74 research outputs found

    The Role of Foreign Direct Investment on Press Freedom

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    In our paper we establish foreign direct investment (FDI) as a major determinant of media freedom. Global integration can strengthen the media sector financially, make it technologically enhanced and can also improve the economic environment as a whole. This, in turn, would work towards the enhancement of media freedom. The sample includes high, middle and low income economies. Using a panel of 115 countries over a period of 20 years, our results reveal that FDI is an absolute necessity for a free and efficient media. The results are robust to various alternate specifications and inclusion of additional control variables.Foreign Direct Investment; Press Freedom; Institutions

    Foreign Direct Investment, Financial Development and Political Risks

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    Financial development is definitely a determinant of the extent of foreign direct investment (FDI) inflow into an economy. Yet, the contribution of financial development (FD) can be dependent on the political situation of the recipient nation. Higher political stability aids financial institutions to reap the benefits of FDI efficiently. Our paper empirically investigates the role of political risk in the association of FDI and FD. Using a panel of 97 countries, we show the relationship to be strictly non-linear. The impact of FD on FDI becomes negative beyond a threshold level of FD. However, we do find political risk factors to be affecting the relationship by altering the threshold level of financial development.Foreign Direct Investment, Financial Development, Political Risks

    Overview Report: Measuring Media Development

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    An Interactive Timeline of Media Development Sankalpa Dashrath Research is a primary component of the Media Map project, and several papers will be published and distributed publicly as part of the effort through 2011 and 2012. They include: OVERVIEW PAPERSRethinking Media Development: A Report on The Media Map Project, Mark Nelson with Tara Susman-Peña This final report is intended as the beginning of a process of using Media Map research as a platform for action. Your feedback welcome. On Media Development: An Unorthodox Review (forthcoming) Daniel Kaufmann; Presentation to the Center for International Media Assistance based on this research available here. Healthy Media, Vibrant Societies: How Strengthening the Media Can Boost Development in Sub-Saharan Africa Tara Susman-Peña A synthesis report examining the policy implications of the relationships between media and economic development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Media Development and Political Stability: An Analysis of Sub-Saharan Africa, Sanjukta Roy An econometric study of the relationships between press freedom and access to information, and political stability in Sub-Saharan Africa. COUNTRY CASE STUDIES Edited by Mary Myers, Examining the impact of donor support to the media sector over the last two decades, to be released periodically throughout 2012. – Cambodia, Margarette Roberts– Democratic Republic of the Congo, Marie-Soleil FrĂšre – Indonesia, Manfred Oepen– Kenya, Iginio Gagliardone and Katherine Reed Allen– Mali, Heather Gilberds– Peru, Gabriela MartĂ­nez, with Network Analysis, Erich Sommerfeldt; Participatory Photographic Mapping (PPM), and PPM Annex, Luisa Ryan and Gabriela MartĂ­nez– Ukraine, Katerina Tsetsura, with Network Analysis Erich Sommerfeldt, Katerina Tsetsura, and Anna Klyueva Design for Quantifying Donor Impact on the Media Sector Sanjukta Roy and Tara Susman-Peña MONITORING & EVALUATION AND MEDIA DEVELOPMENTMapping Donor Decision Making on Media Development: An Overview of Current Monitoring and Evaluation Practice Jason Alcorn, Amy Chen, Emma Gardner, and Hiro Matsumoto, A Capstone Masters’ thesis report at the School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University; Anya Schiffrin, Faculty Advisor LITERATURE REVIEWS & BACKGROUND MATERIALSReview of Literature Amelia Arsenault and Shawn Powers A review of the literature that explores the intellectual history of media development Overview Report: Measuring Media Development Sanjukta Roy Explains the quantitative data available that measures media, and how it is incorporated in the Media Map Project Review of Literature on Quantitative Data (matrix) Sanjukta Ro

