815 research outputs found

    State-insensitive bichromatic optical trapping

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    We propose a scheme for state-insensitive trapping of neutral atoms by using light with two independent wavelengths. In particular, we describe the use of trapping and control lasers to minimize the variance of the potential experienced by a trapped Rb atom in ground and excited states. We present calculated values of wavelength pairs for which the 5s and 5p_{3/2} levels have the same ac Stark shifts in the presence of two laser fields.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Resolving all-order method convergence problems for atomic physics applications

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    The development of the relativistic all-order method where all single, double, and partial triple excitations of the Dirac-Hartree-Fock wave function are included to all orders of perturbation theory led to many important results for study of fundamental symmetries, development of atomic clocks, ultracold atom physics, and others, as well as provided recommended values of many atomic properties critically evaluated for their accuracy for large number of monovalent systems. This approach requires iterative solutions of the linearized coupled-cluster equations leading to convergence issues in some cases where correlation corrections are particularly large or lead to an oscillating pattern. Moreover, these issues also lead to similar problems in the CI+all-order method for many-particle systems. In this work, we have resolved most of the known convergence problems by applying two different convergence stabilizer methods, reduced linear equation (RLE) and direct inversion of iterative subspace (DIIS). Examples are presented for B, Al, Zn+^+, and Yb+^+. Solving these convergence problems greatly expands the number of atomic species that can be treated with the all-order methods and is anticipated to facilitate many interesting future applications

    Electric Quadrupole Moments of Metastable States of Ca+, Sr+, and Ba+

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    Electric quadrupole moments of the metastable nd3/2 and nd5/2 states of Ca+, Sr+, and Ba+ are calculated using the relativistic all-order method including all single, double, and partial triple excitations of the Dirac-Hartree-Fock wave function to provide recommended values for the cases where no experimental data are available. The contributions of all non-linear single and double terms are also calculated for the case of Ca+ for comparison of our approach with the CCSD(T) results. The third-order many body perturbation theory is used to evaluate contributions of high partial waves and the Breit interaction. The remaining omitted correlation corrections are estimated as well. Extensive study of the uncertainty of our calculations is carried out to establish accuracy of our recommended values to be 0.5% - 1% depending on the particular ion. Comprehensive comparison of our results with other theoretical values and experiment is carried out. Our result for the quadrupole moment of the 3d5/2 state of Ca+ ion, 1.849(17)ea_0^2, is in agreement with the most precise recent measurement 1.83(1)ea_0^2 by Roos et al. [Nature 443, 316 (2006)].Comment: 7 page

    Resonant ion-pair formation in electron recombination with HF^+

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    The cross section for resonant ion-pair formation in the collision of low-energy electrons with HF^+ is calculated by the solution of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation with multiple coupled states using a wave packet method. A diabatization procedure is proposed to obtain the electronic couplings between quasidiabatic potentials of ^1Sigma^+ symmetry for HF. By including these couplings between the neutral states, the cross section for ion-pair formation increases with about two orders of magnitude compared with the cross section for direct dissociation. Qualitative agreement with the measured cross section is obtained. The oscillations in the calculated cross section are analyzed. The cross section for ion-pair formation in electron recombination with DF^+ is calculated to determine the effect of isotopic substitution.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Clasificación de los revoques multiestratificados del claustro de S. Abbondio en Como (Italia): un instrumento analítico para la arqueología de la arquitectura

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    S. Abbondio (Como, Italia) es una de las mas extraordinariasbasilicas romanicas presentes en el norte de Italia.El edificio entero y en particular el claustro ha sido expuestoa varias intervenciones durante los ultimos siglos, enparticular los ultimos trabajos de conservacion ejecutadosentre los anos 2000 y 2003. En esta ocasion se ha efectuadouna vasta campana diagnostica sobre los revoquestanto internos como externos, destinada a clasificarlosdesde el punto de vista compositivo-morfologico y paradescubrir la historia sobre la conservacion del claustro.Revoques representativos de las diferentes fases constructivashan sido identificados con la utilizacion de metodoscomo el analisis de difraccion de rayos X en polvo,porosimetria por intrusion de mercurio, microscopia opticapara secciones finas y espectrometria atomica. Losresultados han permitido agrupar las muestras que presentabancaracteristicas similares, confirmando hipotesishistoricas sobre la secuencia de las intervenciones en eledificio, sugiriendo un metodo analitico que podria serusado como un instrumento valido en caso de estudiossobre la arqueologia de la arquitectura

    Anomalously small blackbody radiation shift in Tl+ frequency standard

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    The operation of atomic clocks is generally carried out at room temperature, whereas the definition of the second refers to the clock transition in an atom at absolute zero. This implies that the clock transition frequency should be corrected in practice for the effect of finite temperature of which the leading contributor is the blackbody radiation (BBR) shift. In the present work, we used configuration interaction + coupled-cluster method to evaluate polarizabilities of the 6s^2 ^1S_0 and 6s6p3P06s6p ^3P_0 states of Tl+^+ ion; we find α0(1S0)=19.6\alpha_0(^1S_0)=19.6 a.u. and α0(3P0)=21.4\alpha_0(^3P_0)=21.4 a.u.. The resulting BBR shift of the 6s6p ^3P_0 - 6s^2 ^1S_0 Tl+^+ transition at 300K300 K is ΔνBBR=−0.0157(16)\Delta \nu_{\rm BBR}=-0.0157(16) Hz. This result demonstrates that near cancelation of the 1S0^1S_0 and 3P0^3P_0 state polarizabilities in divalent B+, Al+, In+^+ ions of group IIIB [Safronova \textit{et al.}, PRL 107, 143006 (2011)] continues for much heavier Tl+^+, leading to anomalously small BBR shift for this system. This calculation demonstrates that the BBR contribution to the fractional frequency uncertainty of the Tl+ frequency standard at 300K is 1×10−181\times10^{-18}. We find that Tl+ has the smallest fractional BBR shift among all present or proposed frequency standards with the exception of Al+.Comment: 5 page

    Towards Empathetic Social Robots: Investigating the Interplay between Facial Expressions and Brain Activity

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    The pursuit of creating empathetic social robots that can understand and respond to human emotions is a critical challenge in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. Social robots, designed to interact with humans in various settings, from healthcare to customer service, require a sophisticated understanding of human emotional states to resonate and effectively assist truly. Our research contributes to this ambitious goal by exploring the relationship between natural facial expressions and brain activity in these human-robot interactions, as captured by electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. This paper presents our initial steps towards this attempt. We want to find which areas in the participant user’s brain are most activated and how these activations correlate with facial expressions. Understanding these correlations is essential for developing social robots that recognize and empathize with various human emotions. Our approach combines neuroscience and computer science, offering a novel perspective in the quest to enhance the emotional intelligence of social robots. We share some preliminary results on a new multimodal dataset that we are developing, providing valuable insights into the potential of our work to improve the personalization and emotional depth of social robot interactions

    Magic-zero wavelengths of alkali-metal atoms and their applications

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    Using first-principles calculations, we identify "magic-zero" optical wavelengths, \lambda_zero, for which the ground-state frequency-dependent polarizabilities of alkali-metal atoms vanish. Our approach uses high-precision, relativistic all-order methods in which all single, double, and partial triple excitations of the Dirac-Fock wave functions are included to all orders of perturbation theory. We discuss the use of magic-zero wavelengths for sympathetic cooling in two-species mixtures of alkalis with group-II and other elements of interest. Special cases in which these wavelengths coincide with strong resonance transitions in a target system are identified.Comment: 6 page
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