170 research outputs found

    Kriza identiteta slepih adolescenata i njihov doživljaj podrške koju im pružaju vršnjaci

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    Identity crisis was understood here as a developmental difficulty on the road to maturation. Little empirical data are available concerning identity crisis in adolescents with visual impairment, while the results of studies of social peer support remain contradictory. This has motivated us to examine the specifics of identity crisis in the blind in comparison to their sighted peers. Moreover, by using comparative analysis, we also wanted to give a contribution to a better understanding of social peer support and its relations with identity crisis in the young blind. 32 blind and 32 sighted adolescents were interviewed and given a checklist of identity crisis indicators. The results demonstrated that, comparatively, the blind participants' identity crisis was more intense and more often delayed, while their assessment of all three forms of peer support was lower. Moreover, the content of perceived emotional and informational support was similar while the content of perceived tangible peer support was completely different from that in the group of the sighted adolescents. Finally, perceived tangible peer support correlated significantly with identity crisis only in the group of the blind youth. Therefore, the findings underline the special importance of perceived tangible peer support to the young blind.Kriza identiteta je ovde shvaćena kao razvojna teškoća na putu ka zrelosti. O krizi identiteta adolescenata sa oštećenjem vida ima malo empirijskih podataka, dok su rezultati studija o podršci koju im pružaju vršnjaci kontradiktorni. To nas je motivisalo da uporedno ispitamo krizu identiteta kod slepih adolescenata i vršnjaka koji vide. Takođe smo želeli da, koristeći komparativnu analizu, damo doprinos boljem razumevanju podrške koju im vršnjaci pružaju i povezanosti te podrške sa krizom identiteta mladih slepih. Uzorak su činila 32 slepa I 32 adolescenta kontrolne grupe. Podatke smo prikupili putem intervjua i liste indikatora krize identiteta. Rezultati su pokazali da slepi adolescenti u poređenju sa vršnjacima svoju krizu identiteta doživljavaju intenzivnijom, češće odloženom, dok za sva tri oblika podrške vršnjaka daju niže procene. Sadržaji opažene emocionalne i informacione podrške vršnjaka su slični, a sadržaji opažene konkretne podrške vršnjaka značajno su različiti u ispitivanim grupama. Pokazalo se da je jedina značajna korelacija između opažene konkretne podrške vršnjaka i krize identiteta u grupi slepih adolescenata. Dakle, nalazi ukazuju na naročit značaj konkretne podrške vršnjaka za slepe adolescente

    Accounting Aspects of Reporting Employees’ Income under Special Taxation

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    U ovom su radu objašnjeni osnovni pojmovi vezani za dohodak te pojmovi vezani za nesamostalnu djelatnost i dohodak koji iz nje proizlazi. Dani su primjeri obračuna i knjiženja ove vrste dohotka, i to u nekoliko različitih slučajeva koji se mogu pojaviti u praksi, poput odlaska zaposlenika na godišnji odmor, bolovanje, porodiljni dopust, te ako zaposlenik ima prebivalište na području od posebne državne skrbi ili ako se zapošljava po prvi put. Sredina 2008. te 2009. godina karakteristična je po donošenju niza zakona kojima se uređuju ova pitanja, te ih je potrebno uvažiti prilikom obračuna i knjiženja dohotka, plaćanja poreza i doprinosa. Uvođenje posebnog poreza na plaće donosi značajne izmjene u obračunu ove vrste dohotka.This paper explains the basic terms connected to income in general, employment and employees’ income. Examples are given of the calculation and the bookkeeping of this type of income in several different cases which can be seen in practice, e.g. if an employee takes a holiday, sick leave, maternity leave or if the employee has a place of residence in an Area of Special State Concern or is being employed for the first time. The middle part of 2008 and the year 2009 are of utmost importance because of the adoption of a number of laws which regulate these issues; therefore it is important to acknowledge these in income accountancy and bookkeeping, tax and contribution payments. The imposing of a special tax on salaries has significant implications in income accountancy of this kind

    Socio-relational Model of Disability by Carol Thomas and its Significance for Disability Studies

