47 research outputs found

    The multidimensional comprehension of Chagas disease. Contributions, approaches, challenges and opportunities from and beyond the information, education and communication field

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    Chagas is a complex, multidimensional phenomenon in which political, economic, environmental, biomedical, epidemiological, psychological, and sociocultural factors intersect. Nonetheless, the hegemonic conceptualisation has long envisioned Chagas as primarily a biomedical question, while ignoring or downplaying the other dimensions, and this limited view has reinforced the disease's long neglect. Integrating the multiple dimensions of the problem into a coherent approach adapted to field realities and needs represents an immense challenge, but the payoff is more effective and sustainable experiences, with higher social awareness, increased case detection and follow-up, improved adherence to care, and integrated participation of various actors from multiple action levels. Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) initiatives have great potential for impact in the implementation of multidimensional programs of prevention and control successfully customised to the diverse and complex contexts where Chagas disease persists

    An alternative well-posedness property and static spacetimes with naked singularities

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    In the first part of this paper, we show that the Cauchy problem for wave propagation in some static spacetimes presenting a singular time-like boundary is well posed, if we only demand the waves to have finite energy, although no boundary condition is required. This feature does not come from essential self-adjointness, which is false in these cases, but from a different phenomenon that we call the alternative well-posedness property, whose origin is due to the degeneracy of the metric components near the boundary. Beyond these examples, in the second part, we characterize the type of degeneracy which leads to this phenomenon.Comment: 34 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Class. Quantum Gra

    Análisis de incidencia de brucelosis canina en la ciudad de La Punta, San Luis

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    Este proyecto fue pensado para investigar de manera exploratoria la incidencia de Brucelosis canina, en la ciudad de La Punta entre la Facultad de Cs Veterinarias de la UCCuyo San Luis y la dirección de Salud, Bromatología e Higiene de la ciudad. El epidemiológico nos permite conocer la prevalencia de la enfermedad, la dinámica de la misma, y la relación del agente causal con las especies susceptibles a contraer la enfermedad; además nos permite tomar medidas para la elaboración de planes de control y erradicación.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Análisis de incidencia de brucelosis canina en la ciudad de La Punta, San Luis

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    Este proyecto fue pensado para investigar de manera exploratoria la incidencia de Brucelosis canina, en la ciudad de La Punta entre la Facultad de Cs Veterinarias de la UCCuyo San Luis y la dirección de Salud, Bromatología e Higiene de la ciudad. El epidemiológico nos permite conocer la prevalencia de la enfermedad, la dinámica de la misma, y la relación del agente causal con las especies susceptibles a contraer la enfermedad; además nos permite tomar medidas para la elaboración de planes de control y erradicación.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    In Vitro Evaluation of the Toxicological Profile and Oxidative Stress of Relevant Diet-Related Advanced Glycation End Products and Related 1,2-Dicarbonyls

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    During food processing and storage, and in tissues and fluids under physiological conditions, the Maillard reaction occurs. During this reaction, reactive 1,2-dicarbonyl compounds arise as intermediates that undergo further reactions to form advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Diet is the primary source of exogenous AGEs. Endogenously formed AGEs have been proposed as a risk factor in the pathogenesis of diet-related diseases such as diabetes, insulin resistance, cardiovascular diseases, or chronic disease. AGEs may differently contribute to the diet-related exacerbation of oxidative stress, inflammation, and protein modifications. Here, to understand the contribution of each compound, we tested individually, for the first time, the effect of five 1,2-dicarbonyl compounds 3-deoxyglucosone (3-DG), 3-deoxygalactosone (3-DGal), 3,4-dideoxyglucosone-3-ene (3,4-DGE), glyoxal (GO), and methylglyoxal (MGO) and four different glycated amino acids N-ε-(carboxyethyl)lysine (CEL), N-ε-(carboxymethyl)lysine (CML), methylglyoxal-derived hydroimidazolone-1 (MG-H1), and pyrraline (Pyrr) in a cell line of human keratinocytes (HaCaT). We found that most of the glycated amino acids, i.e., CEL, CML, and MG-H1, did not show any cytotoxicity. At the same time, 1,2-dicarbonyl compounds 3-DGal, 3,4-DGE, GO, and MGO increased the production of reactive oxygen species and induced cell death. MGO induced cell death by apoptosis, whereas 3-DGal and 3,4-DGE induced nuclear translocation of the proinflammatory NF-κB transcription pathway, and the activation of the pyroptosis-related NLRP3 inflammasome cascade. Overall, these results demonstrate the higher toxic impact of 1,2-dicarbonyl compounds on mucosal epithelial cells when compared to glycated amino acids and the selective activation of intracellular signaling pathways involved in the crosstalk mechanisms linking oxidative stress to excessive inflammation

