 3.65 m and discrepant points in the graphics. Spacing variations were observed in all slopes as shown in the SCP charts, and possible causes and implications for future management were discussed, contributing to improvements in the culture installation stage

    Motiva??o no setor p?blico: uma investiga??o na secretaria municipal de assist?ncia social de Araruna-PB

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    A motiva??o ? uma ferramenta essencial para que os funcion?rios consigam atingir metas pessoais ou da organiza??o. Considerando a relev?ncia desse tema para o ambiente laboral, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo geral investigar o n?vel de motiva??o dos funcion?rios da Secretaria Municipal de Assist?ncia Social de Araruna-PB de acordo com a teoria das necessidades adquiridas de David McClelland. Para isso realizou-se um estudo descritivo de car?ter quantitativo, com dezesseis funcion?rios da referida institui??o. Os dados da pesquisa foram obtidos por meio de um question?rio dividido em duas partes, sendo a primeira com quest?es acerca do perfil demogr?fico dos entrevistados e a segunda com quest?es adaptadas da Teoria das Necessidades Adquiridas de McClelland, dividida nas tr?s dimens?es: afilia??o, realiza??o e poder. Os dados foram compilados e tratados com a estat?stica descritiva. Ap?s a an?lise dos dados, constatou-se que o perfil dominante ? do sexo feminino, possuem entre 21 a 30 anos de idade, possuem ensino m?dio completo e tem at? 02 anos de trabalho. No ambiente pesquisado, verificamos que para os funcion?rios as necessidades de afilia??o e poder s?o pouco e a necessidade de realiza??o ? muito

    Characterization of an hrp-aox-polyaniline-graphite composite biosensor

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    Nowadays there is an increasing demand to develop new and robust biosensors in order to detect low concentrations of different chemicals, in practical and small devices, giving fast and confident responses. The electrode material was a polyaniline-graphite-epoxy composite (PANI/GEC). Alcohol oxidase (AOX) and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) enzymes were immobilized and the responses were tested by cyclic voltammetry. The conductivities for the composites of graphite/polyaniline were determined. The cyclic voltammograms allowed detecting ethanol in pure diluted samples in a range from 0.036 to 2.62 M. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermal gravimetry analysis (TGA) were used to verify the thermal characteristics of the composites (0, 10, 20, 30 and 100 % of graphite). The Imax value was determined for the dual enzyme biosensor (0.0724 mA), and the Kapp m as 1.41 M (with R2 =0.9912)


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    \uc9 comum encontrar na literatura trabalhos sobre germina\ue7\ue3o de sementes nativas de uma mesma esp\ue9cie com tamanhos de amostra diferenciados. No entanto, n\ue3o se sabe quais s\ue3o as consequ\ueancias disso para os resultados obtidos. Assim, objetivou-se estudar o comportamento das medidas de germina\ue7\ue3o frente \ue0 varia\ue7\ue3o do n\ufamero de sementes que comp\uf5e a amostra para Bowdichia virgilioides . O experimento foi conduzido em c\ue2mara de germina\ue7\ue3o, sob luz branca fluorescente cont\uednua, a 26,2 \ub1 2,5 \ubaC. O delineamento utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3 x 3 (tr\ueas tamanhos de amostra x tr\ueas lotes), com n\ufamero de repeti\ue7\uf5es fixo e igual a quatro. A semeadura foi realizada em caixas tipo gerbox, contendo 25, 50 ou 100 sementes, perfazendo 100, 200 ou 400 sementes por amostra. A germinabilidade, tempo inicial, m\ue9dio e final, VElocidade m\ue9dia e VE (IVG), coeficiente de varia\ue7\ue3o do tempo, incerteza e sincronia da germina\ue7\ue3o foram avaliados, sendo consideradas germinadas as sementes com protrus\ue3o de embri\ue3o. Gr\ue1ficos de frequ\ueancia relativa tamb\ue9m foram constru\ueddos. Dentre estas medidas, as mais fr\ue1geis ao incremento do tamanho da amostra foram o VE e a incerteza. O VE , al\ue9m de ser influenciado pelo tamanho da amostra, tamb\ue9m foi influenciado pelo contrabalancear entre germinabilidade e VElocidade m\ue9dia, demonstrando ser uma medida impr\uf3pria para mensurar VElocidade de germina\ue7\ue3o quando a capacidade germinativa dos lotes for diferente. As medidas de tempo, uniformidade, sincronia, VElocidade m\ue9dia e a germinabilidade n\ue3o tiVEram seus resultados afetados pelos diferentes tamanhos da amostra. A germinabilidade, entretanto, mostrou-se a medida mais est\ue1VEl do processo germinativo, n\ue3o sendo influenciada pelo tamanho da amostra, mesmo quando analisada por meio de lotes com qualidades muito discrepantes.It is usual to find papers about seed germination of natiVE species using different sample sizes. HoweVEr, the consequences of these procedures on the results are unknown. This study measured the germination process of Bowdichia virgilioides based on different seed sample sizes. The assay was conducted in a germination chamber under continuous fluorescent white lamps and 26.2 \ub1 2.5 \ubaC. The design was completely randomized, as a 3 x 3 factorial (three sample sizes x three seed lots), with four replications per treatment. The sowing was done in gerbox, each one containing 25 seeds, making up 100, 200 and 400 seeds per sample analyzed. Germinability, time (first, aVErage and final), speed (mean germination rate and Maguire\u2019s index \u2013 VE or IVG), coefficient of variation of the germination time, uncertainty and synchrony of the germination process were evaluated. Those seeds with embryo protrusion were considered germinated. Germination relatiVE frequency graphics were also made. Among these measurements, the most fragile to size sample were VE and the uncertainty. VE was also influenced by the relation between germinability and mean germination rate, demonstrating its instability to measure the speed of the germination process when the lots haVE different germination capacity. Results of time measurements, uniformity, mean germination rate and germinability were not affected by seed sample size. Germinability, howeVEr, was the most stable germination measurement, and was not affected by sample size, eVEn when analyzed by seed lots with VEry discrepant quality

