15 research outputs found

    L’artivismo. Forme, esperienze, pratiche e teorie. Introduzione

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    Introduzione al numero 2 della rivist

    Giacomo Verde. Attraversamenti tra teatro e video (1992-1986)

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    A little more than a year after the death of Giacomo Verde, pioneer of video/interactive art, techno-theatre and Italian "artivist", the corpus of unpublished drawings and sketches in pencil, pastel and collage for videos, video installations and video performances by the artist from the period 1986-1992 is published. This is the first publication  from the Giacomo Verde Archive and it illustrates Verde's first "techno-artistic" phase: a well-documented and creatively rich period, when in 1983 he arrived, self-taught, from popular and street theatre to video art, works and installations whose characteristic feature was the craftsmanship of the "technological artefact", the use of low technology and the addition of poor materials. The authors  Anna Maria Monteverdi Dalila Flavia D’Amico, Vincenzo Sansone, dedicate the book to the warm memory of the unforgettable Giacomo Verde.PublishedA poco più di un anno di distanza dalla scomparsa di Giacomo Verde, pioniere della videoarte, del tecnoteatro e dell’arte interattiva italiana e convinto “artivista”, viene pubblicato il corpus di disegni inediti e bozzetti a matita, pastello e collage per video, videoinstallazioni e video performance dell’artista del periodo 1986-1992 (organizzato dall’autore in una sequenza cronologica inversa: 1992-1986). Si tratta della prima pubblicazione nata dal costituendo Archivio Giacomo Verde e illustra la prima fase “tecnoartistica” di Verde: un periodo ben documentato e ricco creativamente parlando, quando approda da autodidatta, nel 1983 dal teatro popolare e di strada alla videoarte opere e installazioni aventi come caratteristica l’artigianalità del “manufatto tecnologico”, l’uso della bassa tecnologia e l’aggiunta di materiali poveri. Gli autori dedicano il libro alla memoria dell’indimenticato Giacomo Verde

    The Turkey oak high forests in the Molise region (central Italy). Analysis of past silvicultural system and current management choices.

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    Aim of the work is to provide further knowledge on the silvicultural system applied to Quercus cerris hight forests in the Molise Region (Central Italy). An historical analysis, based on a number of forest management plans applied since 1940 referred to 19 municipalities and on other historical documents, is provided in the paper. Forest management has been traditionally applied in the Molise Region and therefore is at now possible to reconstruct in detail the management of the forests of Molise Region. The historical study has been integrated with the analysis of a chronosequence including four steps of stand development in a Turkey oak stand: the regeneration phase (1-2 yrs) - the unthinned young stand (46 yrs) - the unthinned adult stand (aged 60 to 100) - the mature stand (126 yrs). Mensurational surveys were carried out at each phase in order to characterize both stand structure and derive information on the silvicultural practices applied in the past, but not documented in the available papers. The stand age was determined by tree coring and count of annual rings. At the beginning of the last century, the silvicultural system to be applied in oak high forests wasn’t strictly defined and a particular kind of selection cutting was carried out. It was named taglio a salto per sezioni i.e. “compartment selection cutting”, partly leading back to a real selection cutting, partly to a shelterwood system. The use of the reported silvicultural system gave rise to irregular forest structures and led to management problems well-described in the management plans at the end of 1940s. Another consequence of the applied practices was the absence or the inadequate natural regeneration establishment. The contemporary unregulated practice of grazing the forest floor contributed to the unsuccessful regeneration and made the situation worse. The presence of an understorey layer made up by sproutings from Carpinus betulus stools clearcutting, was a further hindrance to the establishment of natural oak regeneration. In the fifties, the rate of forest management increased as a consequence of the coming up economic concern in sleeper production. The silvicultural shelterwood system was therefore codified. The system resulted to be more effective and adopted up to the present time. The traditional shelterwood system was based on a 90 yrs rotation length, three thinnings performed from the age of 25 up to 75, time of the seed cutting with a release of 90 trees per hectare. In the seventies, following the much more reduced and even null concern in wood production from oak high forests, practices into the same forests were suspended or postponed. At now, the renewed concern for fuelwood production, the only assortment marketable, as well as the increased attention paid to the multifunctional role of these forests, made again actual the problem of oak high forest management. The effectiveness of shelterwood system is the main outcome of the documental analysis performed. The study of the Carovilli’s chronosequence confirmed the close link between the current stand structures and the prescribed rules adopted in the past, in accordance with the management plans. The experimental trials in progress are now focused at defining an improvement of the shelterwood system practice as for the following issues: reduction of cutting areas; establishment of a more complex structural mosaic at neighbouring forest patches, setting up of a consistent release of seed trees i.e. number and dendrotypes to be selected at the purpose, with a special care to the crown cover to the forest floor, effective control of the understorey development due to the resprouting of Carpinus betulus stools, to enhance the establishment of oak natural regeneration

