883 research outputs found

    A viral system to optimise the daily drayage problem

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    The intermodal transport chain can become more efficient by means of a good organisation of the drayage movements. Drayage in intermodal container terminals involves the pick up or delivery of containers at customer locations, and the main objective is normally the assignment of transportation tasks to the different vehicles, often with the presence of time windows. This paper focuses on a new approach to tackle the daily drayage problem by the use of viral system (VS). VS is a novel bio-inspired approach that makes use of a virus-infection biological analogy that is producing very satisfactory results when dealing with complex problems with huge feasibility region.Unión Europea TEC2013-47286-C3-3-

    Under which conditions is carrier cooperation possible? A case study in a Seville marketplace

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    The high volume of traffic originates two well-known problems in many cities: congestion and pollution. In recent years, a social phenomenon is emerging cooperation. This work is aimed at evaluating the circumstances under which transport cooperation is possible between different stakeholders operating in the same geographical area. To this end, a double survey process was conducted in a marketplace situated in the Seville City (Spain) centre. The first survey was designed to know the characteristics of the retailers and their preferences with respect to cooperation and regulations. A relational analysis between retailer features and their willingness to cooperate was carried out. After analysing the motivations for non-cooperation, a mixed proposal was designed and surveyed. Although the research was limited to a marketplace, the relevant data gathered from this double survey process highlights some implications: (a) the importance of personal relations in retailer cooperation; (b) a high volume of freight and the use of vans as on-street warehouses appear as significant motivations for non-cooperation; (c) forcing changes in the statu quo encourages cooperation.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España) TEC2013-47286-C3-3-

    The Asplund school: first projects, tested theses

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    Cualquier estudio sobre el trabajo de Gunnar Asplund irradia una nueva luz sobre las fuerzas culturales que influyeron en el periodo que precedió al Movimiento Moderno y del que el arquitecto sueco es uno de los exponentes más significativos a través de una obra que guarda buena parte de su extremo en su contenido intelectual y en el empleo simultáneo y libre de fuentes clásicas, vernáculas y modernas. En este sentido, durante la finalización de sus estudios en una academia no oficial y en los comienzos de su carrera, una serie de acontecimientos desencadenados provocaron que Asplund tuviera que abordar una serie de proyectos de pequeñas viviendas particulares así como concursos para escuelas; de modo que todos ellos resultan altamente ilustrativos para comprender buena parte de su proceder profesional al establecer estos una serie de motivos comunes que irán apareciendo en los distintos trabajos del arquitecto. En este artículo se analizan los precedentes que propiciaron todos esos proyectos desarrollando principalmente el acontecer de dos de ellos: desde su formación en la escuela Klara de Estocolmo (1910/11) a sus proyectos para la escuela de secundaria Vägga en Karlshamn (1912-18) y la ampliación de la escuela de primaria Karl Johan en Göteborg (1915-24).Any study on the activity of Gunnar Asplund sheds new light on the cultural forces at play in the period preceding the Modern Movement, of which the Swedish architect is one of the most significant examples by way of a work that relies primarily on its intellectual content and the concurrent and free use of classical, vernacular and modern sources. In this sense, at the time hefinished his studies at a non-official academy and was beginning his career, a chain of events made Asplund take on a series of projects for small private homes as well as calls for tender for schools; all of these are highly illustrative for understanding most of his professional activity, since they establish a series of common motifs to be found throughout the different works of the architect. This article analyzes the precedents that contributed to those projects, focusing mainly on two of them: from his training at the Klara school of Stockholm (1910/11) to his projects for the Vägga secondary school of Karlshamn (1912-18) and the enlargement of the Karl Johan primary school of Göteborg (1915-24)

    G. Asplund, W. Gahn, S. Markelius, G. Paulsson, E. Sundahl, U. Åhrén: "Acceptera"

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    Seis de los personajes más influyentes en el panorama arquitectónico de Suecia en los años 20 – Gunnar Asplund, Wolter Gahn, Sven Markelius, Gregor Paulsson, Eskil Sundahl y Uno Åhrén – fueron llamados a escribir juntosAcceptera (Aceptad, 1931) a raíz de la Exposición de Arte Industrial celebrada en Estocolmo en 1930. Publicado por Tiden – la editorial de cabecera del SAP (Partido Socialdemócrata Sueco), recién llegado al poder en 1928 – hoy es concebido como uno de los textos fundacionales de la modernidad sueca. Su recuperación en esta reseña constata las claves de una particular noción del movimiento en la que el progreso era buscado en la recuperación de los valores tradicionales de una cultura al amparo de una serie de medidas socio-económicas en el país