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    Modeli ometenosti su konceptualni okviri uz pomoć kojih se fenomen ometenosti istražuje i razume. Kao ključni u studijama ometenosti ističu se socijalni i medicinski model. Britanska sociološkinja Carol Thomas je u svojim radovima ponudila kritički osvrt na socijalni model ometenosti, kao i njegovu dopunu kojom je oblikovana nova konceptualizacija ometenosti nazvana socijalno-relacioni model. Nastojeći da prevaziđe isključivost dotadašnjih pristupa, suštinu ometenosti Thomas prepoznaje u zoni odnosa osoba sa i bez oštećenja, tragajući u tom domenu za ključnim činiocima ometenosti. Socijalno-relacioni model Thomas ponudio je perspektivu koja istovremeno uvažava telesne i socijalne aspekte oštećenja i omogućava analizu psiholoških implikacija iskustva oštećenja i ometenosti koja prevazilazi tradicionalne dihotomije medicinskog i socijalnog, zdravog i bolesnog. U ovom preglednom radu će u osnovnim crtama biti prikazani medicinski i socijalni model ometenosti, zatim ključni elementi i pojmovi socijalno-relacionog modela ometenosti iz originalnih publikacija Carol Thomas i drugih autora koji su se na njega oslanjali, kao i diskusija značaja socijalno – relacionog modela za studije ometenosti i srodne discipline.Disability models are conceptual frameworks used to understand and investigate the phenomenon of disability. Social and medical models stand out as key in disability studies. In her works, British sociologist Carol Thomas offered a critical review of the social model of disability and its supplement, which formed a new conceptualization of disability called the social-relational model. Aiming to overcome the exclusivity of previous approaches, Thomas recognizes the essence of disability in the relational area, between persons with and without impairment, where according to her are the key elements of disability. This model offers a perspective that makes room for both the physical and social aspects of impairment and enables the analysis of the psychological implications of the experience of impairment and disability that transcends the traditional dichotomies of medical and social, healthy and diseased. In this overview paper, the medical and social model of disability will be presented in basic terms, followed by the key elements and concepts of the socialrelational model of disability from the original publications of Carol Thomas and other authors who relied on it, as well as a discussion of the importance of the socialrelational model for disability studies and related disciplines

    „Samo napred, Za naš Kej!“ Pasivna podrška građana lokalnoj aktivističkoj grupi

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    Deep-rooted political turbulence, along with the present hybrid regime, have resulted in an undesirable social, economic and political milieu in Serbia. Such an atmosphere is a fertile ground for a grey economy, corruption, nepotism and restrictions to media freedoms. These ‘unconventional’ means of social functioning, have caused a decline in trust towards state institutions and proportionally, increase of citizen participation in non-institutional models of engagement. The aim of this paper is to analyse one such model of non-institutional engagement: the local activist group Za naš Kej, operating in the area Savski blokovi (Sava apartment blocks) in New Belgrade. The authors analysed local residents’ perception of the activist group Za naš Kej in comparison to the group’s narratives and actions. By using a grounded theory approach authors explained the role of groups such as Za Naš Kej in the development of participatory and deliberative democracy within the local community. Our data indicates that Za naš kej, despite its local character, does not have a strong foothold in the community, and thus receives only passive support. Citizens perceive Za naš kej as mediator between local institutions and residents of the Sava apartment blocks. Despite the failure to mobilise a wider group of citizens for their cause, this activist group continues to be a relevant (political) actor within the local community.Duboko ukorenjene političke turbulencije, zajedno sa sadašnjim hibridnim režimom, dovele su do nepoželjnog društvenog, ekonomskog i političkog miljea u Srbiji. Takva atmosfera je plodno tlo za sivu ekonomiju, korupciju, nepotizam i ograničavanje medijskih sloboda. Ovi „nekonvencionalni“ načini društvenog funkcionisanja, izazvali su smanjivanje poverenja u državne institucije i srazmerno tome, porast učešć a građana u vaninstitucionalnim modelima angažovanja. Cilj ovog rada je da se analizira jedan takav model vaninstitucionalnog angažovanja: lokalna aktivistička grupa Za naš kej, koja deluje u Savskim blokovima na Novom Beogradu. Autorke su analizirale percepciju lokalnog stanovništva o aktivističkoj grupi Za naš Kej u poređenju sa narativima i akcijama grupe. Korišć enjem utemeljenog teorijskog pristupa autorke su objasnile ulogu grupa kao što je Za Naš Kej u razvoju participativne i deliberativne demokratije u lokalnoj zajednici. Naši podaci govore da Za naš kej, i pored svog lokalnog karaktera, nema čvrsto uporište u zajednici, pa stoga dobija samo pasivnu podršku. Građani vide Za naš kej kao posrednika između lokalnih institucija i stanovnika stambenih blokova pored Save. Uprkos neuspehu da mobiliše širu grupu građana, ova aktivistička grupa nastavlja da bude relevantan (politički) akter u lokalnoj zajednici