    Common walnut (Juglans regia L.) wood characteristics in two Italian plantations

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    The Woodnat project (H2020) has the goal of identifying the problems that led to poor yields in walnut plantations established under the financial support of EU 2080/92 Regulation and Rural Development Programme, and of improving the market demand for smaller assortments. Some of the plantations monitored in the framework of the project needed thinning: one,  an experimental stand with 5 plots with different layouts and species established in 1994, was thinned in spring 2018; in a second one, a polycyclic plantation established in 1996 with common walnut, hybrid poplar and nurse trees, the walnut was thinned in spring 2017.  At thinning, sample disks were taken at the base of 5 trees randomly selected at each site for the determination of density and shrinkage in the radial, tangential and longitudinal direction. The average density was 0.52g/cm3; the average tangential shrinkage was 12%, while the average radial shrinkage was 6.7%. There were differences in behaviour between the samples from the two sites, probably due to different vegetal materials, age of the plantations and cultivation models

    The walnut plantations (Juglans spp.) in Italy and Spain: main factors affecting growth

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    Walnut tree species (Juglans spp.) are commonly used for high-quality wood production in plantation forestry. In this paper, the most relevant walnut plantations in Italy and Spain have been reviewed and analysed under a geographic and technician management point of view. Between 2016 and 2019 a total of 96 plantations (15 - 25 years old) were visited distributed in the North-western part of the Mediterranean basin. A statistical analysis (linear model no interaction and PCA) was then performed to evaluate the relative importance of some environmental and management variables for walnut trees in analysed plantations. Results highlighted a variable situation with many different adopted planting schemes across the regions as well as a not standardised spatial layout and management type (thinning). Lower densities and smaller trees were adopted in Italy with about 200 trees ha-1 versus 330 trees ha-1 in Spain. In addition to the age of the plantation as one of the most influencing parameters also the plantation density and the average crown diameter were highly statistically significant. Overall, the interesting potentiality of walnut for timber production with active management in suitable areas was detected as the focal point for a successful timber production from walnut trees

    First analysis about the effects of tree-oriented silviculture on growth and competition dynamics of sporadic tree species protected by forest law in Tuscany

