622 research outputs found

    Distribution Pattern of Healthcare Facilities in Osun State, Nigeria

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    Accessibility to healthcare facilities has generally been identified as a major indicator of development, and the existing spatial pattern of distribution of healthcare facilities play very prominent role in gauging the level of efficiency or otherwise of the existing level of provision of these facilities within any region. In this paper we employed the use of locational quotient, which is a measure of spatial pattern of services, to examine the distribution pattern of healthcare facilities in the thirty local government areas in Osun State, Nigeria. Twelve indices, representing the totality of healthcare delivery by State and local governments in the state were used for the analysis. Our findings indicated existence of gaps in access to healthcare facilities between local government areas in the state, though the observed gap could not easily be attributed to rural-urban dichotomy. We concluded that there was an urgent need for serious intervention on the part of the government in the provision of healthcare facilities in the state, focused on equitable distribution and accessibility to enhance regional development.KEY WORDS: Healthcare facilities; location pattern; location quotient; development gap; Osun state

    An examination of the relationship between provisions of infrastructural facilities and property tax in Ibadan North Local Government

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    Local councils have responsibilty to provide infrastructurre for the sustenance of  the residents within thier jurisdiction.Thus many local council have resorted to the use of property tax in addition to other sources of revenue. However, there is no correlation between the generation of property tax and the provison of social amenities or key infrastructure that should be sustaining residents. The study adopted secondary data sourced from  Ibadan North Local government, that is the amount of property tax generated and the amount of financial allocation to the provision of social amenities from 1999 till 2010. The result from the regression analysis conducted  indicated that property tax is responsilble for a statistical variation of 74.2% in the financial allocation to Infrastructure in the study area.The recommendation of the study is  that local coucil needs to examine the tax base as well as develop a model that will encourage participation of the residents in property tax administration. Key Words: Property Tax, Infrastructure/Social Amenities, Local Council, Allocation, Users Participation and Public financ

    Teacher students’ narratives about their language identities and future as language-aware teachers

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    Abstract. This study examined teacher students’ narratives about their language identities and future as language-aware teachers. The importance of the topic arises both from the current educational discussion around the topic, and the lack of research examining the connection between language identity and language awareness. In the theoretical framework, identity was explored through its flexible and multidimensional nature, as well as its connection to language and language learning. The complexity of multilingual identity and the importance of supporting multilingual identity in a classroom setting were discussed. Language awareness was studied from the societal perspective, and linguistic and critical approaches to the concept were introduced. The linguistic approach was found to comprise metalinguistic and cross-linguistic awareness, while the critical approach emphasized appreciation of multilingualism in the society. Language-aware practices connected to these approaches were examined. A narrative approach was used to conduct the study. Three narratives were collected in the form of theme interviews and the data was analyzed through thematic narrative analysis. The themes found from the data were divided under three main categories: personal themes, social themes, and themes related to the participants’ future role as language-aware teachers. The study revealed that language identity was a sensitive issue for the participants and that they saw language awareness essential in supporting students’ language identities. The study emphasized that by supporting students’ language identities and through language-aware practices, equality, learning and the holistic development of students are enhanced.Tiivistelmä. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tarkastella opettajaopiskelijoiden kertomuksia heidän kieli-identiteeteistään sekä tulevaisuudestaan kielitietoisina opettajina. Aiheen tärkeys nousee esiin ajankohtaisesta kasvatustieteellisestä keskustelusta aiheen ympärillä, sekä vähäisestä tutkimuksesta kieli-identiteetin ja kielitietoisuuden yhteydestä. Teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä tutkittiin identiteetin joustavaa ja moniulotteista luonnetta, sekä sen yhteyttä kieleen ja kielen oppimiseen. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin monikielisen identiteetin kompleksisuutta ja sen tukemisen tärkeyttä koulukontekstissa. Kielitietoisuutta tutkittiin yhteiskunnallisesta sekä kielellisestä ja kriittisestä näkökulmasta. Kielellisen näkökulman todettiin viittaavan metakielelliseen tietoisuuteen sekä tietoisuuteen kielten välisistä suhteista. Kriittisen näkökulman nähtiin painottavan monikielisyyden arvostamista yhteiskunnassa. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin kielitietoisiin käytänteisiin liittyviä näkökulmia. Tutkimus toteutettiin soveltamalla narratiivista lähestymistapaa. Aineisto koostui kolmesta narratiivisesta teemahaastattelusta, ja sen analyysissä sovellettiin temaattisen narratiivisen analyysin periaatteita. Aineistosta löytyneet teemat jaettiin kolmen pääkategorian alle: yksilöllisiin teemoihin, sosiaalisiin teemoihin sekä teemoihin liittyen osallistujien tulevaisuuteen kielitietoisina opettajina. Tutkimus osoitti, että kieli-identiteetti oli sensitiivinen aihe osallistujille, ja he näkivät kielitietoisuuden välttämättömänä osana oppilaiden kieli-identiteetin tukemista. Tutkimus painottaa oppilaiden kieli-identiteetin tukemisen tärkeyttä sekä kielitietoisten käytänteiden merkitystä oppilaiden oppimisen ja kokonaisvaltaisen kehityksen sekä tasa-arvon edistämisessä

