418 research outputs found

    Lancaster Stem Sammon Projective Feature Selection based Stochastic eXtreme Gradient Boost Clustering for Web Page Ranking

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    Web content mining retrieves the information from web in more structured forms. The page rank plays an essential part in web content mining process. Whenever user searches for any information on web, the relevant information is shown at top of list through page ranking. Many existing page ranking algorithms were developed and failed to rank the web pages in accurate manner through minimum time feeding. In direction to address the above mentioned issues, Lancaster Stem Sammon Projective Feature Selection based Stochastic eXtreme Gradient Boost Clustering (LSSPFS-SXGBC) Approach is introduced for page ranking based on user query. LSSPFS-SXGBC Approach has three processes for performing efficient web page ranking, namely preprocessing, feature selection and clustering. LSSPFS-SXGBC Approach in account of the numeral of operator request by way of an input. Lancaster Stemming Preprocessed Analysis is carried out in LSSPFS-SXGBC Approach for removing the noisy data from the input query. It eradicates the stem words, stop words and incomplete data for minimizing the time and space consumption. Sammon Projective Feature Selection Process is carried out in LSSPFS-SXGBC Approach to select the relevant features (i.e., keywords) based on user needs for efficient page ranking. Sammon Projection maps the high-dimensional space to lower dimensionality space to preserve the inter-point distance structure. After feature selection, Stochastic eXtreme Gradient Boost Page Rank Clustering process is carried out to cluster the similar keyword web pages based on their rank. Gradient Boost Page Rank Cluster is an ensemble of several weak clusters (i.e., X-means cluster). X-means cluster partitions the web pages into ‘x’ numeral of clusters where each reflection goes towards the cluster through adjacent mean value. For every weak cluster, selected features are considered as the training samples. Subsequently, all weak clusters are joined to form the strong cluster for attaining the webpage ranking results. By this way, an efficient page ranking is carried out through higher accurateness and minimum time consumption. The practical validation is carried out in LSSPFS-SXGBC Approach on factors such ranking accurateness, false positive rate, ranking time and space complexity with respect to numeral of user query

    Effectiveness of grassroots ICT projects: A case study of the Akshaya Project of Kerala State, India

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    This paper reports the findings of a study that examined the effectiveness of grassroots ICT projects in India. It was conducted in 2010 and focused on the Akshaya ICT Project which was launched in 2002 by the IT Mission and the Department of Science and Technology of the State of Kerala, India with voluntary tie-up with some local bodies. The core aim of the project was to make Kerala the first fully e-literate state in India. Data were collected using qualitative and quantitative methods. One hundred respondents of the district were selected and recruited through a two stage sampling technique. The study found that although over half of the respondents had heard about the project, very few were aware of the project’s services. The few who accessed the services did so mainly epayment purposes.Key Words: ICT, Akshaya Project, Kerala, development, e-kendra (e-centre


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    Objective: Diabetes is a long term condition which indicates the high blood pressure. The symptoms indicates, polyuria (frequent urination), they will become increasingly thirsty (polydipsia) and hungry (polyphagia). Many drugs has been discovered for curing diabetes. Recent studies reported that the administration of astaxanthin reduces the blood pressure in the diabetic patient. Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant found in wide variety of aquatic living organism which has wide applications in pharmacological studies.Methods: In vitro antidiabetic study of both encapsulated and non-encapsulated astaxanthin such as DNSA method, starch-iodine color assay method and α glycosidase enzymes assay was carried out.Results: The results of the present study indicated that both encapsulated and non-encapsulated astaxanthin shows higher antidiabetic activity in all the method. Each test samples possess the best activity when compared to standard drug acarbose.Conclusion: The present study, it is concluded that both non-encapsulated and encapsulated astaxanthin exhibit good antidiabetic activity