    Dublín : nuevos paradigmas-nuevas ciudades

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    Una obra no tiene sexo pero tampoco tiene clase. Los estudios que concluían que la principal causa de división social en las ciudades era las distintas clases que cohabitaban, concluyen ahora que la complejidad a la que se ha expuesto la ciudad le ha introducido numerosas variables en cuanto a etnia, credo, raza o generación y, en última instancia, la cuestión del género como uno de los factores esenciales para comprender los procesos generadores de desigualdad en las aparentes ciudades democráticas del S.XXI. Es necesario discernir entre las diferencias originales entre los géneros y las impuestas por el sistema estructural ordenadas por el hombre hacia la mujer. Dadas las nuevas relaciones establecidas en Temple Bar resulta indudable afirmar que, intencionados o no, existen nuevos valores de creación de patrimonio relacionados con parámetros tan válidos como los convencionalmente aceptados para la puesta en valor de tramas obsoletas en los centros históricos de las ciudades europeas. Uno de ellos establece nuevos órdenes superestructurales subvirtiendo determinados valores heredados. La identidad como género, y éste como motor proyectual extrapolable (es decir, que tiende a la universalidad) es, seguramente, uno de ellos

    Siah Dareh. Terraces and landscape in Abbas Kiarostami

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    Siah Dareh es uno de los denominados “pueblos colgados” del Kurdistán iraní que responde a la estructura morfotipológica tradicional en la zona como resultado de una querencia arcaica de defensa: ubicada en la ladera de una montaña en plena cordillera del Zagros, se camufla en el paisaje escarpado gracias a sus construcciones de adobe y terracota y su disposición escalonada. Sobre sus plataformas se desarrolla todo un continuo urbano particularmente extraño, en el que conceptos tradicionales como calle o plaza resultan transgredidos como consecuencia de la espontaneidad y libertad de una arquitectura acumulativa por niveles que termina constituyendo un conjunto desconcertante al uso. Abbas Kiarostami —indudablemente, el cineasta iraní más celebrado internacionalmente— emplea las indeterminaciones espaciales del pequeño pueblo para aislar y alienar al protagonista de su filme El viento nos llevará (1999), toda vez que este se encuentra suspendido a la espera de un acontecimiento que no termina de ocurrir. De esta forma, al recorrer repetidamente Siah Dareh, la aldea se convierte en una abstracción recurrente, un elemento mediador en la diégesis cuya lectura trasciende más allá de su simple —y caótica— formalidad aparente.Siah Dareh is one of the so-called “hanging villages” of Iranian Kurdistan that conforms to the traditional morphotypological structure of the area as a result of an archaic defense attachment: located on the side of a mountain in the middle of the Zagros mountain range, it is camouflaged in the steep landscape thanks to its adobe and terracotta constructions and its staggered layout. A particularly strange urban continuum develops on its platforms, in which traditional concepts such as street or square are transgressed as a result of the spontaneity and freedom of a cumulative architecture by levels that ends up being a disconcerting set to use. Abbas Kiarostami —undoubtedly the most internationally celebrated Iranian filmmaker— makes use of the spatial indeterminacies of the small village to isolate and alienate the protagonist of his film The Wind Will Carry Us (1999), as he is suspended, waiting for an event that does not end up happening. In this way, by repeatedly crossing Siah Dareh, the village becomes a recurring abstraction, a mediating element in the digesis whose reading transcends beyond its simple — and chaotic — apparent formality

    Software agents for personalized training of collaborative e-learning teachers

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    In Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) environments it is not enough to organize students in groups because interactions that originate the collaborative creation of knowledge do not happen spontaneously. Consequently, it is essential that e-tutors (teachers) promote interactions between students and coordinate discussions. To ease the workload (both temporal and cognitive) that supposes for teachers the coordination of discussions, software applications that give information about critical events of the interaction process have been developed so that teachers can intervene when group conflicts take place. Most e-tutors lack of experience with techniques of CSCL, but coordination skills of CSCL interactions belong to acquired skills category, it means this kind of skills can be developed through training processes. (Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen)Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Software agents for personalized training of collaborative e-learning teachers

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    In Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) environments it is not enough to organize students in groups because interactions that originate the collaborative creation of knowledge do not happen spontaneously. Consequently, it is essential that e-tutors (teachers) promote interactions between students and coordinate discussions. To ease the workload (both temporal and cognitive) that supposes for teachers the coordination of discussions, software applications that give information about critical events of the interaction process have been developed so that teachers can intervene when group conflicts take place. Most e-tutors lack of experience with techniques of CSCL, but coordination skills of CSCL interactions belong to acquired skills category, it means this kind of skills can be developed through training processes. (Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen)Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    The Dynamic Improvement of Vehicle Routing: Reoptimization Events

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    Acta congreso: http://www.insisoc.org/CIO2013/es/documentacion/BOOK%20OF%20PROCEEDINGS%207th%20INTERNATIONAL%20CONFERENCE%20ON%20INDUSTRIAL%20ENGINEERING%20AND%20INDUSTRIAL.pdfThe static environments of optimization are not efficient when there is Uncertainty. The vehicle routing is a common case of it. For example, there usually is uncertainty in the transit time due to the congestion, traffic jam, etc. Dynamic optimization has been more efficient in these environments. To determinate when a reoptimization have to be run is fundamental.Los entornos estáticos de optimización no son todo lo eficientes que se esperaría en situaciones donde existe incertidumbre. El rutado de vehículos es una caso común donde existe incertidumbre, por ejemplo en el tiempo de tránsito, motivado principalmente por los diferentes niveles de congestión existentes. La reoptimización dinámica se ha mostrado más eficaz en este tipo de sistemas. Determinar en que momentos realizar la reoptimización es fundamental en la eficiencia de este tipo de sistemas