    Diagnostic of animal brucellosis. Implementation of new technologies

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    Brucellosis is a contagious infectious disease caused by bacteria of the genus Brucella that affects human health by direct contagion with placentas, fetuses or uterine secretions or by consuming contaminated milk and its derivatives. Brucellosis affects animal health, generally causing abortions in most domestic species, and also generating a negative economic impact on the livestock industry due to losses caused by the decrease in meat and milk production and a decrease in the resale value of infected animals. The transmission of the disease in any of the affected species is done during the delivery or abortion of infected animals. Abortion generally occurs at more than half the gestation and the number of brucelas eliminated in this act is the main source of infection. In Argentina, for example, there is a national program for the control and eradication of bovine brucellosis that uses BPA as a diagnostic technique, as a sieve, Wright's tube slow motion and 2 mercaptoethanol (2ME) as confirmatory and complement fixation. as defining are those established for the control and eradication of bovine brucellosis

    Methodology of umbilical cord stem cells obtention and their potential use in dentistry and hematology

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    Las posibles aplicaciones terapéuticas de las células madre estromales mesenquimales (MSC) han despertado un gran interés en el campo de la ingeniería biomédica como terapia regenerativa. Las MSC son células madre adultas multipotentes que poseen un alto potencial de diferenciación, baja inmunogenicidad, propiedades inmunomoduladoras y capacidad de expansión in vitro eficiente. Las células madre derivadas de cordón umbilical humano (hUC-MSC) pueden diferenciarse a otros tipos celulares y ser utilizadas con fines terapéuticos. En este trabajo mostramos la metodología a través de la cual obtuvimos hUC-MSC, con la finalidad de diferenciarlas dentro del linaje eritropoyético. Así mismo, evaluamos y discutimos el potencial de estas hUC-MSC, en la diferenciación osteoblástica y su aplicación en la práctica odontológica.The possible therapeutic applications of mesenchymal stromal stem cells (MSC) have aroused great interest in the field of biomedical engineering, such as regenerative therapy. MSC´s are multipotent adult stem cells that have a high potential for differentiation, low immunogenicity, immunomodulatory properties and efficient in vitro expandability. Stem cells derived from human umbilical cord (hUC-MSC) can be differentiated into other cell types and may be used for therapeutic purposes. In this work we show the methodology by which we obtained hUC-MSC, in order to differentiate them within the erythropoietic lineage. Likewise, we evaluate and discuss the potential of these hUC-MSC, in osteoblastic differentiation and its application in dental practice.Fil: García Sanmartino, Clara. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de OdontologíaFil: Carminati, Sergio Andrés . Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias MédicasFil: Aguilera, Milton Osmar. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Instituto de Histologia y Embriología Mendoza. "Dr. Mario H. Burgos"Fil: Moras, M.. Paris Diderot University (France). Integrated Biology of Red Blood CellsFil: Ostuni, M. A.. Paris Diderot University (France). Integrated Biology of Red Blood CellsFil: Fader Kaiser, Claudio. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Instituto de Histologia y Embriología Mendoza. "Dr. Mario H. Burgos

    Proyecto de sensibilización y visualización de las personas afectadas por la enfermedad de Chagas: encuestas, spots y un largo camino por delante

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    Según estimaciones de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, actualmente existen -al menos8 millones de personas infectadas con el parásito que causa la enfermedad de Chagas (el Trypanosoma cruzi). La mayor parte de estas personas se encuentra desde Estados Unidos hasta Argentina y Chile (WHO, 2013; 2010), principalmente en los 21 países de Latinoamérica incluidos en la zona considerada tradicionalmente endémica. La infección por T. cruzi se transmite principalmente por vía vectorial, a través de insectos conocidos como “vinchucas”, “chinches”, “barbeiros”, “chipos”, entre otros nombres, dependiendo de la región. Este parásito también puede transmitirse por transfusiones de sangre o trasplantes de algunos órganos de donantes infectados; por vía congénita, durante el embarazo o el parto de mujeres infectadas; o a través de la ingestión de bebidas o alimentos contaminados con deyecciones de vinchucas infectadas. Se estima que una tercera parte de las personas que presentan serología positiva para Chagas desarrollará la enfermedad propiamente dicha a partir de afectaciones cardiacas, digestivas (habitualmente con dilatación del esófago y/o del colon), neurológicas o mixtas; 20 ó 30 años después de haberse infectado.Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas Biológico

    Ignorances et questionnements sur la problématique de Chagas

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