102 research outputs found

    HMG CoA reductase inhibitors (statins) to treat Epstein–Barr virus-driven lymphoma

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    While statins have been highly effective for lowering serum cholesterol and reducing the incidence of coronary events, they have multiple other effects. Certain statins block the interaction of adhesion molecules that are important for cell–cell interactions including those between EBV-transformed B cells. These same statins inhibit NF-ÎșB activation in the cells and induce apoptosis of transformed B cells. Studies in severe combined immunodeficiency mice show that simvastatin delays the development of EBV-lymphomas in these animals. These statins might be considered for the treatment of EBV-lymphomas in selected patients

    Genetic Diversity of EBV-Encoded LMP1 in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study and Implication for NF-Κb Activation

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    Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is associated with several types of cancers including Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) and nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). EBV-encoded latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1), a multifunctional oncoprotein, is a powerful activator of the transcription factor NF-ÎșB, a property that is essential for EBV-transformed lymphoblastoid cell survival. Previous studies reported LMP1 sequence variations and induction of higher NF-ÎșB activation levels compared to the prototype B95-8 LMP1 by some variants. Here we used biopsies of EBV-associated cancers and blood of individuals included in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) to analyze LMP1 genetic diversity and impact of sequence variations on LMP1-mediated NF-ÎșB activation potential. We found that a number of variants mediate higher NF-ÎșB activation levels when compared to B95-8 LMP1 and mapped three single polymorphisms responsible for this phenotype: F106Y, I124V and F144I. F106Y was present in all LMP1 isolated in this study and its effect was variant dependent, suggesting that it was modulated by other polymorphisms. The two polymorphisms I124V and F144I were present in distinct phylogenetic groups and were linked with other specific polymorphisms nearby, I152L and D150A/L151I, respectively. The two sets of polymorphisms, I124V/I152L and F144I/D150A/L151I, which were markers of increased NF-ÎșB activation in vitro, were not associated with EBV-associated HL in the SHCS. Taken together these results highlighted the importance of single polymorphisms for the modulation of LMP1 signaling activity and demonstrated that several groups of LMP1 variants, through distinct mutational paths, mediated enhanced NF-ÎșB activation levels compared to B95-8 LMP1

    A streak of light : A general literature review on older peopleÂŽs reactions and needs for support in the loss of a partner

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    Studiens syfte Ă€r att undersöka vad forskningen sĂ€ger om Ă€ldre individers reaktioner och behov av stöd vid förlust av livskamrat. Som metod anvĂ€nds en allmĂ€n litteraturöversikt. Som teori anvĂ€nds Aaron Antonovskys begrepp KASAM, kĂ€nsla av sammanhang.  Individer som Ă€r 65 Ă„r och Ă€ldre tillhör en vĂ€xande grupp i samhĂ€llet och enligt berĂ€kningar kommer 25 procent av den svenska befolkningen inom kort att vara över 65 Ă„r. 20 procent av alla Ă€ldre individer lever med nĂ„gon form av psykisk ohĂ€lsa och reducerad livskvalitĂ© som följd av exempelvis nĂ€rstĂ„endes död, oönskad ensamhet och/eller problem med den fysiska hĂ€lsan. Med denna allmĂ€nna litteraturöversikt tar jag ett samlat grepp av omrĂ„det genom att undersöka, analysera och redogöra för vad forskningen sĂ€ger om Ă€ldre individers reaktioner och behov av stöd vid förlust av livskamrat. Ålderdomen Ă€r den tid i livet dĂ„ individen upplever flest förluster. Trots detta faktum Ă€r det andra Ă„ldersgrupper Ă€n Ă€ldre som prioriteras inom sorgestöd. En livskamrats död anses vara en av de mest stressfulla livsövergĂ„ngarna i en mĂ€nniskas liv.Hur den Ă€ldre individen reagerar och hanterar förlusten Ă€r avhĂ€ngigt av mĂ„nga faktorer, exempelvis ekonomiska och sociala. Vissa Ă€ldre tar sig igenom sorgeprocessen andra ”fastnar” i sin sorg sĂ„ pass allvarligt att de behöver hjĂ€lp att ta sig vidare. NĂ„gra gĂ„r till och med stĂ€rkta ur detta. Antonovsky (2005) menar att huruvida denna stressor blir sjukdom, hĂ€lsa eller nĂ„got dĂ€remellan beror pĂ„ hur pass framgĂ„ngsrik hanteringenav denna spĂ€nning Ă€r. Just detta Ă€r sjĂ€lvakĂ€rnan i studiens resultat gĂ€llande Ă€ldre individers reaktioner vid förlust av livskamrat.I de fall dĂ„ dödsfallet föregĂ„tts av en sjukdomsperiod kan den efterlevande Ă€ven uppleva en kĂ€nsla av lĂ€ttnad,minskad stressoch fĂ€rredepressiva symtomdĂ„ hen inte behöver se sin partner lida lĂ€ngre. Denna aspekt visar en del av den komplexiteten som all sorg bestĂ„r av. Kontakten med familj, vĂ€nner och andra nĂ€rstĂ„ende har en mycket positiv inverkan pĂ„ den nyblivna Ă€nklingen/Ă€nkan dĂ„ den mildrar de negativa reaktioner som följer med en förlust samt stödjer den Ă€ldre individen pĂ„ dennes vĂ€g genom sorg, bearbetning och nyorientering. De positiva följderna av att i ett tryggt sammanhang fĂ„ möjlighet att dela sina upplevelser med andra, bli mött och bekrĂ€ftad i sin sorg, sĂ„vĂ€l av nĂ€rstĂ„ende som personer som den sörjande möter i stödinsatser inom ramen för socialt arbete Ă€r sjĂ€lva essenseni studiens resultat gĂ€llande Ă€ldre individers behov av stöd vid förlust av livskamrat.The purpose of this study is to examine what research says about the reactions and the needs of the elderly for support when losing their life companion. The method used is a general literary overview and the theory is Aaron AntonovskyÂŽs term sense of coherence, SOC. Individuals of 65 years and older are an increasing part of the population. According to calculations, the group of people over the age of 65 will soon be 25 per cent of the Swedish population. 20 per cent of the elderly suffer from some kind of mental health issue and decreased quality of life, due to the death of a close relative, unwanted loneliness and/or physical health issues. With this general literary overview I am giving an overall picture of the topic through examining, analysing and explaining the research results on the reactions and needs of the elderly for support when losing their life companion. When people are of old age, that is the time of life when they suffer from most losses. Despite this fact, other age groups are prioritized to receive grief support. The death of a life companion is considered one of the most stressful life transitions. How an elderly person reacts and copes with the loss, depends on several factors, including economic and social.Some of the elderly manage to go through the process of grieving, whilst others get stuck in their grief so severely that they need help to be able to move forward in life. Some even grow stronger from the experience. Antonovsky (2005) claims that whether this stress factor transforms into illness, health or something in between, depends on how successful the person is in coping with this tension. Exactly this is the very essence of the result of this study regarding the elderlyÂŽs reactions when losing a life companion. In those cases when death has been preceded by a period of illness, the life partner can even experience relief, decreased stress levels and less symptoms of depression, as they no longer need to witness their partnerÂŽs suffering.This aspect makes part of the complexity of all grief visible. Being in contact with family, friends and others who are close has a very positive influence on the widower/widow, as it mitigates the negative reactions associated with bereavement and supports the elderly on their path through grief, processing and reorientation. The positive effects of being able to share their experiences with others in a safe context, being met in their grief, both by family and others within social work support groups, this is the very essence of the result of this study regarding the elderlyÂŽs need for support when losing a life companion
