35 research outputs found

    Bionomija lovorove štitaste vaši, Aonidia lauri (Bouche) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) na području Podgorice, Crna Gora

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    Aonidia lauri (Bouche) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) is a serious pest of laurel (Laurus nobilis L.) in urban parts of the City of Podgorica (Montenegro). Severe infestation causes chlorotic spots and necrotic rings around feeding spots, drying and dieback of leaves and buds. In addition, plants become physiologically weak and lose in aesthetic quality, while continuous infestation in urban areas often leads to partial or complete drying of plants. This study of the biology of A. lauri on L. nobilis was carried out at three locations in Podgorica ('Stara Varoš', 'Centar' and 'Preko Morače'), Montenegro, in 2010 and 2011. A. lauri developed three generations annually and overwintered on laurel leaves and branches as the second-instar nymph-larval stage. An extended period of larval development ensures a continuous presence of all development stages on plants, which leads to overlapping of generations. Sporadic predatory ladybirds, Chilocorus bipustulatus (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), whose larvae and adults feed on scales, were detected inside A. lauri colonies.Aonidia lauri (Comstock) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) je na području Podgorice veoma opasna štetočina lovora (Laurus nobilis L.). Visok stepen infestacije biljaka izaziva pojavu hlorotičníh pega i nekrotičnih polja oko mesta ishrane, sušenja lišća i pupoljaka. Pored toga, biljke fiziološki slabe, gube estetsku vrednost, a kontinuirani napad u gradskim uslovima često dovodi do njihovog delimičnig ili potpunog sušenja. U više lokacija na teritoriji Podgorice, na uzorkovanim biljkama lovora intenzitet napada je ocenjen sa 4, odnosno svi delovi biljke su bili naseljeni brojnim jedinkama koje su formirale guste kolonije. Biologija i štetnost Aonidia lauri proučavana je u 2010. i 2011. godini, na L. nobilis. Utvrđeno je da vrsta ima tri generacije godišnje i da prezimljava u drugom larvenom stupnju na listovima i granama lovora. Imaga prve generacije registrovana su krajem marta i početkom aprila, druge generacije krajem juna i početkom jula i treće, tokom septembra. A. lauri je viviparna vrsta. Razvučen period pojave larvi obezbeđuje stalno prisustvo svih razvojnih stadijuma na biljkama, što dovodi do preklapanja generacija. U kolonijama A. lauri, registrovani su pojedinačni primerci predatorske bubamare Chilocorus bipustulatus (L.) (Coccinellidae) čiji su se larve i imaga hranili vašima

    Cydalima perspectalis walker (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) presence and distribution in Montenegro

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    Box tree moth, Cydalima perspectalis was detected for the first time in June 2014 when severe devastation of Buxus sp. was noticed in urban area of the city of Herceg Novi. In the next several months, the pest rapidly spread along the Montenegro seacoast. The tendency of spreading was continued in the following years. Severely infested box trees were completely dried out, while on those that still were partially green, leaves were markedly chewed and webbed by silk together with twigs. Damages are usually noticed late because young larvae are deeply hidden among Buxus twigs and leaves. Mature larvae can completely defoliate Buxus bushes and plants can lose all the leaves within a short period. Morphological features of development stages of the pest were observed in laboratory. Since box trees are traditionally important horticultural plants in Montenegro, this pest could be a serious problem for landscaping and nursery production

    Cydalima perspectalis Walker (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) Presence and Distribution in Montenegro

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    Box tree moth, Cydalima perspectalis was detected for the first time in June 2014 when severe devastation of Buxus sp. was noticed in urban area of the city of Herceg Novi. In the next several months, the pest rapidly spread along the Montenegro seacoast. The tendency of spreading was continued in the following years. Severely infested box trees were completely dried out, while on those that still were partially green, leaves were markedly chewed and webbed by silk together with twigs. Damages are usually noticed late because young larvae are deeply hidden among Buxus twigs and leaves. Mature larvae can completely defoliate Buxus bushes and plants can lose all the leaves within a short period. Morphological features of development stages of the pest were observed in laboratory. Since box trees are traditionally important horticultural plants in Montenegro, this pest could be a serious problem for landscaping and nursery production