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    Many children suffer from recurrent coughing, wheezing and chest tightness. In pre-school, one third of all children have these symptoms before the age of six, but only 40% of these wheezing pre-schoolers will continue to have asthma. In older school-aged children the majority of the children have asthma. Quality of life in childrens is affected by asthma. Sleep disruption and exercised induced airflow limitation have a negative impact on participation in sports and social activities, and may influence family life. In children and young adults asthma is usually accompanied by allergic (atopic) phenomena such as elevation of the total serum immunoglobulin E concentration. Nowadays the management of childhood asthma is commonly with synthetic corticosteroids, but it has some side effects like weight gain, tachycardia, depression, glaucoma etc. In traditional Siddha system of medicine several herbal and herbo mineral formulations are indicated for respiratory problems in paediatric age group. Amirtha Sanjeevi Kuligai is a poly herbal formulation indicated for this disease in Siddha literature. Histamine plays a major role in the pathogenesis of asthma. So, the Anti- histamine activity of Amirtha Sanjeevi Kuligai was carried out by determining the histamine activity of  injecting  histamine in wister albino rat by hind paw method. The change in the hind paw volume was measured using plethysmometer and expressed as mean paw volume. The study result concluded that the drug Amirtha sanjeevi kuligai has got significant Anti- histamine activity

    In-vitro biocompatibility studies of nanochitosan/ polyvinylpyrrolidone blends on MC3T3-E1 cells showing beneficial effect in bone tissue engineering

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    Chitosan is a naturally occurring polymer with numerous biological properties that can be used in the biomedical field. Chitosan was modified to nanochitosan in this study. The polycationic nature of chitosan interacts with polyanions (TPP) to form nanoparticles. The prepared nanochitosan was mixed with polyvinyl pyrollidone to create binary blends with ratios of 1:1, 1:2, and 2:1. The polymeric blends were interpreted by using the analytical tools FTIR, XRD and SEM. The results of the FTIR and XRD confirm the formation of binary blends with strong electrostatic interaction. The study aims to investigate the compatibility of the prepared blend as tissue regenerative material. The blends were evaluated in-vitro using fluorscent spectroscopy, MTT assay, NRR assay and ALP assay to study its biocompatibility and cell viability. The results revealed that the quick multiplication followed by a moderate increment in cell number of MC3T3-E1 as cells reacted to the prepared material and hence the materials can be used in the regenerative medicine

    Frustrated Magnetic Cycloidal Structure and Emergent Potts Nematicity in CaMn2_2P2_2

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    We report neutron-diffraction results on single-crystal CaMn2_2P2_2 containing corrugated Mn honeycomb layers and determine its ground-state magnetic structure. The diffraction patterns consist of prominent (1/6, 1/6, LL) reciprocal lattice unit (r.l.u.; LL = integer) magnetic Bragg reflections, whose temperature-dependent intensities are consistent with a first-order antiferromagnetic phase transition at the N\'eel temperature TN=70(1)T_{\rm N} = 70(1) K. Our analysis of the diffraction patterns reveals an in-plane 6×66\times6 magnetic unit cell with ordered spins that in the principal-axis directions rotate by 60-degree steps between nearest neighbors on each sublattice that forms the honeycomb structure, consistent with the PAcP_Ac magnetic space group. We find that a few other magnetic subgroup symmetries (PA2/cP_A2/c, PC2/mP_C2/m, PS1ˉ,PC2,PCm,PS1P_S\bar{1}, P_C2, P_Cm, P_S1) of the paramagnetic P3ˉm11P\bar{3}m11^\prime crystal symmetry are consistent with the observed diffraction pattern. We relate our findings to frustrated J1J_1-J2J_2-J3J_3 Heisenberg honeycomb antiferromagnets with single-ion anisotropy and the emergence of Potts nematicit

    A note on indigenous technical knowledge in Kinnaur and Lahaul-Spiti districts of Himachal Pradesh

