10 research outputs found

    Hygiene and Sanitation Challenge for COVID-19 Prevention in Indonesia

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    The case of Covid-19 in Indonesia continues to increase, transmitted directly and indirectly. Hygiene and sanitation approaches are needed for prevention. the purpose of this review is to review how the transmission COVID-19, the challenges of Indonesia, and the policy of COVID-19 prevention with hygiene and sanitation approaches. The results show Indonesia's challenges namely urban area density, air pollution, and smokers, low hand washing habits, low access to clean water and drinking water, open defecation behavior, limited personal protective equipment. COVID-19 control policy with the hygiene sanitation approach is carried out with 4 factors namely personal protect equipment, health education, personal hygiene, and sanitation

    Peranan Pemangku Kepentingan dalam Pengendalian Rabies dengan Pendekatan One Health Terintegrasi di Bali

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    Bali sejak 2008 mengalami kasus rabies dan saat ini menjadi daerah endemis rabies. Berbagai cara telah dilakukan untuk pengendaliannya namun kasusnya masih tetap ada. Diperlukan pendekatan one health yang berkolaborasi antara kesehatan manusia, hewan dan lingkungan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tantangan program, peranan pemangku kepentingan dalam pengendalian rabies dan upaya pendekatan one health yang terintegrasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif untuk mengetahui tantangan program, peranan pemangku kepentingan dan pendekatan one health terintegrasi. Informan dipilih sesuai dengan kebutuhan peneliti. Hasil penelitian menunjukan tantangan dalam pelaksanaan program pada sistem pendataan masih kurang, vaksinasi anjing belum optimal, cara memelihara anjing yang masih diliarkan, program kontrol populasi, manajemen kasus gigitan anjing belum terpadu, edukasi masih rendah, partisipasi masyarakat yang rendah. Perlu peranan dari semua pemangku kepentingan untuk pengendalian rabies. Program pengendalian rabies dapat terlaksana dengan baik apabila mampu mengurangi kesenjangan yang terjadi. Masing-masing kelompok pemangku kepentingan berperan dalam program pengendalian rabies. Melalui pendekatan one health yang terintegrasi dilaksanakan kegiatan yang berkolaborasi dalam surveilan epidemiologi, manajemen kasus gigitan terpadu, manajemen hewan penular rabies dan faktor sosial-budaya-ekologi lingkungan

    Assessment of Rabies Control Attitudes During the COVID-19 Pandemic through Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling

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    The COVID-19 pandemic disrupts rabies control activities in the community. A new approach is needed to control rabies during the COVID-19 pandemic through digital health interventions by conducting digital surveillance and education. This study aimed to determine key attitude indicators in controlling rabies during the COVID-19 pandemic. A cross-sectional study on 166 participants in Denpasar City with a total of 31 indicators measuring five variables: perceptions of the benefits of rabies control (6 indicators), perceptions of rabies risk (6 indicators), perceptions of obstacles to rabies control (5 indicators), perceptions of the need for technology (7 indicators), and attitudes toward rabies control (7 indicators) were analyzed using partial least square-structural equation modeling. The results revealed that 80.7% of participants owned a dog, and sources of rabies information were from social media (45%), the internet (33.7%), and rabies volunteers (33%). The model explained that perception of the benefits of rabies control and the need for technology had a direct effect on attitudes toward rabies control (p-value <0.001 and 0.015). In brief, perceived benefits and the need for technology influence attitudes toward rabies control during the COVID-19pandemic

    The Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in Cats at the House of Maternal Women with Toxoplasmosis in Badung, Indonesia

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    Toxoplasmosis is a zoonotic disease caused by infection with the parasite called Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii). The health and social impacts of the infectionare enormous, including miscarriage, hydrocephalus, blindness, and mental retardation. The occurrence of toxoplasmosis in maternal women cannot be se parated from cats around their houses. This study aimed to determine the seroprevalence of the parasite in cats found in the human carriers residences and identify the risk factors of toxoplasmosis in maternal women in Badung District, Bali Province, Indonesia. A total of 80 cat serum samples were obtained from two residential groups, 40 from the housing where the maternal women were infected and another 40 from where there were no identified sufferers of the disease. All the samples were examined using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method to detect the presence of antibodies T. gondiiin feralcat serum. The results showed that 47.5% of the examined subjects had the said antibodies. As much as 65% came from housing with cases of toxoplasmosisin maternal mothers, and 30% came from residences with none. The presence of feral cats is a major risk factor for the transmission of T. gondiito humans

    Attitude towards dengue control efforts with the potential of digital technology during COVID-19: partial least squares-structural equation modeling [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]

