6 research outputs found

    LL-37 boosts immunosuppressive function of placenta-derived mesenchymal stromal cells

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    Background: Although promising for graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) treatment, MSC therapy still faces important challenges. For instance, increasing MSC migratory capacity as well as potentializing immune response suppression are of interest. For GvHD management, preventing opportunistic infections is also a valuable strategy, since immunocompromised patients are easy targets for infections. LL-37 is a host defense peptide (HDP) that has been deeply investigated due to its immunomodulatory function. In this scenario, the combination of MSC and LL-37 may result in a robust combination to be clinically used. Methods: In the present study, the effects of LL-37 upon the proliferation and migratory capacity of human placenta-derived MSCs (pMSCs) were assessed by MTT and wound scratch assays. The influence of LL-37 over the immunosuppressive function of pMSCs was then investigated using CFSE cell division kit. Flow cytometry and real-time PCR were used to investigate the molecular mechanisms involved in the effects observed. Results: LL-37 had no detrimental effects over MSC proliferation and viability, as assessed by MTT assay. Moreover, the peptide promoted increased migratory behavior of pMSCs and enhanced their immunomodulatory function over activated human PBMCs. Strikingly, our data shows that LL-37 treatment leads to increased TLR3 levels, as shown by flow cytometry, and to an increased expression of factors classically related to immunosuppression, namely IDO, IL-10, TGF-β, IL-6, and IL-1β. Conclusions: Taken together, our observations may serve as groundwork for the development of new therapeutic strategies based on the combined use of LL-37 and MSCs, which may provide patients not only with an enhanced immunosuppression regime, but also with an agent to prevent opportunistic infections