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    L’indagine svolta è stata finalizzata all’ampliamento delle conoscenze sull’ecologia e le dinamiche di crescita e di competizione delle specie arboree sporadiche tutelate dall’ordinamento forestale regionale toscano all’art. 12 (DPGR 48/R del 2003), recante il titolo “Tutela della biodiversità”. Tali specie si caratterizzano per la debolezza competitiva nei confronti delle specie dominati o sociali e per la tendenza alla rarefazione negli stadi evolutivi più avanzati delle cenosi. La gestione forestale storica, inoltre, ha influito negativamente sulla loro presenza, privilegiando un approccio di popolamento che ha sfavorito la diversificazione specifica e ridotto le potenzialità di rinnovazione delle specie oggetto di indagine. L’interesse per le specie sporadiche è legato principalmente al potenziale ecologico che le contraddistingue, senza trascurare quello di valorizzazione economica dei singoli soggetti appartenenti a specie con legnami di pregio, particolarmente apprezzati dal mercato. Non essendo state tradizionalmente di interesse a scopo produttivo, non sono reperibili o sono molto scarse, allo stato attuale, le informazioni in letteratura sulla selvicoltura e le esigenze ecologiche di molte di esse. Nel lavoro viene proposto un modello colturale basato sulla minimizzazione e la razionalizzazione su basi ecologiche dell’intervento selvicolturale, definito di selvicoltura d’albero, diffuso in centro Europa ma poco conosciuto in Italia. La differenza sostanziale con la selvicoltura di tipo tradizionale è la concentrazione degli interventi su un numero limitato di piante ritenute potenzialmente in grado di produrre assortimenti di pregio (piante obiettivo), puntando a mantenere sostenuto e costante nel tempo l’incremento diametrico attraverso la liberazione di spazio sufficiente per la crescita delle chiome (tagli di dètourage o crown release). La tecnica è stata scelta in quanto ritenuta in grado di rispondere contemporaneamente alle esigenze di tutela e di valorizzazione ecologica e produttiva delle specie sporadiche. Sono stati realizzati 80 ettari di interventi dimostrativi basati su tale approccio, in due comprensori forestali regionali con diverse caratteristiche vegetazionali e climatiche: (i) il complesso delle Colline Metallifere (GR – area antiappenninica) con popolamenti cedui di latifoglie caducifoglie a diverso stadio evolutivo ed (ii) il complesso Abetone - Melo (PT – area appenninica) con popolamenti ad alto fusto di faggio a diverso stadio evolutivo ed ex cedui di castagno in prolungato abbandono colturale. Il modello è stato adattato alle situazioni in esame e in alcuni casi sono state proposte soluzioni di integrazione con la selvicoltura correntemente applicata. Ai fini dell’indagine si è proceduto all’individuazione delle formazioni forestali rappresentative per estensione, forma di governo e modalità di trattamento ed alla loro caratterizzazione dendrometrica e strutturale per la definizione delle condizioni di crescita. All’interno di queste formazioni sono state selezionate 362 piante obiettivo campione appartenenti a dodici diverse specie sporadiche (ciavardello, sorbo domestico, sorbo degli uccellatori, sorbo montano, acero campestre, acero di monte, acero riccio, acero trilobo, agrifoglio, ciliegio, pero, maggiociondolo). Sul campione è stato avviato il monitoraggio (i) dei parametri dendrometrici (in particolare di fusto e chioma), (ii) degli aspetti qualitativi riferiti al tronco da lavoro potenziale, (iii) delle dimensioni della buca creata con il taglio e (iv) della competizione a livello individuale stimata con il calcolo dell’indice di Hegyi. Lo scopo è quello di procedere al monitoraggio di tutti i parametri di interesse, per un periodo sufficientemente lungo a disporre di serie storiche di dati che consentano di mettere in correlazione le caratteristiche dell’intervento alla risposta incrementale delle singole specie, discriminando per tipologia vegetazionale e forma di governo. L’analisi a scala di popolamento, invece, ha la finalità di valutare l’effetto degli interventi proposti su struttura e diversità, descritte avvalendosi di un set di indici specifici (Richness, Shannon e Simpson per la diversità specifica; Cox , Pielou, Clark-Evans (per la struttura orizzontale); Species Profile Index e Vertical Eveness (per la struttura verticale) e i Neighbourhood Index Mingling, Contagion e Size differentiation). I primi risultati hanno messo in evidenza come gli interventi incidano su diversità specifica e struttura verticale a livello di popolamento, pur risultando deboli in termini di prelievo (eccetto nei casi di intervento combinato selvicoltura d’albero e selvicoltura di tipo tradizionale). L’intensità è invece forte a scala di singola pianta obiettivo, trattandosi di diradamenti localizzati dall’alto finalizzati alla liberazione di spazio per la crescita della chioma. Allo stato attuale non è possibile fornire informazioni sulle correlazioni tra dinamica incrementale e trattamento, essendo trascorsi solo da uno a due anni dalla realizzazione materiale degli interventi. Sui ritiene che l’impostazione del protocollo di monitoraggio, tanto delle condizioni ambientali (analisi del popolamento) quanto delle dinamiche di crescita delle piante obiettivo campione, sia un utile strumento ai fini gestionali, nell’ottica del crescente interesse per le specie in esame. D’altra parte la realizzazione degli interventi proposti su superfici molto ampie, in contesti nei quali la selvicoltura è un settore economico rilevante, può contribuire alla diffusione delle conoscenze sulla selvicoltura d’albero e sulle potenzialità ecologiche e produttive delle formazioni forestali regionali tra tutti i portatori di interesse. Tale modello colturale, opportunamente adattato ai contesti di riferimento, favorisce la