10 research outputs found

    Spatial and temporal analysis of rainfall concentration using the Gini index and PCI

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    This study aims to determine if there is variation in precipitation concentrations in Chile. We analyzed daily and monthly records from 89 pluviometric stations in the period 1970–2016 and distributed between 29°12′ S and 39°30′ S. This area was divided into two climatic zones: arid–semiarid and humid–subhumid. For each station, the Gini coefficient or Gini Index (GI), the precipitation concentration index (PCI), and the maximum annual precipitation intensity in a 24-h duration were calculated. These series of annual values were analyzed with the Mann–Kendall test with 5% error. Overall, it was noted that positive trends in the GI are present in both areas, although most were not found to be significant. In the case of PCI, the presence of positive trends is only present in the arid–semiarid zone; in the humid–subhumid zone, negative trends were mostly observed, although none of them were significant. Although no significant changes in all indices are evident, the particular case of the GI in the humid–subhumid zone stands out, where mostly positive trends were found (91.1%), of which 35.6% were significant. This would indicate that precipitation is more likely to be concentrated on a daily scale

    WEBSEIDF: A web-based system for the estimation of IDF curves in Central Chile

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    The lack of reliable continuous rainfall records can exacerbate the negative impact of extreme storm events. The inability to describe the continuous characteristics of rainfall from storm events increases the likelihood that the design of hydraulic structures will be inadequate. To mitigate extreme storm impacts and improve water governance at the catchment scale, it is vital to improve the availability of data and the array of tools used to model and forecast hydrological processes. In this paper, we describe and discuss the implementation of a web-based system for the estimation of intensity–duration–frequency (IDF) curves (WEBSEIDF) in Chile. The web platform was constructed using records from 47 pluviographic gauges available in central Chile (30–40° S), with at least 15 years of reliable records. IDF curves can be generated for durations ranging from 15 min to 24 h. In addition, the extrapolation of rainfall intensity from pluviograph to pluviometric gauges (i.e., 24-h rainfall accumulation) can be carried out using the storm index (SI) method. IDF curves can also be generated for any spatial location within central Chile using the ordinary Kriging method. These procedures allow the generation of numerical and graphical displays of IDF curves, for any selected spatial location, and for any combination of probability distribution function (PDF), parameter estimation method, and type of IDF model. One of the major advantages of WEBSEIDF is the flexibility of its database, which can be easily modified and saved to generate IDF curves under user-defined scenarios, that is, changing climate conditions. The implementation and validation of WEBSEIDF serves as a decision support system, providing an important tool for improving the ability of the Chilean government to mitigate the impact of extreme hydrologic events in central Chile. The system is freely available for students, researchers, and other relevant professionals, to improve technical decisions of public and private institutions

    The history of rainfall data time-resolution in a wide variety of geographical areas

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    Collected rainfall records by gauges lead to key forcings in most hydrological studies. Depending on sensor type and recording systems, such data are characterized by different time-resolutions (or temporal aggregations), ta. We present an historical analysis of the time-evolution of ta based on a large database of rain gauge networks operative in many study areas. Globally, ta data were collected for 25,423 rain gauge stations across 32 geographic areas, with larger contributions from Australia, USA, Italy and Spain. For very old networks early recordings were manual with coarse time-resolution, typically daily or sometimes monthly. With a few exceptions, mechanical recordings on paper rolls began in the first half of the 20th century, typically with ta of 1 h or 30 min. Digital registrations started only during the last three decades of the 20th century. This short period limits investigations that require long time-series of sub-daily rainfall data, e.g, analyses of the effects of climate change on short-duration (sub-hourly) heavy rainfall. In addition, in the areas with rainfall data characterized for many years by coarse time-resolutions, annual maximum rainfall depths of short duration can be potentially underestimated and their use would produce errors in the results of successive applications. Currently, only 50% of the stations provide useful data at any time-resolution, that practically means ta = 1 min. However, a significant reduction of these issues can be obtained through the information content of the present database. Finally, we suggest an integration of the database by including additional rain gauge networks to enhance its usefulness particularly in a comparative analysis of the effects of climate change on extreme rainfalls of short duration available in different locations

    Influencia del cambio climático en el comportamiento de los caudales máximos en la zona Mediterránea de Chile