    The immunomodulation of Toll-Like receptors on mesenchymal stem cells

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    Diversos estudos tem demonstrado que as células-tronco mesenquimais (CTM) são imbuídas de uma forte atividade imunossupressora in vitro, no entanto, os resultados de imunoterapias utilizando CTM têm sido variáveis até o momento. Nossa hipótese para tal variação são interações que devem ocorrer entre as CTM e fragmentos de patógenos circulantes nos pacientes, resultando na modulação da atividade imunossupressora. Para avaliar a ocorrência deste fenômeno em CTM de medula óssea, inicialmente foi avaliado a presença de diversos TLR através da marcação com anticorpos e posterior quantificação por citometria de fluxo, sendo observada a presença dos TLR2, TLR3, TLR4 e TLR9. No intuito de avaliar alterações no potencial imunossupressor, linfócitos T ativados e marcados a nível intracelular foram co-cultivados com CTM estimuladas com LPS, POLY IC e oligonucleotídeos com motivos CpG: DSP30, CpG-A e CpG-B, sendo sua proliferação quantificada por citometria de fluxo. Como resultados, foi observado que a estimulação com LPS e DSP30 levaram a perda e acentuação da capacidade supressora, respectivamente, enquanto o estímulo simultâneo com LPS e DSP30 resultou em sua manutenção. Tais modulações na imunossupressão foram corroboradas ao serem avaliadas modulações na expressão gênica, tendo em vista que o estímulo por LPS e DSP30 induziram no aumento da expressão de IL1 e TGF, respectivamente. Em seguida, foi avaliado o efeito das mesmas condições experimentais na indução a proliferação das CTM, ao ser mensurada alterações na quantidade de células em um equipamento de High content Screening (HCS). Como resultados, foi possível observar que somente o tratamento com DSP30 foi capaz de aumentar significativamente a quantidade de células, fenômeno corroborado ao ser mensurada a síntese de DNA, através da utilização de um produto comercial, seguido de análise por citometria de fluxo. No intuito de avaliar possíveis modulações na via NF-B, CTM estimuladas com LPS ou DSP30 foram sujeitas ao ensaio de imunoprecipitação de cromatina, utilizando anticorpos específicos a subunidades de RelA e RelB, sendo o DNA imunoprecipitado sujeito a PCR quantitativo com primers específicos para a regiões promotoras do gene VCAM-1. Como resultados, foi observado que o estímulo com LPS aumentou a atividade do RelA, enquanto não foram observados efeitos após o estímulo com DSP30. No entanto, o estímulo simultâneo com ambos os ligantes levou ao aumento de atividade de RelA e RelB. Ao serem avaliadas estas condições em um ensaio de imunofluorescência analisado em HCS, foi possível observar maiores níveis da proteína RelB no citoplasma das células tratadas com DSP30, sugerindo um aumento da sua formação. Apesar dos mecanismos moleculares subjacentes aos resultados observados ainda necessitarem de maior elucidação, nosso trabalho indica que a estimulação das CTM com DSP30 pode trazer benefícios no sentido de potencializar a imunossupressão e proliferação celular, além de impedir a perda da imunossupressão, decorrente da interação com LPS. Tais resultados poderão servir como diretrizes para o aprimoramento de imunoterapias utilizando CTM de medula óssea, principalmente em casos de pacientes com infecções por patógenos.Several studies have shown that mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs ) are imbued with a strong immunosuppressive activity in vitro , however , the results of immunotherapies using CTM has been mixed so far. Our hypothesis for this variation are interactions that must occur between the CTM and fragments of circulating pathogens in patients , resulting in the modulation of the immunosuppressive activity. To evaluate the occurrence of this phenomenon in bone marrow MSCs was initially evaluated the presence of various TLR by staining with antibodies and subsequent quantification by flow cytometry , the presence of TLR2 , TLR3 , TLR4 and TLR9 was observed . To assess changes in the immunosuppressive , activated T lymphocytes and labeled intracellularly potential were co-cultured with MSC stimulated with LPS , poly IC and oligonucleotides with CpG motifs : DSP30 , CpG - A and CpG - B , and their proliferation measured by flow cytometry. As a result , it was observed that stimulation with LPS and DSP30 led to loss of stress and suppressing ability , respectively, while simultaneous stimulation with LPS and DSP30 resulted in maintenance. Such modulations in immunosuppression were corroborated when assessing modulations in gene expression , given that the stimulus induced by LPS and DSP30 in increased expression of TGFb and IL1 , respectively. Then , the effect of the same experimental conditions inducing proliferation of MTC to be measured changes in the amount of cells in a High Content Screening equipment (HCS ) was measured . As a result , it was observed that only the DSP30 treatment was able to significantly increase the amount of cells, phenomenon to be measured supported DNA synthesis through the use of a commercial product followed by analysis by flow cytometry . In order to evaluate possible modulations in NF-kB pathway , CTM stimulated with LPS or DSP30 were subjected to chromatin immunoprecipitation assay , using antibodies specific to subunits RelA and RelB , and the immunoprecipitated DNA subjected to quantitative PCR with primers specific to the promoter regions of VCAM-1 gene. As a result , it was observed that stimulation with LPS increased the activity of RelA , while effects were not observed after stimulation with DSP30 . However , simultaneous stimulation with both ligands led to increased activity of RelA and RelB . When these conditions are evaluated in an assay in HCS immunofluorescence analysis , we observed higher levels of RelB protein in the cytoplasm of cells treated with DSP30 , suggesting an increase in their formation. Although the molecular mechanisms underlying the observed results still require further elucidation , our work indicates that stimulation of MSC with DSP30 can bring benefits in terms of enhancing immunosuppression and cell proliferation , and prevent loss of immunosuppression resulting from the interaction with LPS . These results can serve as guidelines for the improvement of immunotherapies using CTM bone marrow , especially in cases of patients with infections caused by pathogens

    The high-content screening approach for the identification of miRs with therapeutic potential in head and neck cancer

