233 research outputs found

    Insertion Reactions Between Singlet Carbenes and Alcohols: Mechanistic insights from ab Initio and DFT Study

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    The insertion reactions of 1CH2, 1CHF and 1CF2 into 1o and 2o polar O-H bonds of methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol and 2-propanol have been investigated at ab initio (HF, MP2) and DFT levels using 6-31g (d, p) basis set. In the two-step mechanism of carbene insertion into O-H bond, initially the reactants form an ylide-like complex, which then undergoes the 1, 2-proton shift concertedly giving the ether product. The barrier heights of the TSs in the concerted mechanism vary with the type of carbene and the O-H bond. Frontier orbital energies (FOE) indicate that the initial interactions between the alcohols and carbenes are controlled mainly by the HOMO of alcohols and the LUMO of carrbenes. This fact is substantiated by NBO charge analysis, which indicates the net amount of charge transfer from alcohol to carbene moiety in the transition states at B3LYP (MP2)/6-31g (d, p) levels.Â

    Quality of grain from crosses between Australian and tetraploid wheat varieties

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    Wheat grain proteins and starch quality are commonly affected by abiotic stress conditions. In order to reduce the effects of climate change, there is need to select heat tolerant varieties usually grown in warmer regions. The University of Sydney’s Plant Breeding Institute is working to improve heat tolerance through novel crosses between commercial Australian wheat cultivars and the ancestral tetraploid, Emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccum), which has good heat tolerance. Several potential lines have been identified in the breeding programme, but there is need to determine their grain quality attributes. The objective of this project was to study the effect of heat stress on the quality attributes of heat stressed wheat grains grown in Narrabri, NSW in 2014. The heat stressed wheat plants were sown 2 weeks after the normal planting date. Thirteen out of 200 wheat lines were chosen, based on yield, 95% of Suntop and screenings < 30%. Protein content and swelling index of glutenin was determined. SDS-PAGE was used to analyse both the soluble and insoluble protein fractions. Proteomic analysis was used to determine the identity of the proteins of interest. Total starch content, amylose content of the starch and pasting properties of both flour and starch was measured. Heat stress caused an increase in protein content and swelling index of glutenin. Qualitative differences were observed for the soluble protein fraction when SDS-PAGE gels were run. The main proteins affected by heat stress, as identified by proteomics, were serpins. Serpins are termed soluble proteins, but their occurrence in the insoluble protein fraction maybe due to the effect of heat stress which changes solubility or the ability to associate with the gluten network. Therefore, serpins may be associated with improved heat tolerance. Since serpins require strong detergents for their extraction, they may be closely linked to gluten-forming proteins and thus may have an effect on dough quality

    La Lindona de Galicia de Juan Pérez de Montalbán: una trayectoria dramática entre transgresión moral y tiranía

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    En el marco de esta comunicación, analizaremos cómo se articulan transgresión moral y tiranía en la trayectoria dramática de un personaje femenino: doña Lindona, protagonista de la comedia La Lindona de Galicia. Para empezar, presentaremos brevemente la comedia de Montalbán, luego definiremos las nociones de transgresión y tiranía en la comedia, para analizarlas en relación con la onomástica y el idiolecto de doña Lindona

    Phytochemical Analysis and Antibacterial Activity of Medicinal Plant Cardiospermum halicacabum Linn.

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    SUMMARYThe crude extracts from leaf and stem of Cardiospermum halicacabum in different solvent, were subjected to pharmacognostic and fluorescence analysis, phytochemical and antimicrobial screening against selected Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. Acetone, alcohol, benzene, chloroform and aqueous extracts of leaf and stem were used for phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activity. Phytochemical studies indicated that the leaf and stem contain a broad spectrum of secondary metabolites. Phenol, tannins and saponins were predominantly found in all the five tested solvent extracts of leaf followed by steroids, sugars, flavonoids and terpenoids (Benzene and acetone). Like wise, phenol, tannin, amino acids were predominantly found in all the tested solvent extracts of the stem. Triperpenoids were not found in any of the solvent extracts of stem. All the extracts showed varying degree of inhibitory potential against all the tested bacteria. Acetone and chloroform extracts of leaf had higher inhibitory action against Salmonella typhi and Streptococcus subtilis respectively. Acetone extracts of stem showed maximum inhibitory action against S. typhi and benzene extracts of stem had moderate inhibitory action against Escherichia coli. Key words: Cardiospermum halicacabum, Fluorescence characteristics, Pharmacognostic studies, Phytochemical screening, Antibacterial activity Maluventhan Viji and Sangu Murugesan. Phytochemical Analysis and Antibacterial Activity of Medicinal Plant Cardiospermum halicacabum Linn. . J Phytol 2/1 (2010) 68-77

