10 research outputs found


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    Kegiatan ini bertujuan merevitalisasi sistem pertanian terintegrasi itik-padi (STIP) pada areal persawahan Subak Pulagan Bali. Pendekatan kaji tindak partisipatif digunakan untuk mendorong keterlibatan aktif petani, mahasiswa calon guru, dan dosen dalam perancangan, implementasi, dan evaluasi kegiatan. Perancangan secara partisipatif dilakukan melalui sosialisasi dan diskusi pada awal kegiatan, implementasi dalam bentuk pemberian bantuan anak itik dan pakan, penanaman padi, pemantauan pertumbuhan, dan perkembangan itik serta padi. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan petani memperoleh pengalaman langsung tentang manfaat STIP dalam mengendalikan gulma dan hama, menambah nutrisi tanah, menghemat penggunaan air, menambah pendapatan, serta peningkatan produksi dan kualitas beras. Mereka juga menemukan tantangan dalam mengatasi kematian itik dan penurunan kualitas lingkungan. Melalui kegiatan ini, mahasiswa calon guru telah mampu memperluas persepktif mereka tentang integrasi sains lokal dan sains modern, serta multifungsi STIP. Untuk itu, diperlukan upaya revitalisasi STIP lebih lanjut, seperti peningkatan kapasitas petani dalam memahami bio-ekologi itik, substitusi pakan, dan rekayasa STIP menjadi wisata edukasi yang mampu memberikan pengalaman pembelajaran sains yang bermakna

    Volcanic fertilization of Balinese rice paddies

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    Abstract Since the advent of high-yielding ''Green Revolution'' rice agriculture in the 1970s, Balinese farmers have been advised to supply all the potassium and phosphate needed by rice plants via chemical fertilizers. This policy neglects the contribution of minerals leached from the volcanic soil and transported via irrigation systems. We documented frequent deposition of volcanic ash deposits to rice producing watersheds. Concentrations of phosphorus in rivers were between 1 and 4 mg l − 1 PO 4 , increasing downstream. We measured extractable potassium and phosphate levels in the soils of unfertilized Balinese rice paddies, and found them to be indistinguishable from those in fertilized paddies, and sufficient for high grain yields. Field experiments varying phosphorus applications to rice fields from 0 to 100 kg superphosphate per hectare (7-26 kg P ha − 1 ) demonstrated small increases in harvest yields only with the smallest additions. Direct measurements of PO 4 in irrigation waters indicate that most of the added phosphate flows out of the paddies and into the river systems, accumulating to very high levels before reaching the coast

    Profil Avifauna dalam Ekosistem Urban Kota Denpasar

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    The objective of this survey was to estimate species richness and abundance of avifauna in several main habitats in urban ecosystem at Denpasar City. For these purposes 18 urban areas consisting of three types of habitats, i.e. mangrove forest, rice field, and city parks (including garden and shrub) were selected. The point count method was applied to observe birds with three-time observation in the respective urban area. Thirty-six species of birds were recorded and seven bird species were met once with one individual only. Based on Jackknife index, probably 43 bird species have been living in urban ecosystem at Denpasar City. There were five species belonging to common birds yellow-vented bulbul (Pycnonotus goiaver), spotted dove (Streptophelia chinensis), bar-winged prinia (Prinia familiaris), scaly-breasted munia (Lonchura punctulata), and olive-backed sunbird (Nectaria jugularis) which tend to live in all types of urban areas. Variance analysis showed that both Simpson (F2:17=6.330;P=0.010) and Shannon-Wiener (F2:17=12.870;P=0.001)  diversity indeces of birds in mangrove forest were significantly different from those in rice field and city park. Profil of avifauna in mangrove forest is better than that in rice field and city parks