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    Como em diversos tumores sólidos, no câncer de cabeça e pescoço (HNSCC) a presença de metástases é um importante fator de mal prognóstico. Até o momento, estudos indicam que, no microambiente inflamatório tumoral, a estimulação com o Fator de Necrose Tumoral Alpha (TNF-?) leva à ativação de diferentes vias moleculares, como a via do Fator Nuclear Kappa-B (NF-kB) e PI3K/AKT, que inibem GSK3? e consequentemente, promovem a estabilização e translocação nuclear de SNAIL e betacatenina. De um modo geral, em diversos tipos de câncer, enquanto beta-catenina tem ação em promover a proliferação celular, membros da família SNAIL são capazes de induzir o processo de transição epitélio-mesenquimal (EMT). Sabe-se que os eventos de EMT estão envolvidos tanto na iniciação de metástases quanto na geração de célulastronco tumorais (CSCs), que por sua vez estão associadas à falha terapêutica e recidiva, devido à características que lhe conferem resistência aos tratamentos convencionais. Ao silenciar a expressão gênica de modo pós-transcricional, microRNAs (miRs) tem sido associados à regulação tanto da EMT quanto da geração de CSCs. Com uso da abordagem de High-Content Screening (HCS, análise celular multiparamétrica quantitativa por microscopia automatizada), buscamos investigar a capacidade de um grupo de 30 miRs humanos, muitos deles envolvidos em vias inflamatórias e na pluripotência, em modular aspectos relacionados a sobrevivência celular e EMT, em uma linhagem celular derivada de HNSCC (FADU) sob estímulo inflamatório. Inicialmente, avaliamos o potencial do TNF-? em modular parâmetros morfométricos, bem como a presença/localização de proteínas relacionadas com a EMT e capacidade migratória. Posteriormente, avaliamos o efeito de moléculas miméticas dos miRs em suprimir ou potencializar a sobrevivência celular e EMT em células estimuladas com TNF-?, seguido da identificação de transcritos alvos preditos (bem como das vias de sinalização enriquecidas para estes alvos) comumente alvejados por grupos de miRs que levaram a alterações multiparamétricas similares. De modo geral, miRs que alvejaram RELA e AKT2/AKT3 foram responsáveis pela redução na proliferação celular e EMT, enquanto o oposto foi observado em miRs que alvejaram GSK3B e ARHGAP5 (inibidor de RhoA). O silenciamento por siRNAs específicos contra RELA e CTNNB1, causou à redução na sobrevivência celular, enquanto que o silenciamento de AKT1 e CTNNB1 levou à redução na expressão proteica de SNAIL/SLUG. Finalmente, o silenciamento de RELA, AKT1, GSK3B e CTNNB1 levou a redução na sobrevivência celular e indução a apoptose mesmo na ausência de estimulação com TNF-?. Como um todo, nós demonstramos que a abordagem de HCS permitiu a identificação de miRs com efeitos fenotípicos similares (no contexto de proliferação e EMT) e que, a predição de alvos compartilhados por estes miRs, levou à identificação de alvos e vias de sinalização relevantes do ponto de vista terapêutico.Like many solid cancers, in head and neck cancer (HNC) the presence of metastases is an important factor of poor prognosis. To date, studies indicate that, in the tumor inflammatory microenvironment, stimulation with Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha (TNF-?) leads to the activation of different molecular pathways, such as the Nuclear Factor-Kappa B (NF-kB) and PI3K/AKT pathway, inhibiting GSK3? and the degradation of SNAIL and beta-catenin, stabilizing them promoting their nuclear translocation. In general, in several types of cancer, while beta-catenin acts to promote cell proliferation, members of the SNAIL family induce the epithelial-mesenchymal (EMT) transition process. It is known that EMT events are involved both in the initiation of metastases and generation of cancer stem cells (CSCs), which in turn are associated with therapeutic failure and relapse, due to its properties that confer resistance to conventional treatments. By silencing gene expression in a post-transcriptional fashion, microRNAs (miRs) have been associated with the regulation of both EMT and CSCs generation. Using the HighContent Screening (HCS) approach, we sought to investigate the ability of a group of 30 human miRs, many of them involved in inflammatory pathways and pluripotency, to modulate aspects related to cell survival and EMT, in a HNSCC-derived cell line (FADU) under inflammatory stimuli. Initially, we evaluated the potential of TNF-? in modulating morphometric parameters, as well as the presence/location of EMT-related proteins and migratory capacity. Subsequently, we evaluated the effect of miRs mimetic molecules on suppressing or potentiating cell survival and EMT in TNF-?-stimulated cells, followed by the identification of predicted target transcripts (as well as signaling pathways enriched for these targets) commonly targeted by groups of miRs that led to similar multiparametric changes. Overall, miRs that targeted RELA and AKT2/AKT3 were responsible for the reduction in cell proliferation and EMT, while the opposite was observed in miRs that targeted GSK3B and ARHGAP5 (RhoA inhibitor). Gene silencing by specific siRNAs against RELA and CTNNB1 caused a reduction in cell survival, while silencing of AKT1 and CTNNB1 led to reduced protein expression of SNAIL/SLUG. Finally, the silencing of RELA, AKT1, GSK3B and CTNNB1 led to a reduction in cell survival and induction of apoptosis even in the absence of TNF-? stimulation. As a whole, we demonstrated that the HCS approach allowed the identification of miRs with similar phenotypic effects (in the context of proliferation and EMT) and that the prediction of targets shared by these miRs led to the identification of relevant targets and signaling pathways from the therapeutic point of view

