14 research outputs found

    Development and Validation of Stability Indicating RP-HPLC Method for Estimation of Rilpivirine Hydrochloride in Tablet Dosage Form

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    A simple, sensitive, rapid and reproducible HPLC Method was developed and validated for estimation of Rilpivirine in the presence of degradation products generated from forced decomposition studies. The analysis was carried out on Hypersil BDS C18, 250 X 4.6mm, 5? column using a mixture of ammonium acetate Buffer (pH to 6.0 0.05) and Acetonitrile in the proportion 55:45 respectively as a mobile phase at a flow rate of 1.2 mL/minute. The wavelength selected for the analysis was 300 nm. The peak for Rilpivirine HCl was observed at 10.33 minute. A linear response was observed in the range of 12.5 - 62.5 ?g/mL with a correlation coefficient of 0.999. The method was validated for specificity, linearity, precision, accuracy and robustness. The obtained results were indicating that the method is selective in analysis of Rilpivirine in the presence of degradation products formed under various stress conditions

    Aerosol–Cloud Interaction: A Case Study

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    MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) retrieved aerosol and cloud products at the nine selected stations over Western Himalayan and Deccan Plateau regions were inferred to bring out their salient features and to investigate aerosol–cloud interaction. Annually, Ångström exponent (AE) decreases with aerosol optical depth (AOD) while in winter it increases with AOD at most of the stations. Results bring out positive and/or negative association between AOD and almost all the cloud parameters over the selected stations. Aerosol indirect effect (AIE) is quantified for fixed liquid water path (LWP) bins ranging from 1 to 350 g/m2 at an interval of 25 g/m2 for three categories of stations, viz., CAT‐H, CAT‐M, and CAT‐L based on heavy, moderate, and low aerosol loading, respectively. AIE is negative at CAT‐H (−0.04 ± 0.14), while it is positive at CAT‐M (0.01 ± 0.07) and CAT‐L (0.10 ± 0.48). During winter, negative AIE has been observed for all three categories. In pre‐monsoon, the majority of LWP bins (86% at CAT‐H and 60% at CAT‐M) showed positive AIE, while about 71% of LWP bins indicted negative AIE at CAT‐L. However, during monsoon about 63–71% of LWP bins showed negative AIE at these categories. Study elucidates the influence of factors like cloud type, cloud dynamics/thermodynamics on aerosol–cloud interactions


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    Markhamia lutea (Benth.).K.Schum synonym Dolichondron lutea is belonging to family BIGNONIACEAE. Plant is commonly known as Bell Bean Tree, Nile Tulip Tree, Siala. Markhamia lutea native to Malawi, Tanzania, South Africa, Namibia and India. It is found in bushveld, in riverine fringes, and many times on rocky ridges and on slopes of hill. It is also planted as ornamental plant in Gardens. It is an upright evergreen tree which grows upto  10-16 m high. Traditionally the root barks are used in the treatment of anemia, diarrhea and backache. Marhamia lutea is reported for potential antimicrobial activity, Anticancer activity, anti-inflammatory, antiparasitic, anthelmintic, analgesic, anti-viral, and anti-fungal activity. The present study reveals the pharmacognostic account and Phytochemical investigations of Markhamia lutea (BENTH.) K.SCHUM   KEYWORDS: Markhamia lutea,Morphology,Microscopy,Terpenoids,Glycosides,Favonoid

    Validation of MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth Retrievals over a Tropical Urban Site, Pune, India

