55 research outputs found

    A pilot study of the role of corn dextrin and milk peptides supplementation on faecal microbiota in healthy adults

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    The gastrointestinal microbiota has an important role in human health. Dietary interventions are of great interest to modulate the composition and metabolic functions of the gut microbial communities and to improve health, and prevent or treat diseases. Consumption of prebiotics is one dietary strategy for beneficial manipulation of the gut microbiota, because it allows increasing the fibre intake, especially in people with western dietary habits, who do not take the recommended daily amount of fiber. Interestingly, milk peptides can also positively affect the beneficial gut microorganisms. The present work is a pilot study aimed to investigate the effect of a prebiotic supplementation on composition and metabolic activity of microorganisms living in the human gut. In this trial, 12 healthy subjects received 10g/die of supplement Biotransit\uae, composed by corn derived dextrin and milk peptides, produced and marketed in Italy by Depofarma (Italy), for 4 weeks with a 2 weeks washout. Outcome measures were assessed at four time points (before the supplementation T0-1, T0-2, at the end of intervention, T30 and after washout, T45), including gut microbiota profiling by 16S rRNA gene sequencing and intestinal functional metabolism measuring faecal Short Chain Fatty Acid concentrations (SCFAs). The effects of the Biotransit supplementation on bifidobacteria were also assessed with culture dependent techniques. Gut microbiota analysis revealed that Biotransit\uae supplementation after 30 days did not exert effects on the overall gut microbiota structure. Although no significant differences on alpha diversity were obtained, we observed an increase of diversity after 30 days of treatment. Beta diversity analysis, calculated on Bray-Curtis distances revealed significant differences comparing T0 vs T45 and T30 vs T45. Interestingly, at T45, we found an enrichment of Porphyromonadaceae. Biotransit\uae induced quantitative changes in cultivable bifidobacteria with increased amount at T45, even if the total number of species has not been influenced. Biotransit\uae supplementation is also associated to an increase total SCFAs concentration in T30 and T45, in particular related to acetate, propionate and butyrate (p < 0.05). Future study will be aimed to follow the time course of the persistence of this effect after the end of treatment

    Volcanic Risk System (SRV): ASI Pilot Project to Support The Monitoring of Volcanic Risk In Italy by Means of EO Data

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    The ASI-SRV(Sistema Rischio Vulcanico) project started at the beginning of the 2007 is funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) in the frame of the National Space Plan 2003-2005 under the Earth Observations section for natural risks management. Coordinated by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), which is responsible at national level for the volcanic monitoring, the project has as main objective to develop a pre-operative system based on EO data and ground measurements integration to support the volcanic risk monitoring of the Italian Civil Protection Department. The project philosophy is to implement specific modules which allow to process, store and visualize through Web GIS tools EO derived parameters considering three activity phases: 1) knowledge and prevention; 2) crisis; 3) post crisis. In order to combine effectively the EO data and the ground networks measurements the system will implement a multi-parametric analysis tool, which represents and unique tool to analyze contemporaneously a large data set of data in “near real time”. The SRV project will be tested his operational capabilities on three Italian Volcanoes: Etna,Vesuvio and Campi Flegrei.I.N.G.V. - O.V. SEZIONE DI NAPOLI I.R.E.A. - C.N.R. E.S.A. A.S.I.PublishedNapoli1.10. TTC - Telerilevamentoope

    Volcanic Risk System (SRV): ASI Pilot Project to Support The Monitoring of Volcanic Risk In Italy by Means of EO Data

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    The ASI-SRV(Sistema Rischio Vulcanico) project started at the beginning of the 2007 is funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) in the frame of the National Space Plan 2003-2005 under the Earth Observations section for natural risks management. Coordinated by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), which is responsible at national level for the volcanic monitoring, the project has as main objective to develop a pre-operative system based on EO data and ground measurements integration to support the volcanic risk monitoring of the Italian Civil Protection Department. The project philosophy is to implement specific modules which allow to process, store and visualize through Web GIS tools EO derived parameters considering three activity phases: 1) knowledge and prevention; 2) crisis; 3) post crisis. In order to combine effectively the EO data and the ground networks measurements the system will implement a multi-parametric analysis tool, which represents and unique tool to analyze contemporaneously a large data set of data in “near real time”. The SRV project will be tested his operational capabilities on three Italian Volcanoes: Etna,Vesuvio and Campi Flegrei

    Volcanic Risk System (SRV): ASI Pilot Project to Support The Monitoring of Volcanic Risk In Italy by Means of EO Data

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    The ASI-SRV(Sistema Rischio Vulcanico) project started at the beginning of the 2007 is funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) in the frame of the National Space Plan 2003-2005 under the Earth Observations section for natural risks management. Coordinated by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), which is responsible at national level for the volcanic monitoring, the project has as main objective to develop a pre-operative system based on EO data and ground measurements integration to support the volcanic risk monitoring of the Italian Civil Protection Department. The project philosophy is to implement specific modules which allow to process, store and visualize through Web GIS tools EO derived parameters considering three activity phases: 1) knowledge and prevention; 2) crisis; 3) post crisis. In order to combine effectively the EO data and the ground networks measurements the system will implement a multi-parametric analysis tool, which represents and unique tool to analyze contemporaneously a large data set of data in “near real time”. The SRV project will be tested his operational capabilities on three Italian Volcanoes: Etna,Vesuvio and Campi Flegrei