    Lasers in Surgery and Medicine

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    Texto completo: acesso restrito. p. 850–855Background and Objective: Cutaneous and mucocutaneous leishmaniasis are diseases characterized by skin or mucosal manifestations. In the new world, Leishmania braziliensis is the main etiological agent of cutaneous leishmaniasis, condition that may evolve to the mucocutaneous form. The therapeutic arsenal routinely employed to treat infected patients is unsatisfactory, especially for pentavalent antimonials, treatment recommended by the WHO, as they are often highly toxic, poorly tolerated and of variable effectiveness. This work aimed to evaluate in vitro the effectiveness of photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy as a new approach for the treatment of leishmaniasis. Materials and Methods: A laser (λ = 660 nm, 40 mW, 4.2 J/cm2, and 8.4 J/cm2, CW) associated to phenothiazine's derivatives (5 and 10 µg/ml, toluidine blue O, methylene blue, or phenothiazine) on the promastigote forms of L. braziliensis in a single session. Samples were removed and analyzed in a hemocytometer 72 hours after PACT and viability of the parasites was assessed in quadruplicates. Results: An important decrease in the number of viable parasites on all treated groups in comparison to their controls was observed as all tested compounds lead to significant parasite lethality being the highest lethality achieved with 10 µg/ml of TBO. No lethality was observed on groups treated with laser or with any of the compounds separately. Conclusions: TBO presented higher parasite lethality in comparison to MB with impressive reduction from 1 hour to 5 minutes of pre-incubation time. Lasers Surg. Med. 44: 850–855, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Journal of Tropical Medicine

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    p. 1-5Few microhabitats have been previously identified as natural breeding places for phlebotomine sand flies so far, and little is known about the influence of climate variables in their density. The present study was conducted in a dry region with a semiarid climate, where visceral leishmaniasis occurs in humans and dogs. The occurrence of breeding places in specific microhabitats was investigated in soil samples collected from five houses, which were also the location used for sampling of adults. All the microhabitats sampled by our study were identified as natural breeding places due to the occurrence of immature forms of sand flies. On a weekly basis, the number of adult sand flies captured was positively correlated with the mean temperature from preceding weeks. These results, in addition to promoting an advance in the knowledge of sand flies biology, may furnish a tool for optimizing the control of the sand flies, by indicating the most suitable periods and microhabitats for the application of insecticides