    Aloe emodin: from anti- to pro-tumor action

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    Poor response of highly invasive forms of cancer to the treatment can be explained not only by the cell death resistant phenotype of low/undiff erentiated cell subpopulation but even more, by tumor repopulation as a reaction to damage triggered by the chemo- or radiotherapy. Regarding the serious limits of regular healing protocols, one of the pivotal challenges for biologists is to prove the relevance and discover the mechanisms behind traditional medicine-based tumor healing. One of the oldest and most powerful plants with 4000 years long tradition in folk medicine, Aloe vera is intensively studied during last century due to the treasure of active compounds with proven biological potential attractive not only for physicians and patients but also for scientists. Anthraquinones, emodin and aloe emodin (AE), derived from Aloe vera and diff erent plants from Polygonaceae family are defi nitely the most researched constituents. Aloe emodin owns multiple anti-tumor properties realized through induction of cell cycle arrest, cell death, diff erentiation and suppression of the malignant cell motility. However, its interaction with tumor cells is not unidirectional and due to the complex network of signals in the tumor microenvironment can be easily transformed from tumor destructive to tumor-stimulating. Therefore, this review will summarize direct tumoricidal eff ects as well as the interaction of AE with cells and mediators of the immune system. In addition, the potential of AE as chemo- or photosensitizer will be elaborated. Finally, new designs including chemical interventions on this molecule and nanotechnology will be discussed


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    Background: Invasive neurosurgical treatment or minimally invasive neurosurgical treatment are methods of choice for the treatment of patients with drug resistant epilepsy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of neurosurgical treatment and the quality of life of patients with drug resistant epilepsy and to determine what are the potential predictors of quality of life of patients with drug resistant epilepsy one year after neurosurgical treatment. Subjects and methods: The research was performed at the Referral Centre for Epilepsy, Department of Neurology, University Hospital Centre Zagreb from February 2015 to February 2020 with Ethics commitee approval. The study included 96 patients with drug resistant epilepsy who were examined for the quality of life before and one year after neurosurgical treatment using the form questionnaire "Quality of life in epilepsy" (QOILE-31) validated Croatian 1.0 version and the questionnaire to assess the degree of depression "Beck Depression Inventory I" (BDI-I) validated Croatian version. Results: Of 96 patients with drug resistant epilepsy one year after neurosurgical treatment 46 (47.9%) patients remained completely free from epileptis seizures. Wilcoxon equivalent pair test showed that the number of epileptic seizures one year after neurosurgical treatment was significantly lower (median before neurosurgical treatment is 10; and after neurosurgical treatment is 1, p<0.001). The most informative potential statistically significant predictor variables of quality of life based on the criterion variables QOLIE-31 and BDI-I are: total disease duration in years (p=0.034), patient age (p=0.042), number of antiepileptics one year after neurosurgical treatment (p=0.001), the number of epileptic seizures per month (p=0,016), and social welfare rights (p=0.045). Conclusion: Neurosurgical treatment of patients with drug resistant epilepsy significantly reduces the number of epileptic seizures which significantly improves their overall quality of life one year after neurosurgical treatment


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    Background: Invasive neurosurgical treatment or minimally invasive neurosurgical treatment are methods of choice for the treatment of patients with drug resistant epilepsy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of neurosurgical treatment and the quality of life of patients with drug resistant epilepsy and to determine what are the potential predictors of quality of life of patients with drug resistant epilepsy one year after neurosurgical treatment. Subjects and methods: The research was performed at the Referral Centre for Epilepsy, Department of Neurology, University Hospital Centre Zagreb from February 2015 to February 2020 with Ethics commitee approval. The study included 96 patients with drug resistant epilepsy who were examined for the quality of life before and one year after neurosurgical treatment using the form questionnaire "Quality of life in epilepsy" (QOILE-31) validated Croatian 1.0 version and the questionnaire to assess the degree of depression "Beck Depression Inventory I" (BDI-I) validated Croatian version. Results: Of 96 patients with drug resistant epilepsy one year after neurosurgical treatment 46 (47.9%) patients remained completely free from epileptis seizures. Wilcoxon equivalent pair test showed that the number of epileptic seizures one year after neurosurgical treatment was significantly lower (median before neurosurgical treatment is 10; and after neurosurgical treatment is 1, p<0.001). The most informative potential statistically significant predictor variables of quality of life based on the criterion variables QOLIE-31 and BDI-I are: total disease duration in years (p=0.034), patient age (p=0.042), number of antiepileptics one year after neurosurgical treatment (p=0.001), the number of epileptic seizures per month (p=0,016), and social welfare rights (p=0.045). Conclusion: Neurosurgical treatment of patients with drug resistant epilepsy significantly reduces the number of epileptic seizures which significantly improves their overall quality of life one year after neurosurgical treatment

