33 research outputs found

    13C-Methyl isocyanide as an NMR probe for cytochrome P450 active site

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    The cytochromes P450 (CYPs) play a central role in many biologically important oxidation reactions, including the metabolism of drugs and other xenobiotic compounds. Because they are often assayed as both drug targets and anti-targets, any tools that provide: (a) confirmation of active site binding and (b) structural data, would be of great utility, especially if data could be obtained in reasonably high throughput. To this end, we have developed an analog of the promiscuous heme ligand, cyanide,with a 13CH3-reporter attached. This 13C-methyl isocyanide ligand binds to bacterial (P450cam) and membrane-bound mammalian (CYP2B4) CYPs. It can be used in a rapid 1D experiment to identify binders, and provides a qualitative measure of structural changes in the active site

    A Minimal Functional Complex of Cytochrome P450 and FBD of Cytochrome P450 Reductase in Nanodiscs

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    Structural interactions that enable electron transfer to cytochromeâ P450 (CYP450) from its redox partner CYP450â reductase (CPR) are a vital prerequisite for its catalytic mechanism. The first structural model for the membraneâ bound functional complex to reveal interactions between the fullâ length CYP450 and a minimal domain of CPR is now reported. The results suggest that anchorage of the proteins in a lipid bilayer is a minimal requirement for CYP450 catalytic function. Akin to cytochromeâ b5 (cytâ b5), Argâ 125 on the Câ helix of CYP450s is found to be important for effective electron transfer, thus supporting the competitive behavior of redox partners for CYP450s. A general approach is presented to study proteinâ protein interactions combining the use of nanodiscs with NMR spectroscopy and SAXS. Linking structural details to the mechanism will help unravel the xenobiotic metabolism of diverse microsomal CYP450s in their native environment and facilitate the design of new drug entities.Solving a structure of the cytochrome P450 (CYP450) complex with its redox partner is a vital prerequisite to understand the selective route of electron transfer. Structural interactions of CYP450â redox partner complex anchored in lipid membrane are a minimal requirement for functionality (electron transfer). This study unravels the drug/xenobiotic metabolism by diverse microsomal CYPs in their native membrane environment.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144586/1/anie201802210.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144586/2/anie201802210_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144586/3/anie201802210-sup-0001-misc_information.pd

    Cytochromeâ P450â Induced Ordering of Microsomal Membranes Modulates Affinity for Drugs

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    Although membrane environment is known to boost drug metabolism by mammalian cytochromeâ P450s, the factors that stabilize the structural folding and enhance protein function are unclear. In this study, we use peptideâ based lipid nanodiscs to â trapâ the lipid boundaries of microsomal cytochromeâ P450 2B4. We report the first evidence that CYP2B4 is able to induce the formation of raft domains in a biomimetic compound of the endoplasmic reticulum. NMR experiments were used to identify and quantitatively determine the lipids present in nanodiscs. A combination of biophysical experiments and molecular dynamics simulations revealed a sphingomyelin binding region in CYP2B4. The proteinâ induced lipid raft formation increased the thermal stability of P450 and dramatically altered ligand binding kinetics of the hydrophilic ligand BHT. These results unveil membrane/protein dynamics that contribute to the delicate mechanism of redox catalysis in lipid membrane.Redox catalysis in the lipid membrane: A novel application of peptide nanodiscs shows that cytochromeâ P450 2B4 is able to induce the formation of lipid raft domains in a biomimetic compound of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The proteinâ induced lipid rafts increase the thermal stability cytochromeâ P450 and dramatically alter the ligandâ binding kinetics of the hydrophilic ligand BHT.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/142960/1/anie201713167.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/142960/2/anie201713167_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/142960/3/anie201713167-sup-0001-misc_information.pd

    Distinct Conformational Behaviors of Four Mammalian Dual-Flavin Reductases (Cytochrome P450 Reductase, Methionine Synthase Reductase, Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase, Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase) Determine Their Unique Catalytic Profiles

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    Multidomain enzymes often rely on large conformational motions to function. However, the conformational setpoints, rates of domain motions and relationships between these parameters and catalytic activity are not well understood. To address this, we determined and compared the conformational setpoints and the rates of conformational switching between closed unreactive and open reactive states in four mammalian diflavin NADPH oxidoreductases that catalyze important biological electron transfer reactions: cytochrome P450 reductase, methionine synthase reductase and endothelial and neuronal nitric oxide synthase. We used stopped-flow spectroscopy, single turnover methods and a kinetic model that relates electron flux through each enzyme to its conformational setpoint and its rates of conformational switching. The results show that the four flavoproteins, when fully-reduced, have a broad range of conformational setpoints (from 12% to 72% open state) and also vary 100-fold with respect to their rates of conformational switching between unreactive closed and reactive open states (cytochrome P450 reductase \u3e neuronal nitric oxide synthase \u3e methionine synthase reductase \u3e endothelial nitric oxide synthase). Furthermore, simulations of the kinetic model could explain how each flavoprotein can support its given rate of electron flux (cytochrome c reductase activity) based on its unique conformational setpoint and switching rates. The present study is the first to quantify these conformational parameters among the diflavin enzymes and suggests how the parameters might be manipulated to speed or slow biological electron flux