    Verification of Aerosols Loading Over Kano: A Theoretical Estimation via Mathematical Rudiments

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    The danger of aerosols loading is dangerous to human as well as the atmosphere. The estimation of the aerosol loading can be very difficult in any location in West Africa because of its proximity to the influence of the north-east winds from the Sahara desert. An established analytical and statistical approach was used to estimate the aerosol loading over Kano. The maximum aerosol retention over Kano is 31.28%. The atmospheric constant which also describes the aerosols loading over Kano was found to be 0.708 and 0.8984. This means that Kano may be facing high thermal discomfort as well as spread of disease if not checked

    Optimizing the Efficiency of Measuring Instruments in Ouagadougou- Burkina Faso

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    At the moment, AERONET or AMMA database shows a large volume of data loss. With only about 47% data set available to the scientist, it is evident that accurate nowcast or forecast cannot be guaranteed. The calibration constants of most radiosonde or weather stations are not compatible with the atmospheric conditions of the West African climate. A dispersion model was developed to incorporate salient mathematical representations like a Unified number. The Unified number was derived to describe the turbulence of the aerosols transport in the frictional layer of the lower atmosphere. Fourteen years data set from Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) was tested using the dispersion model. A yearly estimation of the atmospheric constants over Ouagadougou using the model was obtained with about 87.5% accuracy. It further revealed that the average atmospheric constant for Ouagadougou-Niger is a_1 = 0.626, a_2 = 0.7999 and the tuning constants is n_1 = 0.09835 and n_2 = 0.266. Also, the yearly atmospheric constants affirmed the lower atmosphere of Ouagadougou is very dynamic. Hence, it is recommended that radiosonde and weather station manufacturers should constantly review the atmospheric constant over a geographical location to enable about eighty percent data retrieva

    Effect of agricultural trade openness on the producer prices of rice in Nigeria: Implications for agricultural trade policies

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    Recently, economies of the world have become increasingly linked through expanded international trade with discernible  ffects on the developing nations, especially Africa, and in  particular, Nigeria. This article therefore determined the effect of agricultural trade openness on the producer prices of rice in Nigeria.The study was based on secondary data, spanning 1993-2015.The study showed that agricultural trade openness reached all-time low in 1996 while noticeable peaks were observed in 2001, 2007 and then in 2011. In terms of the growth, the highest trade openness growth rate of 164.8 per cent was observed in1997, followed by 140.3 per cent in 2011. The review of producer prices revealed that producer prices had been on the rise, with noticeable peaks between 2005 and 2007, 2009 and then in 2013. Evidence from this article further establishedlong run inverse relationship between agricultural trade openness and producer prices of rice.The study recommended a follow-up on the Agricultural Transformation Agenda’s initiatives of integrated rice value chain development, substitution of local for imported rice and implementation of favourable tariff, operationalisation of favourable exchange rate regime and private sector led marketing boards, with the view to stabilizing the price of rice, ensuring quality, competitiveness and enhancing producers’ returns.Key words: Agricultural Trade openness; Producer Prices; Rice; Trade Policie


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    Objective: The present work aimed to investigate the phytochemical constituents and antibacterial activity of several extracts of Acacia ataxacantha bark on pathogenic microbes. Methods: The phytochemical study was performed using tube test and Thin layer chromatography methods. The growth inhibitory effect and the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration of hexane, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, methanol and hydroalcolic extracts were determined using the microplate dilution method. Results: Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of alkaloid, tannins, lignan, triterpenoids, anthracene derivatives, flavonoids, saponins and coumarins at different level. The extracts exhibited different effect against the tested bacteria. The minimum inhibitory concentrations of extracts ranged from 325 µg/ml to 5 mg/ml. Ethyl acetate extract was more potent than other extracts with the MIC values of 325 µg/ml against S. aureus and 625 µg/ml against all other tested bacteria. Escherichia coli was resistant to all extracts. Conlusion: These findings suggest that the rich phytochemical content of Acacia ataxacantha and its good antibacterial activity may be responsible for its popular and wide traditional use

    Autochthonous organic matter promotes DNRA and suppresses N2O production in sediments of the coastal Baltic Sea