    Neogeni surlaši (Mammalia, Proboscidea) i drugi sisari iz okoline Kraljeva

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    The paper provides an overview of the Neogene fossil mammals recorded in the vicinity of Kraljevo in Central Serbia. Large mammals are represented exclusively by the accidental finds of proboscidean dental specimens, deposited both in the Čačak-Kraljevo and Gruža basins. We provide re-descriptions and comparative analyses of the proboscidean material. The following taxa are recorded: Deinotherium giganteum at Ravanica and Adrani; Gomphotherium angustidens at Bogutovac; Tetralophodon longirostris at Godačica and at an unidentified sand pit (majdan) near Kraljevo; Anancus sp. at Miločaj; Proboscidea indet. at Oplanići. Small fossil mammals are recorded at three sites. The Progorelica assemblage is currently attributed to the MN6 zone of the Middle Miocene (Langhian), based on the finds of Eulipotyphla sp., Eomyops sp., Cricetodon sp., Megacricetodon sp. and Alloptox sp. – one of the first finds of this Asian genus in the Balkan Peninsula. At Tavnik, more than 120 remains of small mammals were attributed to the MN9 zone of the Late Miocene (Tortonian); the site yielded remains of Eulipotyphla indet., Prolagus sp., Megacricetodon similis and Miodyromys sp. Two fossil teeth of Talpidae sp. were also recorded at Oplanići.У раду је дат преглед свих познатих остатака фосилних сисара из неогена околине Краљева. Изоловани примерци фосилних зуба сурлаша (ред Proboscidea) пореклом из седимената Чачанско-краљевачког и Гружанског басена, a које су раније објавили Петронијевић (Petronijević 1956) и Чкоњевић и Радовић (Čkonjević and Radović 2012), поново су описани и испитани у компаративном контексту. Материјал се чува у Народном музеју у Краљеву (NMKVRS) и Природњачком музеју у Београду (NHMBEO). Deinotherium giganteum је посведочен у Адранима наласком левог М3 (NMKVRS.P1) и у Раваници, где су откривени леви p4 (који је данас изгубљен), фрагмент m1, m2 и фрагмент m3 (NHMBEO 11356–11358). На подручју Европе, D. giganteum је пронађен на локалитетима средњо- до касно миоценске старости (тј. у зонама MN7/8–10; Göhlich and Huttunen 2009). Из Богутовца потиче предњи део круне десног m3 типичне морфологије за врсту Gomphotherium angustidens, чији се хроностратиграфски распон у Европи протеже од каснијег дела раног до ранијег дела касног миоцена (тј. MN4-9; Tassy 1996a; Mazo and Van der Made 2012). Међу тзв. „тетралофодонтним” формама, идентификована су два примерка врсте Tetralophodon longirostris: леви М2 из Годачице (NMKVRS. P68) и леви М1 (NHMBEO 113346) са непознате локације (мајдана) у околини Краљева. Остаци врсте T. longirostris се у Европи датују између касног средњег и касног миоцена (MN8-12; Göhlich 1999; Lungu and Obada 2002; Mazo and Van der Made 2010). Из Милочаја потиче десни М3, оригинално одређен као „прелазна форма између Mastodon longirostris Kaup. и M. arvernensis Croiz. et Job.” (Petronijević 1956: 190), а овде је ревидиран као Anancus sp., на основу јасног присуства тзв. ананкоидије (Tobien 1973). Примерак би могао припадати касномиоценској (MN12- 13) врсти Anancus lehmanni или пак A. arvernensis која је врло честа на подручју Европе током плиоцена и раног плеистоцена (MN14 до MNQ17; Konidaris and Roussiakis 2019). Нажалост, примерак из Милочаја је данас изгубљен и познат је само на основу ранијег описа и илустрација (Petronijević 1956). Остаци ситних сисара су до сада идентификовани на три локалитета и истражио их је тим Природњачког музеја у Београду. У Прогорелици су пронађена 23 зуба, међу којима су идентификовани следећи таксони: Eulipotyphla sp.; Rodentia – Eomyops sp., Cricetodon sp. и Megacricetodon sp.; Lagomorpha – Alloptox sp. (један од првих налаза овог азијског рода на територији Балканског полуострва). Претпоставља се да фауна потиче из средњег миоцена (MN6). Из Тавника потиче преко 120 зуба ситних сисара, међу којима су идентификовани Eulipotyphla indet., Prolagus sp., Megacricetodon similis, као и још неидентификована врста пуха Miodyromys sp. (NHMBEO 012121-160); фауна је одређена у касни миоцен (MN9). Из Опланића потичу два зуба Talpidae sp., као и фрагменти кљове и дуге кости удова неидентификованог сурлаша – Proboscidea indet. (Marković 2008; Marković and Milivojević 2010)

