138 research outputs found

    Experimental studies of restoration of ball mill trunnion

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    The article deals with the analysis of experimental data on reconstruction of cement mill axles by the auxiliary machine at the place of operation. Based on the experimental research in repair the regression models of large-size equipment are developed, coefficients of equations of regression are defined. Importance of coefficients is estimated, and the adequacy of regression models is checke

    Magnetoelastic and thermal effects in the BiMn2O5 lattice: a high-resolution x-ray diffraction study

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    High-resolution synchrotron x-ray diffraction measurements were performed on single crystalline and powder samples of BiMn2O5. A linear temperature dependence of the unit cell volume was found between T_{N}=38Kand100K,suggestingthatalowenergylatticeexcitationmayberesponsibleforthelatticeexpansioninthistemperaturerange.BetweenT 65KandTN,alllatticeparametersshowedincipientmagnetoelasticeffects,duetoshortrangespincorrelations.AnanisotropicstrainalongtheadirectionwasalsoobservedbelowT.BelowTN,arelativelylargecontractionoftheaparameterfollowingthesquareoftheaveragesublatticemagnetizationofMnwasfound,indicatingthatasecondorderspinhamiltonianaccountsforthemagneticinteractionsalongthisdirection.Ontheotherhand,themorecomplexbehaviorsfoundfor K and 100 K, suggesting that a low-energy lattice excitation may be responsible for the lattice expansion in this temperature range. Between T* ~ 65 K and T_{N}, all lattice parameters showed incipient magnetoelastic effects, due to short-range spin correlations. An anisotropic strain along the a-direction was also observed below T*. Below T_{N}, a relatively large contraction of the a-parameter following the square of the average sublattice magnetization of Mn was found, indicating that a second-order spin hamiltonian accounts for the magnetic interactions along this direction. On the other hand, the more complex behaviors found for band and c$ suggest additional magnetic transitions below T_{N} and perhaps higher-order terms in the spin hamiltonian. Polycrystalline samples grown by distinct routes and with nearly homogeneous crystal structure above T_{N} presented structural phase coexistence below T_{N}, indicating a close competition amongst distinct magnetostructural states in this compound.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure