17 research outputs found

    A cento anni dalla Grande Guerra. Vol. 3

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    The volumes on the Great War that are here published are the result of a series of seminars held at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Florence between 2014 and 2015. Starting from the occasion of the centennial, the authors wanted to take stock of some specific aspects of the studies related to the First World War. To this purpose, historians, military analysts, political scientists and sociologists have questioned the meaning of the fracture that marks the beginning of the twentieth century and, consequently, the basic aspects of the new policy of the “short century”, from both an Italian and European perspective

    Alliées et concurrentes. Les marines italienne et française en Méditerranée

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    Introduction Pour comprendre pourquoi la coopération entre les marines militaires de la France et de l’Italie, alliées pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, fut assez troublée, même si elle fut finalement efficace, il faut remonter à la fin du xixe siècle, quand la tension entre les deux nations était à son apogée. La France devait en effet faire face à l’hypothèse d’une guerre contre la Triplice, qui comprenait l’Italie, l’Allemagne et l’Autriche-Hongrie. Le Royaume-Uni étant neutre, mais à l..

    Collaborative Maritime Security in Europe: An Italian Navy Perspective. EUMA Special Series, Vol. 6, No.1 January 2009

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    [From the Introduction]. ...there are two maritime issues most extensively discussed on all western newspapers and televisions, namely human trafficking through the sea, as well as piracy, and this surge of the general attention toward what happens, beyond the blue horizon, has prompted, as usual, our governments to take action on them

    Collaborative maritime security. An Italian Navy perspective

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    Il testo analizza la Collaborative Maritime Security dalla prospettiva della marina italian

    La G\ue9n\ue9ralisation progressive des r\ue8gles d\u2019engagement dans l\u2019OTAN

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    Il saggio analizza le strategie della NAT

    Il Potere Marittimo della Cina e i suoi Fondamenti

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    Il saggio analizza il Potere Marittimo della Cina e i suoi fondament

    La Crescente Rilevanza della Guerra Cibernetica

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    Il saggio analizza la crescente rilevanza della Guerra Cibernetic

    Il Potere Marittimo dell\u2019India e i suoi Fondamenti

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    Il saggio analizza il Potere Marittimo dell\u2019India e i suoi Fondament

    Il Potere Marittimo della Russia e i suoi Fondamenti

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    Il saggio analizza il Potere Marittimo della Russia e i suoi fondament