134 research outputs found

    Ecological dynamics approach in the youth soccer: A short narrative review

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    Introduction: The creative actions are a production of the individual who must meet the constraints of the task and the environment. Consequently, creative motor actions are understood as functional movement patterns that are new to the individual and/or group and adapted to meet the constraints of the motor problem. The literature argues that creative motor actions can be promoted by didactic interventions that favour exploration by manipulating constraints. Methodology: For the bibliographic search PubMed and Sport Discuss databases were used selecting articles published between 01/01/2014 and 10/09/2020. Results: The initial database search produced 12 results. After removing the duplicates (2) and studies on specific or tactical soccer skills (3), seven studies were selected, analysed and included in the narrative review. Discussion and conclusions: The spatial and task constraints affect the distances between the young players but not the passage ball angles nor the ball speed. Furthermore, one study in particular showed very high levels of vigorous and very vigorous physical activity in all the tasks designed with ecological dynamic teaching. This study show that the use of these new teaching methodologies has an impact on levels of physical activity in accordance with the recommended health parameters

    Small-side games and size pitch in elite female soccer players: A short narrative review

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    Introduction: In recent years, in the soccer training have found widespread diffusion the games modified by rules, use of wildcard players, configuration field, players’ number, size of the playing area, defined as small-sided games or SSG. Methodology: For the bibliographic search PubMed and Sport Discuss databases were used selecting articles published between 01/01/2016 and 01/12/2020. Two keyword groups were identified, using synonyms and similar terms, using the operator “OR”:1) “small-sided games” OR “elite female soccer players” OR “field size” 2) “small-sided games” OR “elite female football players” OR “field size”. Subsequently, all the categories were combined together using the “AND” operator. Results: The initial database search produced 77 results. After removing the duplicates (3), study on injury incidence (21), amateur soccer players (3), endocrine and biomechanical aspects (20), assessment preventive issue (12) and other aspects not related to performances (15), three studies were selected, analysed, and included in the narrative review. Discussion and conclusions: The physiological responses of female soccer players during SSGs have only been investigated relative to the players’ number. The field size is considered a key factor in soccer training because the players’ density conditions internal and external load. The studies analysed suggest that the most suitable format for achieving a high intensity of exercise with female soccer players, is precisely the medium filed size, that is, in the case observed for 4vs4, a size equal to 24.5m x 24.5m. The load control of specific sport exercises is useful for the injury’s prevention and for relevant training organization to respond to the competitions’ demands

    Ecological dynamics approach in the youth soccer: A short narrative review

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    Abstract Introduction: The creative actions are a production of the individual who must meet the constraints of the task and the environment. Consequently, creative motor actions are understood as functional movement patterns that are new to the individual and/or group and adapted to meet the constraints of the motor problem. The literature argues that creative motor actions can be promoted by didactic interventions that favor exploration by manipulating constraints. Methodology: For the bibliographic search PubMed and Sport Discuss databases were used selecting articles published between 01/01/2014 and 10/09/2020. Results: The initial database search produced 12 results. After removing the duplicates (2) and studies on specific or tactical soccer skills (3), seven studies were selected, analyzed and included in the narrative review. Discussion and conclusions: The spatial and task constraints affect the distances between the young players but not the passage ball angles nor the ball speed. Furthermore, one study in particular showed very high levels of vigorous and very vigorous physical activity in all the tasks designed with ecological dynamic teaching. This study show that the use of these new teaching methodologies has an impact on levels of physical activity in accordance with the recommended health parameters

    Small-Sided Games: Analysis of the Internal Load and Technical Skills in Young Soccer Players

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    The Small-Sided Games are very widespread football training exercises because are very functional to improve both the physical condition and the technical abilities. The aim of the study is to evaluate and compare the internal load of the young football player using the heart rate (HR) and the perceived exertion (RPE) and to describe the number and frequency of some technical skills in 3vs3, 4vs4 and 5vs5. The study shows that the size with small number of players allows to have a grater internal load while the format with large number of participants makes it possible to achieve a higher number and frequency of technical skills. The 3vs3 is more effective for a high-intensity aerobic training while the 5vs5 is more effective to train technical skills

    Outdoor physical activities for people over 65 years old: an educational and social project

