993 research outputs found

    Real-Time Operating System/360

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    RTOS has a cost savings advantage for real-time applications, such as those with random inputs requiring a flexible data routing facility, display systems simplified by a device independent interface language, and complex applications needing added storage protection and data queuing

    Attenuation of Kappa-opioid receptor sensitivity changes after chronic ethanol exposure in response to voluntary exercise

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    Exercise has been known to help alleviate addiction for many years. This research investigates the role of exercise on the mesolimbic dopamine circuit, specifically the attenuation of Kappa-opioid receptor sensitivity and how this plays a role in ethanol addiction

    Neoadjuvant therapy for breast cancer

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    Objective: To evaluate the frequency of neoadjuvant therapy (NT) in women with stage I–III breast cancer in Italy and whether it is influenced by biological characteristics, screening history, and geographic area. Methods: Data from the High Resolution Study conducted in 7 Italian cancer registries were used; they are a representative sample of incident cancers in the study period (2009–2013). Included were 3546 women aged <85 years (groups <50, 50–69, 70–64, and 75+) with stage I–III breast cancer at diagnosis who underwent surgery. Women were classified as receiving NT if they received chemotherapy, target therapy, and/or hormone therapy before the first surgical treatment. Logistic models were built to test the association with biological and contextual variables. Results: Only 8.2% of women (290 cases) underwent NT; the treatment decreases with increasing age (14.5% in age <50 and 2.2% in age 75+), is more frequent in women with negative receptors (14.8%), HER2-positive (15.7%), and triple-negative (15.6%). The multivariable analysis showed the probability of receiving NT is higher in stage III (odds ratio [OR] 3.83; 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.83–5.18), luminal B (OR 1.87; 95% CI 1.27–2.76), triple-negatives (OR 1.88; 95% CI 1.15–3.08), and in symptomatic cancers (OR 1.98; 95% CI 1.13–3.48). Use of NT varied among geographic areas: Reggio Emilia had the highest rates (OR 2.29; 95% CI 1.37–3.82) while Palermo had the lowest (OR 0.41; 95% CI 0.24–0.68). Conclusions: The use of NT in Italy is limited and variable. There are no signs of greater use in hospitals with more advanced care

    Магнитокоммутируемая микросхема и датчик измерения скорости ветра на ее основе

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    Разработанная магнитокоммутируемая микросхема на основе эффекта Холла позволила создать магнитный датчик скорости ветра.У статті представлено опис магн·токомутуємої мікросхе·ми на основі ефекту Холу. Приведені електрична схема розробленої МКМ і її основні технічні характеристики. Розроблено датчик швидкості вітру на її основі. Діапазон вимірювання швидкості вітру склав 0,5 - 50 м/с з похибкою ±5%.The magneto switch microcircuit on the base of Hall-effect is developed. The electric scheme of the magneto sensitive IC was designed and its basic technical characteristics are described. The gauge of wind speed on its base is fabricated

    De Novo Microdeletion Spanning YWHAE and CRK in an Individual with Intellectual Disability and Stunted Growth

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    In this report, we present a case of a 20-year-old female with congenital intellectual disability, stunted growth, and hypothyroidism. Competitive genetic hybridization (CHG) revealed a loss of a portion of 17p13.3 at least 195 Kb in size, not present in either parent. This area of chromosome 17 is associated with Miller-Dieker Syndrome (MDS) and Isolated Lissencephaly Sequence (ILS), but these conditions are related predominantly to PAFAH1B1, which is not included in the patient’s deletion

    Photofragmentation Dynamics of Core-excited Water by Anion-yield Spectroscopy

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    Partial-anion and- cation yields from H2O are presented for photon energies near the oxygen K edge. The O- yield exhibits a feature above threshold attributed to doubly excited states, in contrast to the H- and cation yields, which are nearly featureless above threshold. Additionally, the lack of the OH- fragment indicates radiative decay and provides a negligible amount of anion formation

    Cinematic and aesthetic cartographies of subjective mutation

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    This article exmaines the use of cinema as a mapping of subjective mutation in the work of Deleuze, Gauttari and Berardi. Drawing on Deleuze's distinciton between the reduction of the art-work to the symptom and the idea of art as symptomatology, the article focuses on Berardi's use of cinematic examples, posing the quesiton in each case of to what extent they function as symptomatologies or mere symptoms of cultural and subjective mutations in examples ranging from Bergman's Persona to Van Sant's Elephant to finish on speculations about Fincher's The Social Network as a cirtical engagement with subjective mutation in the 21st Century

    Relativistic Effects on Interchannel Coupling in Atomic Photoionization: The Photoelectron Angular Distribution of Xe

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    Measurements of the photoelectron angular-distribution asymmetry parameter β for Xe 5s photoionization have been performed in the 80–200 eV photon-energy region. The results show a substantial deviation from the nonrelativistic value of β=2 and provide a clear signature of significant relativistic effects in interchannel coupling