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    Abstract: Social Network Analysis for Assessing Social Capital in Biosecurity Ecoliteracy. Biosecurity ecoliteracy (BEL) is a view of literacy that applies ecological concepts to promote in-depth understanding, critical reflection, creative thinking, self consciousness, communication and social skills, in analyzing and managing issues around plant health/living, animal health/living and the risks that are associated with the environment. We used social network analysis (SNA) to evaluate two distinct forms of social capital of BEL: social cohesion and network structure. This study was executed by employing cooperative learning in BEL toward 30 undergraduate teacher training students. Data then was analyzed using UCINET software. We found the tendency of so­cial cohesion to increase after students participated in BEL. This was supported by several SNA measures (density, closeness and degree) and these values at the end were statistically different than at the beginning of BEL. The social structure map (sociogram) after BEL visualized that students were much more likely to cluster in groups compared with the sociogram before BEL. Thus BEL, through cooperative learning, was able to promote social capital. In addition SNA proved a useful tool for evaluating the achievement levels of social capital of BEL in the form of network cohesion and network structure. Abstrak: Analisis Jaringan Sosial untuk Menilai Ekoliterasi Ketahanan Hayati. Ekoliterasi ketahanan hayati (EKH) adalah literasi yang mengaplikasikan berbagai konsep ekologi untuk mempromosikan pe­mahaman yang mendalam, refleksi kritis, kesadaran diri, keterampilan sosial dan berkomunikasi, dalam menganalisis, dan mengelola isu yang terkait dengan kesehatan/kehidupan tanaman, kesehatan/kehidupan binatang, dan risiko yang terkait dengan lingkungan. Analisis jaringan kerja sosial (AJS) telah digunakan untuk mengevaluasi dua bentuk model sosial EKH: kohesi sosial dan struktur jaringan kerja. Untuk itu, dilaku­kan penelitian EKH dengan menggunakan pendekatan pembelajaran kooperatif, dan melibatkan 30 orang mahasiswa (S1) calon guru. Mereka mengikuti 14 kali pertemuan tatap muka di dalam kelas, dua kali kunjungan lapang, baik pada ruang tertutup maupun terbuka (indoor dan outdoor). Setiap mahasiswa (sebelum, dan setelah EKH) diminta menominasi nama lima mahasiswa lain yang dianggap memiliki hubungan paling erat dengan mereka. Data dianalisis dengan bantuan piranti lunak UCINET. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya kecenderungan peningkatan kohesi sosial mahasiswa setelah mereka mengikuti EKH. Hal tersebut didukung berbagai ukuran AJS (kepadatan, keterdekatan, dan derajat), yang menunjukkan kohesi sosial mahasiswa berbeda nyata, antara sebelum dan setelah EKH. Peta struktur sosial (sosiogram) setelah EKH juga menggambarkan mahasiswa lebih berkelompok sesuai dengan grup, dibandingkan dengan sebelum EKH. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa EKH melalui pem­belajaran kooperatif mampu meningkatkan modal sosial mahasiswa. Di samping itu, AJS terbukti sebagai instrumen yang efektif untuk menilai modal sosial EKH dalam bentuk kohesi sosial dan struktur jaringan sosial

    Dinamika Kualitas Udara Ambien Selama Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Di Kawasan Indonesia Tourism Development Corporation Nusa Dua Bali

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has increased the improvement of air quality in various countries in the world, such as China, Italy, New York, India, Spain and Korea. This study aims to compare ambient air quality during the Covid-19 pandemic with new normal and normal periods, assess the effect of meteorological factors on ambient air quality, and map the spatial distribution of ambient air quality during the normal, Covid-19 pandemic and new normal in the ITDC Nusa Dua area. Air concentration parameter data and meteorological factors were collected using the midget impinger and direct reading method in 2019 (normal period), March and May 2020 (Covid-19 pandemic period) and July, September, and November 2020 (new normal period). Furthermore, comparing air quality using the Anova test, assessing the effect of meteorological factors on air quality using a linear regression test, and mapping the distribution of ambient air using the ArcGis 10.8 application. The analysis showed that the air quality during the Covid-19 pandemic and the new normal was significantly different from the normal period. The concentrations of SO2, NO2, NH3, CO, TSP and H2S during the Covid-19 pandemic and normal just decreased while the O3 concentration increased compared to the normal period. The meteorological factor that affects air quality is the wind speed, the higher the wind speed the lower the O3 concentration. Map of the distribution of spatial concentrations of SO2, NO2, NH3, CO, O3 and H2S in the normal, Covid-19 pandemic and new normal, lowest at the coast point of the peninsula and the highest distribution at the ITDC roundabout, bima statue or influence TSP is the highest spatial concentration of normal distribution at the ITDC roundabout and the bima statue, while the Covid-19 pandemic and normal are only at the coast point of the peninsula beach