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    El presente estudio analizó la influencia del cambio climático en el comportamiento de los caudales punta en la Región Metropolitana, Región del Libertador Bernardo O`Higgins y la Región del Maule, en la zona central de Chile. Para ello, se utilizó la FDP de Gumbel, con la que se obtuvieron los mejores resultados para ajustar los caudales punta, los cuales se analizaron para los periodos de retorno de 10, 20, 30, 40 y 50 años. Se concluye, gracias a la segmentación de los datos a través de series en un periodo dado, que los caudales presentan una tendencia a registrar mayores valores en los periodos más actuales. Esto se visualizó con los valores promedio, gráficas de tendencia y ajustes de funciones de distribución de probabilidad. Finalmente se pudo evidenciar de manera gráfica y estadística que en los últimos años ha existido un aumento de los caudales máximos anuales, lo cual podría confirmar desde el punto de vista hidrológico procesos de cambio climático que de forma eventual han generado un mayor aporte de caudales a través de la disminución de las reservas de nieve y el retroceso glaciar por el aumento de las temperaturas

    Un simulador de lluvia para el estudio in situ de la escorrentía superficial y la erosión de suelos

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    A rainfall simulator is an important tool for the study of runoff generation and soil loss because it can be used either under laboratory conditions, or in disturbed or natural soil. The objective of this study was to describe the design and operation of a rainfall simulator to evaluate soil loss in situ. The rainfall simulator has four full-cone spray nozzles with a Unijet system mounted in a straight line pipe configuration, and easily transported and assembled. Simulated rainfall uniformity was evaluated in the laboratory, whereas the applicability of the simulator in natural soil erosion plot conditions in an experimental field with different slopes was tested by quantifying runoff and evaluating soil erosion. Twenty simulations were carried out in the laboratory and sixteen in the field with slopes of 11, 21, and 39%. Four water-sprinklers in a straight line generated rainfall with uniformity close to 90%. The constructed simulator was easy to use and low cost, facilitating the necessary experimental replicates to achieve a suitable spatial representation of superficial runoff and soil loss on hillsides.El simulador de lluvia es una herramienta importante que permite estudiar los procesos de pérdida de suelo y escorrentía generados por la acción de la lluvia; éste puede utilizarse en laboratorio, bajo condiciones de suelo removido, o en terreno en condiciones naturales de suelo. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir el diseño y el funcionamiento de un simulador de lluvia construido para medir la pérdida de suelo in situ. El simulador de lluvia tenía cuatro boquillas de aspersión de cono lleno con sistema Unijet (Spray nozzles) ubicados en línea, alimentadas mediante un sistema de tuberías de fácil transporte y montaje. En pruebas de laboratorio se evaluó la uniformidad de la lluvia generada; mientras que en terreno se evaluó la aplicabilidad del simulador sobre parcelas de erosión ubicadas en laderas naturales con diferentes pendientes, donde se cuantificó la escorrentía superficial y la erosión del suelo. En total se realizaron 20 simulaciones en laboratorio y 16 en terreno con pendientes de 11, 21 y 39%. Los cuatro aspersores en línea generaron una lluvia con una uniformidad cercana al 90%. El simulador construido fue una herramienta de fácil uso y bajo costo, que facilitó la realización de las repeticiones experimentales necesarias para lograr una adecuada representatividad espacial de la escorrentía superficial y pérdida de suelo en laderas


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    The study and analysis of precipitation has become a crucial tool in understanding the temporal and spatial behavior of water resources, in terms of availability and impact on extreme events. The objective of this study was to evaluate different rainfall parameters (intensities for 1-h duration D = 1 h and return periods of T = 5 and 100 yr, and mean annual precipitation) for different latitudinal and climatic zones in Chile. We analyzed the information recorded on thousands of pluvial bands and rain gauges for 49 stations; this because it is unclear how rainfall intensities change along the country (though total amounts do), in addition to a lack of literature focused on ranges and amounts on the behavior of rainfall variables. The Gumbel probability distribution function (PDF) and mathematical rainfall intensity formulas were used to develop intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves for each station. Maximum and minimum rainfall intensity values for T = 100 yr ranged from 8.79 (hyperarid zone) to 40.17 mm h-1 (subhumid-humid zone). Total annual rainfall values ranged between 43.9 (hyperarid zone) and 3891.0 mm yr-1 (humid zone). Additionally, the real maximum intensity registered on each station was analyzed, determining its exceedance probability. Likewise, multiple comparisons were made to detect significant differences between the gauge stations and different climatic zones using the Kruskal Wallis test (alpha = 0.05). Differences between maximum and minimum values registered for all stations were as much as 80 times for total rainfall amounts and 4.5 times for rainfall intensities (T = 100 yr). However, maximum rainfall intensities values were similar at different latitudes, suggesting the absence of correlation between maximum rainfall intensity and annual rainfall amount, as the latter variable increased gradually with latitude