    Three essays on institutions and economic development

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    This dissertation consists of three essays that look into different types of institutions and their relation with various aspects of economic development. The essays explore the role of financial institutions, political institutions and the role of a free media in the context of economic development. Chapter 2 elaborates on how foreign direct investment (henceforth FDI) inflow into an economy can contribute towards the freedom of the institution of media. Chapter 3 analyzes how a free media can help mitigate terrorism incidents and strengthen a democracy for the same cause. Chapter 4 investigates how the development of financial institutions, namely financial intermediaries, helps in deconcentration of urban centers and promotes orderly urbanization.;Chapter 2 titled The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Press Freedom establishes foreign direct investment (FDI) as a major determinant of media freedom. Global integration can strengthen the media sector financially, make it technologically enhanced and can also improve the economic environment as a whole. This, in turn, would work towards the enhancement of media freedom. The sample includes high, middle and low income economies. Using a panel of 115 countries over a period of 20 years, our results reveal that FDI is an absolute necessity for a free and efficient media. The results are robust to various alternate specifications and inclusion of additional control variables.;Chapter 3 titled Countering Terror: The Importance of a Free Press establishes the importance of a free press in combating terrorism. Considering the case of transnational terrorism, the robust empirical analysis establishes that a free press mitigates impacts of terrorism. The analysis further substantiates that though a democracy by itself if often criticized as being terror-inviting, when empowered by a free press, the two together has a definite terror dampening effect.;Chapter 4, Counting on Financial Development for Urbanization examines the extent to which the level of a country\u27s financial development play a contributory role in determining the pace of urbanization and urban concentration in different countries. The empirical analysis spanning a 30 year period for 117 developed and developing countries show that a higher level of financial development is associated with a lower growth in urbanization and urban concentration. The results are found to be driven mostly by the experiences of developing countries

    Informal Sector and Corruption: An Empirical Investigation for India

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    India is a country characterized by a huge informal sector. At the same time, it is a country where the extent of corruption in every sector is remarkably high. Stifling bureaucratic interference and corruption at every stage of economic activities is one of the main reasons behind high participation in informal and unregulated sectors. For economies characterized by high inequality and poverty, a useful tool for the government to pacify social unrest, is to choose a lower level of governance allowing substantial corruption in the system. Based on a study of 20 Indian states, we empirically show that higher corruption increases level of employment in the informal sector. Further, our analysis also shows that for higher levels of lagged state domestic product, the positive impact of corruption on the size of the informal sector is nullified.informal sector, corruption, state domestic product, governance, India

    Stable Matching Games: Manipulation via Subgraph Isomorphism

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    In this paper we consider a problem that arises from a strategic issue in the stable matching model (with complete preference lists) from the viewpoint of exact-exponential time algorithms. Specifically, we study the Stable Extension of Partial Matching (SEOPM) problem, where the input consists of the complete preference lists of men, and a partial matching. The objective is to find (if one exists) a set of preference lists of women, such that the men-optimal Gale Shapley algorithm outputs a perfect matching that contains the given partial matching. Kobayashi and Matsui [Algorithmica, 2010] proved this problem is NP-complete. In this article, we give an exact-exponential algorithm for SEOPM running in time 2^{O(n)}, where n denotes the number of men/women. We complement our algorithmic finding by showing that unless Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH) fails, our algorithm is asymptotically optimal. That is, unless ETH fails, there is no algorithm for SEOPM running in time 2^{o(n)}. Our algorithm is a non-trivial combination of a parameterized algorithm for Subgraph Isomorphism, a relationship between stable matching and finding an out-branching in an appropriate graph and enumerating non-isomorphic out-branchings

    Multi-Dimensional Stable Roommates in 2-Dimensional Euclidean Space

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    Research trends of sub-subjects on Economics: a bibliometric study

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    The paper is basically a bibliometric study based on 4993 citations from 53 PhD theses under four sub-subjects of Economics viz. Indian Economics, Rural Economics, Economic Developing and International Economics). The purpose of the study is to analyze the citation pattern of references appended to the theses of all four subjects submitted to The University of Burdwan during the period 2006-2015. To fulfill the purpose, all the relevant information has been collected from the research section of The University of Burdwan and Shodhganga (http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/) and finally has been analyzed against pre-defined parameters such as bibliographic forms, journal ranking, authorship pattern, authorship collaboration, degree of collaboration. All the information collected under these parameters has been presented through dBaseIII plus programmer. It was found that highest number of contribution was in Indian Economics with 26 theses (49.05%) and least number of theses was contributed by International Economics with 2 theses (3.77%). The study also revealed that journals were found to be most cited documents (50.15%), followed by books (26.57%) and single authored articles were mostly cited than multi-authored articles