    Ecological Carrying Capacity of Saanane Island Proposed National Park, Mwanza, Tanzania

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    The study on ecological carrying capacity of Saanane Island aimed at assessing stocking capacity of the island to provide guidance to the introduction of animals to enhance its ecological value and tourism potential. To evaluate the ecological carrying capacity of the Island, wet and dry season data were collected in 2014 for woody, herbaceous and grass species using PCQ and quadrat methods Wet and dry weights biomass of the forage material was measured to determine dry matter content and are presented as dry weight biomass. Total productivity was 4,280 kg/ha dry weight in wet season which increased to 7,965 kg/ha dry weight in dry season due to absence of disturbance such as limited grazing and fire which is rarely practiced on the Island. Woody species had a total density of 491woody plants ha-1, which was not significant using unpaired two sample t test. This study suggest that the range capability of Saanane Island is 6.76 ha/ animal metabolic requirement (GU) for wet season and 9.125 ha/GU for dry season and thus the productivity of the Island is capable of sustaining 43.5 GU in wet season and 32.2 GU in dry season based on the size of the Island estimated to be 3 km2. Key words: Ecology, Carrying capacity, Saanane Island, forage, herbivor

    Assessment of Seasonal Variations in Forage Quality in Saanane Island National Park, Mwanza, Tanzania

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    Seasonal variations in proteins, vitamin A, vitamin C, carbohydrates and minerals (Ca, Fe, Na, K and P) for seven most grazed and four most browsed plant species were assessed using laboratory analysis to determine what nutrient resources were available to grazers and browsers inhabiting the Saanane Island. The results indicated great seasonal variations in proteins, vitamin A, vitamin C and carbohydrates which were statistically significant with P &lt; 0.01, F 3.444 at DF 5. Similarly, the minerals (Ca, Fe, Na, K and P) showed greater seasonal variations with K and P being higher during wet season, while Na and Fe were higher in dry season. The levels of proteins, vitamins, fibres and minerals were well above daily dietary requirements for grazers and browsers. These results suggested that both grazers and browsers were benefiting from seasonal differences in terms of available resources at disposal as animal health is regulated by levels of proteins and vitamins available in grazing and browsing materials.&nbsp; Keywords: Forage Quality, Minerals, Protein Saanane, Seasonality, Vitamin

    Historia y ficción en La monja alférez de Emilio Gómez Muriel

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    Actas del V Congreso Internacional de Historia y Cine celebrado en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid del 5 al 7 de Septiembre de 2016.En la película La Monja Alférez, Emilio Gómez Muriel adapta al cine la Historia de la Monja Alférez, Doña Catalina de Erauso, escrita por ella misma, texto autobiográfico de Catalina de Erauso (1592-1650). La adaptación cinematográfica se construye a partir de un proceso de ficcionalización y de normalización de la vida de Catalina de Erauso. Este proceso se basa principalmente en el tratamiento del espacio, que se puede definir como reducción del espacio vital recorrido por Catalina de Erauso, en relación con la tipología de los espacios de la película.Emilio Gómez Muriel's film La Monja Alférez is a screen adaptation of La Historia de la Monja Alférez, Doña Catalina de Erauso, escrita por ella misma, a fictional autobiography of Catalina de Erauso (1592-1650). The screen adaptation fictionalises and normalises Catalina de Erauso's life through a peculiar treatment of spatial boundaries, whereby within the spatial scope of the film, Catalina de Erauso's living space becomes more restricte

    Seasonal diversity of entomofauna, their impact and management practices in tomato fields in Meru District, Tanzania