    Forest species in the recovery of soils contaminated with copper due to mining activities

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    La minería es la actividad económica más importante de Chile, la cual causa degradación significativa en las regiones áridas. Los suelos de la Región de Coquimbo han sufrido contaminación metales pesados provenientes de la minería, particularmente cobre. La implementación de medidas, que ayuden a minimizar el impacto ambiental de los relaves mineros, requiere conocer la capacidad de adaptación de especies vegetales ante la degradación de suelos contaminados. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar y comparar la capacidad de fitoestabilización de especies vegetales nativas y exóticas en áreas degradadas por la actividad minera en la Región de Coquimbo. Las tasas de supervivencia, crecimiento y desarrollo del dosel de 20 especies fueron evaluadas en dos ensayos experimentales. La concentración de Cu se evaluó en tallos y hojas de los árboles y en diferentes profundidades del suelo. Los resultados indicaron que Acacia saligna tiene la mejor capacidad de acumulación de metales pesados (34.8 ppm en hojas y 12.3 ppm en tallos, ambos en suelos sin fertilizar), con tasas de supervivencia mayores de 80 %. Se concluye que A. saligna es la mejor especie para actividades de fitoestabilización en relaves mineros de la Región de Coquimbo

    Comparing Methods for the Regionalization of Intensity−Duration−Frequency (IDF) Curve Parameters in Sparsely-Gauged and Ungauged Areas of Central Chile

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    Estimating intensity−duration−frequency (IDF) curves requires local historical information of precipitation intensity. When such information is unavailable, as in areas without rain gauges, it is necessary to consider other methods to estimate curve parameters. In this study, three methods were explored to estimate IDF curves in ungauged areas: Kriging (KG), Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW), and Storm Index (SI). To test the viability of these methods, historical data collected from 31 rain gauges distributed in central Chile, 35° S to 38° S, are used. As a result of the reduced number of rain gauges to evaluate the performance of each method, we used LOOCV (Leaving One Out Cross Validation). The results indicate that KG was limited due to the sparse distribution of rain gauges in central Chile. SI (a linear scaling method) showed the smallest prediction error in all of the ungauged locations, and outperformed both KG and IDW. However, the SI method does not provide estimates of uncertainty, as is possible with KG. The simplicity of SI renders it a viable method for extrapolating IDF curves to locations without data in the central zone of Chile


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    The study and analysis of precipitation has become a crucial tool in understanding the temporal and spatial behavior of water resources, in terms of availability and impact on extreme events. The objective of this study was to evaluate different rainfall parameters (intensities for 1-h duration D = 1 h and return periods of T = 5 and 100 yr, and mean annual precipitation) for different latitudinal and climatic zones in Chile. We analyzed the information recorded on thousands of pluvial bands and rain gauges for 49 stations; this because it is unclear how rainfall intensities change along the country (though total amounts do), in addition to a lack of literature focused on ranges and amounts on the behavior of rainfall variables. The Gumbel probability distribution function (PDF) and mathematical rainfall intensity formulas were used to develop intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves for each station. Maximum and minimum rainfall intensity values for T = 100 yr ranged from 8.79 (hyperarid zone) to 40.17 mm h-1 (subhumid-humid zone). Total annual rainfall values ranged between 43.9 (hyperarid zone) and 3891.0 mm yr-1 (humid zone). Additionally, the real maximum intensity registered on each station was analyzed, determining its exceedance probability. Likewise, multiple comparisons were made to detect significant differences between the gauge stations and different climatic zones using the Kruskal Wallis test (alpha = 0.05). Differences between maximum and minimum values registered for all stations were as much as 80 times for total rainfall amounts and 4.5 times for rainfall intensities (T = 100 yr). However, maximum rainfall intensities values were similar at different latitudes, suggesting the absence of correlation between maximum rainfall intensity and annual rainfall amount, as the latter variable increased gradually with latitude