    A Minimal Functional Complex of Cytochrome P450 and FBD of Cytochrome P450 Reductase in Nanodiscs

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    Structural interactions that enable electron transfer to cytochromeâ P450 (CYP450) from its redox partner CYP450â reductase (CPR) are a vital prerequisite for its catalytic mechanism. The first structural model for the membraneâ bound functional complex to reveal interactions between the fullâ length CYP450 and a minimal domain of CPR is now reported. The results suggest that anchorage of the proteins in a lipid bilayer is a minimal requirement for CYP450 catalytic function. Akin to cytochromeâ b5 (cytâ b5), Argâ 125 on the Câ helix of CYP450s is found to be important for effective electron transfer, thus supporting the competitive behavior of redox partners for CYP450s. A general approach is presented to study proteinâ protein interactions combining the use of nanodiscs with NMR spectroscopy and SAXS. Linking structural details to the mechanism will help unravel the xenobiotic metabolism of diverse microsomal CYP450s in their native environment and facilitate the design of new drug entities.Auf der Grundlage einer Strukturanalyse von Cytochrom P450 (CYP450) im Komplex mit seinem Redoxpartner kann der Pfad des selektiven Elektronentransfers verstanden werden. Strukturelle Wechselwirkungen in einem solchen Komplex, verankert in einer Lipidmembran, sind eine Grundvoraussetzung für diese Funktion. Der Stoffwechsel von Wirkâ und Fremdstoffen durch diverse mikrosomale CYPs in ihrem nativen Membranumfeld wird aufgeklärt.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144609/1/ange201802210.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144609/2/ange201802210-sup-0001-misc_information.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144609/3/ange201802210_am.pd

    Kinetics of Intermediate Release Enhances P450 11B2-Catalyzed Aldosterone Synthesis

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    The mitochondrial enzyme cytochrome P450 11B2 (aldosterone synthase) catalyzes the 3 terminal transformations in the biosynthesis of aldosterone from 11-deoxycorticosterone (DOC): 11β-hydroxylation to corticosterone, 18-hydroxylation, and 18-oxidation. Prior studies have shown that P450 11B2 produces more aldosterone from DOC than from the intermediate corticosterone and that the reaction sequence is processive, with intermediates remaining bound to the active site between oxygenation reactions. In contrast, P450 11B1 (11β-hydroxylase), which catalyzes the terminal step in cortisol biosynthesis, shares a 93% amino acid sequence identity with P450 11B2, converts DOC to corticosterone, but cannot synthesize aldosterone from DOC. The biochemical and biophysical properties of P450 11B2, which enable its unique 18-oxygenation activity and processivity, yet are not also represented in P450 11B1, remain unknown. To understand the mechanism of aldosterone biosynthesis, we introduced point mutations at residue 320, which partially exchange the activities of P450 11B1 and P450 11B2 (V320A and A320V, respectively). We then investigated NADPH coupling efficiencies, binding kinetics and affinities, and product formation of purified P450 11B1 and P450 11B2, wild-type, and residue 320 mutations in phospholipid vesicles and nanodiscs. Coupling efficiencies for the 18-hydroxylase reaction with corticosterone as the substrate failed to correlate with aldosterone synthesis, ruling out uncoupling as a relevant mechanism. Conversely, corticosterone dissociation rates correlated inversely with aldosterone production. We conclude that intermediate dissociation kinetics, not coupling efficiency, enable P450 11B2 to synthesize aldosterone via a processive mechanism. Our kinetic data also suggest that the binding of DOC to P450 11B enzymes occurs in at least two distinct steps, favoring an induced-fit mechanism

    Probing the spontaneous membrane insertion of a tail-anchored membrane protein by sum frequency generation spectroscopy

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    In addition to providing a semipermeable barrier that protects a cell from harmful stimuli, lipid membranes occupy a central role in hosting a variety of biological processes, including cellular communications and membrane protein functions. Most importantly, protein-membrane interactions are implicated in a variety of diseases and therefore many analytical techniques were developed to study the basis of these interactions and their influence on the molecular architecture of the cell membrane. In this study, sum frequency generation (SFG) vibrational spectroscopy is used to investigate the spontaneous membrane insertion process of cytochrome b5 and its mutants. Experimental results show a significant difference in the membrane insertion and orientation properties of these proteins, which can be correlated with their functional differences. In particular, our results correlate the nonfunctional property of a mutant cytochrome b5 with its inability to insert into the lipid bilayer. The approach reported in this study could be used as a potential rapid screening tool in measuring the topology of membrane proteins as well as interactions of biomolecules with lipid bilayers in situ