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    In the present paper, MODIS (Terra and Aqua; level 2, collection 5) derived aerosoloptical depths (AODs) are compared with the ground-based measurements obtained from AERONET (level 2.0) and Microtops - II sun-photometer over a tropical urban station, Pune (18 deg 32'N; 73 deg 49'E, 559 m amsl). This is the first ever systematic validation of the MODIS aerosol products over Pune. Analysis of the data indicates that the Terra and Aqua MODIS AOD retrievals at 550 nm have good correlations with the AERONET and Microtops - II sun-photometer AOD measurements. During winter the linear regression correlation coefficients for MODIS products against AERONET measurements are 0.79 for Terra and 0.62 for Aqua; however for premonsoon, the corresponding coefficients are 0.78 and 0.74. Similarly, the linear regression correlation coefficients for Microtops measurements against MODIS products are 0.72 and 0.93 for Terra and Aqua data respectively during winter and are 0.78 and 0.75 during pre-monsoon. On yearly basis in 2008-2009, correlation coefficients for MODIS products against AERONET measurements are 0.80 and 0.78 for Terra and Aqua respectively while the corresponding coefficients are 0.70 and 0.73 during 2009-2010. The regressed intercepts with MODIS vs. AERONET are 0.09 for Terra and 0.05 for Aqua during winter whereas their values are 0.04 and 0.07 during pre-monsoon. However, MODIS AODs are found to underestimate during winter and overestimate during pre-monsoon with respect to AERONET and Microtops measurements having slopes 0.63 (Terra) and 0.74 (Aqua) during winter and 0.97 (Terra) and 0.94 (Aqua) during pre-monsoon. Wavelength dependency of Single Scattering Albedo (SSA) shows presence of absorbing and scattering aerosol particles. For winter, SSA decreases with wavelength with the values 0.86 +/- 0.03 at 440 nm and 0.82 +/- 0.04 at 1020nm. In pre-monsoon, it increases with wavelength (SSA is 0.87 +/- 0.02 at 440nm; and 0.88 +/-0.04 at 1020 nm)

    WITHDRAWN: Recent advances in compression-coated tablets as a controlled drug delivery system

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    Conservation Agriculture as a Climate Change Mitigation Strategy: A Review

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    To enhance our comprehension of agriculture's role in addressing climate change, accurate assessment of its capacity for carbon sequestration is crucial. This assessment encompasses multiple considerations, including regional climate patterns, crop choices, soil management practices, and soil types. Climate change poses a significant threat to food and nutritional security on local, national, and global scales. The amplified concentrations of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O), present immediate challenges. Vulnerable populations, especially those in impoverished conditions, face heightened risk of food insecurity due to the impacts of climate change. Additionally, the conversion of non-agricultural land, like forests, into agricultural use, and human-generated emissions of greenhouse gases from agricultural activities significantly contribute to climate change. The escalating concentration of greenhouse gases, particularly CO2, in the atmosphere leads to global warming. Over the last century (1906–2005), the global mean surface temperature has risen by approximately 0.60 to 0.90°C, with the most rapid increase occurring in recent decades. The global average temperature continues to steadily climb and is projected to rise by 2°C by 2100, potentially resulting in significant global economic losses. The increasing concentration of CO2, a major greenhouse gas, is a cause for concern. This rise has fostered enhanced plant growth and productivity due to increased photosynthesis. However, the benefits of heightened photosynthesis are offset by higher temperatures, leading to increased crop respiration rates, greater evapotranspiration, heightened pest infestations, shifts in weed species, and reduced crop durations. This paper reviews the literature on climate change, its potential drivers, its effects on agriculture, and its influence on the physiological and metabolic processes of plants. It also explores potential and reported implications for plant growth, productivity, and mitigation strategies. In recent years, there has been a growing recommendation for the adoption of conservation agriculture as a more sustainable alternative to conventional farming practices. Conservation agriculture not only supports soil health but also enhances agricultural productivity, making it a crucial tool for mitigating the impacts of climate change

    Peripheral neurectomies: A treatment option for trigeminal neuralgia in rural practice