    Descomposición de datos multi-espectrales: interfaz gráfica para Matlab

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    Avances recientes han permitido el desarrollo de dispositivos capaces de capturar información en múltiples longitudes de onda. Estos datos tienen diversas aplicaciones con el problema en común de cómo interpretarlos. Una de las técnicas utilizadas con este fin es la descomposición espectral, que separa los datos de una muestra en sus componentes básicos y concentraciones proporcionales. Nuestro trabajo previo ha estado enfocado en la descomposición espectral de datos de fluorescencia multiespectral, donde se han desarrollado métodos que proporcionan una solución cuantitativa, robusta y rápida, la cual no está limitada por el número de componentes que se pueden caracterizar. En este trabajo, presentamos una interface desarrollada en Matlab que puede estimar los perfiles característicos de los componentes constituyentes de una muestra y sus abundancias. En caso de que no se tenga información alguna sobre la muestra, nos permite obtener además el número de componentes en ella. El artículo hace una descripción del software y sus herramientas.Además, se ejemplifica su uso en la caracterización de muestras ex-vivo de arterias coronarias. El programa se encuentra disponible de manera gratuita y provee al usuario de una herramienta fácil de usar para el análisis de datos multi o hiper-espectrales.Palabra(s) Clave(s): descomposición ciega, fluorescencia endógena, interfaz gráfica, optimización cuadrática, quimiometría

    Pittsburgh compound B imaging and cerebrospinal fluid amyloid-β in a multicentre European memory clinic study

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    The aim of this study was to assess the agreement between data on cerebral amyloidosis, derived using Pittsburgh compound B positron emission tomography and (i) multi-laboratory INNOTEST enzyme linked immunosorbent assay derived cerebrospinal fluid concentrations of amyloid-β 42 ; (ii) centrally measured cerebrospinal fluid amyloid-β 42 using a Meso Scale Discovery enzyme linked immunosorbent assay; and (iii) cerebrospinal fluid amyloid-β 42 centrally measured using an antibody-independent mass spectrometry-based reference method. Moreover, we examined the hypothesis that discordance between amyloid biomarker measurements may be due to interindividual differences in total amyloid-β production, by using the ratio of amyloid-β 42 to amyloid-β 40 . Our study population consisted of 243 subjects from seven centres belonging to the Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease Initiative, and included subjects with normal cognition and patients with mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s disease dementia, frontotemporal dementia, and vascular dementia. All had Pittsburgh compound B positron emission tomography data, cerebrospinal fluid INNOTEST amyloid-β 42 values, and cerebrospinal fluid samples available for reanalysis. Cerebrospinal fluid samples were reanalysed (amyloid-β 42 and amyloid-β 40 ) using Meso Scale Discovery electrochemiluminescence enzyme linked immunosorbent assay technology, and a novel, antibody-independent, mass spectrometry reference method. Pittsburgh compound B standardized uptake value ratio results were scaled using the Centiloid method. Concordance between Meso Scale Discovery/mass spectrometry reference measurement procedure findings and Pittsburgh compound B was high in subjects with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease, while more variable results were observed for cognitively normal and non-Alzheimer’s disease groups. Agreement between Pittsburgh compound B classification and Meso Scale Discovery/mass spectrometry reference measurement procedure findings was further improved when using amyloid-β 42/40 . Agreement between Pittsburgh compound B visual ratings and Centiloids was near complete. Despite improved agreement between Pittsburgh compound B and centrally analysed cerebrospinal fluid, a minority of subjects showed discordant findings. While future studies are needed, our results suggest that amyloid biomarker results may not be interchangeable in some individuals