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    Geodetical monitoring of the Campi Flegrei caldera (Naples, Italy), has been historically carried out by ground networks giving an information related only to a certain number of measuring points; this limitation can be greatly relieved by exploiting the space-borne DInSAR which allows to extract the geodetic information on wide areas, with a good time coverage in comparison with the mean repetition time of the campaign measurements. In this work we will show recent results on Campi Flegrei, obtained by using all the ENVISAT ASAR available data from both ascending and descending orbits. The processed data revealed that the uplift phase of Campi Flegrei, which became very clear in summer 2005 with an average velocity of about 2.8 mm/year, has definitely reduced the uplift velocity since spring 2007. This conclusion is consistent with independent deformation measurements carried out by the Vesuvius Observatory (INGV-OV). Differences, in terms of limits and potentialities of DInSAR with respect to classical geodetic techniques and vice-versa and the way they can be compared/integrated, is still a very interesting matter of debate suggesting, as an optimal solution for monitoring purposes in active volcanic areas, the integration of all the available techniques.UnpublishedFrascati1.10. TTC - Telerilevamentoope


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    Geodetical monitoring of the Campi Flegrei caldera (Naples, Italy), has been historically carried out by ground networks giving an information related only to a certain number of measuring points; this limitation can be greatly relieved by exploiting the space-borne DInSAR which allows to extract the geodetic information on wide areas, with a good time coverage in comparison with the mean repetition time of the campaign measurements. In this work we will show recent results on Campi Flegrei, obtained by using all the ENVISAT ASAR available data from both ascending and descending orbits. The processed data revealed that the uplift phase of Campi Flegrei, which became very clear in summer 2005 with an average velocity of about 2.8 mm/year, has definitely reduced the uplift velocity since spring 2007. This conclusion is consistent with independent deformation measurements carried out by the Vesuvius Observatory (INGV-OV). Differences, in terms of limits and potentialities of DInSAR with respect to classical geodetic techniques and vice-versa and the way they can be compared/integrated, is still a very interesting matter of debate suggesting, as an optimal solution for monitoring purposes in active volcanic areas, the integration of all the available techniques

    The 2004–2006 uplift episode at Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy): Constraints from SBAS-DInSAR ENVISAT data and Bayesian source inference

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    We investigate the 2004–2006 uplift phase of Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) by exploiting the archive of ascending and descending ENVISAT SAR data acquired from November 2002 to November 2006. The SBAS-DInSAR technique is applied to generate displacement mean velocity maps and time series. An appropriate post-processing step is subsequently applied to map the areas whose temporal deformation behavior is correlated with that of the maximum uplift zone. Our results show that the deformation also extends outside the volcanological limits of the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff caldera, without significant discontinuities. The DInSAR data are inverted by considering a finite spheroid and an isotropic pointsource. The inversion results suggest that the new uplift is characterized by a source location similar to the previous small uplift event of 2000 and to the long term subsidence of the 1990’s. In particular, the source is located at a depth of about 3.2 km and very close to the city of Pozzuoli (about 800 m offshore, to the SW); the associated volume variation is about 1.1 106 m3/year.PublishedL073081.10. TTC - TelerilevamentoJCR Journalreserve

    Innovative Computer Technology in music based interventions for individuals with autism - Moving beyond traditional interactive music therapy techniques

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    Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who exhibit developmental lim- itations in social-emotional interaction and communication, are widely reported to respond positively to music therapy interventions that incorporate active and im- provisational techniques. The fundamental elements of music have been shown to bypass both cognitive and language impairments to help facilitate communication skills, form social relationships and promote cognitive progression. In recent years, computer technologies such as mobile devices and interactive motion capture systems are being developed to provide new approaches to music interaction. When included into new or existing music interventions, digital technology can enhance the music playing experience and motivate children to interact differently with their environ- ment through providing novel and engaging approaches to music interaction and creativity. This review highlights the core symptoms of ASD and presents evidence that supports the use of music therapy techniques within the autistic population, underpinned by neurological studies reporting on benefits of musical intervention. Further to this, it is explained how new technologies such as mobile devices and multi-sensory computer systems can move beyond traditional music instruments to add additional dimensions to music therapy sessions. Finally suggestions of future research are made alongside considerations in designing new and novel auditory interventions

    Behavioural and Developmental Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Clinical Systematic Review

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    Background: Much controversy exists regarding the clinical efficacy of behavioural and developmental interventions for improving the core symptoms of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). We conducted a systematic review to summarize the evidence on the effectiveness of behavioural and developmental interventions for ASD. Methods and Findings: Comprehensive searches were conducted in 22 electronic databases through May 2007. Further information was obtained through hand searching journals, searching reference lists, databases of theses and dissertations, and contacting experts in the field. Experimental and observational analytic studies were included if they were written in English and reported the efficacy of any behavioural or developmental intervention for individuals with ASD. Two independent reviewers made the final study selection, extracted data, and reached consensus on study quality. Results were summarized descriptively and, where possible, meta-analyses of the study results were conducted. One-hundred-and-one studies at predominantly high risk of bias that reported inconsistent results across various interventions were included in the review. Meta-analyses of three controlled clinical trials showed that Lovaas treatment was superior to special education on measures of adaptive behaviour, communication and interaction, comprehensive language, daily living skills, expressive language, overall intellectual functioning and socialization. High-intensity Lovaas was superior to low-intensity Lovaas on measures of intellectual functioning in two retrospective cohort studies. Pooling the results of two randomized controlle