252 research outputs found

    The state of the art of government policy and program e valuation methodologies

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    This research analyzes the conceptual aspects and the state of the art of evaluation methodologies within government policies and programs, based on theoretical and empirical evidence on the subject. This article aims to map the evaluation study and discuss evaluation practices in Brazil, the United States and Europe. It is, therefore, an exploratory and bibliographic research, with a qualitative approach, based on studies indicated in the selected literature. Although the evaluation practices in Brazil are recent and not fully established, the results point out a similarity in the evaluation activities, when compared with the American and European countries. On the other hand, these evaluation practices are still little used in Brazil, which still faces contextual and methodological challenges in the evaluation of public policies and programs, as well as the implementation of continued evaluation policies

    Innovation and intellectual property system: Proposal for a conceptual framework

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    Developing a resilient infrastructure, inclusive and sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation correspond to one of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (SDG/UN), notably the ninth. However, meeting this result, in the case of developing countries such as Brazil, seems complex, demanding a review of the organization of industrial and innovation systems. Based on that, this study analyzes the panorama of Science, Technology and Innovation in Brazil (ST&I), through indicators. Then, a conceptual framework is presented with suggestions for planning and organizing an innovation and intellectual property system. The analysis of the country\u27s indicators revealed some important challenges in the area of ST&I, such as the need to improve the financing process and better adhesion of national companies to the system of protection of their intellectual property. Additionally, the framework presented a series of suggestive actions for the system\u27s actors, based on 05 main functions: Regulatory, Coordination, Protection of Intellectual Property, Promotion and Production and Operationalization of Knowledge

    The effects of oil royalties on regional inequality in Brazil

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    This article evaluates the impact of oil royalties on Brazil’s production structure and their effects on regional inequality. An interregional input-output model was used, encompassing the 27 Brazilian states and 26 sectors, with base year 2008. The simulation strategy assumed 75% of these funds are channelled into education and 25% into the health sector, as mandated by Law 12.858/2013. To measure the effect of royalties on regional inequality, the Gini coefficient was calculated both ex-ante and ex-post with respect to the impact analysis. The main findings indicate that interregional and intersectoral spillovers are weak; but, in the Southeast and Northeast regions, the investment of royalties in education and health could help reduce intraregional inequality

    Efectos de las regalías petroleras en la desigualdad regional en el Brasil

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    En este trabajo se evalúan los efectos de las regalías petroleras en la estructura productiva brasileña y sus repercusiones en la desigualdad regional. Para ello, se utilizó un modelo interregional de insumo-producto, con año base 2008, constituido por los 27 estados brasileños y 26 sectores. En la estrategia de simulación se consideró la asignación del 75% de esos recursos a la educación y el 25% a la salud, según lo dispuesto por la Ley 12.858/2013. Para medir el efecto de las regalías en la desigualdad regional, se calculó el coeficiente de Gini ex ante y ex post al análisis de impacto. Los principales resultados indican que los efectos indirectos interregionales e intersectoriales son escasos. Por otra parte, en las regiones Sudeste y Nordeste, la aplicación de las regalías en la educación y la salud podría contribuir a la reducción de la desigualdad intrarregional

    Public governance focused on intellectual property: A bibliometric analysis of national and international scientific publications

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    This study aims to investigate the main national and international theoretical contributions on Public Governance, with a focus on Intellectual Property. The methodology used involved exploratory analysis, based on bibliometric research. The data were collected through the Capes Periodical Portal, namely in the Scopus databases, consisting of a database of citations and neutral abstracts curated by independent sources of specialists in the subject. The obtained result indicated that the combination of the searched terms, "Public Governance" and "Intellectual Property", as a filter in all fields. As a result, it is observed that there are 15 countries more prominent in research on Public Governance and Intellectual Property, led by the USA, standing out with 22.5% of publications. Of the 13 (thirteen) largest areas of knowledge, it can be seen that the three largest areas represent 78% of the publications in the Scopus database. In relation to the largest universities found among the 15 (fifteen), potentially 3 (three) stand out with greater individual percentage representativeness in the publications on the theme of this research. Finally, it was identified that this research contributes to researchers and the scientific community in general, while allowing the reproduction of future research, using other bases, and thus increasing knowledge