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    A varia\ue7\ue3o da cor do solo \ue9 uma resposta relacionada principalmente a sua composi\ue7\ue3o f\uedsica, qu\uedmica, biol\uf3gica e mineral\uf3gica. O sistema de cores de Munsell \ue9 baseado na cor de forma objetiva, em que, atrav\ue9s dela \ue9 poss\uedvel avaliar diversos fatores do solo, como a presen\ue7a de \uf3xidos de ferro, granulometria e material org\ue2nico. O objetivo do trabalho foi realizar uma rela\ue7\ue3o e identifica\ue7\ue3o entre o \uedndice de avermelhamento (IAV) com o estoque de carbono presente na parte a\ue9rea da vegeta\ue7\ue3o de Cerrado. O trabalho foi realizado em sete munic\uedpios do Oeste Baiano, em \ue1reas nativas de Cerrado, nas fitofisionomias: Floresta de Galeria, Cerrad\ue3o, Cerrado stricto sensu e Campo Sujo. A determina\ue7\ue3o da cor foi efetuada no campo em amostras de solo \ufamido, empregando-se a caderneta de Munsell. A partir da avalia\ue7\ue3o da matiz, valor e croma, foi calculado o \uedndice de avermelhamento (IAV). A estimativa do estoque de carbono acima do solo foi realizada a partir dos compartimentos: tronco e galhos, tanto das \ue1rvores vivas quanto \ue1rvores mortas, atrav\ue9s de uma equa\ue7\ue3o alom\ue9trica desenvolvida para o Cerrado. O \uedndice de avermelhamento da cor do solo na camada de 0,00 a 0,20 m possui uma rela\ue7\ue3o diretamente proporcional e significativa com o estoque de carbono da biomassa a\ue9rea da vegeta\ue7\ue3o de Cerrado, podendo ser extrapolado o c\ue1lculo do estoque de carbono (EC) pelo valor do \uedndice de avermelhamento (IAV) do solo pela equa\ue7\ue3o [EC = 0,4936 \ub7 IAV + 4,2286 (-1,5%)]. A praticidade pela coleta dos dados de IAV, atrav\ue9s da carta de Munsell e a confiabilidade do ajuste, dado pelo erro residual menor do que 5%, faz com que esta rela\ue7\ue3o possa ser utilizada para fins acad\ueamicos e coorporativos em estima\ue7\ue3o dos estoques de carbono para aplica\ue7\ue3o em manejos florestais e ambientais. A varia\ue7\ue3o de EC entre as fitofisionomias estudadas faz-se, principalmente, pela distinta densidade de indiv\uedduos arb\uf3reos por hectare. A varia\ue7\ue3o do IAV nas \ue1reas estudadas \ue9 devido \ue0 mat\ue9ria org\ue2nica acumulada na superf\uedcie do solo, ao conte\ufado mineral e \ue0 capacidade de drenagem, segundo infer\ueancias da literatura, refletindo assim nas distintas cores do solo nas fitofisionomias estudadas.The color variety of soil is response of its physical, chemical, biological and mineralogical composition. The Munsell color system is based on an objective color evaluation in which it is possible to evaluate different color soil factors such as the presence of iron oxides, particle size, and accumulated organic material. The objective of this study was to identify the relation between the redness index (IAV) of soil and the amount of carbon content present in the aerial part of Cerrado vegetation. The study was conducted in seven cities in western Bahia state, in native areas of Cerrado. The determination o soil color was made in the field, with moist soil samples, using the Munsell color chart. From the evaluation of hue, value and chroma, the redness index (IAV) was calculated. The estimation of carbon stock above ground was carried out from: trunk and branches, both living and dead trees by the allometric equation developed in Cerrado areas. The redness index of soil, from the layer 0.00 to 0.20 m, has a significant and directly proportional relationship with the carbon stock of above ground biomass of Cerrado vegetation. This may be extrapolated to calculate the carbon stock (EC) by the redness index (IAV) of soil by the equation [EC = 0.4936 \ub7 IAV + 4.2286 (-1.5%)]. The practicality of sampling of data by IAV with Munsell chart, and the reliability of data fit by results of residual error less than 5%, make that this relationship may be used for academic and corporative in carbon stocks estimation for use in forest and environmental management. The EC variation between the studied physiognomies is mainly by distinct density of tree individuals per hectare. The variation of IAV in studied areas is due to the accumulated organic matter on the soil surface, the mineral content and drainage capacity, according to inferences of literature, and this reflecting the different colors of soil in the studied phytophysiognomies