    New invasive species of aphids (hemiptera, aphididae) in Serbia and Montenegro

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    Three new invasive species of aphids have been found in Serbia: Chaitophorus populifolli Essig, Myzocallis walshii (Monell) and Trichosiphonaphis polygonifoliae (Shinji) and two have been found in Montenegro: Aphis illinoisensis Shimer and Tinocallis kahawaluokalani (Kirkaldy). A. illinoisensis is a pest of the grapevine, T. polygonifoliae, feeds on a decorative shrub (Lonicera) and the other three feed on trees (Populus, Quercus and Lagerostroemia). Three of the species are American aphids and two are of Asian origin. Their morphology, illustrated by original drawings and data on the biology and distribution are given

    The impact of oenological means on glycerol content in Montenegrin wines Vranac and Kratošija

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    The influence of three different commercial yeasts (BDX, BM4X4 and ICV D21) and two different lactic acid bacteria (LAB), on glycerol content in Montenegrin wines Vranac and Kratošija were studied during 2012 vintage. Basic quality parameters of grape must (sugar content, total acidity, pH, tartaric and malic acid) were determined, as well as glycerol content after alcoholic and malolactic fermentation. It was found that within both wines, the highest content of glycerol was reached when BDX yeast was used. There were no significant differences within glycerol content when different LAB was used. In Kratošija wine glycerol content for BDX treatment varied between 9.02-9.09 g L-1 , while in Vranac wine varied from 8.88-8.95 g L-1. Slightly higher glycerol content in wines with BM4X4 and ICV D21 commercial yeast were achieved also in Kratošija wine

    First records of Acizzia jamatonica (Kuwayama) and Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore, (Hemiptera: Psyllidae, Aphalaridae) in Montenegro

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    Albizia psyllid, Acizzia jamatonica (Kuwayama), and red gum lerp psyllid, Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore, were found in Montenegro for the first time during 2009 and 2012 respectively. Acizzia jamatonica is native to East Asia, and has spread rapidly in Europe since it was first reported from Italy in 2002. It was first collected from Albizzia julibrissin in Podgorica, September 2009, and subsequently from Albizzia sp. and A. julibrissin in Herceg Novi, October 2010, and June and October 2012, and from A. julibrissin in Kotor, October 2012. Glycaspis brimblecombei is native to Australia, and has been rapidly spreading in Europe since it was first reported from Portugal and Spain in 2007. It was collected on Eucalyptus camaldulensis in Bar, October 2012. Both species of psyllid have the potential to damage amenity trees in urban environments and in commercial plant nurseries

    The Impact of Oenological Means on Glycerol Content in Montenegrin Wines Vranac and Kratošija