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    Coastal environments are nitrogen (N) removal hot spots, which regulate the amount of land-derived N reaching the open sea. However, mixing between freshwater and seawater creates gradients of inorganic N and bioavailable organic matter, which affect N cycling. In this study, we compare nitrate reduction processes between estuary and offshore archipelago environments in the coastal Baltic Sea. Denitrification rates were similar in both environments, despite lower nitrate and carbon concentrations in the offshore archipelago. However, DNRA (dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium) rates were higher at the offshore archipelago stations, with a higher proportion of autochthonous carbon. The production rate and concentrations of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O) were higher in the estuary, where nitrate concentrations and allochthonous carbon inputs are higher. These results indicate that the ratio between nitrate and autochthonous organic carbon governs the balance between N-removing denitrification and N-recycling DNRA, as well as the end-product of denitrification. As a result, a significant amount of the N removed in the estuary is released as N2O, while the offshore archipelago areas are characterized by efficient internal recycling of N. Our results challenge the current understanding of the role of these regions as filters of land-to-sea transfer of N.Peer reviewe

    Possibilities of sweet potato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam] value chain upgrading as revealed by physico-chemical composition of ten elites landraces of Benin

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    Sweet potato is one of the most important food security promoted root crops in the world, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Unfortunately, the crop is still neglected and underutilized in Benin Republic. To establish baseline data for its better utilization for upgrading its value chain, 10 selected local varieties (01 cream, 02 white, 03 yellow, and 04 orange flesh-colored) were compared for their macro-nutritional composition assessed using standard Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) procedures and spectrophotometry methods. The results indicate that sweet potato dry matter, protein, fiber, and ash content ranged from 46.11 to 25.9%, 4.09 to 1.97%, 1.81 to 3.00%, and 4.70 to 2.56%, respectively and orange flesh cultivars were found very rich. Pearson correlation analysis of variables revealed that dry mater content is positively correlated with carbohydrate and energy values, but negatively correlated with ash and fiber content, while starch content is strongly correlated with fiber content. Principal component analysis allowed us to classify the sweet potato varieties into 03 varietal groups among which Group 2 (05 varieties) exhibited rich fiber, ash, and protein contents and may be recommended for infant foods formulations. These results constitute important orientation for sweet potato processing chain organization in Benin and for the establishment of future nutrition and breeding programme.Key words: Benin, sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas, nutritional composition, orange flesh cultivar, value chain

    Hurricane Disturbance Stimulated Nitrification and Altered Ammonia Oxidizer Community Structure in Lake Okeechobee and St. Lucie Estuary (Florida)

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    © Copyright © 2020 Hampel, McCarthy, Aalto and Newell. Nitrification is an important biological link between oxidized and reduced forms of nitrogen (N). The efficiency of nitrification plays a key role in mitigating excess N in eutrophic systems, including those with cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (cyanoHABs), since it can be closely coupled with denitrification and removal of excess N. Recent work suggests that competition for ammonium (NH4+) between ammonia oxidizers and cyanoHABs can help determine microbial community structure. Nitrification rates and ammonia-oxidizing archaeal (AOA) and bacterial (AOB) community composition and gene abundances were quantified in Lake Okeechobee and St. Lucie Estuary in southern Florida (United States). We sampled during cyanobacterial (Microcystis) blooms in July 2016 and August 2017 (2 weeks before Hurricane Irma) and 10 days after Hurricane Irma made landfall. Nitrification rates were low during cyanobacterial blooms in Lake Okeechobee and St. Lucie Estuary, while low bloom conditions in St. Lucie Estuary coincided with greater nitrification rates. Nitrification rates in the lake were correlated (R2 = 0.94; p = 0.006) with AOA amoA abundance. Following the hurricane, nitrification rates increased by an order of magnitude, suggesting that nitrifiers outcompeted cyanobacteria for NH4+ under turbid, poor light conditions. After Irma, AOA and AOB abundances increased in St. Lucie Estuary, while only AOB increased in Lake Okeechobee. AOA sequences clustered into three major lineages: Nitrosopumilales (NP), Nitrososphaerales (NS), and Nitrosotaleales (NT). Many of the lake OTUs placed within the uncultured and uncharacterized NS δ and NT β clades, suggesting that these taxa are ecologically important along this eutrophic, lacustrine to estuarine continuum. After the hurricane, the AOA community shifted toward dominance by freshwater clades in St. Lucie Estuary and terrestrial genera in Lake Okeechobee, likely due to high rainfall and subsequent increased turbidity and freshwater loading from the lake into the estuary. AOB community structure was not affected by the disturbance. AOA communities were consistently more diverse than AOB, despite fewer sequences recovered, including new, unclassified, eutrophic ecotypes, suggesting a wider ecological biogeography than the oligotrophic niche originally posited. These results and other recent reports contradict the early hypothesis that AOB dominate ammonia oxidation in high-nutrient or terrestrial-influenced systems