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    Background: Dengue fever is still a public health issue in Indonesia, and during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, integrated digital technology will be required for its control. This study aims to identify critical indicators influencing attitudes towards dengue control related to the potential for implementing digital technology. Methods: This was a cross-sectional survey, with 515 people willing to fill out an online questionnaire. The analysis was conducted using Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM). There were 46 indicators used to assess attitudes toward dengue control, which were organized into six variables: the need for digital information systems, perceptions of being threatened with dengue, the benefits of dengue control programs, program constraints, environmental factors and attitudes in dengue control. Results:  The source of information needed for dengue control was mainly through social media. There was a positive relationship between perception of environmental factors to perception of dengue threat, perception of program constraints, perception of program benefits, and perception of digital technology needs. Perception of program benefits and threatened perception of dengue have a positive relationship with perception of digital technology needs. Conclusions: This model showed the variables perception of digital technology and perception of benefits had a positive association with attitude towards dengue contro


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    Background: The challenges in overcoming the rabies epidemic include the public's lack of knowledge and attitudes regarding the control and first aid in dog bites. Sibangkaja is one of the villages in Badung Regency, which is an endemic area for rabies. Purpose: This study aimed to describe the knowledge, attitudes, and factors influencing the behavior of the residents of Sibangkaja Village, Badung, regarding rabies. Methods: This descriptive observational study was carried out using a cross-sectional design. The samples were 250 residents of Sibangkaja Village, taken by convenience sampling. Data were collected from February to March 2020 through interviews using the digital questionnaire. The variables were knowledge and community attitudes toward rabies vaccination in the village. Results: The results showed that the respondents' knowledge was good, but 34% did not know the symptoms of rabies. It was discovered that attitudes toward rabies prevention and management are significantly more in favor of vaccination than eliminating dogs. Furthermore, there is an association between knowledge and dog ownership on people's attitudes (p-value=0.01). Conclusion: Information and education about the symptoms of rabies is needed for residents to exercise caution and pay more attention to themselves and the surrounding dogs. Results: The results showed that the respondents' knowledge of rabies was good, but 34% of the people of Sibangkaja Village did not know the symptoms of rabies. Attitudes toward rabies prevention and management are largely in favor of vaccination than elimination of dogs. Conclusion: Information and education is needed regarding the symptoms of rabies so that residents are able to be careful and pay more attention to themselves and the dogs around them


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    This is a quetionaire regarding developing an integrated dengue surveillance system application. This research helps create an integrated surveillance system for dengue control in Indonesia. The data is collected using a google form application which is distributed online. The number of questions consists of demographic questions consisting of 4 questions, the experience of being infected with dengue two questions, and media information needs two questions. Variable attitude towards dengue control with eight questions, Variable Perception of digital technology needs with nine questions, and Perception of being threatened with dengue with five questions. Perception of program benefits with seven questions, Perception of program constraints with eight questions, and Perception of environmental factors with eight questions. </p


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    Background : Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) was a global health problem. The Denpasar city was one of endemic areas in Bali Province. Based on Bali Provincial Health Office report during 2008 there were 2,709 cases and 14 deaths (CFR: 0.52), in 2009 there were 2,190 cases and 2 deaths (CFR: 0.09) and in 2010 there were 4,426 cases with 24 deaths (CFR: 0. 54) with 561,36 incidents per 100,000 population. South Denpasar District was one of areas with the highest dengue cases among other districts. The influence of knowledge factors, attitudes, behaviors, larvae density condition, pupa and resistance mapping to dengue incidence was currently unknown. Purpose : To find out the risk factors of DHF incidence and resistance mapping of Aedes aegypti mosquito also cases distribution in South Denpasar District, Denpasar, Bali Province about knowledge, attitudes, behavior, maya index, larvae density and pupae, mapping cases, mosquitoes resistance and transovarial examination. Method : This was an observational analytic study with case-control study design. Analysis was using chi square test, conditional logistic regression, standard deviation absorbent value (AV), nearest neighbor analysis. Result : There were relations between level of knowledge, attitude, behavior, maya index and house index. The most influential factors on the incidence of DHF were behavior factors, attitudes and house index. The susceptibility status of Aedes aegypti in six villages at South Denpasar District most were sensitive (35%), high resistant (47,49%) and medium resistant (17,4%). Conclusion: Attitudes, behaviors, house index, high maya index, mosquito resistance and dense residential areas were risk factor for DHF incidence

    Dog Ecology and Rabies Knowledge of Owners and Non-Owners in Sanur, A Sub-District of the Indonesian Island Province of Bali

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    This study gained an understanding of dog demographics, owner behaviour, and knowledge, attitudes and practices relating to rabies in three villages in Sanur, Bali, providing insights for an intervention to improve responsible dog ownership. A combination of a census of all dogs, street surveys of roaming dogs, and a Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) survey was used to study both dogs and people. A total of 6009 dogs were recorded, of which only 3.3% appeared to be unowned; unowned dogs had poorer welfare and were more likely to be wary of attempted approaches by people. The source of dogs, method of confinement used by owners, and whether dogs were sterilised differed between three breed types; purebred dogs, mixed breed, and Bali dogs (native breed). Three variables were found to have significant effects on the chances of not being vaccinated: age, dog type, and confinement. A mean of 3.81 roaming dogs per km of street surveyed was recorded along 28 sub-village routes. Responses to attitude statements showed that most people had a positive attitude towards dogs and vaccination and did not agree with culling. Knowledge of appropriate bite treatment and symptoms of rabies in dogs was good