diversificazione specifica (biodiversità) e produttiva (esigenze socio-economiche) dei popolamenti, rispondendo al requisito cardine della gestione forestale, la sostenibilità. La quantificazione e una definizione puntuale di tali effetti richiedono osservazioni sul lungo periodo di cui il lavoro realizzato costituisce una ampia base di partenza. AbstractAim of the work is to increase currently available knowledge on auto-ecology, growth and competition dynamics of sporadic tree species. Species protected by Tuscany Forest Law on the “custodial management of biodiversity” (art. 12, DPGR 48/R 2003) are being considered here. These species are characterized by a weak competitive ability as compared with social, dominant species and by a progressive disappearance in the final stages reached by the forest coenosis. The customary, historically applied forest management, has not promoted and even supported the presence of sporadic trees because based on the “stand approach”. Such criterion does not increase compositional diversity because its main goal is the successful tending and regeneration of main tree species only. Attention paid nowadays to sporadic trees is due to biodiversity issues and to the inherent species-specific ecological value, but it may be addressed too to a productive issue, many of them growing valuable wood. Given the lack of concern for this purpose showed so far, large knowledge gaps exist today both on the auto-ecology and silvicultural management of specific diversity scattered into the main crop layer. The work suggests the enforcement of a silvicultural model based on the criteria and methods of tree-oriented silviculture, a well-known approach in Central Europe, rarely applied in Italy to date. The main difference to traditional silvicultural practice is the implementation of interventions only around the best phenotypes (target trees), aimed at tending, controlling and speeding up their growth and getting in this way high quality timber, i.e. boles free of branches. This technique foresees the removal of neighbouring trees in a way that crowns of selected subjects are being allowed to growth freely. Care is devoted in the practice to balance cost of intervention-economical revenue. Demonstrative tree-oriented practices have been carried out on an area of 80 ha in two districts different as for climate conditions and forest types: (i) the Colline Metallifere hilly area (southwestern Tuscany): broadleaved forests aged differently and managed under the coppice with standards system; (ii) the Abetone-Melo mountain area (north-western Tuscany, Apennine range): beech evenaged forest aged differently and no more managed chestnut coppice forests. The basic principles of tree-oriented silviculture have been adapted to the types concerned and, in a few cases, this model has been integrated with traditional cultivation practices. Stands representative as for tree species composition and management system were chosen and described (mensurational and stand structure parameters) to define the general background conditions of tree growth. In these stands 362 target trees of 12 different species were selected. On this sample, monitoring was implemented according to the following contents: (i) mensurational parameters (trunk and crown sizes); (ii) qualitative features (bole length free of branches); (iii) gap sizes created by selective cuttings; (iv) level of inter-tree competition by the Hegyi index. Aim of monitoring layout is to check the variation of parameters of interest over time and verify their relationships with the applied methods of silvicultural intervention. The most notable issue seems to be the relationship dbh-crown growth with removal intensity. Stand structure analysis showed to be helpful to defining tree removal effects on spatial arrangement and types of diversity at the stand level. All these features were described by a set of specific indexes (Richness, Shannon, Simpson (species diversity); Cox, Pielou, Clark-Evans (horizontal structure); Species Profile Index, Vertical Evenness (vertical structure); Neighbourhood-Based Indexes as for tree size, mingling and spatial arrangement. First results show the effects on vertical stand structure and its diversity, even if the percentage of removal at the stand level is very low (except where tree-oriented and traditional silviculture are being practiced together). The intensity of spotty interventions is vice versa high, because of the removal of competitors all around the target tree, i.e. of dominant trees. No information is available about growth dynamics following practices implementation, since these have been accomplished over the last two years. We do think that the monitoring system defined at stand as well as at target tree level may be a consistent and effective management tool, taking into account the increased attention devoted to sporadic tree species. The demonstrative interventions were implemented into areas where silviculture is a key economic sector. We suppose therefore this experience can contribute spreading tree-oriented silviculture approach and increase the awareness of stakeholders about the ecological and productive potential of regional forests. Tailoring tree-oriented silviculture criteria to the specific quality of the intervention areas can enhance biodiversity and increase the overall value of mass plus quality woody production. This last issue can certificate the sustainability of the proposed silviculture as an optional forest management system. The actual evaluation of tree-oriented silviculture effects on the dynamics of stand structures and on the awaited enhanced biodiversity, requires anyway long-term observations. In this perspective, the present work provides a basis and a starting point.Dottorato di ricerca in Scienze e tecnologie per la gestione forestale e ambiental