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    This paper analyzes the effects of the application of mining royalties on the efficiency of Bahian municipalities, with regard to the promotion of economic development in the period 2010-2015. For this, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) or Frontier Analysis is adopted, with variable effects at scale (BCC) oriented to the product and combined with the Malmquist Index of productivity, enabling an intertemporal analysis. CFEM's participation in municipal public expenditures was used as input and outputs (independent) were IFDM – Education, IFDM – Employment and Income and IFDM – Health. The results suggest that the majority of the municipalities studied were efficient, although they did not obtain significant increases in the levels of development.Este trabalho analisa os efeitos da aplicação dos royalties da mineração sobre a eficiência dos municípios baianos, no que se refere à promoção do desenvolvimento econômico no período 2010-2015. Para isso, é adotada a Análise Envoltória de Dados – Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) ou Frontier Analysis, com efeitos variáveis à escala (BCC) orientada para o produto e combinada com o Índice de Malmquist de produtividade, possibilitando uma análise intertemporal. Utilizou-se como input a participação da CFEM nos dispêndios públicos municipais e como outputs (independentes) o IFDM–Educação, o IFDM–Emprego e Renda e o IFDM–Saúde. Os resultados sugerem que a maioria dos munícipios estudados foi eficiente, ainda que não tenha obtido incrementos significativos nos níveis de desenvolvimento.


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    The research infrastructures and the quality of their human resources play an important role in the S, T & I activities of the countries and regions, especially in developing countries, as is the case of Brazil. Given this context, this work has the objective of verifying the contribution of the research infrastructure to the scientific production and the obtainment of patents in Brazil, using as research method the indicators of science, technology and innovation, in the segments of input, process and result. The data reveals that the regions of the Southeast and South show better indicators of results in the S, T & I area, and that this presents a strong association with the quality and quantity of human resources inserted in these activities. They also reveal that the North, Northeast and Midwest regions still lack efficiency and qualification of their infrastructures, especially due to the low productivity when it comes to innovation, measured by means of the patents deposited in the INPI.Las infraestructuras de investigación y la calidad de los recursos humanos existentes en ellas desempeñan un papel fundamental en las actividades de CTI de los países y regiones, especialmente en los países en desarrollo, como es el caso de Brasil. Ante este contexto, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo verificar la contribución de la infraestructura de investigación para la producción científica y en la obtención de patentes en Brasil, utilizando como método de investigación los indicadores de ciencia, tecnología e innovación, en los segmentos insumo, proceso y resultado. Los datos muestran que las regiones Sudeste y Sur poseen mejores indicadores de resultado en el ítem CTI y que eso tiene fuerte asociación con la calidad y cantidad de los recursos humanos insertados en esas actividades. También revelan que las regiones Norte, Nordeste y Centro-Oeste carecen de más eficiencia y calificación de sus infraestructuras, sobre todo debido a la baja productividad en el ámbito de la innovación, medida por medio de las patentes depositadas en el INPI.As infraestruturas de pesquisa e a qualidade dos recursos humanos existentes nelas exercem papel fundamental nas atividades de C, T & I dos países e regiões, especialmente nos países em desenvolvimento, como é caso do Brasil.  Diante desse contexto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo verificar a contribuição da infraestrutura de pesquisa para a produção científica e na obtenção de patentes no Brasil, utilizando-se como método de pesquisa os indicadores de ciência, tecnologia e inovação, nos segmentos insumo, processo e resultado. Os dados mostram que as regiões Sudeste e Sul possuem melhores indicadores de resultado no quesito C, T & I e que isso possui forte associação com a qualidade e quantidade dos recursos humanos inseridos nessas atividades. Revelam também que as regiões Norte, Nordeste e Centro-Oeste ainda carecem de mais eficiência e qualificação de suas infraestruturas, sobretudo em virtude da baixa produtividade no quesito inovação, medida por meio das patentes depositadas no INPI


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    Objetivo: O objetivo desta pesquisa compreender como garantir o respeito aos direitos fundamentais trabalhistas nas plataformas digitais. Metodologia: A metodologia utilizada nesta pesquisa foi a do método dedutivo; quanto aos meios a pesquisa foi bibliográfica e documental e, quanto aos fins, a pesquisa foi qualitativa. Resultados: Conclui-se que, para garantir o respeito aos direitos fundamentais trabalhistas nas plataformas digitais, é preciso um novo modelo de regulação que abarque aspectos específicos das novas relações de trabalho que surgem a partir das plataformas. Contribuição: A contribuição da presente pesquisa diz respeito à necessidade de compreender as particularidades das novas formas de trabalho que surgem diante da atual realidade tecnológica e quais são os pontos sensíveis que precisam ser tratados para garantir o respeito aos direitos fundamentais