    Bipyraloxifene – a modified raloxifene vector against triple-negative breast cancer

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    Raloxifene, a selective oestrogen receptor modulator (SERM), has demonstrated efficacy in the prevention and therapy of oestrogen receptor-positive (ER+) breast cancer, with some degree of effectiveness against triple-negative forms. This suggests the presence of oestrogen receptor-independent pathways in raloxifene-mediated anticancer activity. To enhance the potential of raloxifene against the most aggressive breast cancer cells, hybrid molecules combining the drug with a metal chelator moiety have been developed. In this study, we synthetically modified the structure of raloxifene by incorporating a 2,2′-bipyridine (2,2′-bipy) moiety, resulting in [6-methoxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)benzo[b]thiophen-3-yl]-[4-(2,2′-bipyridin-4′-yl-methoxy)phenyl]methanone (bipyraloxifene). We investigated the cytotoxic activity of both raloxifene and bipyraloxifene against ER+ breast adenocarcinomas, glioblastomas, and a triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) cell line, elucidating their mode of action against TNBC. Bipyraloxifene maintained a mechanism based on caspase-mediated apoptosis but exhibited significantly higher activity and selectivity compared to the original drug, particularly evident in triple-negative stem-like MDA-MB-231 cells

    Clinical relevance of IL-6 gene polymorphism in severely injured patients

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    In polytrauma, injuries that may be surgically treated under regular circumstances due to a systemic inflammatory response become life-threatening. The inflammatory response involves a complex pattern of humoral and cellular responses and the expression of related factors is thought to be governed by genetic variations. This aim of this paper is to examine the influence of interleukin (IL) 6 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) -174C/G and -596G/A on the treatment outcome in severely injured patients. Forty-seven severely injured patients were included in this study. Patients were assigned an Injury Severity Score. Blood samples were drawn within 24 h after admission (designated day 1) and on subsequent days (24, 48, 72, hours and 7days) of hospitalization. The IL-6 levels were determined through ELSA technique. Polymorphisms were analyzed by a method of Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR). Among subjects with different outcomes, no statistically relevant difference was found with regards to the gene IL-6 SNP-174G/C polymorphism. More than a half of subjects who died had the SNP-174G/C polymorphism, while this polymorphism was represented in a slightly lower number in survivors. The incidence of subjects without polymorphism and those with heterozygous and homozygous gene IL-6 SNP-596G/A polymorphism did not present statistically significant variations between survivors and those who died. The levels of IL-6 over the observation period did not present any statistically relevant difference among subjects without the IL-6 SNP-174 or IL- 6 SNP -596 gene polymorphism and those who had either a heterozygous or a homozygous polymorphism

    Clinical relevance of IL-6 gene polymorphism in severely injured patients

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    In polytrauma, injuries that may be surgically treated under regular circumstances due to a systemic inflammatory response become life-threatening. The inflammatory response involves a complex pattern of humoral and cellular responses and the expression of related factors is thought to be governed by genetic variations. This aim of this paper is to examine the influence of interleukin (IL) 6 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) -174C/G and -596G/A on the treatment outcome in severely injured patients. Forty-seven severely injured patients were included in this study. Patients were assigned an Injury Severity Score. Blood samples were drawn within 24 h after admission (designated day 1) and on subsequent days (24, 48, 72, hours and 7days) of hospitalization. The IL-6 levels were determined through ELSA technique. Polymorphisms were analyzed by a method of Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR). Among subjects with different outcomes, no statistically relevant difference was found with regards to the gene IL-6 SNP-174G/C polymorphism. More than a half of subjects who died had the SNP-174G/C polymorphism, while this polymorphism was represented in a slightly lower number in survivors. The incidence of subjects without polymorphism and those with heterozygous and homozygous gene IL-6 SNP-596G/A polymorphism did not present statistically significant variations between survivors and those who died. The levels of IL-6 over the observation period did not present any statistically relevant difference among subjects without the IL-6 SNP-174 or IL- 6 SNP -596 gene polymorphism and those who had either a heterozygous or a homozygous polymorphism