    Giacomo Verde. Attraversamenti tra teatro e video (1992-1986)

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    A poco più di un anno di distanza dalla scomparsa di Giacomo Verde, pioniere della videoarte, del tecnoteatro e dell’arte interattiva italiana e convinto “artivista”, viene pubblicato il corpus di disegni inediti e bozzetti a matita, pastello e collage per video, videoinstallazioni e video performance dell’artista del periodo 1986-1992 (organizza-to dall’autore in una sequenza cronologica inversa: 1992-1986). Si tratta della prima pubblicazione nata dal costituendo Archivio Giacomo Verde e illustra la prima fase “tecnoartistica” di Verde: un periodo ben documentato e, creativamente parlando, ricco, quando approda da autodidatta, nel 1983, dal teatro popolare e di strada alla videoarte. Opere e installazioni aventi come caratteristica l’artigianalità del “manufatto tecnologico”, l’uso della bassa tecnologia e l’aggiunta di materiali poveri. Gli autori dedicano il libro alla memoria dell’indimenticato Giacomo Verd

    Timeline of Authorization and Reimbursement for Oncology Drugs in Italy in the Last 3 Years

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    Introduction The main purpose of this analysis was to quantify the time elapsed between the validation date of European Medicines Agency (EMA) centralized procedure and the first purchase of a product by at least 1 Italian health care structure, evaluating different variables that affect the process, the number of products approved by the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) that are available on the Italian market (July 2016), and the impact of the Cnn class for oncology drugs in Italy. Methods A panel of oncology products has been defined, which considered drugs approved by the EMA between January 2013 and December 2015, and authorized for the treatment of oncology diseases, excluding generics. Data were obtained via the EMA website by the Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco (AIFA; the Italian Medicine Agency) meeting reports, by official administrative acts of marketing authorization, and the date of the first purchase (first day of the first handling month). Results The mean time of EMA evaluation for the considered panel of medicines was about 441 days (standard deviation (SD) 108; range 266-770); the average approval time for AIFA was about 248 days (SD 131; range 85-688). Interestingly, the mean AIFA evaluation time decreased significantly from 264 days for products submitted to AIFA assessment in 2013-2014 to 219 days for products evaluated in 2015-2016. Focusing on the regional access, both the timing and the number of drugs available for patients were widely different from region to region. Discussion A reduction in the approval time in the last 2 years has been observed in Italy. However, several variables influence the efficiency of the process and need to be addressed to make the access to drugs timely and efficient