67 research outputs found

    Brauer-Manin obstruction for integral points of homogeneous spaces and representation by integral quadratic forms

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    An integer may be represented by a quadratic form over each ring of p-adic integers and over the reals without being represented by this quadratic form over the integers. More generally, such failure of a local-global principle may occur for the representation of one integral quadratic form by another integral quadratic form. We show that many such examples may be accounted for by a Brauer-Manin obstruction for the existence of integral points on schemes defined over the integers. For several types of homogeneous spaces of linear algebraic groups, this obstruction is shown to be the only obstruction to the existence of integral points. ----- Une forme quadratique enti\`ere peut \^etre repr\'esent\'ee par une autre forme quadratique enti\`ere sur tous les anneaux d'entiers p-adiques et sur les r\'eels, sans l'\^etre sur les entiers. On en trouve de nombreux exemples dans la litt\'erature. Nous montrons qu'une partie de ces exemples s'explique au moyen d'une obstruction de type Brauer-Manin pour les points entiers. Pour plusieurs types d'espaces homog\`enes de groupes alg\'ebriques lin\'eaires, cette obstruction est la seule obstruction \`a l'existence d'un point entier.Comment: 53 pages, in Englis

    The proportion of failures of the Hasse norm principle

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    For any number field we calculate the exact proportion of rational numbers which are everywhere locally a norm but not globally a norm from the number field

    Is the function field of a reductive Lie algebra purely transcendental over the field of invariants for the adjoint action?

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    Let kk be a field of characteristic zero, let GG be a connected reductive algebraic group over kk and let g\mathfrak{g} be its Lie algebra. Let k(G)k(G), respectively, k(g)k(\mathfrak{g}), be the field of kk-rational functions on GG, respectively, g\mathfrak{g}. The conjugation action of GG on itself induces the adjoint action of GG on g\mathfrak{g}. We investigate the question whether or not the field extensions k(G)/k(G)Gk(G)/k(G)^G and k(g)/k(g)Gk(\mathfrak{g})/k(\mathfrak{g})^G are purely transcendental. We show that the answer is the same for k(G)/k(G)Gk(G)/k(G)^G and k(g)/k(g)Gk(\mathfrak{g})/k(\mathfrak{g})^G, and reduce the problem to the case where GG is simple. For simple groups we show that the answer is positive if GG is split of type An{\sf A}_{n} or Cn{\sf C}_n, and negative for groups of other types, except possibly G2{\sf G}_{2}. A key ingredient in the proof of the negative result is a recent formula for the unramified Brauer group of a homogeneous space with connected stabilizers. As a byproduct of our investigation we give an affirmative answer to a question of Grothendieck about the existence of a rational section of the categorical quotient morphism for the conjugating action of GG on itself. The results and methods of this paper have played an important part in recent A. Premet's negative solution (arxiv:0907.2500) of the Gelfand--Kirillov conjecture for finite-dimensional simple Lie algebras of every type, other than An{\sf A}_n, Cn{\sf C}_n, and G2{\sf G}_2.Comment: Final version, 37 pages. To appear in Compositio Mathematica

    On Albanese torsors and the elementary obstruction

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    We show that the elementary obstruction to the existence of 0-cycles of degree 1 on an arbitrary variety X (over an arbitrary field) can be expressed in terms of the Albanese 1-motives associated with dense open subsets of X. Arithmetic applications are given

    Réduction des groupes algébriques commutatifs

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    We study a problem of constructing an algebraic torus (an abelian variety) over a p-adic field whose Ne Ă‚ron model would have a given connected commutative unipotent group as the identity component of its special fibre
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