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    Aim In old age, to minimize reductions in strength and aerobic capacity and counteract the effects of aging that can compromise health statuses, preventive measures must be taken that lead to healthier lifestyle. This paper describes an educational and social project carried out in Italy, the aim of which was to recruit sedentary individuals aged ≄65 years to participate in organized motor activities. This paper describes an educational and social project carried out in Italy, the aim of which was to recruit sedentary individuals aged ≄65 years to participate in organized motor activities. Methods: The project involved the organization of a series of free motor activities in the city allocated to different times of day during the summer season. The local municipality was involved to ensure the effective communication of the initiative to the public. All the teachers recruited onto the initiative underwent a period of training in adapted motor activities prior to their participation. Results: The project was started in 2006 and has now been running uninterruptedly for 15 years. It has gone from 165 attendances registered in the first year to 3652 attendances in 2020. Discussion; The participation in recreational activities is subject to mobility and the possibility of accessing opportunities present in the area, overcoming the barriers present in the environment or the fear of moving in the environment. Conclusions: The potential benefits deriving from physical activities—provided for free to maximize participation—are of significant social and health value. The project started fifteen years ago, and could be expanded further by collaborating with other initiatives provided by other networks and other local or national projects

    The movement quality, before it's too late

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    The analysis of motor skills of school students is being studied all over the world and highlights very different methods of investigation. The FMS protocol is currently a widely used assessment to prevent injury risk and to understand movement quality. If this assessment represents a key to relevant performance in Ă©lite sport, in the context of physical education and youth sport, this analysis becomes indispensable

    il calcio a 5

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    caratteristiche della disciplina sportiva del calcio a 5, metodologia di allenamento e metodi di valutazion

    Methodology and exercises to reduce the hamstring injury risk: from literature knowledges to the field

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    knowledge and research about prevention has increased, the injury incidence remains very high, especially as regards the hamstring district. As can be seen from the scientific literature, there are many studies that have described risk factors, but above all what strategies can be used to decrease this incidence through the prevention exercises. The exercise considered the gold standard for the hamstring injuries prevention is the Nordic hamstring although the literature highlights the particular complexity of the anatomical district of hamstrings. For these reasons, it seems simplistic and reductive to assume that one exercise is sufficient. In this study is proposed further exercises proposed in the literature that can integrate the traditional Nordic hamstring and help to activate more fully all the muscle heads that make up the hamstrings. In conclusion, in a prevention session or in a strength session, in addition to the Nordic hamstring exercise, other exercises could be included, such as the Laying Kick, the Standing Kick, the Nordic bump, the Nordic with return, the Cranes and the Cranes return

    The educational value of the rules in five-a-side football

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    The rules of the game of team sports and the technical and tactical modalities applicable to them are indispensable for practicing sports in a competitive way. The correct competition arose from the automatic mechanism of the sanction following the infringement of a game rule which is also aided by the relational dynamics of the individual members of the group who claim the application of the rule to continue playing. The competition can also be self-regulated by the two groups that compete for the victory without even the referee's decisive action as always happens in training activities. This phenomenon is found only in those contexts where the rule is necessary and sufficient on its own to guarantee the orderly development of activities. The aim of the study is to identify the significant elements of the five-a-side football rules, and the related technical and tactical behaviours, to identify an inventory of significant behaviours. The method is documentary archive research for the analysis of the game rules of the team sport in question, and a subsequent comparative method among the grids of indicators, descriptors and weights that classify rule, technique and tactics. The expected results will focus on the fair presence of the significant elements and the commonality or discrepancy between team sports. The data is useful to measure the quantity of significant behaviours in order to qualitatively elaborate the value of each of them compared to the other current behaviours of the quantitative performance and to establish the connections

    Instability Tools and Reactive Motor Tasks: Effects of 8 Weeks Training Program on Motor Abilities in Healthy Women Over 65 Years Old

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    Background: The balance ability represents a significant senior health factor, in particular for the individual maintenance autonomy and individual mobility. In the literature an open problem is understand the walking exercises and one-foot stance exercises effectiveness performed using tools or enviroments/conditions that give an unpredictable instability. The aim of this study is to verify the effects of motor task through instability tools and through reactive motor tasks on motor abilities in older women. Methods: A sample of 58 elderly women (67.9±5.6 years, 59.6±7.4 kg, 156.1±5.2) participated in the investigation and divided randomly into 2 groups: n=27 were included in the instability training group (IG) while n= 26 were included in the control group (CG). The instability training period lasted 8 weeks (3 sessions/week, total= 24 sessions of about 50 min). Results: The most significant interactions between program type and time in the 8-foot-up-and-go (p= <.05), 2 Minutes Step test ( p<.01), Arm Curl test (p<.005), Chair stand test (p<.01), Single Leg Stance test right foot (p<.05) and left (p<.005), 3-m Backwards Walk test (p<.005), Tandem Walk test (p<.005). Conclusions: The tools and the tasks, that generate instability and the structuring of an environment that determines sudden disturbances, increase the senior over 65 years old balance ability