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    520-531Over the years, Indian farmers have leveraged their ancestral know-how and experimented to cultivate different crops in difficult environmental conditions. Of late, however, traditional knowledge and practices have suffered massive erosion, mainly due to the impact of globalization and modernization. In this regard, the objective of the present paper was to document and validate the Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITKs) in the tribal farming system in Himachal Pradesh. Kinnaur and Lahaul-Spiti districts of Himachal Pradesh were purposively selected for the study owing to their special status of Scheduled Tribal Area. Further, three villages from each district were selected randomly covering a sample of 120 farmers. In addition, 5 key informants experienced in particular ITKs were selected from each village for its validation through Quantification of Indigenous Knowledge (QuIK) methodology. The major documented ITKs were classified into appropriate categories such as soil and water management, cropping system, farm implements, post-harvest technology, storage, horticultural crops, food product development, agro-animal based yarns and leaves, medicinal, veterinary science, animal husbandry, and some myths. Further, Kothar, Graat, Suttar, tying of branches of trees, and chicha were revealed as the most useful ITKs in the tribal areas of Kinnaur. In Lahaul-Spiti, Khudh, Sumbhu, Sem, and shaving off of yak’s hair in summer were the most popular ITKs

    Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of indole and N-benzylated indole Mannich bases as potent antitubercular agents

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    210-224Though effective medicines have been available for treating drug-susceptible tuberculosis infections, the chances go from bleak to null as we move from multidrug resistant (MDR) to extremely drug resistant (XDR) or totally drug resistant (TDR) disease. Coordinated efforts made by international community have resulted in the identification of a few important anti TB agents like BM212, SQ109, AZD5847 and Sutezolid which are in the late phases of clinical trials. After Rifampicin, only two drugs Bedaquiline (2013) and Delaminid (2014) have been approved for the treatment of tuberculosis. This clearly shows the need for new leads towards fighting tuberculosis. In our present work, we have synthesized a series of indole and substituted indole Mannich bases designed by using structural features of BM212. Further, these synthesized derivatives have been analyzed by IR, NMR and mass spectral studies and are screened for anti-tubercular and antimicrobial activity. Among these, 23 compounds have shown potent anti TB activity with a MIC ≤3.12 μg/mL against M. tuberculosis H37Rv. We report here the synthesis, screening data and SAR studies of indole and substituted indole derivatives as antitubercular agents

    Beneficial health effects of cumin (Cuminum cyminum) seeds upon incorporation as a potential feed additive in livestock and poultry: A mini-review

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    Cumin (Cuminum cyminum Linn) is an annual plant of the family Umbelliferae, with its use dating back to ancient times when it was cultivated for its medicinal and culinary potential. Cumin seeds could contain a wide variety of phytochemicals, including alkaloids, coumarins, anthraquinones, flavonoids, glycosides, proteins, resins, saponins, tannins, and steroids. In particular, linoleic acid, one of the unsaturated fatty acids found in abundance in cumin oleoresin, is credited with promoting good health. Many of cumin's purported biological actions in livestock and poultry have been attributed to flavonoids such as apigenin, luteolin, and glycosides. Cumin has several healthful qualities, such as antibacterial, insecticidal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant, anticancer, anti-diabetic, anti-platelet aggregation, hypotensive, bronchodilatory, immunological, anti-amyloidogenic, and anti-osteoporotic properties. Cumin supplementation may improve milk production and reproductive function in dairy cows by altering the feeding pattern of bacteria in the rumen, encouraging the growth of beneficial microbes, or stimulating the secretion of certain digestive enzymes. Because of the low price of cumin seed, it could be concluded that its inclusion in the diet might be beneficial to the commercial poultry industry and reduce the overall cost of egg and meat production. In recent years a rise in cumin's popularity has been seen as a result of the herbal movement spearheaded by naturopaths, yoga gurus, advocates of alternative medicine, and manufacturers of feed additives. Animal nutritionists are exploring the use of cumin for its potential to boost growth, improve nutrient usage efficiency, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This mini-review discusses how cumin could be used as a feed ingredient to boost productivity and ensure healthy animal reproduction