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    Background: Trigeminal neuralgia is a commonly diagnosed neurosensory disease of head, neck and face region, involving 5th cranial nerve. Carbamazepine is the first line drug if there is decrease in efficacy or tolerability of medication, surgery needs to be considered. Factors such as pain relief, recurrence rates, morbidity and mortality rates should be taken in to account while considering which technique to use. Peripheral neurectomy is a safe and effective procedure for elderly patients and in rural and remote centers where neurosurgical facilities are not available. It is also effective in those patients who are reluctant for major neurosurgical procedures. Although loss of sensation along the branches of trigeminal nerve and recurrence rate are associated with peripheral neurectomy, we consider it as the safe and effective procedure in rural practice, which can be done under local anesthesia. Aims: The aim of this prospective study is to evaluate the long term efficacy of peripheral neurectomy with and without the placement of stainless steel screws in the foramina and to calculate the mean remission period after peripheral neurectomies for different branches of trigeminal nerve. Setting and Design: The sample was divided into 2 groups by selecting randomly the patients, satisfying inclusion criteria. Both groups were operated under local anesthesia by regional nerve blocks. In one group of patients after peripheral neurectomy, the proximal nerve stump was left alone in the foramina, and in another group of patients, obturation of foramina was done with stainless steel screws after peripheral neurectomy. Materials and Methods: Peripheral neurectomy was done on the terminal branches of trigeminal nerve in 14 patients. We selected only those cases that were experiencing pain after Carbamazepine therapy, all our patients were from rural and remote areas where facilities to neurosurgical centers are limited. Elderly patients who were unfit for surgical procedures and those patients who were reluctant for major neurosurgical treatments were considered for the study. Results: Post-surgical pain relief varied from 15 months to 24 months in cases where neurectomy was done without placing stainless steel screws in the foramina. Those cases where peripheral neurectomy was done along with the placement of stainless steel screws in the foramina, none of the patient had painful symptoms even after minimum 2 years of follow-up. Student’s ‘t’-test of 2 groups showed the remission period to be statistically highly significant in patients with stainless steel screw obturation, having P-value <0.0005.Obturating the foramen with stainless steel screws can prevent nerve regeneration. Thus, remission of pain can be prolonged. Conclusion: Peripheral neurectomy is thus a safe and effective procedure for elderly patients, for those patients living in remote and rural places that cannot avail major neurosurgical facilities, and for those patients who are reluctant for major neurosurgical procedures


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    This Facade is one of the most significant exterior elements for building functionality. Façades and building envelopes not only form the outer skin of buildings, but also project image and creative intent. The façade plays a critical role in the energy performance and interior function of a building. It protects the occupants from wind and rain and the extremes of temperature and humidity. The main objective undertaken in this project is the application of façade to the right side external part of selected site i.e Hostel A . The analysis and costing needed is discussed in detail as below. The another objective of project is to comparison between cladding and glazing , i.e ACP Sheets and glass and Tiles on the basis of cost


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    ABSTRACT Highly Active antiretroviral therapy ( HAART ), a combination drug therapy is a topic of current interest in the treatment of HIV and AIDS. Techniques for the analysis and the quality control of antiretroviral drugs, particularly in the drug combinations are vital in achieving quality of these drugs and the treatments involved. Integrase inhibitor are a class of antiretroviral drug designed to block the action of integrase , a viral enzymes that inserts a viral genome into the DNA of the host cell. Since integration is a vital step in retroviral replication, blocking it can halt further spread of the virus. Integrase inhibitor were initially developed for the treatment of HIV infection . The HPLC,UV and HPTLC methods are available for the analysis of Raltegravir and Elvitegravir, the recently used drug for HIV and AIDS are reviewed in this articles

    Polymeric Microneedles: An Emerging Paradigm for Advanced Biomedical Applications

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    Microneedles are gaining popularity as a new paradigm in the area of transdermal drug delivery for biomedical and healthcare applications. Efficient drug delivery with minimal invasion is the prime advantage of microneedles. The concept of the microneedle array provides an extensive surface area for efficient drug delivery. Various types of inorganics (silicon, ceramic, metal, etc.) and polymeric materials are used for the fabrication of microneedles. The polymeric microneedles have various advantages over other microneedles fabricated using inorganic material, such as biocompatibility, biodegradation, and non-toxicity. The wide variety of polymers used in microneedle fabrication can provide a broad scope for drug delivery and other biomedical applications. Multiple metallic and polymeric microneedles can be functionalized by polymer coatings for various biomedical applications. The fabrication of polymeric microneedles is shifting from conventional to advanced 3D and 4D printing technology. The multifaceted biomedical applications of polymeric microneedles include drug delivery, vaccine delivery, biosensing, and diagnostic applications. Here, we provide the overview of the current and advanced information on polymers used for fabrication, the selection criteria for polymers, biomedical applications, and the regulatory perspective of polymer-based and polymer-coated microneedles, along with a patent scenario