5 research outputs found


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    Writing scientific papers and scientific publications are an integral part of teacher professional competencies. Thus, continuous improvement of their skills and abilities is essential. To actively participate in this development, the community service program team so-called Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat (PPM) took the initiative to provide training in collaboration with the management of the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teacher of state junior high school (MGMP) in Surabaya. A team of speakers consisting of assisted lecturers delivered custom-made materials, specially composed to support EFL Teachers in a practical and applicable format. Fifty-four out of sixty-three invited EFL teachers have managed to participate in this offline training. The participants find the workshop positive and more than eighty percent of the teachers are willing to try and utilize the supporting software

    In-service EFL teachers’ well-being during online teacher professional development program in Indonesia: an ecological perspective

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    This paper intends to scrutinize the personal and systemic factors affecting the well-being of in-service EFL teachers participating in a three-month online teacher professional education (OTPE) program in Indonesia. Moreover, it seeks to explore the resources that the teachers draw on to maintain their well-being. Six EFL teachers attending the OTPE program participated in this study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six focal participants. The data were qualitatively analyzed to find the emerging themes. The findings revealed that personal and systemic factors influenced the participants’ well-being in the OTPE program. The personal factors included motivation, marital status, and spirituality, while the systemic factors encompassed the national policy on EFL teacher certification, teacher education institution, home school, and family. Moreover, the participants drew on personal resources, i.e., motivation and spirituality, and social resources, i.e., family members, colleagues, students, instructors, and fellow participants, to maintain their well-being during the OTPE program. Hence, the interplay between personal and systemic factors was quintessential to the EFL teachers’ well-being in the program

    In-service EFL teachers’ well-being during online teacher professional development program in Indonesia: an ecological perspective

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    This paper intends to scrutinize the personal and systemic factors affecting the well-being of in-service EFL teachers participating in a three-month online teacher professional education (OTPE) program in Indonesia. Moreover, it seeks to explore the resources that the teachers draw on to maintain their well-being. Six EFL teachers attending the OTPE program participated in this study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six focal participants. The data were qualitatively analyzed to find the emerging themes. The findings revealed that personal and systemic factors influenced the participants’ well-being in the OTPE program. The personal factors included motivation, marital status, and spirituality, while the systemic factors encompassed the national policy on EFL teacher certification, teacher education institution, home school, and family. Moreover, the participants drew on personal resources, i.e., motivation and spirituality, and social resources, i.e., family members, colleagues, students, instructors, and fellow participants, to maintain their well-being during the OTPE program. Hence, the interplay between personal and systemic factors was quintessential to the EFL teachers’ well-being in the program


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    Dilihat dati perkembangan psikologinya, siswa keIas awal yaitu keIas 1, 2 dan 3 merupakan perkembangan lanjutan dari siswa taman kanak-kanak yang masih bersifat holistik artinya anak memandang segala sesuatu sebagai satu keutuhan. Pengajaran yang hanya dibatasi satu atau dua bidang jenis kecerdasan akan membuat jenis kecerdasan yang lain menjadi tidak berkembang. Setiap orang paling tidak memiliki sembilan jenis kecerdasan yang dapat ditumbuhkembangkan sejak usia dini yaitu, kecerdasan linguistic, kecerdasan logika matematika, kecerdasan visual spasial, k.ecerdasan kinestetik, kecerdasan musikal, kecerdasan interpersonal, kecerdasan intrapersonal, kecerdasan naturalis, dan kecerdasan eksistensial. Tujuan dati penelitian ini adalah adalah untuk mengetahui pemetaan k.ecerdasan majemuk. (Multiple Intelligences) pada siswa Sekolah Dasar. Kecerdasan majemuk. (Multiple Intelligences) yang diharapkan muncul adalah perpaduan antara kecerdasan linguistik dengan kecerdasan logika matematika, kecerdasan linguistik dengan kecerdasan visual spasial, dan kecerdasan logika matematika dengan kecerdasan visual spasial. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah triangulasi data, yaitu metode dokumentasi, metode observasi dan metode wawancara. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kecerdasan banyak siswa yang memiliki kecerdasan linguistik dan kecerdasan visual spasial sebesar 35%, untuk siswa yang memiliki kecerdasan logika matematika dan kecerdasan visual spasial sebcsar 24%. Sedangkan siswa yang memiliki kecerdasan linguistik dan kecerdasan logikamatematika sebesar41 %