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    The influence of three different commercial yeasts (BDX, BM4X4 and ICV D21) and two different lactic acid bacteria (LAB), on glycerol content in Montenegrin wines Vranac and Kratošija were studied during 2012 vintage. Basic quality parameters of grape must (sugar content, total acidity, pH, tartaric and malic acid) were determined, as well as glycerol content after alcoholic and malolactic fermentation. It was found that within both wines, the highest content of glycerol was reached when BDX yeast was used. There were no significant differences within glycerol content when different LAB was used. In Kratošija wine glycerol content for BDX treatment varied between 9.02 – 9.09 g L-1, while in Vranac wine varied from 8.88 – 8.95 g L-1. Slightly higher glycerol content in wines with BM4X4 and ICV D21 commercial yeast were achieved also in Kratošija wine

    Diverzitet faune Auchenorrhyncha u vinogradima Crne Gore

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    The investigation of faunal diversity of Auchenorryncha of Montenegro was conducted in vineyards at six localities. Insects were collected using sweep nets and mouth-aspirators from grapevine at localities Martinići, Beri, Drušići, Šušunja, Godinje and Nudo. A total number of collected specimens was 3579, belonging to 10 families, 32 genera and 39 species. The most numerous was family Cicadellidae with 22 species, followed by Cixidae (4), Issidae (3), Cercopidae, Aphrophoridae and Tettigometridae with two species and Delphacidae, Dictyopharidae, Flatidae and Membracidae with one species recorded. The most abundant were species belonging to the families Cercopidae, Cicadellidae, Dictyopharidae and Cixiidae. Confirmed vector of BN phytoplasma, H. obsoletus was highly abundant, while the presence of potential vector, D. europaea was also recorded.Istraživanje diverziteta faune Auchenorryncha u Crnoj Gori sprovedeno je u vinogradima na 6 lokaliteta. Cikade su sakupljane metodom košenja tokom 2010. i 2011. godine u vinogradima na lokalitetima Martinići, Beri, Drušići, Šušunja, Godinje i Nudo. Ukupno je sakupljeno 3579 primeraka među kojima je identifikovano 39 vrsta iz 32 roda i 10 familja. Familija Cicadellidae je bila zastupljena sa najvećim brojem vrsta (22), fam. Cixiidae sa 4 vrste, a fam. Issidae sa 3 vrste. Sa po 2 vrste bile su zastupljene fam. Cercopidae, Aphrophoridae i Tettigometridae, dok su fam. Delphacidae, Dictyopharidae, Flatidae i Membracidae bile zastupljene sa po jednom vrstom. U najvećoj brojnosti prisutne su vrste iz familija Cercopidae, Cicadellidae, Dictyopharidae i Cixiidae. Od potvrđenih vektora Bois noir fitoplazme u visokoj brojnosti prisutna je vrsta Hyalesthes obsoletus, dok je od potencijalnih vektora utvrđeno prisustvo vrste Dictyophara europaea

    Homocysteine concentration in serum of dogs naturally infected with Babesia canis

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    Background: Lower homocysteine (Hcy) concentraon was noced in dogs with systemic inflammatory response syndrome of various aeology, in comparison with healthy dogs. Objecve. The study had two objecves: to compare Hcy concentraons in serum between dogs naturally infected with Babesia canis and healthy dogs; to assess the relaonship between Hcy concentraon and the results of the roune laboratory tests. Materials and methods. The study enrolled twelve dogs infected with B. canis (BAB) and six healthy dogs (HD). The commercial immunoassay, spectrophotometry, and haematology kits were used. Stascal analyses included the Mann-Whitney U test and Spearman's rank correlaon analysis. Results: BAB had lower concentraons of Hcy than HD (p=0.045). When analysing the results from all studied dogs together, Hcy had a posive correlaon with erythrocyte count (r=0.771; p=0.001), haemoglobin concentraon (r=0.696; p=0.004), haematocrit (r=0.664; p=0.007), leukocyte count (r=0.554; p=0.032), and total protein concentraon (r=0.689; p=0.004), and a negave with glycaemia (r=- 0.693; p=0.004). Conclusion: The obtained results provide preliminary evidence about the associaon between acute canine babesiosis and lowered Hcy concentraon in blood. Further studies will decipher whether this finding has clinical applicability or represents just an APR epiphenomenon