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    Tomato is a highly cultivated vegetable in Tanzania. The intensive tomato cultivation and production in Tanzania has resulted in high pests and diseases build-up. A survey to identify and quantify entomofauna diversity in different seasons and pest management practices in Meru District was conducted. In addition, a laboratory experiment was done to assess the effectiveness of commonly used pesticides SnowBecco (Thiamethoxam) and Belt (Flubendiamide) against two dominating insect pests, white flies (Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius, 1889)) and leaf miner (Tuta absoluta (Meyrick, 1917)), respectively. The results obtained revealed that, tomato fields in Meru District had significantly higher entomofauna build up during dry season than the rainy season (U0.05 (df, 24) = 45, p = 0.0441). More than 70% of all collected entomofauna were dominated by the whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci) and tomato leaf miners (Tuta absoluta) belonging to orders Hemiptera and Lepidoptera, respectively. It was also observed that, the common pesticides management practices were the use of pesticidal cocktail, broad spectrum insecticides, use of botanical pesticides, frequent application of pesticide and insecticides over dosage. Moreover, yield reduction due to whiteflies and tomato leaf miners infestation were observed in terms of reduced fruits number per plant (38 and 18.4%), fruit size (22.4 and 14.2%), and fruits weight per plant by 43.6 and 26.2%, for Bemisia tabaci and Tuta absoluta, respectively. The study showed that the recommended doses in both tested insecticides caused significant pest mortality (F0.05 (df, 19) = 4.367, p = 0.0199) and (F0.05 (df, 19) = 4.761, p = 0.0147) for B. tabaci and T. absoluta, respectively, within a specified period of time. The results suggest that high insect pest infestations could be caused by factors other than development of insecticidal tolerance including inappropriate identification of insect pests due to lack of training, and inappropriate selection and application of insecticides. Consequently, frequent application of broad spectra insecticides not only increases production expenses but also disrupts agroecosystem by killing beneficial entomofauna and disrupting soil organisms that are susceptible to insecticide toxicity

    Effects Of Fusaric Acid Treated And Gamma Irradiated Protocorm-Like Bodies (PLBs) Of Dendrobium Hybrid Against Fusarium Proliferatum And Fusarium Oxysporum

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    Dendrobiums are popular cut flowers in the floriculture and medicinal fields but are prone to yield loss due to diseases caused by fungi. The aim of this research was to utilise the mycotoxin, fusaric acid (FA) and gamma irradiation treatment on Dendrobium hybrid (Dendrobium Waipahu Beauty × Dendrobium Burana White Big Flower) to produce cultivars that are resistant towards Fusarium proliferatum and F. oxysporum

    Asuhan Kebidanan Berkelanjutan Pada Ny.B.B Di Puskesmas Sikumana Periode 09 Maret - 13 Mei 2019

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    Latar Belakang:Data yang diperolehdari Dinkes Kota Kupang pada tahun 2017, AKI di Kota Kupang, Untuk tahun 2017 Angka Kematian Ibu dari data yang dikumpulkan Bidang Kesehatan Keluarga terdapat 4 kasus dari 8.101 kelahiran hidup dengan Angka Kematian Ibu 2017 yang dilaporkan sebesar 49 kematian per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. Adapun rincian penyebab Kematian Ibu sebagai berikut 2 kasus disebabkan oleh perdarahan dan 1 kasus kematian karena cardiac acut 1 kasus karena sepsis. Angka Kematian Bayi (AKB) di Kota Kupang pada tahun 2017 sebesar 4,57 per 1.000 kelahiran hidup.Data yang penulis peroleh di Puskesmas Sikumana pada tahun 2017, menunujukan tidak ada kematian ibu dan bayi.Oleh karena itu, salah satu upaya penurunan AKI dan AKB adalah dengan dilakukannya asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan. Tujuan: Mampu melakukan asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan pada Ny.B.B di Puskesmas Sikumana periode 09 Maret sampai 13 Mei 2019, dengan menggunakan metode pendokumentasian 7 langkah Varney pada pengkajian awal dan selanjutnya menggunakan metode pendokumentasian SOAP pada catatan perkembangan. Metode Penelitian: Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pedekatan studi kasus, yang dilaksanakan pada Ny.B.B di Puskesmas Sikumana, teknik pengumpulan data terdiri dari data primer dan data sekunder. Hasil Penelitian: Selama penulismemberikan asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan, ibu tidak mengalami penyulit apapun. Kesimpulan: Setelah melakukan asuhan kebidanan berkelanjutan pada ibu dari masa kehamilan sampai bersalin, ibu dan bayi dalam kondisi yang sehat dan ibu mau menerima dan mengikuti anjuran yang diberika